Introductory Phrase as Modifiers_TOEFL Part 3 Writing Skill



    Hi, sobat!

    Tahukah kamu apa itu modifier? Ya, modifier merupakan sebuah kata atau sekumpulan kata yang memodifikasi kata lainnya dalam sebuah kalimat. Modifiers dalam bahasa Inggris dapat berupa adverb (kata keterangan), adjective (kata sifat), conjunction (kata hubung), article (kata sandang), dan sebagainya.

    Apa itu Phrase?

    Phrase, disebut frasa, merupakan sekumpulan kata yang memiliki satu kesatuan makna atau arti. Frasa dalam bahasa Inggris dibedakan menjadi beberapa jenis, misalnya adverb phrase (frasa adverbia), verb phrase (frasa verba), adjective phrase (frasa adjektiva), dan noun phrase (frasa nomina).

    Selain itu, dalam sebuah kalimat kita juga dapat menjumpai “Introductory Phrase”. Introductory phrase merupakan frasa yang berada sebelum main clause (induk kalimat). Introductory phrase ini biasanya berupa subordinate clause (anak kalimat), seperti adverb clause yang telah direduksi atau dipersingkat.    

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas Introductory Phrase sebagai Modifiers dalam sebuah kalimat.  Yuk, simak penjelasannya berikut ini!


    Introductory Phrase as Modifiers

    Introductory phrase biasanya berupa subordinate clause, seperti reduced adverb clause yang melengkapi main clause (induk kalimat). Reduced adverb clause merupakan klausa adverbia (keterangan) yang telah direduksi atau disingkat sehingga menjadi adverb phrase (frasa adverbial).

    Subjek pada main clause (induk kalimat) harus sama dengan subjek yang dimaksud oleh introductory phrase. Dengan kata lain, introductory phrase memodifikasi subjek yang ada pada main clause dalam sebuah kalimat. Perhatikan beberapa contoh berikut ini!


    Introductory Phrase, Main Clause

    Looking at his watch, Mr. Jones got up and left. (Mr. Jones merupakan subjek induk kalimat)

    Who looked at his watch? Mr Jones

    Who got up and left? Mr Jones

    Introductory Phrase, Main Clause

    Compared to his father, John is a tall man. (John merupakan subjek induk kalimat)

    Who is compared to his father? John

    Who is a tall man? John

    Introductory Phrase, Main Clause

    To make a collect phone call, Mary must speak to the operator. (Mary merupakan subjek induk kalimat)

    Who is making a collect phone call? Mary

    Who must speak to the operator? Mary

    Introductory Phrase, Main Clause

    While a dancer in New York, Kathy injured her leg. (Kathy merupakan subjek induk kalimat)

    Who was a dancer in New York? Kathy

    Who injured her leg? Kathy


    Error Example

    Perhatikan beberapa contoh introductory phrase sebagai modifiers yang salah pada kalimat berikut ini dan pembenarannya!


    Wrong Sentence

    Right Sentence

    Running home from school, a dog bit me.

    Running home from school, I was bitten by a dog.

    When only a child, my father took me to the circus.

    When only a child, I was taken to the circus by my father.

    Hidden in his pocket, George left the room with the key.

    Having hidden the key in his pocket, George left the room.

    To understand the directions, they must be read carefully.

    To understand the directions, one must be read carefully.



    Introductory phrase seringkali berupa reduced adverb clause yaitu klausa adverbial yang direduksi atau dipersingkat. Oleh karena itu, introductory phrase dapat disebut juga adverb phrase. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah adanya kesesuaian subjek antara main clause (klausa utama) dengan subjek yang dimaksud oleh reduced adverb clause atau introductory phrase. Perhatikan contoh berikut!

    Sentence 1. After George had hidden the key in his pocket, he left the room.

    Sentence 2. Having hidden the key in his pocket, George left the room.


    Kalimat ke-1 dan ke-2, memiliki makna yang sama. Struktur kalimat ke-1 yaitu Subordinate Clause, + Main Clause (Anak kalimat, Induk kalimat). Subordinate Clause pada kalimat ke-1 berupa adverb clause. Sedangkan, struktur kalimat ke-2 yaitu Introductory Phrase, Main Clause (frasa, induk kalimat). Introductory phrase yang dimaksud merupakan bentuk adverb clause yang telah direduksi. Sementara itu, subjek yang dimaksud, baik pada subordinate clause/introductory phrase dengan main clause sama yaitu Geroge.


    Skill Builder 3: Introductory Phrase as Modifiers

    Direction: There is an introductory phrase and main clause in these sentences. Decide if the sentences below are correct “C” or incorrect “I”.

    (___) 1. Playing in the street, the truck hit the child.

    (___) 2. By painting and repairing as needed, your home can be kept in good condition.

    (___) 3. Before leaving, Jane kissed me goodbye.

    (___) 4. Addressed and stamped, I dropped the letter in the slot.

    (___) 5. While a student at college, my mother met my father

    (___) 6. Walking toward the church, the stained-glass windows looked beautiful.

    (___) 7. To understand the subject, a great deal of studying must be done.

    (___) 8. Skiing down the steep hill, my heart beat crazily.

    (___) 9. Watching her daughter play, Mary thought about life as a mother.

    (___) 10. Once learned, a language cannot easily be forgotten.

    (___) 11. When only a child, my father taught me how to play soccer.

    (___) 12. Studying and reading, the day passed quickly.

    (___) 13. To make a good cup of coffee, one must begin with high-quality coffee beans.

    (___) 14. Sitting alone in his room, the strange noise frightened him.

    (___) 15. Wrapped in pretty, green paper, Phyllis put the package on the table.


    Key Answer & Its Correction

    (I) 1. Playing in the street, the child was hit by the truck.

    (I) 2. By painting and repairing as needed, one can keep one`s house in good condition.

    (C) 3. Before leaving, Jane kissed me goodbye.

    (I) 4. After I had addressed and stamped the letter, I dropped it in the slot.

    (C) 5. While a student at college, my mother met my father

    (I) 6. Walking toward the church, I noticed the beautiful stained-glass windows.

    (I) 7. To understand the subject, one must do a great deal of studying.

    (I) 8. Skiing down the steep hill, I felt my heart beat crazily.

    (C) 9. Watching her daughter play, Mary thought about life as a mother.

    (C) 10. Once learned, a language cannot easily be forgotten.

    (I) 11. When I was only a child, my father taught me how to play soccer.

    (I) 12. Studying and reading, I passed the day quickly.

    (C) 13. To make a good cup of coffee, one must begin with high-quality coffee beans.

    (I) 14. Sitting alone in his room, he was frightened by the strange noise.

    (I) 15. Having wrapped in pretty, green paper, Phyllis put it on the table.


    Next to >>> Modifiers: Adjective-Adverb as Modifiers


    See Also:

    1.      Modifiers

    2.      Kinds of Clause: Subordinate Clause & Main Clause

    3.      Kinds of Phrase: Adjective Phrase, Noun Phrase, Adverb Phrase, & Verb Phrase

    4.      Kinds of Clause: Adverb Clause, Noun Clause, & Adjective Clause

    5.      Reduced Clause



    Peterson`s ( (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company


    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Introductory Phrase as Modifiers”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.

    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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