Error Identification: TOEFL Test Part 3


    Directions: For the Error Identification questions, each sentence contains four underlined words or phrases. Select the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Mark your answer on the answer sheet provided.

    31.      (A) Since I have so (B) many letters to write, I am going to buy several boxes (C) of (D) stationary.

    32.      Our friends (A) got a (B) bank loan (C) for to buy (D) a new car.

    33.      By the time Robert (A) will finish (B) writing the first draft of his paper, (C) most of the other students will be completing (D) their final draft.

    34.      Some members (A) of the committee were opposed (B) to use the club (C) members' money to redecorate the (D) meeting hall.

    35.      I was very (A) shocked to see (B) how much my grandmother (C) she had aged (D) since the last time we visited.

    36.      Our supervisor finally noticed that it (A) was (B) we, (C) Diana and me, who always turned in our reports (D) on time.

    37.      (A) In our opinion that girl is (B) enough beautiful (C) to be a (D) movie star

    38.      The report that Karl wrote (A) on the mating behavior (B) of the bees in this area was (C) definitely better than (D) Bob.

    39.      We were pleased to have the opportunity to watch (A) such talented dancers (B) to perform (C) a (D) highly acclaimed new ballet.

    40.  The flag (A) is risen (B) at 6:30 (C) every morning (D) without fail.

    41.  When the Claybornes bought their new home, they painted (A) every room, (B) laid carpet in the living room and hall, and (C) had refinished the (D) kitchen cabinets.

    42.  That student from Mexico (A) who (B) is rooming with Bill Smith reminds (C) me (D) to my uncle.

    43.  When (A) they travel to Europe, the Harrises like to stay in Paris and (B) visiting (C) as (D) many art galleries as possible.

    44.  She (A) never is (B) diligent (C) about (D) practicing the piano.

    45.  (A) During that terrible snowstorm, the police (B) demanded that people (C) stayed off Highway 101 (D) except in cases of emergency.


    Key Answer

    31)      D (stationary)

    32)      C (loan to buy atau loan for a new car)

    33)      A (Robert finishes)

    34)      B (opposed to using)

    35)      C (grandmother had aged)

    36)      C (Diana and I)

    37)      B (beautiful enough)

    38)      D (better than Bob`s)

    39)      B (perform atau performing)

    40)  A (is raised)

    41)  C (and refinished)

    42)  D (reminds me of)

    43)  B (to visit)

    44)  A (is never)

    45)  C (stay off)

    Next to question 46 – 65 >>>


    Peterson`s ( (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company

    Demikian tadi sekilas Diagnostic TOEFL Test: Error Identification Part 3. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊

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