Pembahasan TOEFL Part 3 The Structure Questions “More Sentences With Mutiple Clauses”


    Posted by M. Riskiyanto





    Banyak kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari lebih dari satu klausa. Pada Skill 9 sampai dengan 12, kita akan mengamati pola-pola yang menghubungkan klausa dalam kalimat--yang terdiri dari banyak klausa. Anda harus tahu pola-pola tersebut karena mereka seringkali muncul dalam pertanyaan TOEFL test. 



    Skill 9 Use Noun Clause Connectors Correctly (Gunakan Kata Hubung Klausa Nomina dengan Benar)

    Noun Clause adalah sebuah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda); karena sebagai noun (kata benda), ia dapat digunakan sebagai an object of a verb (objek dari kata kerja), an object of a preposition (objek dari preposisi), atau the subject of the sentence (subjek kalimat) pada sebuah kalimat.

    1.   I know [when he will arrive].

    Noun Clause As Object Of Verb


    *Pada kalimat 1 di atas, terdapat 2 klausa, yaitu 1) I know, dan 2) he will arrive. Dua klausa tersebut dihubungkan dengan adanya connector “when”. When mengubah klausa “he will arrive” menjadi Noun Clause yang berfungsi sebagai objek dari kata kerja (verb).

    2.   I am concerned [about when he will arrive].

    Noun Clause As Object Of Preposition


    *Pada kalimat 2 di atas, terdapat 2 klausa, yaitu 1) I am concerned, dan 2) he will arrive yang dihubungkan dengan connector “when”. When mengubah klausa “he will arrive” menjadi Noun Clause yang berfungsi sebagai objek dari preposition (kata depan) “about”.

    3.   [When he will arrive] is not important.

    Noun Clause As Subject


    *Pada kalimat 3 di atas, terdapat 2 klausa. Salah satunya “he will arrive”; dimana connector “when” mengubahnya menjadi noun clause yang berfungsi sebagai subjek dari kalimat dan “is” sebagai verb (kata kerja) kalimat tersebut.



    ____was late caused many problems.

    (A) That he

    (B) The driver

    (C) There

    (D) Because

    Jawaban: A

    Dari kalimat di atas, terdapat 2 verb (kata kerja), yaitu “was” dan “caused” yang mana masing-masing verb tersebut memerlukan sebuah subjek. Jawaban (B) salah karena “the driver” merupakan 1 subjek, dan bukan 2 subjek yang diperlukan. Jawaban (C) & (D) kurang tepat karena “there” dan “because” tidak dapat dijadikan subjek pada kalimat tersebut. Jawaban (A) merupakan jawaban yang tepat. Jika Anda memilih jawaban (A), kalimat utuh tersebut akan menjadi:

    “[That he was late] caused many problems.”

     Pada kalimat ini, “he” merupakan subjek dari verb (kata kerja) “was”, dan noun clause “that he was late” merupakan subjek dari verb “caused”.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    Noun clause connector, yaitu:

    §  Wh/H Question: What, When, Where, Why, Who, Whom, Which, Whose, How, How + adverb (How far, How often ...), whatever, whoever, whomever, whenever, wherever, dan lain-lain;

    §  Yes/No Question: Whether / If ... or not; (see direct indirect speech)

    §  That.

    a.   Noun Clause as A Object (sebagai objek kalimat)

    “Subject + Verb + [Noun Connector + Subject + Verb]

    §  I know what you did.

    §  We understand what you mean.

    §  She wonders where I live.

    b.   Noun Clause as A Subject (sebagai subject kalimat)

    [Noun Connector + Subject + Verb] + Verb”

    §  What you did was wrong.

    §  What he is saying is unbelievable.

    §  Why she left the party was really undeniable.


    EXERCISE (Skills 9): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Italicize the connectors. Puct the bracket around the noun clause. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   When the season starts is determined by the weather. (.....)

