Pembahasan TOEFL Test Part 5 The Structure Questions "Sentences With Inverted Subjects And Verbs"


    Posted by M. Riskiyanto







    Dalam bahasa Inggris, Subject (subjek) & verb (kata kerja) diinversi (dibalik) pada berbagai situasi. Kemudian, subjek dan kata kerja (inverted subjects and verbs) yang diinversi tersebut seringkali terjadi pada pembentukan sebuah pertanyaan. Untuk membentuk kalimat pertanyaan dengan helping verb (kata bantu), seperti be (is, am, are, was, were), have/has/had, can, could, will, would, dll.), subjek dan  helping verb tersebut dibalik. Penggunaan helping verb itu sendiri dipengaruhi oleh pola tense pada kalimat.

    1.   He can go to the movies.

    Can he go to the movies?

    2.   You would tell me the truth.

    Would you tell me the truth?

    3.   She was sick yesterday.

    Was she sick yesterday?


    Selain itu, untuk membentuk kalimat pertanyaan ketika tidak ada helping verb yang disebutkan di atas, maka helping verb, seperti do, does, dan did dapat digunakan.

    4.   He goes to the movies.

    Does he go to the movies?

    5.   You make a cake for her.

    Do you make a cake for her?

    6.   You told me the truth.

    Did you tell me the truth?

    Banyak permasalahan dengan inverted subjects & verbs pada TOEFL test terjadi pada situasi-situasi berikut: (1) dengan question words (kata tanya), seperti what, when, where, why, and how; (2) setelah beberapa place expressions (ungkapan yang menyatakan tempat); (3) setelah negative expressions (ungkapan yang memiliki makna negatif); (4) dalam beberapa conditionals (kalimat pengandaian); and (5) setelah beberapa comparisons (kalimat perbandingan).



    Skill 15 Invert The Subject And Verb With Question Words (Inversi (pembalikan) Posisi Subjek dan Kata Kerja dengan Kata Tanya)


    Ada beberapa hal yang membingungkan tentang kapan harus menginversi subjek dan kata kerja setelah question words, seperti what, when, where, why, dan how. Question word tersebut dapat memiliki 2 fungsi yang berbeda dalam sebuah kalimat. Pertama, mereka dapat menunjukkan question (kalimat pertanyaan), dan dalah hal ini subject dan verb yang mengikuti kata tanya tersebut diinversi (dibalik).  

    Example of Question Words as Question:

    1.   What is the homework?

    2.   When can I leave?

    3.   Where are you going?


    Kedua, kata tanya (question words) tersebut dapat menghubungkan 2 klausa, dan dalam hal ini subject dan verb yang mengikuti tidak dapat diinversi (dibalik).

    Example of Question Words as Connector:

    1.   I do not know what the homework is.

    2.   When I can leave, I will take the first train.

    3.   Do you know where you are going ?


    *Pada masing-masing contoh di atas, ada 2 klausa yang dihubungkan dengan question word yaitu sebagai connector (kata hubung), seperti what, when, & where. Oleh karena itu, subject dan verb dalam kalimat tersebut tidak diinversi.



    The lawyer asked the client why____it.

    (A) did he do

    (B) did he

    (C) he did

    (D) did

    Jawaban: C

    Pada contoh pertanyaan di atas, question word “why” digunakan untuk menghubungkan 2 klausa, yaitu sebagai connector, jadi subject dan verb seharusnya tidak diinversi. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah (C).


    Perlu diingat!!!


    Question words: who, what, when, where, why, which, whose, whom, how, *how long, *how far, etc.

    1.   Ketika question word menunjukkan question (kalimat pertanyaan), maka subject dan verb diinversi atau dibalik.  

    §  What are they? (Question Word + Verb + Subject?)

    2.   Ketika question word menghubungkan 2 klausa (sebagai connector atau kata hubung), subjek dan verb yang mengikuti tidak diinversi atau dibalik.

