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    "Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 Chapter 1 Procedure Text"

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    Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
    Kelas : XII (Duabelas)
    Semester : 2 (Genap)
    Materi : Procedure Text: How to Make Something

    Choose the best answer for these questions below among the option a, b, c, d, or e based on the texts provided!

    The following text is for question no. 1 to 4.

    Materials needed:
    Meat grinder
    Bowl or pan

    1. Remove skin, bones, and silver skin from the meat.
    2. Cut the meat into smaller chunks that will fit into the feeding hole of the grinder.
    3. Use the feeding bar to feed meat into the grinder.
    4. Place a bowl or pan beneath the blades to catch the ground meat when it falls out.
    5. When you're finished grinding meat, disconnect the power cord.
    6. Wash, rinse, and sanitize all of the components. Then let them air dry.
    7. Thoroughly clean the machine body with a damp cleaning and sanitizing cloth.
    8. Lubricate the oil seal of the gearbox through the screw hole. You should lubricate your meat grinder every six months or so.

    1. What is the purpose of the text?
    a. To inform the benefits of the meat grinder
    b. To explain how to cook meat
    c. To describe how to use meat grinder
    d. To show how to make a steak
    e. To promote the meat grinder product

    2. Why does the meat need to be cut into smaller chunks?
    a. So, it will be easy when being eaten
    b. So, it’s about to suit with the feeding hole of the grinder
    c. So, it cannot be fallen out when being roasted
    d. Because the feeding hole of the grinder is too small
    e. Due it will fit into the feeding bar

    3. Thoroughly clean the machine body with a damp cleaning and sanitizing cloth. The underlined word belongs to …
    a. Adverb
    b. Adjective
    c. Imperative
    d. Noun
    e. Conjunction

    4. The correct statement based on the text is …
    a. You have to disconnect the power cord after feeding meat into the grinder
    b. When grinding the meat, you don`t need to remove the bone and skin of the meat
    c. The feeding bar is to catch the ground meat when it falls out
    d. You need to lubricate your meat grinder before you use it
    e. After washing the meat grinder, you have to make sure it dry

    The following text is for question no. 5 to 8.

    Basmati Rice with Corn and Peas
    1 cup white basmati rice
    1 ½ cups water
    ½ teaspoon salt
    2 tablespoons chopped parsley
    1 teaspoon paprika
    ½ cup finely chopped red onion
    ½ cup fresh or frozen peas
    ½ cup fresh or frozen and thawed corn kernels

    1. Place the rice in a bowl, rinse with cold water twice, and drain twice.
    2. Coat the rice cooker bowl with nonstick cooking spray. Place the rice in the rice bowl.
    3. Add the remaining ingredients, stir just to combine. Then cover and set for the regular cycle.
    4. When the machine switches to the "Keep Warm" cycle, let the rice steam for 10 minutes.
    5. Then fluff the rice with a wooden or plastic rice paddle. This rice will hold on “Keep Warm” for up to 1 hour.
    6. Serve hot.

    5. What is the aim of the text?
    a. To explain how to cook basmati rice
    b. To inform how to cook corn
    c. To describe how to use the rice cooker
    d. To advertise the rice cooker product
    e. To tell how to cook peas

    6. Which is the incorrect statement according to the text?
    a. Basmati rice needs to be washed many times and drain it
    b. The remaining ingredients are added after basmati rice has already been cooked
    c. Basmati rice needs more than 10 minutes to steam
    d. Basmati rice will hold on “Keep Warm” for less than an hour
    e. Basmati rice is about to be dished up hot

    7. What is the equipment you don`t need to make Basmati Rice?
    a. corn kernels
    b. red onion
    c. a bowl
    d. paprika
    e. parsley

    8. “Add the remaining ingredients, stir just to combine.” The underlined word has the closest meaning with …
    a. Blender
    b. Mix
    c. Separate
    d. Ingredient
    e. Compound

    The following text is for question no. 9 to 12.

    I would like to show you how to bake potato with microwave. First, 9) ____ the potato, kosher salt, black pepper, and butter. Next, 10) ____ and pierce, 3 to 4 times with a fork. Then, place the potato on microwave-safe plate, and microwave it for 7 minutes, turning over halfway through cooking. If your potato isn't fork tender after 7 minutes, 11) ____ potato thoroughly, pat dry, microwaving in 1-minute increments. Let rest for 2 minutes. Then, split the potato down the middle, 12) ____ with salt and pepper, and top with butter before serving.

    9. The best word to complete the text is …
    a. Prepare
    b. Place
    c. Put
    d. Take
    e. Bring

    10. The best word to complete the text is …
    a. Place
    b. Wash
    c. Put
    d. Take
    e. Clean

    11. The best word to complete the text is …
    a. Continue
    b. Start
    c. Open
    d. Heat
    e. Cook

    12. The best word to complete the text is …
    a. Add
    b. Mix
    c. Put
    d. Combine
    e. Season

    The following text is for question no. 13 to 16.