    2.   The manual how the device should be built. (.....)

    3.   The schedule indicated if the teams would be playing in the final game. (.....)

    4.   He refused to enter a plea could not be determined by the lawyer. (.....)

    5.   Talked about where we should go for lunch. (.....)

    6.   Why the condition of the patient deteriorated so rapidly it was not explained. (.....)

    7.   Whether or not the new office would be built was to be determined at the meeting. (.....)

    8.   That the professor has not yet decided when the paper is due. (.....)

    9.   The contract will be awarded is the question to be answered at the meeting. (.....)

    10.        He always talked with whomever he pleased and did whatever he wanted. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   [When the season starts] is determined by the weather. ( C )

    2.   The manual [how the device should be built] is shared. ( I ) “tidak ada verb pada kalimat”

    3.   The schedule indicated [if the teams would be playing in the final game]. ( C )

    4.   [That he refused to enter a plea] could not be determined by the lawyer. ( I ) “tidak ada connector pada noun clause”

    5.   We talked [about where we should go for lunch]. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    6.   [Why the condition of the patient deteriorated so rapidly] it was not explained. ( I ) “hilangkan it karena kalimat sudah memiliki noun clause sebagai subjek”

    7.   [Whether or not the new office would be built] was to be determined at the meeting. ( C )

    8.   That the professor has not yet decided [when the paper is due]. ( I ) “hilangkan that”

    9.   [Whether or not the contract will be awarded] is the question to be answered at the meeting. ( I ) “tidak ada connector pada noun clause”

    10.        He always talked [with whomever he pleased] and did [whatever he wanted]. ( C )



    Skill 10 Use Noun Clause Connector/Subjects Correctly (Gunakan Kata Hubung Klausa Nomina/ Subjek dengan Benar)

    Pada Skill 9, kita telah memahami bahwa noun clause connectors digunakan untuk memperkenalkan adanya noun subject clauses (noun clause sebagai subjek) atau noun object clauses (noun clause sebagai objek). Pada Skill 10 ini, kita akan memahami bahwa noun clause connector tidak hanya sebagai sebuah connector (kata hubung); melainkan juga dapam menjadi subjek dari klausa itu sendiri pada waktu yang bersamaan.


    1.   I do not know [what is in the box].

    Noun Clause As Object Of Verb


    *Pada kalimat 1, terdapat 2 klausa yaitu 1) I do not know & 2) what is in the box. Dua klausa tersebut dihubungkan dengan connector “what”. Selain itu, pada kalimat tersebut “what” berfungsi sebagai 1) connector yang menghubungkan 2 klausa, dan 2) subject of the verb (subjek dari kata kerja) “is”.

    2.   We are concerned [about who will do the work].

    Noun Clause As Object Of Preposition


    *Pada kalimat 2, terdapat 2 klausa pada klausa ke-1 “we” merupakan subjek dari verb “are”; sementara itu, klausa ke-2 “who” merupakan subjek dari verb “will do” dan juga sebagai connector yang menghubungkan 2 klausa. Noun clause “who will do the work” berfungsi sebagai object of the preposition (objek dari preposisi) “about”.

    3.   [Whoever is coming to the party] must bring a gift.

    Noun Clause As Subject


    *Pada kalimat 3, terdapat 2 klausa: “whoever” sebagai subjek dari verb “is coming”, dan noun clause “whoever is coming to the party” merupakan subjek dari verb “must bring”. Kata “whoever” memiliki 2 fungsi, yaitu sebagai subjek dari verb “is coming”, dan connector yang menghubungkan 2 klausa.