    §  I know what they are. (Subject + Verb + Question Word as Connector + Subject + Verb)


    EXERCISE 15: Each of the following sentences contains a question word. Italicise the question words. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

    1.   The phone company is not certain when will the new directories be ready. (.....)

    2.   The professor does not understand why so many students did poorly on the exam. (.....)

    3.   How new students can get information about parking? (.....)

    4.   Where is it cheapest to get typeset copies printed? (.....)

    5.   Only the pilot can tell you how far can the plane go on one tank of fuel. (.....)

    6.   What type of security does he prefer for his investment? (.....)

    7.   Not even the bank president knows when vault will be opened. (.....)

    8.   How long it has been since you arrived in the United States? (.....)

    9.   The jury doubts what the witness said under cross-examination. (.....)

    10.        Do you know why he wants to take an extended leave of absence? (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   The phone company is not certain when will the new directories will be ready. ( I ) “question word sebagai connector maka subject dan verb tidak diinversi”

    2.   The professor does not understand why so many students did poorly on the exam. ( C )

    3.   How can new students can get information about parking? ( I ) “question word digunakan pada kalimat tanya, maka subject dan verb diinversi”

    4.   Where is it the cheapest to get typeset copies printed? ( C )

    5.   Only the pilot can tell you how far can the plane can go on one tank of fuel. ( I ) “question word sebagai connector maka subject dan verb tidak diinversi”

    6.   What type of security does he prefer for his investment? ( C )

    7.   Not even the bank president knows when the vault will be opened. ( C )

    8.   How long has it has been since you arrived in the United States? ( I ) “question word digunakan pada kalimat tanya, maka subject dan verb diinversi”

    9.   The jury doubts what the witness said under cross-examination. ( C )

    10.        Do you know why he wants to take an extended leave of absence? ( C )



    Skill 16 Invert The Subject And Verb With Place Expressions (Inversi (pembalikan) Posisi Subjek dan Kata Kerja dengan Ungkapan Tempat)

    Setelah adanya ide-ide yang menyatakan tempat, subject dan verb kadang-kadang diinversi atau dibalik. Hal ini terjadi dengan beberapa singgle word (kata tunggal) berikut yang mengungkapkan tempat, seperti

    here, there, atau nowhere.

    1.   Here is the book that you lent me.

    2.   There are the keys that I thought I lost.

    3.   Nowhere have I seen such beautiful weather.


    *Pada contoh ke-1, kata keterangan tempat “here” menyebabkan subject “book” berada setelah verb “is”. Pada contoh ke-2, kata keterangan tempat “there” menyebabkan subject “keys” berada setelah verb “are”. Kemudian, pada contoh ke-3, kata keterangan tempat “nowhere” menyebabkan subjek “I” berada setelah verb “have”.

    **Contoh kalimat ke-1 & 2, “the book that ....” dan “the keys that ...” merupakan satu kesatuan yang berfungsi sebagai subject.


    Subject dan verb juga dapat diinversi atau dibalik setelah prepositional phrases (frasa preposisi) yang menyatakan tempat.  

    1.   In the closet are the clothes that you want.

    2.   Around the corner is Sam’s house.

    3.   Beyond the mountains lies the town where you will live.


    *Pada contoh ke-1, prepositional phrase of place (frasa preposisi tempat), yaitu in the closet menyebabkan subject “clothes” berada setelah verb “are”. Pada contoh ke-2, prepositional phrase of place (frasa preposisi tempat), yaitu around the corner menyebabkan subject “house” berada setelah verb “is”. Kemudian, pada contoh ke-3, prepositional phrase of place (frasa preposisi tempat), yaitu beyond the mountains menyebabkan subject “town” berada setelah verb “lies”.

    **Pada contoh ke-1 dan 3, “the clothes that ...” dan “the town where ...” merupakan satu kesatuan yang berfungsi sebagai subjek.

    Penting untuk dimengerti bahwa subject dan verb akan diinversi setelah place expressions (pernyataan tempat) pada awal sebuah kalimat hanya ketika place expression diperlukan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut. Perhatikan beberapa contoh berikut!

    1.   In the forest are many exotic birds. (sebagai pelengkap)

    2.   In the forest I walked for many hours. (sebagai informasi tambahan)


    *Pada contoh ke-1, subjek “birds” dan verb “are” diinversi karena place expression “in the forest” diperlukan untuk melengkapi ide atau gagasan (yang belum utuh) “many exotic birds are ...”. sedangkan, pada contoh ke-2, subjek “I” dan verb “walked” tidak diinversi karena ide atau gagasan “I walked for many hours ...” sudah utuh meskipun tanpa place expression “in the forest”; oleh karena itu, place expression tersebut tidak diperlukan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut.



