Pembahasan TOEFL Test Part 6 The Written Expression “Problems With Subject/Verb Agreement”

     Posted by M. Riskiyanto






    Written Expression Question, yang menguji pengetahuan Anda tentang cara yang benar untuk mengungkapkan dirimu (ide atau gagasan) dalam tulisan bahasa Inggris, muncul pada TOEFL test berbasis kertas ataupun berbasis komputer. Setiap pertanyaan terdiri dari satu kalimat yang memiliki 4 kata atau sekelompok kata yang digarisbawahi. Anda harus memilih kata atau sekelompok kata yang digaris bawahi yang salah.

    Example 1

    (A). A nerve is (B) actually many nerve (C) fiber bound (D) together.

    Pada contoh di atas, Anda perlu memerhatikan bahwa plural quatifiermany” diikuti dengan singular nounfiber”. Kata “many” seharusnya diikuti dengan plural nounfibers”. Maka Anda harus memilih jawaban (C) fiber karena jawaban (C) tersebut tidak benar.


    Example 2
    Venus (A) emits very (B) intense radio (C) waves of (D) thermally origin.

    Pada contoh di atas, Anda perlu memerhatikan bahwa adverbthermally” digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan noun (kata benda) “origin”. Adjectivethermal” seharusnya digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan noun “origin” tersebut. Maka Anda harus memilih jawaban (D) thermally karena jawaban (D) tersebut tidak benar.

    Tips untuk mengerjakan written expression question!!!

    1.   Pertama, lihatlah pada kata atau sekelompok kata yang digarisbawahi.

    2.   Jika Anda masih tidak mampu menemukan kesalahan “error” dengan hanya melihat 4 kata yang digarisbawahi tersebut, kemudian bacalah kalimat secara utuh.


    Subject/verb agreement atau kesesuaian subjek / kata kerja itu sederhana: jika subjek kalimat tunggal (singular subject), maka kata kerja harus tunggal (singular verb); jika subjek kalimatnya jamak (plural subject), maka kata kerjanya harus jamak (plural subject). Akhiran “-s/es” pada verb (kata kerja) biasanya menunjukkan bahwa kata kerja itu tunggal (singular verb), sedangkan akhiran “-s” pada noun (kata benda) biasanya menunjukkan bahwa kata benda tersebut jamak (plural noun). (Jangan lupa terdapat juga bentuk jamak kata benda yang tidak beraturan (irregular plural noun), seperti women, children, dan people.)


    1.   The boy walks to school.

    2.   The boys walk to school.

    Pada contoh pertama subjek tunggal (singular subject) “boy” membutuhkan kata kerja tunggal (singular verb), “walks”. Sedangkan contoh kedua, subjek jamak (plural subject) “boys” membutuhkan kata kerja jamak (plural verb), “walk”.


    Meskipun ini mungkin tampak cukup sederhana, ada beberapa situasi pada tes TOEFL ketika subject/verb agreement (kesesuaian subjek/ kata kerja) bisa sedikit rumit. Anda harus berhati-hati dengan subject/verb agreement (kesesuaian subjek/ kata kerja) dalam situasi berikut: (1) after prepositional phrases (setelah frasa preposisional), (2) after expressions of quantity (setelah ekspresi kuantitas), (3) after inverted verbs (setelah kata kerja terbalik), dan (4) after certain words (setelah kata-kata tertentu), seperti anybody (siapa saja), everything (semuanya), no one (tidak seorang pun), something (sesuatu), each (setiap), dan every (setiap).




    Skill 20 Make Verb Agree After Prepositional Phrases (Buatlah Kata Kerja Sesuai dengan/setelah Frasa Preposisi)

    Sometimes prepositional phrases can come between the subject and the verb. If the object of the preposition is singular and the subject is plural, or if the object of the preposition is plural and the subject is singular, there can be confusion in making the subject and verb agree.

