Pembahasan TOEFL Test Part 13A The Written Expression "Problem With Pronoun"


    Pronoun (Kata Ganti) merupakan kata-kata, seperti he, she, atau it yang dapat menggantikan noun (kata benda). Ketika Anda menemui pronoun (kata ganti) pada written expression question pada tes TOEFL, Anda perlu memeriksa bahwa kata tersebut menempati fungsi yang sesuai pada kalimat (contohnya sebagai subjek, atau sebagai objek) dan kata tersebut sesuai dengan noun (kata benda) yang digantinya. Berikut ini beberapa permasalahan penggunaan pronoun (kata ganti) yang paling umum pada tes TOEFL: (1) distinguishing subject and object pronouns (membedakan kata ganti subjek dan objek), (2) distinguishing possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives (membedakan kata ganti dan kata sifat kepemilikan), and (3) checking pronoun reference for agreement (memeriksa kesesuaian referensi kata ganti).

    Skill 43 Distinguish Subject and Object Pronouns (Membedakan Kata Ganti Subjek & Objek)

    Subject and Object Pronouns (kata ganti subjek dan objek) dapat membingungkan pada tes TOEFL, jadi Anda sebaiknya dapat mengenali dua jenis kata ganti ini.
    Subject Pronoun
    Object Pronoun
    Subject pronoun digunakan sebagai subject of verb (subjek dari kata kerja). Object pronoun bisa digunakan sebagai object of verb (objek dari kata kerja) dan object of preposition (objek dari kata depan). Bandingkan beberapa contoh kalimat berikut.
    1. Sally gave the book to John
    2. She gave it to him
    Pada contoh kalimat ke-2, subject pronoun “she” menggantikan noun “Sally”. Object of verb “it” menggantikan noun “book”, dan object of preposition “him” menggantikan noun “John”.
    Berikut ini beberapa contoh jenis kesalahan pada penggunaan subject atau object pronoun yang dapat Anda temui pada tes TOEFL.
    1. Him* and the girl are going shopping.
    2. The gift was intended for you and I*.
    Pada contoh kalimat ke-1, object pronoun “him” salah karena kata ini menempati posisi sebagai subjek dari kalimat. Object pronoun “him” seharusnya diubah menjadi subject pronoun “he”. Hal ini dapat sulit dikenali bahwa “him” merupakan subjek karena verb (kata kerja) “are” mempunyai subjek ganda yaitu him dan girl.
    Pada contoh kalimat ke-2, subject pronoun “I” salah karena kata ini menempati posisi sebagai objek dari preposisi “for”. Subject pronoun “I” seharusnya diganti menjadi object pronoun “me”. Hal ini dapat sulit dikenali bahwa “I” merupakan objek dari preposisi “for” karena preposisi “for” memiliki 2 objek: you (objek yang benar) dan I (objek yang salah).

    Exercise 43

    Each of the following sentences contains at least one subject or object pronoun. Underline the pronouns. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.    The worst problem with it is that he cannot afford it. (.....)

    2.    They saw Steve and I at the movies last night after class. (.....)

    3.    Perhaps you would like to go to the seminar with they and their friends. (.....)

    4.    The mother took her son to the doctor’s office because he was feeling sick. (.....)

    5.    I did not know that you and her were working together on the project. (.....)

    6.    She did not buy the sweater because it had a small hole in it. (.....)

    7.    The man leading the seminar gave me all the information I needed to make a decision. (.....)

    8.    The cords connecting to the computer to its printer need to be replaced before them wear down. (.....)

    9.    He is going to the party with you and me if you do not mind. (.....)

    10. You and her ought to return the books to the library because they are already overdue. (.....)


    Key Answer

    1.    The worst problem with it is that he cannot afford it. (C)

    2.    They saw Steve and I at the movies last night after class. (I) > kata “I” seharusnya diganti dengan object pronoun “me”.

    3.    Perhaps you would like to go to the seminar with they and their friends. (I) > kata “they” seharusnya diganti dengan object pronoun “them”.

    4.    The mother took her son to the doctor’s office because he was feeling sick. (C)

    5.    I did not know that you and her were working together on the project. (I) > kata “her” seharusnya diganti dengan subject pronoun “she”.

    6.    She did not buy the sweater because it had a small hole in it. (C)

    7.    The man leading the seminar gave me all the information I needed to make a decision. (C)

    8.    The cords connecting the computer to its printer need to be replaced before them wear down. (I) > kata “them” seharusnya diganti dengan subject pronoun “they”.

    9.    He is going to the party with you and me if you do not mind. (C)

    10. You and her ought to return the books to the library because they are already overdue. (I) > kata “her” seharusnya diganti dengan subject pronoun “she”.



    Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test

    See also:

    1.    Part of Speech

    2.    Part of Speech: Pronoun

    3.    Part of Speech: Noun

    4.    Part of Speech: Preposition  

    5.    TOEFL Part 11 The Structure Questions: Part A & Part B

    6.    TOEFL Part 12 The Structure Questions: Part A, Part B, Part C, & Part D

    7.    TOEFL Part 13 The Structure Questions: Part A, Part B, & Part C

    8.    TOEFL Part 14 The Structure Questions:

    9.    TOEFL Part 15 The Structure Questions:

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    Demikian tadi sekilas Penjelasan TOEFL Test Part 13A terkait Structure & Written Expression “Problems With Nouns”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih ;)


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