    ____was on television made me angry.

    (A) It

    (B) The story

    (C) What

    (D) When

    Jawaban: C

    Pada kalimat di atas, ada 2 verb (kata kerja) yaitu “was” & “made”, dan setiap verb tersebut memerlukan sebuah subjek. Jawaban (A) & (B) tidak tepat karena “it” & “the story” tidak dapat menjadi subjek dari 2 verb tersebut, yaitu was & made pada waktu bersamaan. Jawaban (D) tidak tepat karena “when” bukanlah seubjek dan tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat tersebut. Sedangkan, jawaban (C) “what” merupakan jawaban yang tepat karena dapat menjadi subjek dari verb “was” dan sekaligus connector yang menghubungkan 2 klausa secara bersamaan; noun clause “what was on television” merupakan subjek dari verb “made”. Answer (C) is therefore the best answer.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    Noun connector yang menggantikan posisi subjek yaitu who, whoever, *whomever, what, whatever, which, dan whichever.

    a.   Noun Clause as A Object (sebagai objek kalimat)

    “Subject + Verb + [Noun Connector/Subject + Verb]

    §  I know what happened.  

    §  We wonder who had done this.

    §  She regretes whichever was mistaked.

    §  Noun Clause as A Subject (sebagai subject kalimat)

    [Noun Connector/Subject + Verb] + Verb”

    §  What happened was surprising.

    §  Who had done this is unknown.

    §  Whichever was mistaked should be returned.



    1.   Kata “whom, whomever (merujuk pada seseorang sebagai objek)” lebih umum digunakan dalam penulisan, sedangkan “who, whoever (merujuk seseorang sebagai subjek)” lebih umum digunakan dalam percakapan.

    2.   Pada noun connector/subject sesudahnya langsung diikuti dengan “verb”, “be”, ataupun “auxiliary verb”.

    §  What it happened was suprising. (incorrect)

    §  What happened was suprising. (correct)

    §  We wonder who she had done this. (incorrect)

    §  We wonder who had done this. (correct)


    EXERCISE (Skills 10): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Italicize the connectors. Puct the bracket around the noun clause. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   The game show contestant was able to respond to whatever was asked. (.....)

    2.   You should find out which the best physic department. (.....)

    3.   The employee was unhappy about what was added to his job description. (.....)

    4.   Whoever wants to take the desert tour during spring break signing up at the office. (.....)

    5.   The motorist was unable to discover who he had struck his car. (.....)

    6.   The voters should elect whichever of the candidates seems best to him. (.....)

    7.   It was difficult to distinguish between what was on sale and what was merely on display. (.....)

    8.   You should buy whatever the cheapest and most durable. (.....)

    9.   What was written in the letter agreed him beyond belief. (.....)

    10.        You can spend your time with whoever important to you. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   The game show contestant was able to respond to [whatever was asked]. ( C )

    2.   You should find out [which is the best physic department]. ( I ) “noun clause tidak memiliki verb”

    3.   The employee was unhappy [about what was added to his job description]. ( C )

    4.   [Whoever wants to take the desert tour during spring break] signs up at the office. ( I ) “verb tidak tepat; sesuaikan dengan subjek”.

    5.   The motorist was unable to discover [who he had struck his car]. ( I ) “hilangkan pronoun he; noun clause sudah memiliki subjek who

    6.   The voters should elect [whichever of the candidates seems best to him]. ( I ) “whichever perlu diganti dengan whoever karena merujuk pada orang”

    7.   It was difficult to distinguish between [what was on sale] and [what was merely on display]. ( C )

    8.   You should buy [whatever is the cheapest and most durable]. ( I ) “noun clause tidak memiliki verb”

    9.   [What was written in the letter] agreed him beyond belief. ( C )

    10.        You can spend your time [with whoever is important to you]. ( I ) “noun clause tidak memiliki verb”



    Skill 11 Use Adjective Clause Connectors Correctly (Gunakan Kata Hubung Klausa Adjektiva dengan Benar)

    Adjective clause merupakan klausa yang mendeskripsikan atau menjelaskan noun (kata benda). Karena klausa ini merupakan adjective (kata sifat), ia terletak sesudah noun yang dijelaskannya.