    Terkadang prepositional phrases atau frasa preposisional bisa berada di antara subject (subjek) dan verb (kata kerja). Jika objek preposisi (object of preposition) tunggal dan subjek jamak, atau objek preposisi (object of preposition) jamak dan subjek tunggal, dapat terjadi kebingungan dalam membuat subjek dan kata kerja setuju. (Perhatikan bahwa verb (kata kerja) menyesuaikan subject bukan object of preposition).


    The key (to the doors) are* in the drawer.

    Subject (Singular) + Verb (Plural)
    The keys (to the door) is* in the drawer.
    Subject (Plural) + Verb (Singular)
    (* terindikasi adanya kesalahan atau error)


    Pada contoh pertama Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa “doors” adalah subjek karena muncul tepat di depan kata kerja/ verb “are”. Namun demikian, “doors” bukanlah subjek karena merupakan objek dari preposisi “to”. Subjek kalimat adalah “key”, jadi kata kerjanya seharusnya “is”. Sementara itu, pada contoh kedua Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa “door” adalah subjek karena ia datang tepat di depan kata kerja “is”. Anda harus mengenali dalam contoh ini bahwa “door” bukanlah subjek karena itu adalah objek preposisi “to”. Karena subjek kalimatnya adalah “keys”, maka kata kerjanya seharusnya “are”.


    Perlu diingat!!!

    Subject + [prepositional phrase] + Verb

    *Ketika prepositional phrase berada di antara subject dan verb, pastikan bahwa verb sesuai dengan subject.


    EXERCISE 20: Each of the following sentences has one or more prepositional phrases between the subject and verb. Italicise prepositional phrase. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

    1.   The climbers on the sheer face of the mountain need to be rescued. (.....)

    2.   The interrogation, conducted by three police officers, have lasted for several hours. (.....)

    3.   The tenants in the apartment next to mine is giving a party this evening. (.....)

    4.   The president, surrounded by secret service agents, is trying to make his way to the podium. (.....)

    5.   The buildings destroyed during the fire are being rebuilt at the taxpayer’s expense. (.....)

    6.   Because of the sriousness of the company’s financial problems, the borad of directors have called an emergency meeting. (.....)

    7.   Manufacture of the items that you requested have been discontinued because of lack of profit on those items. (.....)

    8.   Further development of any new ideas for future products has to be approved in advance. (.....)

    9.   The scheduled departure time of the trains, posted on panels throughout the terminal buildings, are going to be updated. (.....)

    10.        Any houses built in that development before 1970 have to be upgraded to meet current standards. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   The climbers on the sheer face of the mountain need to be rescued. ( C )

    2.   The interrogation, conducted by three police officers, have lasted for several hours. ( I ) “subjek interrogation merupakan noncountable noun maka harus diikuti dengan singular verb, maka verb have diganti has

    3.   The tenants in the apartment next to mine is giving a party this evening. ( I ) “subjek tenants merupakan plural subject maka harus diikuti dengan plural verb, maka verb is diganti are

    4.   The president, surrounded by secret service agents, is trying to make his way to the podium. ( C )

    5.   The buildings destroyed during the fire are being rebuilt at the taxpayer’s expense. ( C )

    6.   Because of the sriousness of the company’s financial problems, the board of directors have called an emergency meeting. ( I ) “subjek board merupakan noncountable/ collective noun maka harus diikuti dengan singular verb, maka verb have diganti has

    7.   Manufacture of the items that you requested have been discontinued because of lack of profit on those items. ( I ) “subjek manufacture merupakan noncountable noun maka harus diikuti dengan singular verb, maka verb have diganti has

    8.   Further development of any new ideas for future products has to be approved in advance. ( C )

    9.   The scheduled departure time of the trains, posted on panels throughout the terminal buildings, are going to be updated. ( I ) “subjek scheduled departure time merupakan noncountable noun maka harus diikuti dengan singular verb, maka verb are diganti is