    On the second level of the parking lot ____

    (A) is empty

    (B) are empty

    (C) some empty stalls are

    (D) are some empty stalls

    Jawaban: D

    Contoh pertanyaan di atas diawali dengan place expression “on the second level of the parking lot” yang mana terdiri dari 2 prepositional phrases, yaitu 1) on the second level, dan 2) of the parking lot.

    Kalimat tersebut membutuhkan subject dan verb agar sempurna, dan terdapat 2 jawaban, yaitu (C) dan (D) yang memiliki subject “stalls” and verb “are”. Kemudian, subject dan verb harus diinversi karena place expression diperlukan untuk melengkapi ide “some empty stalls are ...”. oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah jawaban (D).


    Perlu diingat!!!


    §  Ketika place expression berada di depan kalimat diperlukan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut, maka subject dan verb yang mengikuti diinversi atau dibalik. Contoh:

    a.   In the classroom were some old desk. (place: necessary)

    b.   In the library are many books. (place: necessary)


    §  Ketika place expression berada di depan kalimat sebagai extra information (informasi tambahan) dan tidak diperlukan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut, maka subject dan verb yang mengikuti tidak diinversi atau dibalik. Contoh:

    1.   In the classroom I studied very hard. (place: extra information)

    2.   In the library the students are reading some books. (place: extra information).


    EXERCISE 16: Each of the following sentences contains an expression of place at the beginning of the sentence. Italicise the expression of place. Look at the clauses that immediately follow the place expression and underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

    1.   In front of the house were some giant trees. (.....)

    2.   There a big house is in the corner. (.....)

    3.   In the cave was a vast of treasure of gems and jewels. (.....)

    4.   To the north of the stream is that the settlers will have to cross. (.....)

    5.   Around the corner are the offices that you are trying to find. (.....)

    6.   At the Italian restaurant was the food too spicy for my taste. (.....)

    7.   Nowhere in the world farmers can grow such delicious food. (.....)

    8.   In the backyard the two trees are that need to be pruned. (.....)

    9.   Around the recreational hall and down the path are the tents where will be staying this week. (.....)

    10.        In the apartment next to mine a man and a woman were having a heated discussion. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   In front of the house were some giant trees. ( C )

    2.   There is a big house is in the corner. ( I )

    3.   In the cave was a vast of treasure of gems and jewels. ( C )

    4.   To the north is the stream is that the settlers will have to cross. ( I )

    5.   Around the corner are the offices that you are trying to find. ( C )

    6.   At the Italian restaurant was the food was too spicy for my taste. ( I ) “expression of place sebagai extra information”

    7.   Nowhere in the world can farmers grow such delicious food. ( I )

    8.   In the backyard are the two trees are that need to be pruned. ( I )

    9.   Around the recreational hall and down the path are the tents where will be staying this week. ( C )

    10.        In the apartment next to mine a man and a woman were having a heated discussion. ( C )



    Skill 17 Invert The Subject And Verb With Negatives  (Inversi (pembalikan) Posisi Subjek dan Kata Kerja dengan (Ungkapan) Negatif)

            Subject dan verb juga dapat diinversi atau dibalik setelah adanya negative expression, yaitu ungkapan atau kata yang bersifat negatif. Ketika negative expressions, seperti no, not, or never, berada di awal sebuah kalimat, subject dan verb diinversi.


    1.   Not once did I miss a question.

    2.   Never has Mr. Jones taken a vacation.

    3.   At no time can the woman talk on the telephone.


    *Pada contoh ke-1, negative expression “not once” menjadikan subjek “I” berada setelah helping verb “did”. Pada contoh ke-2, negative expression “never” menjadikan subjek “Mr. Jones” berada setelah helping verb “has”. Kemudian, pada contoh ke-3 negative expression “at no time” menyebabkan subjek “woman” berada setelah helping verb “can”.


    Kata-kata tertentu dalam bahasa Inggris, seperti hardly, barely, scarcely, dan only, dapat beperan sebagai negatives. Jika salah satu dari kata tersebut berada di awal kalimat, subjek dan verb juga diinversi atau dibalik.

    1.   Hardly ever does he take time off.

    (This means that he almost never takes time off.)

    2.   Only once did the manager issue overtime paychecks.

    (This means that the manager almost never issued overtime paychecks.)