    1.   The woman is filling the glass [that she put on the table].

    Adjective Clause


    *Pada kalimat ke-1, terdapat 2 klausa, yaitu 1) “woman” sebagai subjek dari verb “is filling”, dan 2) “she” sebagai subjek dari verb “put”. “That” merupakan adjective clause connector (kata hubung adjective clause) yang menghubungkan 2 klausa tersebut. Kemudian, adjective clause “that she put on the table” mendeskripsikan noun “glass”.

    2.   The glass [that she put on the table] contains milk.

    Adjective Clause


    *Pada kalimat ke-2, terdapat 2 klausa yaitu 1) “glass” sebagai subjek dari verb “contains”, dan 2) “she” sebagai subjek dari verb “put”. Pada kalimat ini juga terdapat adjective

    clause connector yaitu “that” yang menghubungkan 2 klausa tersebut. Kemudian, adjective clause “that she put on the table” mendeskripsikan noun “glass”.



    The gift____selected for the bride was rather expensive.

    (A) because

    (B) was

    (C) since

    (D) which we

    Jawaban: D

    Pada kalimat di atas, terdapat 2 klausa yaitu 1) “gift” sebagai subjek dari verb “was”, dan 2) verb “selected” membutuhkan sebuah subjek. Karena menghubungkan 2 klausa, connector juga diperlukan. Jawaban (A) & (C) merupakan connectors, tetapi ke-2nya tidak memiliki subjek, jadi jawaban tersebut tidak tepat. Jawaban (B) mengubah makna verb “selected” menjadi passive verb; kalimat akan memiliki satu subjek dan 2 verb, jadi jawaban (B) tidak tepat. Jawaban (D) merupakan jawaban yang paling tepat karena memiliki connector dan juga subjek yang diperlukan. Kalimat tersebut akan menjadi

    The gift [which we selected for the bride] was rather expensive.”

    Pada kalimat tersebut, “gift” sebagi subjek dari verb “was”; sedangkan, “we” sebagai subjek dari  selected” dan terdapat connector “which” yang menggabungkan 2 klausa tersebut. “which we selected for the bride” merupakan adjective clause yang mendeskripsikan “gift”.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    a.   Who (subjek)/whom (objek): for people (untuk orang)

    b.   Which: for things (untuk sesuatu/benda)

    c.   That: for people & things (untuk orang dan benda)

    d.   Whose: for possession (untuk kepemilikan), dan lain-lain.

    Subject + Verb + Object [Adjective connector + Subject + Verb]

    I liked the book [which you recommended].


    *which you recommended merupakan adjective clause yang mendeskripsikan “book” dengan connector “which”.

    Subject + [Adjective connector + Subject + Verb] + Verb

    The book [which you recommended] was interesting


    *which you recommended merupakan adjective clause yang mendeskripsikan “book” dengan connector “which”.



    Adjective clause connector dapat dihilangkan dan menjadi “reduced adjective clause”. Penghapusan ini umumnya pada spoken English (percakapan) ataupun written English (penulisan); namun, tidak umum jika digunakan dalam formal English (untuk tujuan formal, seperti: artikel jurnal, laporan, surat, dan lain-lain).


    EXERCISE (Skills 11): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Italicize the connectors. Puct the bracket around the adjective clause. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   It is important to fill out the form in the way that you have been instructed. (.....)

    2.   The car which I have been driving for five years for sale at a really good price. (.....)

    3.   I just finished reading the novel whom the professor suggested for my book report. (.....)

    4.   The plane that he was scheduled to take to Hawaii was delayed. (.....)

    5.   The movie which we watched on cable last night it was really frightening. (.....)

    6.   I made an appointment with the doctor whom you recommended. (.....)

    7.   The enthusiasm with which he greeted me made me feel welcome. (.....)

    8.   The story that you told me about Bob. (.....)

    9.   The men with whom were having the discussion did not seem very friendly. (.....)

    10.        I’m not really sure about taking part in the plans that we made last night. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   It is important to fill out the form in the way [that you have been innstructed]. ( C )

    2.   The car [which I have been driving for five years] was for sale at a really good price. ( I ) “subjek the car tidak memiliki verb, maka perlu diberikan verb was