    10.        Any houses built in that development before 1970 have to be upgraded to meet current standards. ( C )


    Skill 21 Make Verb Agree After Expression Of Quantity (Buatlah Kata Kerja Sesuai dengan/setelah Ekspresi Kuantitas atau Jumlah)

    Agreement problem atau permasalahan kesesuaian tertentu terjadi ketika subjek adalah expression of quantity (ekspresi kuantitas), seperti all, most, atau some, yang diikuti oleh preposisi “of”. Dalam situasi ini, subjek (all (semua), most (sebagian besar), atau some (beberapa)) bisa tunggal (singular subjecct) atau jamak (plural subject), tergantung pada apa yang mengikuti preposisi “of”.


    1.   All (of the book) was interesting. [Singular]

    2.   All (of the books) were interesting. [Plural]

    3.   All (of the information) was interesting. [Uncountable]


            Pada contoh pertama, subjek “all” mengacu pada singular noun (kata benda tunggal) “book”, jadi kata kerja yang benar adalah singular verb (kata kerja tunggal) “was”. Pada contoh kedua, subjek “all” mengacu pada plural noun (kata benda jamak) “books”, jadi kata kerja yang benar adalah plural verb (kata kerja jamak) “were”. Pada contoh ketiga, subjek “all” mengacu pada uncountable noun (kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung) “information”, jadi kata kerja yang benar adalah  singular noun (kata kerja tunggal) “was”.


    Perlu diingat!!!

    [all, most, some, half] + of the (Object) + Verb
    (Verb menyesuaikan Object)
    *Ketika expression of quantity, seperti all, most, some, half sebagai subjek suatu kalimat, maka verb harus menyesuaikan dengan of the “objek”.


    EXERCISE 21: Each of the following sentences has a quantity expression as the subject. Italicise the object that the verbs agree with. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

    1.   The witnesses saw that most of the fire in the hills was extinguished. (.....)

    2.   Some of the animals from the zoo was released into the animal preserve. (.....)

    3.   All of the students in the class taught by Professor Robert is required to turn in their term papers next Monday. (.....)

    4.   Half of food that we are serving to the guests are still in the refrigerator. (.....)

    5.   We believe that some of the time of the employees id going to be devoted to quality control. (.....)

    6.   All of the witnesses in the jury trial, which lasted more than two weeks, have indicated that they believed that the defendant was guilty. (.....)

    7.   She did not know where most of the people in the room was from. (.....)

    8.   In spite of what was decided at the meeting, half of the procedures was not changed. (.....)

    9.   I was sure that all of the questions on the test were correct. (.....)

    10.        Most of the trouble that the employee discussed at the series of meetings was resolved within a few week. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   The witnesses saw that most of the fire in the hills was extinguished. ( C )

    2.   Some of the animals from the zoo was released into the animal preserve. ( I ) “subject some of diikuti dengan plural noun animals maka verb harus berupa plural verb, yaitu were

    3.   All of the students in the class taught by Professor Robert is required to turn in their term papers next Monday. ( I ) “subject all of diikuti dengan plural noun students maka verb harus berupa plural verb, yaitu are

    4.   Half of food that we are serving to the guests are still in the refrigerator. ( I ) “subject half of diikuti dengan uncountable noun food maka verb harus berupa singular verb, yaitu is

    5.   We believe that some of the time of the employees is going to be devoted to quality control. ( C )

    6.   All of the withnesses in the jury trial, which lasted more than two weeks, have indicated that they believed that the defendant was guilty. ( C )

    7.   She did not know where most of the people in the room was from. ( I ) “subject most of diikuti dengan plural noun people maka verb harus berupa plural verb, yaitu were

    8.   In spite of what was decided at the meeting, half of the procedures was not changed. ( I ) “subject half of diikuti dengan plural noun procedures maka verb harus berupa plural verb, yaitu were

    9.   I was sure that all of the questions on the test were correct. ( C )

    10. Most of the trouble that the employee discussed at the series of meetings was resolved within a few week. ( C )



    Skill 22 Make Inverted Verbs Agree (Pastikan Kata Kerja yang Diinversi Sesuai)

