Tahukah kamu apa itu
modifier? Ya, modifier merupakan sebuah kata atau sekumpulan kata yang
memodifikasi kata lainnya dalam sebuah kalimat. Modifiers dalam bahasa Inggris
dapat berupa adverb (kata keterangan), adjective (kata sifat), conjunction
(kata hubung), article (kata sandang), dan sebagainya.
Apa itu Cause-Result?
Cause-result, disebut
juga cause-effect, merupakan klausa yang menyatakan hubungan sebab akibat di
antara beberapa klausa dalam sebuah kalimat. Umumnya, dalam sebuuah kalimat
kita dapat menjumpai dua atau lebih klausa, yaitu terdapat klausa yang
menyatakan sebab (cause clause) dan klausa yang menyatakan akibat atau hasil
(effect clause). Dalam complex sentence (kalimat kompleks), klause cause-effect
ini ditandai dengan penggunaan cause-effect conjunction (kata hubung
sebab-akibat), seperti as (karena), because, because of (karena), due, due to
(karena), since (karena), such/so that (sehingga), now that (karena sekarang), so
(jadi), dan sebagainya.
Baca Juga: Kinds of
Sentence: Simple, Compound, Complex, & Compound-Complex
Pada kesempatan kali
ini, kita akan membahas terkait cause-result dalam sebuah kalimat. Yuk, simak penjelasannya berikut ini!
Cause & Result
Dalam bahasa Inggris,
klausa cause-and-result seringkali ditandai dengan penggunaan cause-effect
conjunction. Cause-effect conjunction ini ada yang berupa single word
conjunction, yaitu kata hubung yang terdiri dari sebuah kata penyusun seperti
as, because, due, since, dan so. Sementara itu, beberapa conjunction lainnya
berupa paired conjunction, yaitu kata hubung yang berpasangan atau tersusun
atas dua kata, seperti because of, due to, so that, such that, now that, dan
Kata cause-result conjunction
“so … that” atau “such … that” memiliki makna “sehingga, oleh karena itu, atau
sebab itu”. Berikut ini beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatiakan dalam klausa cause-result
yang diikuti dengan kata hubung “so … that” atau “such … that”.
1. So
a. Subject + be/verb + so + adjective + that + Subject + be/verb + Objek.
He was so tired that he fell asleep.
b. Subject + be/verb + so + adverb + that + Subject + be/verb + Objek.
He reads so slowly that he can never finish his homework.
c. Subject + be/verb + so + many/few countable noun + that + Subject + be/verb + Objek.
She had so many problems that she could not concentrate.
There were so few tickets sold that the concert was cancelled.
d. Subject + be/verb + so + much/little uncountable noun + that + Subject + be/verb + Objek.
The storm caused so much damage that the people were forced to leave their homes.
They had so little interest in the project that it failed.
Baca Juga: Part of Speech: Countable & Uncountable Noun
2. Such
a. Subject + be/verb + such + adjective + plural countable noun + that + Subject + be/verb + Objek.
They were such good students that they did very well on the TOEFL.
b. Subject + be/verb + such + adjective + uncountable noun + that + Subject + be/verb + Objek.
It was such good cake that we asked for more.
3. So or such (singular countable nouns dapat digunakan untuk keduanya dengan pola kalimat berikut ini)
a. Subject + be/verb + so + adjective + a/an singular countable noun + that + Subject + be/verb + Objek.
He had so bad a headache that he left early.
b. Subject + be/verb + such + a/an adjective + singular countable noun + that + Subject + be/verb + Objek.
He had such a bad headache that he left early.
a. Hati-hati untuk tidak menghilangkan article “a/an” sebelum singular countable noun.b. Pola cause-and-result diungkapkan dengan penggunaan conjunction: “so/such . . . that”.
Baca Juga: Part of Speech: Conjunction
Error Examples
Perhatikan beberapa
contoh cause & result salah pada kalimat berikut ini dan pembenarannya!
Wrong Sentence |
Right Sentence |
The doctor had too many patients that he
could not see them all. |
The doctor had so many patients that he
could not see them all. |
It was so good game that the stadium was
packed. |
It was
such a good game that the stadium was packed. OR It was
so good a game that the stadium was packed. |
The book was as interesting that I could not
put it down. |
The book was so interesting that I could not
put it down. |
He is so shy as he never speaks in class. |
He is so shy that he never speaks in class. |
They had a such good time in Rome that they
always dreamed of going back. |
They had such a good time in Rome that they
always dreamed of going back. |
He gave me so good advice that I was
very grateful to him. |
He gave me such good advice that I was very
grateful to him. |
Skill Builder 14: Cause & Result
Direction: There is some
cause-and-result clause in these sentences. Decide if the sentences below are
correct “C” or incorrect “I”.
(___) 1. They had so a good meal at that
restaurant that they wanted to go there again.
(___) 2.
They were such talented actors that their movie was a great success.
(___) 3.
The store had too few customers that it closed.
(___) 4. It was such a long lesson that we
could not finish it in one day.
(___) 5.
He was as rich that he owned four homes.
(___) 6.
He is so forgetful as he never pays his rent on time.
(___) 7. She was such a good student that she
won a scholarship.
(___) 8.
They had a such bad day that they got depressed.
(___) 9.
It was so warm weather that we went to the swimming pool.
(___) 10. The old woman’s handwriting was so
faint that I could hardly read it.
(___) 11.
The stars are so far from the earth that we cannot see most of them.
(___) 12. I had too many things to do that I
could not finish them all.
(___) 13. It was so confusing as I could not
understand it.
(___) 14.
He spoke such good Arabic that he surprised everyone.
(___) 15. The building was as large that we
had difficulty finding his office.
Key Answer & Its Correction
(I) 1. They had so
good a meal at that restaurant that they
wanted to go there again. Atau (such a good meal that)
(C) 2.
They were such talented actors that their movie was a great success.
(I) 3.
The store had so few customers that it closed.
(C) 4. It was such
a long lesson that we could not
finish it in one day.
(I) 5.
He was so rich that he owned four homes.
(I) 6.
He is so forgetful that he never pays his rent on time.
(C) 7. She was such
a good student that she won a
(I) 8.
They had such bad a day that they got depressed. Atau (such a bad day that)
(I) 9.
It was such warm weather that we went to the swimming pool.
(C) 10. The old woman’s handwriting was so faint that I
could hardly read it.
(C) 11.
The stars are so far from the earth that we cannot see
most of them.
(I) 12. I had such
many things to do that I could not finish them all.
(I) 13. It was so
confusing that I could not
understand it.
(C) 14.
He spoke such good Arabic that he surprised everyone.
(I) 15. The building was so large that we
had difficulty finding his office.
See Also:
1. Part of Speech2. Part of Speech: Noun
3. Part of Speech: Adjective
4. Part of Speech: Conjunction
5. Part of Speech: Adverb
(www.petersons.com). (2007). Peterson`s
Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL
Writing Skills terkait “Modifiers: Cause-Result”. Semoga bermanfaat dan
dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta,
terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang
membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga
nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk
melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊
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