Error Identification: TOEFL Test Part 4


    Directions: For the Error Identification questions, each sentence contains four underlined words or phrases. Select the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Mark your answer on the answer sheet provided.

    46.      He (A) refused (B) to tell (C) us why (D) was he crying.

    47.      Please (A) be sure that everybody has (B) their ticket ready (C) to give to the man (D) at the door.

    48.      We believe that he already feels very (A) badly about his mistake and we (B) have decided to take (C) no (D) further action.

    49.      (A) They (B) who are willing (C) to spend the necessary time will find this workshop to be a (D) rewarding experience.

    50.      Please see (A) if you can (B) repair the (C) door's knob (D) before Saturday morning

    51.      The passenger (A) only had a five-dollar (B) bill (C) with him (D) when he boarded the bus.

    52.      It is (A) not longer necessary (B) for all employees (C) to wear an identification badge (D) in order to work in the vault.

    53.      In (A) the chapter one of that book there (B) is a (C) really good explanation of photosynthesis, (D) complete with illustrations.

    54.      The salesman told me (A) that a good set of tires (B) were supposed (C) to last (D) at least twenty thousand miles.

    55.  (A) Sitting under an umbrella at a tiny table in a sidewalk cafe, Bob was (B) startled when a gust of wind (C) suddenly carried (D) it away.



    Directions: For the Sentence Completion questions, one or two words are left out of each sentence. Under each sentence, you will see four words or phrases. Select the one word or phrase that completes the sentence correctly, and mark your answer on the answer sheet provided.

    56. Riding my bicycle home from school, _____ as I went around the corner.
    (A) a car hit me
    (B) I was striked by a car
    (C) I was struck by a car
    (D) I was struck with a car

    57. Doctor Martin is the kind of doctor _____ will take pains to be thorough.
    (A) which
    (B) who
    (C) whom
    (D) what

    58. The two doctors received an award of several thousand dollars _____.
    (A) to be divided equally between them
    (B) which was supposed to be divided in an equal way between them
    (C) to be divided equally among them
    (D)which was to be divided between them in such a way that they would each receive an equal share

    59. _____, he was able to answer all the questions on the examination.
    (A) Reading all the required material
    (B) Having reading all the required material
    (C) Having read all the required material
    (D) As it was the case that he had read all the required material

    60. Exhausted, we went directly to bed and _____.
    (A) ignored him knocking on our door
    (B) ignored his knocking on our door
    (C) his knocking on our door was ignored by us
    (D) ignored his knocking with our door

    61. John does not swim as _____.
    (A) fastly as Fred
    (B) fast than Fred
    (C) fast as Fred
    (D) fast like Fred

    62. Shakespeare wrote many plays, but in my opinion The Merchant of Venice was the _____.
    (A) better
    (B) best
    (C) goodest
    (D) most good

    63. _____ that the president's economic policy will help curb inflation.
    (A) The hope
    (B) It is hoped
    (C) Hoping
    (D) To hope

    64. _____ your helpful suggestions, we are sending you a copy of our latest book
    (A) In consideration of
    (B) For consideration of
    (C) With consideration for
    (D) In consideration with

    65. John studied accounting and _____ while he was at Yale.
    (A) also pursued economics
    (B) economics
    (C) he also studied economics
    (D) economics was also studied by him

    Key Answer

    46)      D (why he was)

    47)      B (his ticket)

    48)      A (feels very bad)

    49)      A (Those who are)

    50)      C (door knob)

    51)      A (had only a five-dollar bill)

    52)      A (no longer)

    53)      A (In chapter one)

    54)      B (was supposed)

    55)  D (the umbrella atau the table)

    56)  C

    57)  B

    58)  A

    59)  C

    60)  B

    61)  C

    62)  B

    63)  B

    64)  A

    65)  B

    Peterson`s ( (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company

    Demikian tadi sekilas Diagnostic TOEFL Test: Error Identification Part 4. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊

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