    Kita telah melihat bahwa kadang-kadang dalam bahasa Inggris subjek muncul setelah kata kerja. Hal ini dapat terjadi setelah question words atau kata tanya (Skill 15), setelah place expressions atau ekspresi tempat (Skill 16), setelah negative expressions atau ekspresi negatif (Skill 17), setelah omitted conditionals atau kalimat kondisional “If” yang dihilangkan (Skill 18), dan setelah beberapa comparisons (perbandingan) (Skill 19). Saat subjek dan kata kerja diinversi atau dibalik, akan sulit untuk menemukannya, dan oleh karena itu bisa menjadi masalah untuk membuatnya (subjek dan kata kerja) sesuai.


    1.   (Behind the house) was* the bicycles I wanted. (incorrect)

    2.   (Behind the houses) were* the bicycle I wanted. (incorrect)


    Pada contoh pertama mudah untuk berpikir bahwa “house” adalah subjek, karena datang langsung di depan kata kerja tadi. “house” bukanlah subjek; karena ia adalah objek dari preposisi “behind”. Subjek kalimatnya adalah “bicycles”, dan subjek “bicycles” muncul setelah kata kerja karena place expression (ekspresi tempat) “behind the house”. Karena subject “bicycles” bersifat jamak, maka kata kerjanya harus diubah menjadi bentuk jamak “were”. Sementara itu, pada contoh kedua, subjek “bicycle” muncul setelah kata kerja karena place expression (ekspresi tempat) “behind the house”. Karena subjek “bicycle” berbentuk tunggal, maka kata kerjanya harus diubah menjadi bentuk tunggal “was”.


    Perlu diingat!!!

    1.   Question

    2.   Negative

    3.   Place

    4.   Condition (no if)

    5.   Comparison

    + Verb
    + Subject
    Setelah question words, negative expressions, place expression, conditions without “If” dan comparisons, verb (kata kerja) menyesuaikan subject (subjek) yang mungkin berada setelah verb tersebut. 


    EXERCISE 22: Each of the following sentences contains an inverted subject and verb. Italicise the word or group of words that causes the subject and verb to invert. Find the subject and verb that follow these words. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

    1.   Only once in the morning were the letters delivered by the campus mail service. (.....)

    2.   Around the corner and to the right is the rooms that have been assigned to that program. (.....)

    3.   What in the world is the children trying to do? (.....)

    4.   John would be studying the chapters were he able to get hold the book. (.....)

    5.   This chapter has many more exercises than do the next one. (.....)

    6.   The computer programmer was unaware that there was so many mistakes in the program he had written. (.....)

    7.   Seldom in the history of television has two new comedies been so successful in one season. (.....)

    8.   How many huge mistakes have the teacher actually found in the research paper? (.....)

    9.   The new phone system is able to hold far more message that was the phone system that had previously been used. (.....)

    10.        In the parking lot south of the stadium was the cars that were about to be towed. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   Only once in the morning were the letters delivered by the campus mail service. ( C )

    2.   Around the corner and to the right is the rooms that have been assigned to that program. ( I ) “inverted verb after expression of place, verb is diubah menjadi are karena subjek berbentuk plural rooms

    3.   What in the world is the children trying to do? ( I ) “inverted verb after question word, verb is diubah menjadi are karena subjek berbentuk plural children

    4.   John would be studying the chapters were he able to get hold the book. ( C )

    5.   This chapter has many more exercises than do the next one. ( I ) “inverted verb after comparison, verb do diubah menjadi does karena subjek berbentuk singular the next one

    6.   The computer programmer was unaware that there was so many mistakes in the program he had written. ( I ) “inverted verb after there, verb was diubah menjadi were karena subjek berbentuk plural mistakes

    7.   Seldom in the history of television has two new comedies been so successful in one season. ( I ) “inverted verb after negative, verb has diubah menjadi have karena subjek berbentuk plural comedies

