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5 Contoh Simple Procedure Text tentang Healthy Food Bahasa Inggris beserta Artinya |
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Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan contoh procedure text tentang healthy food dalam bahasa Inggris disertai dengan artinya. Yuk, simak selengkapnya berikut ini:
5 Contoh Simple Procedure Text tentang Healthy Food Bahasa Inggris beserta Artinya
Procedure Text 1: Vegetable Meatball Soup Recipe
50 gr cauliflower
50 gr chickpeas
50 gr carrots
200 gr meatballs
300 ml beef stock
2 celery stalks
1 spring onion
200 ml Frisian Flag Purefarm Low Fat liquid milk
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp stock powder
Salt and ground pepper to taste
How to cook:
1. Saute 2 cloves of garlic with 1 tablespoon cooking oil.
2. Once fragrant, add 300 ml of beef stock and 150 ml of water.
3. Add 50 grams of cauliflower, add carrots and 200 grams of meatballs, sugar, salt to taste, ½ teaspoon ground pepper, 1 teaspoon stock powder, cook until half cooked.
4. Add 50 grams of green beans, 2 stalks of celery, 1 stalk of sliced spring onion, 200 ml of Frisian Flag Purefarm Low Fat liquid milk, cook until boiling.
5. Vegetable meatball soup recipe is ready to be served.
Resep Sayur Sop BasoBahan-bahan:50 gr kembang kol50 gr buncis50 gr wortel200 gr baso300 ml kaldu sapi2 batang seledri1 batang daun bawang200 ml susu cair Frisian Flag Purefarm Low Fat2 siung bawang putih1 sdt kaldu bubukGaram dan merica bubuk secukupnyaCara Memasak:1. Tumis 2 siung bawang putih dengan 1 sdm minyak goreng.2. Setelah harum masukkan 300 ml kaldu sapi dan 150 ml air.3. Masukkan 50 gr kembang kol, masukkan wortel dan 200 gr baso, gula garam secukupnya, ½ sdt merica bubuk, 1 sdt kaldu bubuk, masak hingga setengah matang.4. Tambahkan 50 gr buncis, 2 batang seledri, 1 batang daun bawang iris, 200 ml susu cair Frisian Flag Purefarm Low Fat, masak hingga mendidih.5. Resep sayur sop baso siap disajikan.
Procedure Text 2: Vegetable Soup Recipe
1 carrot
7 beans
1 potato
1/4 cauliflower
1/4 cabbage or kale
1 spring onion
3 stalks of celery leaves
2 cloves of garlic
3 cloves of red onion
5 bird's eye chilies (optional)
1/2 tbsp salt
1/4 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp pepper
3 tbsp cooking oil
Enough water
How to make:
1. Saute the shallots and garlic until fragrant, then add the chopped cayenne pepper and enough water.
2. Wait until the water boils, then add the vegetables starting with those that take the longest to cook first, namely potatoes and carrots, 5 minutes later the beans, followed by cauliflower.
3. Leave until the vegetables are soft, once soft, add cabbage, spring onions, celery, salt, pepper and sugar.
4. Then correct the taste, if the taste is right, turn off the heat, the vegetable soup recipe is ready to be served and add a sprinkling of fried onions to make this vegetable soup recipe even tastier.
Resep Sayur SopBahan-bahan:1 buah wortel7 buah buncis1 buah kentang1/4 kembang kol1/4 kol atau kubis1 batang daun bawang3 batang daun seledri2 siung bawang putih3 siung bawang merah5 buah cabai rawit (opsional)1/2 sdm garam1/4 sdt gula1/2 sdt lada3 sdm minyak gorengAir secukupnyaCara membuat:1. Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum, lalu tambahkan bumbu irisan cabai rawit dan air secukupnya.2. Tunggu hingga air mendidih, lalu masukkan sayur-sayuran dimulai dari yang paling lama matang terlebih dahulu, yaitu kentang dan wortel, 5 menit kemudian buncis, lalu disusul kembang kol.3. Biarkan hingga sayur-sayurannya lembut, setelah lembut tambahkan kol, daun bawang, seledri, gula garam, lada, dan gula.4. Kemudian koreksi rasa, bila rasa sudah pas, matikan apinya, resep sayur sop pun siap disajikan dan tambahkan taburan bawang goreng agar resep sayur sop ini lebih enak.
Procedure Text 3: Quail Egg Vegetable Soup Recipe
2 carrots, cut thinly
2 potatoes, diced
6 string beans, cut lengthwise
3 cabbage leaves, cut into pieces
1 spring onion, coarsely chopped
3 stalks of celery leaves, coarsely chopped
1/4 chicken, cut into small pieces
20 cooked quail eggs, peeled
1 tomato, cut into pieces
2 liters of water
Ground spices:
6 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp round pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp stock powder
How to make:
1. Bring the water to a boil, add the chicken, continue to cook until the chicken is cooked and the water becomes broth.
2. Add the potatoes and carrots, as well as the green beans, cook for a minute then remove the pan from the heat.
3. Saute the ground vegetable soup seasoning with a little oil until fragrant, pour it into the soup.
4. Put the pan back on the fire, let it boil, add the cabbage, quail eggs, spring onions, celery and tomatoes. Bring to a boil once again then remove from heat.