    *Pada contoh ke-1, “almost negative” expression, yaitu hardly ever menyebabkan subjek “he” berada setelah helping verb “does”. Kemudian, pada contoh ke-2 “almost negative” expression, yaitu only once menyebabkan subjek “manager” berada setelah helping verb “did”.

            Ketika negative expression muncul di depan subject dan verb di tengah sebuah kalimat, subject dan verb tersebut juga diinversi atau dibalik. Hal ini terjadi pada negative words (kata negatif), yaitu neither dan nor.

    1.   I do not want to go, and neither does Tom.

    2.   The secretary is not attending the meeting, nor is her boss.


    *Pada contoh ke-1, negative word “neither” menyebabkan subjek “Tom” berada setelah helping verb “does”. Kemudian, pada contoh ke-2, negative word “nor” menyebabkan subjek “boss” berada setelah helping verb “is”.



    Only in extremely dangerous situations ______ stopped.

    (A) will be the printing presses

    (B) the printing presses will be

    (C) that the printing presses will be

    (D) will the printing presses be

    Jawaban: D

    Pada contoh kalimat tersebut, perhatikan bahwa kalimat di atas diawali dengan negative word “only”, jadi subject dan verb perlu diinversi. Jawaban (D) memuat subject dan verb yang diinversi dengan helping verb “will”, subject “printing presses”, dan  main verb “be stopped” (bentuk passive). Jadi, jawaban (D) merupakan jawaban yang paling tepat.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    Negative word: no, not, never, neither, nor, barely, rarely, hardly, only, scarcely, seldom, etc.

    Ketika negative expression berada di awal sebuah kalimat ataupun di tengah kalimat, maka subject dan verb diinversi atau dibalik.

    Rarely were they so happy

    (negative expression + Verb + Subject ...)


    EXERCISE 17: Each of the following sentences contains a negative of or “almost negative” expression. Italicise the negative expression. Look at the clauses that follow and underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

    1.   Never the boy wrote to his sisters. (.....)

    2.   On no occasion did they say that to me. (.....)

    3.   Steve did not win the prize nor did he expect to do so. (.....)

    4.   Only once in my life gone I have to New York City. (.....)

    5.   Did he go out of the house at no time. (.....)

    6.   Seldom their secretary has made such mistakes. (.....)

    7.   No sooner had she hung up the phone that it rang again. (.....)

    8.   Sheila did not arrive late for work nor she left early. (.....)

    9.   Barely had he finished the exam when the graduate assistant collected the papers. (.....)

    10.        The police did not arrive in time to save the girl, and neither did the paramedics. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   Never did the boy wrote write to his sisters. ( I )

    2.   On no occasion did they say that to me. ( C )

    3.   Steve did not win the prize nor did he expect to do so. ( C )

    4.   Only once in my life have gone I have gone to New York City. ( I )

    5.   At no time did he go out of the house at no time. ( I )

    6.   Seldom has their secretary has made such mistakes. ( I )

    7.   No sooner had she hung up the phone that it rang again. ( C )

    8.   Sheila did not arrive late for work nor did she left leave early. ( I )

    9.   Barely had he finished the exam when the graduate assistant collected the papers. ( C )

    10.        The police did not arrive in time to save the girl, and neither did the paramedics. ( C )



    Skill 18 Invert The Subject And Verb With Conditionals (Inversi (pembalikan) Posisi Subjek dan Kata Kerja dengan (Ungkapan) Pengandaian)

    Dalam struktur conditional (if clause: kalimat pengandaian) tertentu, subjek dan kata kerja juga dapat diinnversi (dibalik). Hal ini dapat terjadi jika helping verb (kata kerja bantu) dalam conditional clause adalah had, should, atau were, dan connector dari conditional clause “If” dihilangkan.


    1.   If he had taken more time, the results would have been better.

    Had he taken more time, the results would have been better.


    2.   I would help you if I were in a position to help.

    I would help you were I in a position to help.


    3.   If you should arrive before 6:00, just give me a call.

    Should you arrive before 6:00, just give me a call.



    Dalam setiap contoh di atas, Anda dapat melihat bahwa ketika connector “If” disertakan, subjek dan kata kerja berada dalam urutan yang teratur, yaitu “If + Subject + Verb ...” (if he had taken; if I were; if you should arrive). Mungkin juga untuk menghilangkan connector “if”; dalam hal ini, subjek dan kata kerja diinversi atau dibalik (had he taken; were I; should you arrive).