    8.   How many huge mistakes have the teacher actually found in the research paper? ( I ) “inverted verb after question word, verb have diubah menjadi has karena subjek berbentuk singular teacher

    9.   The new phone system is able to hold far more message than was the phone system that had previously been used. ( C )

    10.        In the parking lot south of the stadium was the cars that were about to be towed. ( I ) “inverted verb after expression of place, verb was diubah menjadi were karena subjek berbentuk plural cars



    Skill 23 Make Verb Agree After Certain Words (Buatlah Kata Kerja sesuai dengan/setelah Kata-Kata Tertentu)

    Kata-kata tertentu dalam bahasa Inggris selalu secara tata bahasa  berbentuk singular (tunggal), meskipun mungkin memiliki plural meaning (arti jamak).


    Everybody are going* to the theater. [incorrect]
    Everybody is going* to the theater. [correct]


    Meskipun kita mengetahui dari contoh ini bahwa a lot of people are going to the theater (banyak orang pergi ke teater), everybody adalah tunggal dan membutuhkan kata kerja tunggal (singular verb). Kata kerja jamak “are going” harus diubah menjadi kata kerja tunggal “is going”.


    Perlu diingat!!!

    Kata-kata berikut ini secara gramatikal berbentuk tunggal (singular), jadi mereka memerlukan singular verb (kata kerja tunggal).
    no one
    Each (+ noun)
    Every (+ noun)


    EXERCISE 23: Each of the following sentences has one of the words that is grammatically singular but have plural meanings. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

    1.   It is impossible that somebody actually admire that man. (.....)

    2.   Each of the doctors in the building needs tohave a separate reception area. (.....)

    3.   The president felt that no one were better suited for the position of the chief staff advisor. (.....)

    4.   Everybody participationg in the fund-raiser are to turn in the tickets by 8:00. (.....)

    5.   Because of the low number of orders, nothing has to be done now. (.....)

    6.   Every time someone take unnecessary breaks, precious moments of production time are lost. (.....)

    7.   Anybody who goes to the top of the Empire State Building in impressed with the view. (.....)

    8.   Every man, woman, and child in the line are required to sign the forms in order to complete the registration process. (.....)

    9.   It is nice to believe that anything is possible if a person tries hard enough. (.....)

    10.        The company reiterated to reporters that nobody have been dismissed because of the incident. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   It is impossible that somebody actually admire that man. ( I ) “subjek singular somebody harus diikuti dengan singular verb yaitu admires

    2.   Each of the doctors in the building needs to have a separate reception area. ( C )

    3.   The president felt that no one were better suited for the position of the chief staff advisor. ( I ) “subjek singular no one harus diikuti dengan singular verb yaitu was

    4.   Everybody participationg in the fund-raiser are to turn in the tickets by 8:00. ( I ) “subjek singular everybody harus diikuti dengan singular verb yaitu is

    5.   Because of the low number of orders, nothing has to be done now. ( C )

    6.   Every time someone take unnecessary breaks, precious moments of production time are lost. ( I ) “subjek singular someone harus diikuti dengan singular verb yaitu takes

    7.   Anybody who goes to the top of the Empire State Building is impressed with the view. ( C )

    8.   Every man, woman, and child in the line are required to sign the forms in order to complete the registration process. ( I ) “subjek singular every ... harus diikuti dengan singular verb yaitu is

    9.   It is nice to believe that anything is possible if a person tries hard enough. ( C )

    10.        The company reiterated to reporters that nobody have been dismissed because of the incident. ( I ) “subjek singular nobody harus diikuti dengan singular verb yaitu has


    EXERCISE (Skills 20-23). Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   The contracts signed by the company has been voided because some stipulations were not met. (.....)

    2.   Ten miles beyond the river was the farmlands that they had purchased with their life savings. (.....)

    3.   Each package that is not properly wrapped have to be returned to the sender. (.....)

    4.   She would not have to enter the house through the bedroom window were the keys where they were supposed to be. (.....)