    3.   I just finished reading the novel [whom the professor suggested for my book report]. ( I ) “whom diganti dengan which karena untuk benda yaitu novel

    4.   The plane [that he was scheduled to take to Hawaii] was delayed. ( I ) “he harus dihilangkan

    5.   The movie [which we watched on cable last night] it was really frightening. ( I ) “it harus dihilangkan karena sudah ada the movie sebagai subjek”

    6.   I made an appointment with the doctor [whom you recommended]. ( C )

    7.   The enthusiasm [with which he greeted me] made me feel welcome. ( C )

    8.   The story [that you told me] is about Bob. ( I ) “subjek the story tidak memiliki verb, maka perlu diberikan verb is atau was

    9.   The men [with whom you were having the discussion] did not seem very friendly. ( I ) “ verb were having tidak memiliki subjek, maka dapat diberikan subjek we ataupun you

    10.        Im not really sure about taking part in the plans [that we made last night]. ( C )



    Skill 12 Use Adjective Clause Connector/Subjects Correctly (Gunakan Kata Hubung Klausa Adjektiva/ Subjek dengan Benar)

    Pada skill 11, kita telah memahami bahwa adjective clause connectors digunakan untuk mengenalkan klausa yang mendeskripsikan atau menjelaskan noun (kata benda). Pada skill 12 ini, kita akan memahami bahwa adjective clause connector tidak hanya sebagai sebuah connector (kata hubung); melainkan, juga sekaligus sebagai subjek dari adjective clause.

    1.   The woman is filling the glass [that is on the table].

    Adjective Clause


    *Pada kalimat ke-1, terdapat 2 klausa yaitu 1) “woman” sebagai subjek dari verb “is filling”, & 2) “that” sebagai subjek dari verb “is”; 2 klausa tersebut dihubungkan dengan connector “that”.

    That” pada kalimat di atas berfungsi sebagai 1) subjek dari verb “is”, dan sekaligus sebagai 2) connector yang menghubungkan 2 klausa dalam kalimat tersebut. Sedangkan, adjective clause “that is on the table” mendeskripsikan noun “glass”.

    2.   The glass [that is on the table] contains milk.

    Adjective Clause


    *Pada kalimat ke-2, terdapat 2 klausa yaitu 1) “glass” sebagai subjek dari verb “contains”, & 2) “that” sebagai subjek dari verb “is”; 2 klausa tersebut dihubungkan dengan connector “that”.

    That” pada kalimat di atas berfungsi sebagai 1) subjek dari verb “is”, dan sekaligus sebagai 2) connector yang menghubungkan 2 klausa dalam kalimat tersebut. Sedangkan, adjective clause “that is on the table” mendeskripsikan noun “glass”.



    ____is on the table has four sections.

    (A) The notebook

    (B) The notebook which

    (C) Because the notebook

    (D) In the notebook

    Jawaban: B

    Pada kalimat di atas, Anda perlu memerhatikan bahwa kalimat tersebut memiliki 2 verb (kata kerja) yaitu “is” & “has”, dan masing-masing verb tersebut memerlukan subjek (the table bukanlah subjek karena ia diikuti oleh preposition (kata depan) “on”; table merupakan object of the preposition). Jawaban yang memiliki 2 subjek adalah jawaban (B), jadi jawaban (B) merupakan jawaban yang paling tepat.

    Kalimat tersebut akan menjadi:

    The notebook [which is on the table] has four sections.”

    Pada kalimat tersebut , “notebook” sebagai subjek dari verb “has”, dan “which” sebagai subjek dari verb “is”. Selain itu, which juga berfungsi sebagai connector yang menghubungkan 2 klausa tersebut.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    a.   Who (subjek)/whom (objek): for people (untuk orang)

    b.   Which: for things (untuk sesuatu/benda)

    c.   That: for people & things (untuk orang dan benda)

    d.   Whose: for possession (untuk kepemilikan), dan lain-lain.

