TOEFL Test: Review Exercise of Structure Questions Part 12 (Skills 1 to 45)


    Setelah kalian mempelajari Pembahasan TOEFL Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, dan 13 coba kerjakan latihan soal berikut ini untuk mengukur seberapa jauh kepekaan grammar bahasa Inggris-mu pada Section Test “Structure & Written Expression”.

    EXERCISE (43 – 45)

    Underline the pronouns and possessives in the following sentences. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1. Helicopters are being used more and more in emergency situations because its ability to reach out-of-the-way place. (…..)
    2. The worker was fired by the chemical company because his refused to work with certain dangerous chemicals. (…..)
    3. If you have car trouble while driving on the freeways, you should pull your can over to the side of the freeway and wait for help. (…..)
    4. The administration will not install the new security system because they cost so much. (…..)
    5. Some parents prefer to send their children to private schools because they believe the children will be better educated. (…..)
    6. The air traffic controller was not blamed for the accident because he had strictly followed the correct procedures. (…..)
    7. The new students has been assigned to work on the project with you and I. (…..)
    8. Many different kinds of aspirin are on the market, but theirs effectiveness seems to be equal. (…..)
    9. You must bring a tent and a sleeping bag for your trip to Sierras. (…..)
    10. Each of the team members had their new uniform. (…..)


    1. Helicopters are being used more and more in emergency situations because its ability to reach out-of-the-way place. (I) > pronoun ”its” harus diganti dengan their karena merujuk pada subjek “helicopters”.
    2. The worker was fired by the chemical company because his refused to work with certain dangerous chemicals. (I) > pronoun ”his” harus diganti dengan he karena berkedudukan sebagai subjek kalimat.
    3. If you have car trouble while driving on the freeways, you should pull your car over to the side of the freeway and wait for help. (C)
    4. The administration will not install the new security system because they cost so much. (I) > pronoun ”they” harus diganti dengan it karena merujuk pada subjek “administration” dan verb "cost" ditambahi dengan akhiran -s.
    5. Some parents prefer to send their children to private schools because they believe the children will be better educated. (C)
    6. The air traffic controller was not blamed for the accident because he had strictly followed the correct procedures. (C)
    7. The new students has been assigned to work on the project with you and I. (C) > pronoun ”I” harus diganti dengan me karena berkedudukan sebagai objek kalimat.
    8. Many different kinds of aspirin are on the market, but theirs effectiveness seems to be equal. (I) > pronoun ”theirs” harus diganti dengan their karena berfungsi sebagai possessive pronoun (kata ganti kepunyaan).
    9. You must bring a tent and a sleeping bag for your trip to Sierras. (C)
    10. Each of the team members had their new uniform. (C)

    TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 43 – 45)

    Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

    1. Superman (A) made (B) their comic (C) debut in 1938 (D) in Action Comics.

    2. Commercial letters of credit are (A) often used to finance (B) export trade, but (C) them can have (D) other uses.

    3. When children (A) experience (B) too much frustration, (C) its behavior (D) ceases to be integrated.

    4. On March 30, 1981, President Reagan (A) was shot (B) as (C) his was (D) leaving a Washington hotel.

    5. Although the destruction that (A) it causes is often terrible, cyclones (B) benefit a (C) much wider belt than (D) they devastate.

    6. President Andrew Jackson had (A) an official cabinet, but (B) him (C) preferred the advice of (D) his informal advisors, the Kitchen Cabinet.

    7. After (A) Clarence Day`s book Life with Father was (B) rewritten as a play, (C) they ran for (D) six years on Broadway.

    8. (A) Almost (B) half of the Pilgrims did not survive (C) theirs (D) first winter in the New World.

    9. (A) There was (B) no indication from the Senate that (C) he would agree with the decision (D) made in the House.

    10. A baby learns the meanings of words as (A) they are spoken by (B) others and (C) later uses (D) him in sentences.


    1.      B, (his)

    2.      C, (they)

    3.      C, (their)

    4.      C, (he)

    5.      A, (its)

    6.      B, (he)

    7.      C, (it)

    8.      C, (their)

    9.      C, (he)

    10.  D, (them)

    TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1 - 45)

    Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

    1. _____ worst of the Depression, more than thirteen million Americans had no job.
    a. It was in the
    b. During the
    c. While the
    d. The

    2. When reading a book, you must keep your point of view separate from the point of view in _____ you are reading.
    a. That
    b. The materials and
    c. The materials that
    d. The materials that are

    3. Speech consists not merely of sounds but _____ that follow various structural patterns.
    a. Of organized sound patterns
    b. Organized sound patterns
    c. That sound patterns are organized
    d. In organizing sound patterns

    Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

    4. (A) The latest medical report indicated that the patient`s temperature was (B) near normal and (C) their lungs (D) were partially cleared.

    5. (A) Most oxygen atoms (B) have eight neutrons, but a small (C) amount have (D) nine or ten.

    6. When Paine expressed (A) his (B) belief in independence, he (C) praised by (D) the public.

    7. (A) A vast quantity of (B) radioactive material (C) is made when (D) does a hydrogen bomb explode.

    8. Genes have (A) several alternative (B) form, or alleles, (C) which are (D) produced by mutations.

    9. A star (A) that has used up (B) its energy and has lost its (C) heat (D) became a black dwarf.

    10. Each (A) lines of poetry (B) written in blank verse (C) has ten syllables, which are (D) alternately stressed and unstressed.


    1.      B

    2.      C

    3.      A

    4.      C, (his/her)

    5.      C, (number)

    6.      C, (was praised)

    7.      D, (omitted “does”)

    8.      B, (forms)

    9.      D, (becomes)

    10.  A, (line)


    Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test

    1. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 11 (Skills 1 to 42)
    2. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 12 (Skills 1 to 45)
    3. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 13 (Skills 1 to 48)
    4. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 14 (Skills 1 to 51)
    5. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 15 (Skills 1 to 55)
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    Demikian tadi sekilas Latihan Soal TOEFL Review Exercise 12 (Skills 1 to 45) terkait Structure & Written Expression. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih ;)

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