Hi, sobat!
Tahukah kamu apa itu
modifier? Ya, modifier merupakan sebuah kata atau sekumpulan kata yang
memodifikasi kata lainnya dalam sebuah kalimat. Modifiers dalam bahasa Inggris
dapat berupa adverb (kata keterangan), adjective (kata sifat), conjunction
(kata hubung), article (kata sandang), dan sebagainya.
Apa itu Comparatives?
Comparative, disebut
juga comparative degree, merupakan ungkapan atau kalimat yang
membandingkan dua hal, seperti orang, binatang, benda, atau lainnya, yang mana
salah satu di antara mereka memiliki sifat atau karakter yang lebih
dibandingkan dengan yang lainnya. Perbandingan dengan tipe comparative degree
ini ditandai dengan adanya imbuhan suffix (akhiran) pada adjective (kata sifat)
atau adverb (kata keterangan), yaitu akhiran –er atau more yang berarti lebih.
Degree ini memiliki makna “lebih ...
dari ...”. Sementara itu,
adjective mendapatkan akhiran “-er” jika kata tersebut
yang terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata; serta, sebelum
adjective memperoleh tambahan “more”
jika memiliki tiga suku kata atau lebih. Contoh adjective dalam comparative
degree yaitu cold-colder, patient – more
patient, happy – happier, etc. Sedangkan, contoh adverb dalam comparative degree yaitu fast-faster,
gently – more gently, slowly – more slowly, etc.
Ketika berada di dalam kalimat,
comparative degree ini biasanya diikuti kata than, yaitu dengan pola sebagai berikut:
“Subject + Verb/Be + Adjective/Adverb–Er + Than + Objek”
“Subject + Verb/Be + More Adjective/Adverb + Than+ Objek”
Baca Juga: Degree of
Pada kesempatan kali
ini, kita akan membahas terkait comparatives dalam sebuah kalimat. Yuk, simak penjelasannya berikut ini!
Ada beberapa hal yang
perlu diperhatikan dalam kalimat comparative di antaranya yaitu:
1. Adjective yang terdiri dari satu suku kata (one-syllable adjectives) maka berakhiran
“-er” dan adjective yang terdiri dari dua suku kata maka berakhiran dengan “-er”; jika kata adjective tersebut
memiliki akhiran “-y”dan huruf sebelumnya berupa huruf konsonan maka ubahlah
huruf “-y” menjadi “-ier”. Bentuk adjective yang
memperoleh akhiran “-er” ini disebut juga regular comparative. Perhatikan
contoh berikut.
John is tall,
but Bill is taller.
Mr. Smith is busy,
but Mr. Brown is busier.
2. Beberapa adjective yang terdiri dari dua suku kata (two-syllables
adjective), seperti yang berakhiran “-ly”, “-d/ed” (past participle), dan
“-ing” (present participle), dan adjective yang terdiri dari tiga suku kata
(three-syllables adjective) maka tambahkan kata more
sebelum kata adjective tersebut. Perhatikan
contoh berikut ini.
Betty is beautiful,
but her sister is more beautiful.
3. Beberapa adjective memiliki bentuk irregular
comparatives, yaitu bentuk kata
adjective yang berbeda dalam kalimat comparative, seperti good – better, bad – worse, dan lain-lain. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.
This book is good,
but that one is better.
This soup is bad,
but that soup is worse.
4. Than selalu digunakan
dalam kalimat comparatives setelah comparative
adjective. Perhatikan contoh
berikut ini.
Their problem
is worse than your problem.
a. Jangan gunakan bentuk adjective-er dengan more
secara bersamaan dalam struktur kalimat comparative.
b. Perhatikan untuk hanya menggunakan than dalam struktur kalimat comparative.
c. Perhatikan untuk hanya menggunakan dua hal untuk dibandingkan, tidak tiga ataupun lebih.
Error Examples
Terdapat dua jenis
kesalahan utama dalam kalimat comparatives yaitu errors in structure (kesalahan
struktur kalimat) dan errors in logic (kesalahan logika kalimat). Perhatikan
beberapa contoh comparatives yang salah pada kalimat berikut ini dan
a. Structure
Terdapat dua jenis
struktur yang digunakan dalam kalimat comparative yaitu 1) dengan adjective-er
+ than atau 2) more adjective + than. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.