    The report would have been accepted____in checking its accuracy.

    (A) if more care

    (B) more care had been taken

    (C) had taken more care

    (D) had more care been taken

    Jawaban: D

    Dalam contoh ini connector (If) dan subjek serta kata kerja diperlukan, tetapi “If” dapat dihilangkan; subjek dan kata kerja diinversi atau dibalik. Jawaban (A) salah karena berisi connector if dan subjek “care” tetapi tidak ada verb (kata kerja). Jawaban (B) salah karena berisi subjek “care” dan kata kerja “had been taken”, tetapi tidak memiliki penghubung (connector). Pada jawaban (C) dan (D), connector “if” sudah dihilangkan. Karena benar untuk menginversi atau membalikkan subjek “more care” dan helping verb (kata kerja membantu) “had”, jawaban (D) adalah jawaban yang paling tepat.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    Conditionals (kalimat  pengandaian) yang dapat diinversi atau dibalik ketika terdapat auxiliary verb, seperti had, should, dan were pada if clause.

    Ketika verb pada conditional clause berupa “is” atau “were”, mungkin saja subjek dan verb dihilangkan atau diinversi (dibalik).

    “(omitted if) Verb + Subject ...”

    were he here, he would help.


    Selain itu, mungkin juga “If” pada contitional clause tetap (tidak dihilangkan). Kemudian, subject dan verb tidak diinversi (dibalik).

    “If Subject + Verb ...”

    If he were here, he would help.



    EXERCISE 18: Each of the following sentences contains a conditional with a stated or an implied if. Italicise the conditionals, or put an asterisk (*) where if has been omitted. Look at the clauses that follow and underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

    1.   Were our neighbors a bit more friendly, it would be somewhat easier to get to know them. (.....)

    2.   There are plenty of blankets in the closet if should you get cold during the night. (.....)

    3.   Has he enough vacation days left this year, he will take two full weeks off in December. (.....)

    4.   Had we been informed of the decision, we might have had something to say about it. (.....)

    5.   I would like to know could you help me pack these boxes. (.....)

    6.   He would have been in big trouble had not he remembered the assignment at the last minute. (.....)

    7.   If your friends come to visit, will they stay in hotel or at your house? (.....)

    8.   He might be a little more successful today were he a little more willing to do some hard work. (.....)

    9.   Should you ever visit this town again, I would be delighted to show you around. (.....)

    10.        Do you think that she would give the speech were she asked to do so? (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   *Were our neighbors a bit more friendly, it would be somewhat easier to get to know them. ( C ) “reduced conditional atau If clause”

    2.   There are plenty of blankets in the closet if should you get cold during the night. ( I ) “connector If harus dihilangkan agar membentuk reduced conditional atau If clause yang benar”

    3.   Has he If he has enough vacation days left this year, he will take two full weeks off in December. ( I ) “has tidak dapat diinversi pada reduced conditional/ if clause”

    4.   *Had we been informed of the decision, we might have had something to say about it. ( C )

    5.   I would like to know could you help If you could help me pack these boxes. ( I ) “could tidak dapat diinversi pada reduced conditional/ if clause”

    6.   He would have been in big trouble *had not he remembered the assignment at the last minute. ( C )

    7.   If your friends come to visit, will they stay in hotel or at your house? ( C )

    8.   He might be a little more successful today *were he a little more willing to do some hard work. ( C )

    9.   *Should you ever visit this town again, I would be delighted to show you around. ( C )

    10.        Do you think that she would give the speech *were she asked to do so? ( C )



    Skill 19 Invert The Subject And Verb With Comparisons (Inversi (pembalikan) Posisi Subjek dan Kata Kerja dengan Kata Tanya)

    Subjek dan verb (kata kerja) yang diinversi atau terbalik dapat terjadi juga setelah comparison (perbandingan). Inversi subjek dan kata kerja setelah comparison (perbandingan) adalah opsional; ini merupakan struktur yang sedikit formal. Ada sejumlah inversi comparison (perbandingan) pada tes TOEFL baru-baru ini, jadi Anda harus terbiasa dengan struktur ini.