    Subject + Verb + Object [Adjective connector/Subject + Verb]

    She needs a secretary [who types fast].


    *who types fast merupakan adjective clause yang mendeskripsikan “secretary” dengan connector sekaligus subjek “who”.

    Subject + [Adjective connector/Subject + Verb] + Verb

    A secretary [who types fast] is invaluable. 


    *who types fast merupakan adjective clause yang mendeskripsikan “secretary” dengan connector sekaligus subjek “who”.



    Adjective clause connector yang berfungsi sebagai connector dan sekaligus subjek tidak diikuti dengan pronoun (kata ganti) ataupun noun.

    §  Incorrect: A man [who he fixed my bicycle] is my uncle.

    §  Correct: A man [who fixed my bicycle] is my uncle.

    §  Incorrect: He drive the car [which it is new from a dealer].

    §  Correct: He drive the car [which is new from a dealer].


    EXERCISE (Skills 12): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Italicize the connectors. Puct the bracket around the adjective clause. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   The ice cream that is served in the restaurant has a smooth, creamy texture. (.....)

    2.   The cars are trying to enter the freeway system are lined up for blocks. (.....)

    3.   I have great respect for everyone who on the Dean’s list. (.....)

    4.   It is going to be very difficult to work with the man which just began working here. (.....)

    5.   The door that leads to the vault it was tightly locked. (.....)

    6.   The neighbors reported the man who was trying to break into the car to the police. (.....)

    7.   These plants can only survive in an environment is extremely humid. (.....)

    8.   The boss meets with any production workers who they have surpassed their quotas. (.....)

    9.   The salesclerk ran after the woman who had left her credit carde in the store. (.....)

    10.        The shoes which matched the dress that was on table. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   The ice cream [that is served in the restaurant] has a smooth, creamy texture. ( C )

    2.   The cars [which are trying to enter the freeway system] are lined up for blocks. ( I ) “verb are trying memerlukan subjek & sekaligus connector, maka dapat ditambahkan which atau that

    3.   I have great respect for everyone [who is on the Dean’s list]. ( I ) “subjek sekaligus connector who memerlukan verb, maka dapat ditambahkan is

    4.   It is going to be very difficult to work with the man [which just began working here]. ( I ) “which perlu diganti dengan who atau that karena merujuk pada seseorang man

    5.   The door [that leads to the vault] it was tightly locked. ( I ) “it perlu dihilangkan karena kalimat tersebut telah memiliki subjek the door

    6.   The neighbors reported the man [who was trying to break into the car] to the police. ( C )

    7.   These plants can only survive in an environment [which is extremely humid]. ( I ) “verb is memerlukan subjek sekaligus connector, yaitu which atau that

    8.   The boss meets with any production workers [who they have surpassed their quotas]. ( I ) “they tidak diperlukan karena klausa tersebut telah memiliki who yang berfungsi sebagai subjek, dan juga connector”

    9.   The salesclerk ran after the woman [who had left her credit card in the store]. ( C )

    10.        The shoes [which matched the dress] that was on table. ( I ) “connector that tidak diperlukan lagi dalam kalimat tersebut”



    EXERCISE (Skills 9 to 12): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Italicize the connectors. Puct the bracket around the clauses. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   No one explained to me whether was coming or not. (.....)

    2.   The part of the structure that has already been built needs to be torn down. (.....)

    3.   The girl who she just joined the Softball team is a great shortstop. (.....)

    4.   I have no idea about when the meeting is supposed to start. (.....)

    5.   We have been told that we can leave whenever want. (.....)

    6.   The racquet with whom I was playing was too big and too heavy for me. (.....)

    7.   I will never understand that he did. (.....)

    8.   He was still sick was obvious to the entire medical staff. (.....)

    9.   What is most important in this situation it is to finish on time. (.....)

    10.        The newspapers that were piled up on the front porch were an indication that the residents had not been home in some time. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   No one explained to me [whether he was coming or not]. ( I ) “noun clause di atas tidak memiliki subjek, maka perlu diberikan subjek he atau she; sesuaikan dengan was