    5.   The proposal brought so much new work to the partnership that there was not enough hours to complete all of it. (.....)

    6.   The box of ribbons for the electric typewriter have been misplaced. (.....)

    7.   It is disconcerting to believe that every possible candidate has been rejected for one reason or another. (.....)

    8.   Only once have there been more excitement in this city about a sporting event. (.....)

    9.   Bobby has a bigger bicycle than does the other children in the neighborhood. (.....)

    10.        If nobody have bought that car from the dealer, then you should return and make another offer. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   The contracts signed by the company has been voided because some stipulations were not met. ( I ) “plural subject contracts harus diikuti dengan plural verb, yaitu have

    2.   Ten miles beyond the river was the farmlands that they had purchased with their life savings. ( I ) “plural subject farmlands harus diikuti dengan plural verb, yaitu were

    3.   Each package that is not properly wrapped have to be returned to the sender. ( I ) “singular subject each package harus diikuti dengan singular verb verb, yaitu has

    4.   She would not have to enter the house through the bedroom window were the keys where they were supposed to be. ( C )

    5.   The proposal brought so much new work to the partnership that there was not enough hours to complete all of it. ( C ) “time = noncountable noun”

    6.   The box of ribbons for the electric typewriter have been misplaced. ( I ) “singular subject box harus diikuti dengan singular verb, yaitu has

    7.   It is disconcerting to believe that every possible candidate has been rejected for one reason or another. ( C )

    8.   Only once have there been more excitement in this city about a sporting event. ( I ) “singular subject excitement harus diikuti dengan singular verb, yaitu has

    9.   Bobby has a bigger bicycle than does the other children in the neighborhood. ( I ) “plural subject children harus diikuti dengan plural verb, yaitu do

    10.        If nobody have bought that car from the dealer, then you should return and make another offer. ( I ) “singular subject nobody harus diikuti dengan singular verb, yaitu has



    TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 20-23). Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.


    1.   Among bees____a highly elaborate form of communication.

    (A) occur

    (B) occurs

    (C) it occurs

    (D) they occur


    2.   _____ heated by solar energy have special collectors on the roofs to trap sunlight.

    (A) A home is

    (B) Homes are

    (C) A home

    (D) Homes


    Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

    3.   Each number in (A) a binary system (B) are (C) formed from (D) only two symbols.


    4.   Scientists at the medical center (A) is trying (B) to determine if there (C) is a relationship between (D) saccharine and cancer.


    5.   On (A) the rim of the Kilauea volcano in the (B) Hawaiian Islands (C) are a hotel (D) called the Volcano Hotel.


    6.   The (A) great digital advances of the electronic age, such as integrated (B) circuitry and a microcomputer, (C) has been (D) planted in tiny chips.


    7.   There are many (A) frequently (B) mentioned reasons why one out of (C) four arrests (D) involve a juvenile.


    8.   Kepler’s Laws, principles outlining planetary movement, (A) was (B) formulated (C) based on observations (D) made without a telescope.


    9.   Only with a (A) two-thirds vote by both houses (B) are the U.S. Congress (C) able to override a presidential (D) veto.


    10.  Of all the evidence that (A) has piled up since Webster’s paper was published, there (B) is no (C) new ideas (D) to contradict his original theory.


    Key answer:

    1.    B

    2.    D

    3.    B

    4.    A

    5.    C

    6.    C

    7.    D

    8.    A

    9.    B

    10.       B


    Source: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test

    See also:

    1.   Part of Speech: Noun

    2.   Part of Speech: Verb  

    3.   Kinds of Clause: If Clause

    4.   Degree of Comparison

    5.   TOEFL Part 6 The Structure Questions

    6.   TOEFL Part 7 The Structure Questions

    7.   TOEFL Part 8 The Structure Questions

    8.   TOEFL Part 9 The Structure Questions

    9.   TOEFL Part 10 The Structure Questions

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