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50 Latihan Soal Coordinate Conjunctions Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Lengkap |
Hi, sobat!
Tahukah kamu apa itu coordinate conjunction?
Coordinate conjunctions (konjungsi koordinatif) dalam bahasa Inggris adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua klausa atau frasa yang memiliki bobot atau pentingan yang sama dalam suatu kalimat. Konjungsi ini membantu untuk mengatur hubungan antara gagasan-gagasan yang setara secara gramatikal dan logis. Berikut ini adalah beberapa hal yang perlu diketahui tentang coordinate conjunctions:
1. Fungsi utama: Coordinate conjunctions digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua elemen yang setara secara gramatikal, seperti dua klausa independen (main clauses), dua frasa, atau dua kata.
2. Jenis-jenis coordinate conjunctions:
a. And: Digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua hal yang sejajar atau menambahkan informasi.
- She likes tea and coffee.
b. But: Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kontras atau perbedaan antara dua hal.
- She is tired, but she needs to finish her work.
c. Or: Menunjukkan pilihan atau alternatif antara dua hal.
- You can choose tea or coffee.
d. Nor: Digunakan setelah klausa negatif untuk menambahkan ide negatif lainnya.
- He doesn't eat meat, nor does he consume dairy.
e. So: Digunakan untuk menunjukkan akibat atau kesimpulan dari hal sebelumnya.
- It was late, so we decided to leave.
f. Yet: Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kontras atau perbedaan antara dua hal, sering kali diikuti oleh kalimat yang mengeksplorasi aspek berlawanan dari situasi yang sama.
- He is wealthy, yet he lives modestly.
3. Penempatan dalam kalimat: Coordinate conjunctions biasanya diletakkan di antara dua elemen yang mereka hubungkan. Dalam bahasa Inggris, mereka membantu mengatur aliran dan struktur kalimat dengan memastikan hubungan logis antara ide-ide yang diungkapkan.
4. Tidak ada pengaruh pada ketergantungan: Klausa yang dihubungkan oleh coordinate conjunctions biasanya mandiri secara gramatikal dan tidak bergantung satu sama lain dalam hubungan sintaksis. Artinya, kedua klausa dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat yang lengkap.
Coordinate conjunctions sangat penting dalam penulisan yang efektif karena membantu dalam menyusun kalimat yang jelas dan terstruktur. Mereka memungkinkan penulis untuk mengekspresikan ide-ide yang berbeda dengan cara yang terorganisir dan mudah dipahami oleh pembaca atau pendengar.
50 Latihan Soal Coordinate Conjunctions Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Lengkap
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan artikel tentang "50 Soal Coordinate Conjunctions Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Lengkap". Yuk simak selengkapnya berikut ini!
Choose the suitable coordinate conjunctions to complete the question!