    2.   The part of the structure [that has already been built] needs to be torn down. ( C ) “adjective clause”

    3.   The girl [who she just joined the Softball team] is a great shortstop. ( I ) “hilangkan pronoun she karena adjective klause tersebut memiliki who yang berfungsi sebagai subjek dan connector

    4.   I have no idea [about when the meeting is supposed to start]. (C) “noun clause sebagai object of the preposition”

    5.   We have been told [that we can leave whenever we want]. ( I ) “noun clause whenever ... want tidak memiliki subjek, maka dapat diberikan subjek we

    6.   The racquet [with whom I was playing] was too big and too heavy for me. ( I ) “connector whom pada adjective clause di atas seharusnya “which” karena merujuk pada benda”

    7.   I will never understand [that he did]. ( I ) “connector that noun clause di atas seharusnya diganti dengan what (apa, menyatakan kegiatan yang dilakukan).”

    8.   [That He was still sick] was obvious to the entire medical staff. ( I ) “tambahkan connector that pada noun clause di atas”

    9.   [What is most important in this situation] it is to finish on time. ( I ) “it harus dihilangkan karena noun clause what is the most important ... merupakan subjek dari kalimat di atas”

    10.        The newspapers [that were piled up on the front porch] were an indication [that the residents had not been home in some time]. ( C )



    TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 9-12): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

    1.   Dolphins form extremely complicated allegiances and_____continually change.

    (A) enmities that

    (B) that are enmities

    (C) enmities that are

    (D) that enmities

    2.   Scientists are now beginning to conduct experiments on_____trigger different sorts of health risks.

    (A) noise pollution can

    (B) that noise pollution

    (C) how noise pollution

    (D) how noise pollution can

    3.   The Apollo 11 astronauts_____of the Earth’s inhabitants witnessed on the famous first moonwalk on July 20,1969, were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

    (A) whom

    (B) whom millions

    (C) were some

    (D) whom some were

    4.   At the end of the nineteenth century, Alfred Binet developed a test for measuring intelligence _____ served as the basis of modern IQ tests.

    (A) has

    (B) it has

    (C) and

    (D) which has

    5.   _____have at least four hours of hazardous materials response training is mandated by federal law.

    (A) All police officers

    (B) All police officers must

    (C) That all police officers

    (D) For all police officers

    6.   A cloud’s reservoir of negative charge extends upward from the altitude at_____ the freezing point.

    (A) temperatures hit

    (B) hit temperatures

    (C) which temperatures hit

    (D) which hit temperatures

    7.   In a 1988 advanced officers’ training program, Sampson developed a plan to incorporate police in enforcing environmental protection laws whenever ____feasible.

    (A) it is

    (B) is

    (C) has

    (D) it has

    8.   _____will be carried in the next space shuttle pay load has not yet been announced to the public.

    (A) It

    (B) What

    (C) When

    (D) That

    9.   During free fall,_____up to a full minute, a skydiver will fall at a constant speed of 120 m.p.h.

    (A) it is

    (B) which is

    (C) being

    (D) is

    10.        The fact_____the most important ratings period is about to begin has caused all three networks to shore up their schedules.

    (A) is that

    (B) of

    (C) that

    (D) what


    Key answer:

    1.    A

    2.    D

    3.    B

    4.    D

    5.    C

    6.    C

    7.    B

    8.    B

    9.    B

    10.        C


    Source: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test

    See also:

    1.   Conjunction

    2.   Preposition

    3.   Direct & Indirect Speech

    4.   Kinds of Clause

    5.   TOEFL Part 1 The Structure Questions

    6.   TOEFL Part 2 The Structure Questions

    7.   TOEFL Part 3 The Structure Questions

    8.   TOEFL Part 4 The Structure Questions

    9.   TOEFL Part 5 The Structure Questions

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