    2 cloves of Garlic
    2 onions cut into small pieces
    1 table spoon of vegetable oil
    a plate of rice
    some salt

    1. First, pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt.
    2. Second, heat vegetable oil on a frying pan.
    3. Third, put the pounded garlic and salt, and onions into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while.
    4. Fourth, put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around 3 minutes.
    5. Fifth, add two pinches of salt. Continue frying until the rice is hot enough.
    6. Finally, put the fried rice on a plate. Serve with a sunny-side up.

    13. What is the material not used in making fried rice?
    a. Garlic
    b. Vegetable oil
    c. Onions
    d. Salt
    e. Frying pan

    14. Which doesn`t belong to adverb according to the text?
    a. Around 3 minutes
    b. The pounded garlic
    c. Finally
    d. On a plate
    e. A while

    15. According to the text, we can conclude that …
    a. Making fried rice is too hard
    b. We need for two minutes to fry the garlic, salt, and onions
    c. To fry the rice needs more than three minutes
    d. You may add at least three pinches of salt into the rice
    e. Before pounding the garlic and salt, vegetable oil must be heated

    16. “… Fry them a while.” The underlined word refers to …
    a. The pounded garlic and salt
    b. The onions
    c. The hot vegetable oil
    d. The frying pan
    e. The garlic, salt, and onions

    The following text is for question no. 17 to 20.


    Two eggs
    Chili (if you like spicy)
    Vegetable oil

    1. Firstly, cut into pieces the garlic, onions, and chili.
    2. Second, (7) ____ the egg into a bowl.
    3. Third, put the garlics, onions, chili, and salt into the bowl.
    4. Then, mix them gradually.
    5. The next step, heat a frying pan.
    6. After that, pour the dough into the frying pan, wait until it looks yellowish.
    7. Next, lift using spatula and put it in a plate.
    8. Finally, omelet is ready to serve.

    17. The best word to complete the text is …
    a. Break
    b. Breaking
    c. To break
    d. Breaks
    e. Broken

    18. Which is the equipment you need to make an omelet?
    a. Garlics
    b. Vegetable oil
    c. Chili
    d. A frying pan
    e. Onions

    19. From the text, we can infer that, except …
    a. We just need six ingredients to make an omelet
    b. We should follow eight steps to make an omelet
    c. We put the egg on the hot yellowish frying pan
    d. We must use spatula to lift the egg
    e. We place the omelet on the plane when it`s ready

    20. “… until it looks yellowish”. The underlined word refers to …
    a. the bowl
    b. the dough
    c. the frying pan
    d. the egg
    e. a plate

    Answer these questions below with the correct answer!

    Read the following text to answer question no. 21 to 23.


    An egg
    Instant noodle
    Vegetable oil

    1. First, Slice onions, garlics, chili, and cabbage.
    2. Second, heat pan and put vegetable oil in it.
    3. Third, fry the onions and garlics until yellowish.
    4. Fourth, pour water on the pan and wait until boiling.
    5. Then, put cabbage into boiling water and then put an egg in it.
    6. After that, add noodle, stir slowly for three minutes.
    7. While noodle is being cooked, put the seasoning in a bowl.
    8. Next, take the cooked noodle from the boiling water and drain it.
    9. Put the cooked noodle and the seasoning into the bowl and mix well.
    10. Finally, the special fried rice is ready to serve.

    21. The text tells us about …

    22. Mention some examples of these language features based on the text above? (at least three)
    a. Imperative Verb:
    b. Conjunction:
    c. Noun:
    d. Adverb:

    Read the following text to answer question no. 23 to 24.


    1. First, (1) _____ some yeast and a pan.
    2. Second, (2) _____ your bread machine.
    3. Third, (3) _____ flour, yeast into bread machine.
    4. Fourth, (4) _____ in 30 minutes to an hour.
    5. Fifth, (5) _____ tomatoes, put it in pizza.
    6. Sixth, open cheese bag, (6) _____ on sauce.
    7. Seventh, put topping of your (7) _____ on the pizza.
    8. Then, (8) _____ in oven 30 minutes to an hour.
    9. After that, (9) _____ an oven and take out pizza, caution! Pan on hot!
    10. Finally, (10) ______ pizza into slices and it is ready to serve.

    23. Complete the text above with the words provided in the box below!

    a)      put

    b)      turn on

    c)       open

    d)     get

    e)      cook

    f)       sprinkle

    g)      cut

    h)      smash

    i)        choice

    j)        take out

    24. What is the suitable title for the text?

    25. What are the equipment we need to make pizza?

    Demikian tadi sekilas Latihan Soal Chapter 1 Procedure Text: How to Make Something (Teks Prosedur: Bagaimana Cara Membuat Sesuatu), semoga dapat memberikan manfaat dan menambah pemahaman kita terkait Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 Chapter 1 Procedure Text. Tetap semangat belajar! Terima kasih ; )

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