    1.   My sister spends more hours in the office than John.

    2.   My sister spends more hours in the office than John does.

    3.   My sister spends more hours in the office than does John.

    Ketiga contoh ini mengandung comparison (perbandingan) “more ... than” dari, dan ketiganya benar dalam bahasa Inggris. Mungkin saja noun (kata benda) “John” saja, seperti pada contoh ke-1; mungkin saja comparison (perbandingan) itu diikuti oleh subjek dan verb (kata kerja) “ John does”, seperti pada contoh ke-2; Mungkin juga perbandingan itu diikuti oleh subjek dan verb (kata kerja) yang dibalik (inverted) “does John” , seperti pada contoh ketiga.


    The results of the current experiment appear to be more consistent than____the results of any previous tests.

    (A) them

    (B) were

    (C) they were

    (D) were they

    Jawaban: B

    Dalam contoh ini, Anda akan melihat comparison (perbandingan) “more consistent than”, dan Anda juga harus memahami bahwa “the results of the current experiment” dibandingkan dengan “the results of any previous tests”. Karena “the results of any previous tests” adalah subjeknya, hanya diperlukan kata kerja; Oleh karena itu, jawaban terbaik untuk pertanyaan ini adalah jawaban (B). Kita tahu bahwa mungkin saja subjek dan kata kerja dibalik setelah comparison (perbandingan), dan dalam hal ini subjek “the results of any previous tests” muncul setelah kata kerja “were”.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    Subjek dan verb (kata kerja) mungkin diinversi atau dibalik setelah comparisons (perbandingan). Berikut ini 2 struktur yang mungkin dapat digunakan, yaitu:

    1.   Subject + Verb  [comparison] Subject + Verb

    We were more prepared than the other performers were.


    2.   Subject + Verb  [comparison] Verb + Subject

    We were more prepared than were the other performers.



    EXERCISE 19: Each of the following sentences contains a comparison. Italicise the comparisons. Look at the clauses that follow and underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

    1.   This candidate has received more votes than has any other candidate in previous years. (.....)

    2.   Obviously we were much more impressed with the performance than did the other members of the audience. (.....)

    3.   The fillm that we saw last night at the festival was far better than any of the other films. (.....)

    4.   The vegetables at the market this morning were far fresher than were those at the market yesterday. (.....)

    5.   I am afraid that is the condition of these tires as bad as the condition of the others. (.....)

    6.   We firmly believed that our team could achieve a much faster time than any of the others. (.....)

    7.   This apple pie is not as good as the last one that you made. (.....)

    8.   On the fishing trip, Bobby caught twice as many fish as anyone else did. (.....)

    9.   The final speaker gave us more details than had any of the previous speakers. (.....)

    10.        Do you know why does he need to sleep so many more hours than do the others? (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   This candidate has received more votes than has any other candidate in previous years. ( C )

    2.   Obviously we were much more impressed with the performance than did were the other members of the audience. (.....)

    3.   The film that we saw last night at the festival was far better than were any of the other films. ( I )

    4.   The vegetables at the market this morning were far fresher than were those at the market yesterday. ( C )

    5.   I am afraid that is the condition of these tires as bad as is the condition of the others. ( I )

    6.   We firmly believed that our team could achieve a much faster time than were any of the others. ( I )

    7.   This apple pie is not as good as is the last one that you made. (.....)

    8.   On the fishing trip, Bobby caught twice as many fish as anyone else did. ( C )

    9.   The final speaker gave us more details than had did any of the previous speakers. ( I )

    10.        Do you know why does he needs to sleep so many more hours than do the others? ( I )



    EXERCISE (Skills 15-19): Each of these sentences contains a structure that could require an inverted subject and verb. Italicise the structures that may require inverted subjects and verbs. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   The town council is not sure why have the land developers changed their plans. (.....)

