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Identify The Sentence Into Simple, Compound, Or Complex Sentence! |
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Identify The Sentence Into Simple, Compound, Or Complex Sentence!
Sentence adalah istilah dalam bahasa Inggris yang merujuk pada kalimat, yaitu rangkaian kata yang membentuk sebuah unit yang memiliki makna lengkap. Dalam tata bahasa, kalimat biasanya terdiri dari subjek (subject) dan predikat (predicate), meskipun dalam beberapa kasus kalimat bisa sangat sederhana, seperti pernyataan satu kata.
Ciri-Ciri Sentence:
1. Memiliki Makna Lengkap
- I am happy. (Saya bahagia.)
- The cat is sleeping. (Kucing itu sedang tidur.)
2. Memiliki Subjek dan Predikat
- She sings beautifully.
Subjek: She, Predikat: sings beautifully
3. Diawali dengan Huruf Kapital dan Diakhiri dengan Tanda Baca
Sebuah sentence dimulai dengan huruf besar (capital letter) dan diakhiri dengan tanda baca seperti titik (.), tanda tanya (?), atau tanda seru (!).
4. Jenis-Jenis Sentence Berdasarkan Fungsi:
- Declarative: Pernyataan (e.g., The sun is shining.)
- Interrogative: Pertanyaan (e.g., Is it raining?)
- Imperative: Perintah (e.g., Close the door!)
- Exclamatory: Seruan (e.g., What a beautiful day!)
1. After the meeting ended, we went for lunch. ( __________ )
2. Although he doesn't like vegetables, he eats them for health reasons. ( __________ )
3. Although it was raining, we decided to go for a hike. ( __________ )
4. Although they were tired, they continued to work on the project. ( __________ )
5. Because he was tired, he went to bed early. ( __________ )
6. Because it was her birthday, we surprised her with a party. ( __________ )
7. Birds fly in the sky. ( __________ )
8. Even though it was crowded, we found a table at the restaurant. ( __________ )
9. He bought a new phone, and he can't wait to use it. ( __________ )
10. He plays soccer. ( __________ )
11. He rides his bike. ( __________ )
12. He wants to travel to Europe, but he doesn’t have enough money. ( __________ )
13. He watches television. ( __________ )
14. He worked late at the office, so he missed the bus. ( __________ )
15. I can go to the party, or I can stay home and rest. ( __________ )
16. I can't go to the game because I have to work late. ( __________ )
17. I drink coffee. ( __________ )
18. I like tea, but my friend prefers coffee. ( __________ )
19. I like to swim in the ocean, yet the lake is nice too. ( __________ )
20. I love pizza. ( __________ )
21. I studied for the exam, so I feel confident. ( __________ )
22. I study math. ( __________ )
23. I wanted to go for a walk, but it started to rain. ( __________ )
24. I wanted to order pizza, but the place was closed. ( __________ )
25. I will call you when I arrive at the station. ( __________ )
26. I will go to the store, and I will pick up some groceries. ( __________ )
27. If you finish your homework, we can watch a movie. ( __________ )
28. If you need any help, please let me know. ( __________ )
29. It rains in November. ( __________ )
30. My brother plays guitar, and I play piano. ( __________ )
31. She can speak French, and she also knows Spanish. ( __________ )
32. She draws pictures. ( __________ )
33. She finished her homework, and then she watched a movie. ( __________ )
34. She loves cooking, and he enjoys baking. ( __________ )
35. She reads a book. ( __________ )
36. She sings beautifully. ( __________ )
37. She studied hard for the test because she wanted to pass. ( __________ )
38. She will go to the concert if she can get tickets. ( __________ )
39. Since he moved to the city, he has made many new friends. ( __________ )
40. Since it was cold outside, we stayed indoors and watched movies. ( __________ )
41. The baby laughs. ( __________ )
42. The book that I borrowed from the library is due tomorrow. ( __________ )
43. The car is old, yet it runs smoothly. ( __________ )
44. The cat sleeps on the couch. ( __________ )
45. The children play outside. ( __________ )
46. The dog barks loudly. ( __________ )
47. The dog chased the ball, yet it missed every time. ( __________ )
48. The flowers bloom in spring. ( __________ )
49. The kids played outside, and their parents watched from the porch. ( __________ )
50. The movie was entertaining, even though it was long. ( __________ )
51. The show was entertaining, and the audience loved it. ( __________ )
52. The sun shines brightly. ( __________ )
53. The train arrives at noon. ( __________ )
54. They are planning to hike this weekend, but the weather looks uncertain. ( __________ )
55. They eat breakfast. ( __________ )
56. We visited the museum, but it was closed for renovations. ( __________ )
57. We walk to school. ( __________ )
58. When he plays the piano, everyone stops to listen. ( __________ )
59. When the cake is finished baking, I will take it out of the oven. ( __________ )
60. While she was cooking dinner, the power went out. ( __________ )
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