Wrong Sentence |
Right Sentence |
Betty is more smarter than her classmates. |
Betty is smarter than her classmates. |
This building is more expensive as that one. |
This building is more expensive than that
one. |
Jane had much longer hair that her
sister. |
Jane had much longer hair than her sister. |
I own two cars, a Ford and a Chevrolet. I like the
Chevrolet the best. |
I own two cars, a Ford and a Chevrolet. I like the
Chevrolet better. |
b. Logic Errors
Kalimat comparative
harus membandingkan dua hal (noun) yang sepadan atau seimbang. Jangan
membandingkan dua hal yang tidak bisa dibandingkan. Juga membandingkan sebuah
hal dengan dirinya sendiri. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.
Wrong Sentence |
Right Sentence |
John’s salary was much larger than Bob. |
John’s salary was much
larger than that of Bob. atau John’s salary was much
larger than Bob’s |
The number of people at the meeting is larger
than last week. |
The number of people at the meeting is larger than
that at last week’s meeting. |
Mary is smarter than anybody in her class. |
Mary is smarter than any other
student in the class. atau Mary is smarter than anybody else
in the class. |
Alaska is larger than any state in the
United States. |
Alaska is larger than any other
state in the United States. |
Skill Builder 12: Comparatives
Direction: There is some
Comparatives in these sentences. Decide if the sentences below are
correct “C” or incorrect “I”.
(_____) 1.
This book is more better than that one.
(_____) 2. This year’s prices will certainly
be much higher as last year’s prices.
(_____) 3. Since there were two possible ways
to get to New York, we had to decide which one was better.
(_____) 4. The customs in his country are
more traditional than those in the United States.
(_____) 5. Her letter was more friendlier
than his.
(_____) 6.
She was happier than anybody in her family.
(_____) 7.
Nancy was luckier than Fred in Las Vegas.
(_____) 8. Betty’s homework is usually more
organized than that of any other student’s in the class.
(_____) 9.
The weather was much hotter this year than 1970.
(_____) 10.
The final exam was more difficult than the mid-semester exam.
(_____) 11.
The first performance was more crowded as the second one.
(_____) 12.
The new student reads faster than anyone else in the class.
(_____) 13.
Fred’s project proposal was much more economical than Brad’s.
(_____) 14.
Robert’s new home is more expensive than any house in the neighborhood.
(_____) 15. Henry had a rather bad accident,
and it was a miracle that he was not hurt more worse than he was.
Key Answer & Its Correction
(I) 1.
This book is better than that one.
(I) 2. This year’s prices will certainly be
much higher than last year’s prices.
(C) 3. Since there were two possible ways to
get to New York, we had to decide which one was better.
(C) 4. The customs in his country are more traditional than those in the United States.
(I) 5. Her letter was friendlier than
(I) 6.
She was happier than anybody else in
her family.
(C) 7.
Nancy was luckier than Fred in Las Vegas.
(C) 8. Betty’s homework is usually more organized than that of any other student’s in the class.
(I) 9.
The weather was much hotter this year than that in 1970.
(C) 10.
The final exam was more difficult than the mid-semester exam.
(I) 11.
The first performance was more crowded
than the second one.
(C) 12.
The new student reads faster than anyone else in the class.
(C) 13.
Fred’s project proposal was much more
economical than Brad’s.
(I) 14.
Robert’s new home is more expensive
than any other house
in the neighborhood.
(I) 15. Henry had a rather bad accident, and
it was a miracle that he was not hurt worse than he was.
See Also:
1. Part of Speech
2. Part of Speech: Adjective
3. Part of Speech: Noun
4. Part of Speech: Verb
5. Degree of Comparison
6. List of Comparative Adjective
(www.petersons.com). (2007). Peterson`s
Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing
Skills terkait “Modifier: Comparatives”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat
menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta,
terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang
membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga
nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk
melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊
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