1. He doesn't eat meat, … does he eat dairy.
A. Nor
B. Or
C. So
D. And
E. But
2. You can wear the red dress, … you can wear the blue dress.
A. But
B. And
C. Or
D. Yet
E. So
3. They were hungry, … they ordered pizza.
A. And
B. So
C. Or
D. For
E. Yet
4. She was lonely, … she enjoyed the quiet.
A. Nor
B. Or
C. For
D. So
E. Yet
5. I want to learn French, … it's very difficult.
A. And
B. So
C. For
D. But
E. Or
6. He was exhausted, … he slept for 12 hours.
A. But
B. And
C. Or
D. So
E. For
7. You can read a book, … you can watch a movie.
A. Nor
B. Or
C. For
D. Yet
E. So
8. She didn't know the answer, … did she guess.
A. Or
B. So
C. Nor
D. For
E. And
9. He was excited, … he couldn't sleep.
A. So
B. And
C. For
D. So
E. But
10. It was snowing, … they went out to play.
A. For
B. Or
C. And
D. Yet
E. Nor
11. I have to clean the house, … I don't feel like it.
A. And
B. So
C. Or
D. For
E. But
12. She likes to cook, …. she likes to bake.
A. But
B. Yet
C. And
D. Or
E. For
13. He doesn't swim, … does he dive.
A. Or
B. For
C. Nor
D. And
E. But
14. You can call me later, … you can send me a message.
A. But
B. So
C. And
D. Yet
E. So
15. They were cold, … they lit a fire.
A. And
B. Or
C. For
D. But
E. So
16. She was disappointed, … she kept trying.
A. Or
B. And
C. So
D. Yet
E. For
17. I want to buy a new phone, … mine still works fine.
A. So
B. For
C. Or
D. And
E. But
18. He was nervous, … he forgot his lines.
A. Or
B. So
C. And
D. Nor
E. For
19. You can start now, … you can wait until I arrive.
A. Nor
B. Yet
C. But
D. Or
E. For
20. She didn't attend the meeting, …. did she inform anyone.
A. Nor
B. For
C. Or
D. Yet
E. So
Combine these clauses using a suitable coordinate conjunction!
Clause 1: He doesn't eat meat
Clause 2: He doesn't eat dairy.
Conjunction: nor
>> He doesn’t eat meat, nor does he eat dairy.
21. Clause 1: He was hungry.
Clause 2: he ordered a pizza.
Conjunction: so
>> _______________________________________________________
22. Clause 1: It was windy.
Clause 2: they flew a kite.
Conjunction: yet
>> _______________________________________________________
23. Clause 1: I have to write an essay.
Clause 2: I'm out of ideas.
Conjunction: but
>> _______________________________________________________
24. Clause 1: She loves ice cream.
Clause 2: she loves chocolate.
Conjunction: and
>> _______________________________________________________
25. Clause 1: He doesn't like crowds.
Clause 2: he likes loud noises.
Conjunction: nor
>> _______________________________________________________
26. Clause 1: You can go left.
Clause 2: you can go right.
Conjunction: or
>> _______________________________________________________
27. Clause 1: They were excited.
Clause 2: they left early.
Conjunction: so
>> _______________________________________________________
28. Clause 1: She was tired.
Clause 2: she stayed up late.
Conjunction: yet
>> _______________________________________________________
29. Clause 1: I want to visit my grandparents.
Clause 2: they're out of town.
Conjunction: but
>> _______________________________________________________
30. Clause 1: He was late.
Clause 2: he missed the bus.
Conjunction: and
>> _______________________________________________________
31. Clause 1: You can buy it online.
Clause 2: you can go to the store.
Conjunction: or
>> _______________________________________________________
32. Clause 1: She didn't agree with the decision.
Clause 2: she protested.
Conjunction: nor
>> _______________________________________________________
33. Clause 1: He was cold.
Clause 2: he put on a jacket.
Conjunction: so
>> _______________________________________________________
34. Clause 1: It was dark.
Clause 2: they continued their journey.
Conjunction: yet
>> _______________________________________________________
35. Clause 1: I have to wake up early.
Clause 2: I can't fall asleep.
Conjunction: but
>> _______________________________________________________
Complete the sentence below using an appropriate coordinate conjunction: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, or So!
36. She likes to garden, … she likes to fish.
37. He doesn't drink soda, … does he drink juice.
38. You can start the project now, ... you can wait until tomorrow.
39. They were happy, … they celebrated.
40. She was sad, … she tried to smile.
41. I want to play the guitar, … I don't know how.
42. He was bored, … he decided to read a book.
43. You can ask for help, … you can try to do it yourself.
44. She didn't pass the test, … did she expect to.
45. He was anxious, … he took deep breaths.
46. It was foggy, … they drove through the mountains.
47. I have to go to the dentist, … I hate going there.
48. She loves the ocean, … she loves the mountains.
49. He doesn't like spicy food, … does he like sour food.
50. You can join us now, … you can come later.
Demikian di atas artikel tentang "50 Latihan Soal Coordinate Conjunctions Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Lengkap". Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan bahan belajar bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih. : )
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