5. Serve this vegetable soup recipe while warm with a sprinkling of fried onions.
Resep Sayur Sop Telur PuyuhBahan-bahan:2 buah wortel, potong tipis2 buah kentang, potong dadu6 batang buncis, potong panjang3 lembar daun kol, potong-potong1 batang daun bawang, rajang kasar3 batang daun seledri, rajang kasar1/4 ekor ayam, potong kecil-kecil20 buah telur puyuh matang, kupas1 buah tomat, potong-potong2 liter airBumbu halus:6 siung bawang putih1 sdm lada bulat1 sdt garam1 sdt kaldu bubukCara membuat:1. Masak air hingga mendidih, masukkan ayam, masak terus hingga ayam matang dan air menjadi kaldu.2. Masukkan kentang dan wortel, juga buncis, masak sebentar lalu angkat panci dari api.3. Tumis bumbu sayur sop halus dengan sedikit minyak hingga harum, tuangkan pada sop.4. Taruh lagi panci di atas api, biarkan mendidih, masukkan kol, telur puyuh, daun bawang, seledri, dan tomat. Didihkan sekali lagi lalu angkat.5. Sajikan resep sayur sop ini selagi hangat dengan taburan bawang goreng.
Procedure Text 4: Beef Vein Soup Vegetable Recipe
150 gr beef tendon
3 carrots, sliced
1 potato, diced
6 green beans, sliced
1 stalk celery, sliced
1 spring onion, sliced
3 red onions, sliced
3 cloves of garlic, sliced
600 ml water or to taste
Salt to taste
Pepper powder to taste
Sugar to taste
Mushroom broth to taste
Oil for frying to taste
How to make:
1. Boil the beef tendons until tender, discard the cooking water, then cut into pieces according to taste, set aside.
2. Saute the shallots and garlic until fragrant.
3. Heat the water and add the sauteed onions.
4. Add beef tendon, add carrots, potatoes and green beans.
5. Add celery and spring onions, stir well.
6. Add spices such as salt, ground pepper, sugar and stock to taste.
7. Check the taste, then serve this vegetable soup recipe while warm.
Resep Sayur Sop Urat SapiBahan-bahan:150 gr urat sapi3 buah wortel, iris1 buah kentang, iris dadu6 buah buncis, iris1 batang seledri, iris1 batang daun bawang, iris3 siung bawang merah, iris3 siung bawang putih, iris600 ml air atau secukupnyaGaram secukupnyaLada bubuk secukupnyaGula secukupnyaKaldu jamur secukupnyaMinyak untuk menumis secukupnyaCara membuat:1. Rebus urat sapi sampai empuk, buang air rebusan, lalu potong-potong sesuai selera, sisihkan.2. Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih sampai harum.3. Panaskan air dan masukkan bawang yang sudah ditumis.4. Masukkan urat sapi, masukkan wortel, kentang, dan buncis.5. Masukkan seledri dan daun bawang, aduk rata.6. Tambahkan bumbu seperti garam, lada bubuk, gula, dan kaldu secukupnya.7. Koreksi rasa, lalu sajikan resep sayur sop ini selagi hangat.
Procedure Text 5: Vegetable Chicken Feet Soup Recipe
1/2 kg chicken feet, coat with lime, wash thoroughly, pressure cook until tender
1 package of vegetable soup (carrots, potatoes, beans, cabbage, celery and leeks)
1/2 onion, cut into cubes
1 segment of ginger, crushed
3 cloves of garlic, crushed and chopped
4 red onions, chopped
2000 ml water
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1 tsp mushroom stock
How to make:
1. Add water and chicken feet that have been washed clean, then pressure cook until tender.
2. Then prepare a frying pan and heat the oil to saute the ground garlic, shallots and onions until fragrant.
3. Add the stir-fry spices to the pressure cooker stock pot.
4. Add the first vegetables that take longer to cook such as carrots and potatoes, then cover the pan.
5. Once half cooked, add the claws, green beans, along with other vegetable soup seasonings, salt sugar, ground pepper and mushroom stock, stir well.
6. Finally add the cabbage, celery leaves and spring onions, taste test.
7. Serve this vegetable soup recipe with a sprinkling of fried onions.
Resep Sayur Sop CekerBahan-bahan:1/2 kg ceker ayam, lumuri jeruk nipis, cuci bersih, presto hingga empuk1 paket sayur sop (wortel, kentang, buncis, kol, seledri, dan daun bawang)Bumbu-bumbu:1/2 bawang bombay, potong kotak1 ruas jahe, geprek3 siung bawang putih, geprek lalu cincang4 siung bawang merah, rajang2000 ml air2 sdt garam1/2 sdt lada bubuk1 sdt kaldu jamurCara membuat:1. Masukkan air dan ceker ayam yang telah dicuci bersih, lalu presto hingga empuk.2. Kemudian siapkan wajan dan panaskan minyak untuk tumis bumbu halus bawang putih, bawang merah, dan bombay hingga harum.3. Masukkan bumbu tumis ke dalam panci kaldu ceker yang telah dipresto.4. Masukkan sayuran pertama yang lebih lama matang seperti wortel dan kentang, kemudian tutup panci.5. Setelah setengah matang masukkan ceker, buncis, beserta bumbu sayur sop lainnya, gula garam, lada bubuk, dan kaldu jamur, aduk rata.6. Terakhir masukkan kol, daun seledri, dan daun bawang, tes rasa.7. Sajikan resep sayur sop ini dengan taburan goreng bawang.
Sumber: frisianflag.com. (2023). 5 Resep Sayur Sop Yang Praktis Dibuat Di Rumah Untuk Keluarga. Site: https://www.frisianflag.com/resep-kami/resep-dengan-susu-cair/resep-sop-sayur-baso diakses pada tanggal
Demikian, artikel di atas terkait contoh procedure text tentang healthy food dalam bahasa Inggris beserta artinya. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan referensi belajar bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih : )
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