    2.   Never in the world I believed that this would happen. (.....)

    3.   The day might have been a little more enjoyable had the sun been out a little more. (.....)

    4.   Only once did the judge take the defense lawyer’s suggestion. (.....)

    5.   Down the hall to the left the offices are that need to be painted. (.....)

    6.   Did the scientist explain what he put in the beaker? (.....)

    7.   Hardly ever it snows in this section of the country. (.....)

    8.   Elijah scored more points in yesterday’s basketball final than had any other player in history. (.....)

    9.   In the state of California, earthquakes occur regularly. (.....)

    10.        He should ever call again, please tell him that I am not at home. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   The town council is not sure why have the land developers have changed their plans. ( I ) “Noun Clause”

    2.   Never in the world did I believe that this would happen. ( I ) “inverted subject & verb with negative expression”

    3.   The day might have been a little more enjoyable had the sun been out a little more. ( C ) “reduced If clause”

    4.   Only once did the judge take the defense lawyer’s suggestion. ( C ) “inverted subject & verb with negative expression”

    5.   Down the hall to the left are the offices are that need to be painted. ( I ) “inverted subject & verb with place expression”

    6.   Did the scientist explain what he put in the beaker? ( C ) “inverted subject & verb with question”

    7.   Hardly ever does it snow in this section of the country. ( I ) “inverted subject & verb with negative expression”

    8.   Elijah scored more points in yesterday’s basketball final than had did any other player in history. ( I )

    9.   In the state of California, earthquakes occur regularly. ( C )

    10.        If He should ever call again, please tell him that I am not at home. ( I ) “If clause: If he should ever call again dapat diubah menjadi reduced clause, yaitu should he ever call again



    TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 15 – 19): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.


    1.   Rarely ___ located near city lights or at lower elevations.

    (A) observatories are

    (B) are

    (C) in the observatories

    (D) are observatories


    2.   There are geographic, economic, and cultural reasons why ____ around the world.

    (A) diets differ

    (B) do diets differ

    (C) are diets different

    (D) to differ a diet


    3.   Were ____ millions of dollars each year replenishing eroding beaches, the coastline would be changing even more rapidly.

    (A) the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers not spending

    (B) the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers not spend

    (C) the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers does not spend

    (D) not spending the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


    4.   Nowhere ____ more skewed than in the auto industry.

    (A) that retail trade figures

    (B) retail trade figures

    (C) are retail trade figures

    (D) retail trade figures


    5.   New York City’s Central Park is nearly twice as large____second smallest country, Monaco.

    (A) as

    (B) is the

    (C) as is

    (D) as is the


    6.   Potassium has a valence of positive one because it usually loses one electron when ____with other elements.

    (A) does it combine

    (B) it combines

    (C) in combining

    (D) combination


    7.   The economic background of labor legislation will not be mentioned in this course,____be treated.

    (A) trade unionism will not

    (B) nor trade unionism will

    (C) nor will trade unionism

    (D) neither trade unionism will


    8.   ____test positive for antibiotics when tanker trucks arrive at a milk processing plant, according to federal law, the entire truckload must be discarded.

    (A) Should milk

    (B) If milk

    (C) If milk is

    (D) Milk should


    9.   Located behind____the two lacrimal glands.

    (A) each eyelid

    (B) is each eyelid

    (C) each eyelid are

    (D) each eyelid which is


    10.        Only for a short period of time____run at top speed.

    (A) cheetahs

    (B) do cheetahs

    (C) that a cheetah can

    (D) can


    Key answer:

    1.    D

    2.    A

    3.    A

    4.    C

    5.    D

    6.    B

    7.    C

    8.    A

    9.    B

    10.        B



    Source: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test

    See also:

    1.   Kinds of Clause

    2.   Wh+H Question & Yes-No Question

    3.   Conditional Sentence

    4.   Degree of Comparison

    5.   TOEFL Part 1 The Structure Questions

    6.   TOEFL Part 2 The Structure Questions

    7.   TOEFL Part 3 The Structure Questions

    8.   TOEFL Part 4 The Structure Questions

    9.   TOEFL Part 5 The Structure Questions

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    Demikian tadi sekilas Penjelasan TOEFL Test Part 5 terkait Structure & Written Expression “Sentences With Inverted Subjects And Verbs”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL. Terima kasih...


    "Terima kasih Anda telah mengunjungi blog kami. Kami berharap Anda dapat memberikan saran, kritik, ataupun dukungan yang positif dan membagun agar kami dapat melakukan perbaikan pada artikel blog kami."

    1. skill 18 no 6 harusnya salah karna harusnya Had he not

      1. Iya kak, seharusnya pola kalimatnya demikian, "Auxiliary Verb + Subject + not (Adverb) + Main Verb."
        Jadi, clause-nya menjadi "had he not remembered... "
        Terima kasih atas koreksinya kak.🙏😊


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