Exercise of Modifier: TOEFL Writing Skill Test Part 2


    Hi, sobat!
    Berikut ini kami sajikan Latihan Soal Error Identification TOEFL terkait Modifier. Apa itu modifier? Modifier merupakan sebuah kata atau sekumpulan kata yang memodifikasi kata lainnya dalam sebuah kalimat. Modifiers dalam bahasa Inggris dapat berupa adverb (kata keterangan), adjective (kata sifat), conjunction (kata hubung), article (kata sandang), dan sebagainya. Yuk, kerjakan latihan-latihan soal berikut!


    Directions: For the Error Identification questions, each sentence contains four underlined words or phrases. Select the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Mark your answer on the answer sheet provided.


    16. Although Niagara Falls in (A) the United States is not as high (B) than Angel Falls in Venezuela, mare tourists visit Niagara Falls because (C) it is more (D) accessible.


    17. Seriously (A) burned in a terrible car accident, the doctor was not sure that Jahn (B) could be protected from infection (C) long enough for his body to begin to heal (D) itself.


    18. My friend Dorothy, (A) who just (B) got back from Paris, said that the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower (C) was (D) too breath-taking.


    19. After a long, (A) seemingly futile search, Professor Clayborne was (B) finally able to locate the (C) five volume of the series he needed (D) to continue his research.


    20. They (A) only publish stories that (B) are suitable (C) for young children (D) to read.


    21. (A) Because of the long, (B) detailed question and the unfamiliar format, John (C) could not scarcely finish the test (D) on time.


    22. Clark spent (A) many years (B) studying Eastern philosophy (C) in his search for the meaning of (D) the life.


    23. Although he (A) had scaled many of the (B) world’s tallest mountains, he was still (C) looking for (D) more taller peaks to climb.


    24. The mechanic (A) recently purchased (B) these set of tools (C) in order to be able to work (D) on large diesel trucks


    25. We all looked forward (A) to (B) going on our (C) class’s picnic (D) on the last day of the semester.


    26. They were (A) completely unprepared for the difficulties of (B) caring for a (C) three-months-old baby (D) on their European trip.


    27. (A) Driving across the bridge, the sailboat with (B) its sails (C) billowing in the wind (D) was a beautiful sight to see.


    28. They could not help (A) noticing (B) the article posted about (C) a unusual flying object seen (D) recently.


    29. (A) Even though my friend considered a career in economics or business administration, he (B) finally decided (C) on a (D) physic major.


    30. (A) As he was driving me home, he told me (B) that he (C) not longer spent his winters (D) in Florida.


    Key Answer & Its Correction

    16. B, as
    17. A, having been burned
    18. D, very
    19. C, fifth
    20. A, publish only
    21. C, could not finish
    22. D, life
    23. D, taller
    24. B, this
    25. C, class’
    26. C, three-month-old
    27. A, having been driven
    28. C, an
    29. D, physics
    30. C, no longer

    Previous to << Question No. 1 to 16


    Peterson`s (www.petersons.com). (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company

    Demikian tadi sekilas Latihan Soal Error Identification TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Modifiers”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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