KURIKULUM 2013

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    Sebelumnya kita telah belajar Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 Chapter 1 Formal Letter (Surat Resmi). Silahkan buka tautan berikut ini:

    "Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Chapter 1 Formal Letter"

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, mari kita mengerjakan Latihan Soal Chapter 1 Formal Letter (Surat Resmi) Part 1 berikut ini.

    I. Choose the best answer for these questions below among the option a, b, c, d, or e based on the texts provided!

    The following text is for question no. 1 to 5.

    JIn. Sekar No. 42, Surabaya

    July 12, 2021

    Dear Mawar,
    How are you? I hope everything is okay. I really miss you. We haven't seen each other for a year. Due to pandemic, I cannot visit you. Thanks to technology, finally I found your email address.
    I'm going to tell you about my activities here. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I have online learning from Monday to Friday. I wear my uniform and sit in front of my laptop. Sometimes, some teachers just send the tasks in WA group. I have to do the tasks and send the results immediately. How about your school activity? I know our hometown. A lack of internet access and electronic devices must be the problems, but I hope you don't have a problem with them.
    When I don't have online learning, I spend my days watching television. Sometimes I learn cooking. Now, I can cook some traditional food. I hope this pandemic is over soon, so l can invite you here and taste my cooking.
    Well, those are my activities here. I wanna know your activities, too. So, please write back soon.



    *P.S. I send you my recent photos. Hope you remember me.

    1. What does the letter tell us about?
    a. The covid-19 pandemic
    b. Melati`s activities during covid-19 pandemic
    c. Mawar`s activities during covid-19 pandemic
    d. Online learning
    e. Doing some hobbies

    2. “How are you?” This expression means that …
    a. Melati asks for Mawar`s condition
    b. Mawar asks for Melati`s condition
    c. Melati is in good condition
    d. Mawar is in good condition
    e. Melati and Mawar are healthy

    3. From the letter, we know that …
    a. Mawar plans to visit Melati
    b. Melati learns for 6 days a week via online
    c. Mawar has some troubles with internet access and electronic devices in her hometown
    d. Melati watches TV and cooks some traditional food instead of doing online learning
    e. Mawar doesn`t have to wear uniform during online learning

    4. “So, please write back soon.” This sentence means that …
    a. Melati will send a letter to reply Mawar`s letter soon
    b. Mawar hopes that her letter will be replied immediately
    c. Melati expects that her letter will be answered immediately
    d. Mawar is going to read a letter from Melati soon
    e. Melati is going to write some letter to Mawar immediately

    5. Who is Melati?
    a. The addressee of the letter
    b. Mawar`s classmate
    c. The receiver of the letter
    d. Mawar`s sibling
    e. The sender of the letter

    The following text is for question no. 6 to 10.

    March 10, 2021

    Dear Dela,
    How`s life, Donna? Thanks for your letter. I'm glad that you still remember me. How are your parents and sister? I hope they are fine. My family and I are great here. We enjoy our new house.
    I`m happy to hear that you won a short story contest. Congratulations! Even though you are at home, you can do your hobby. I have read your short story and it was amazing. The theme and plot are wonderful. No wonder you won this contest.
    Talking about hobby, I cannot do my hobby now. You know that we should stay at home, So I can`t play football with my friends. I just play online games at home. Of course, they are about football. When I am bored, I read online comics. This is my new hobby.
    Well, that is what I want to tell you. Let's pray that the pandemic will end soon. Take care!



    6. What is the aim of the letter?
    a. To inform Aldi that Dela won a short story contest
    b. To tell some Aldi`s new hobbies during the pandemic
    c. To congratulate Dela for winning a short story contest
    d. To describe Aldi and his parents` condition in the pandemic
    e. To talk about their hobbies in the pandemic each other

    7. “How`s life, Dela?” The expression can be suitably replaced with, except …
    a. How are you, Dela?
    b. What`s up, Dela?
    c. How are you going, Dela?
    d. How`s your condition, Dela?
    e. What are you doing, Dela?

    8. Based on the letter, we can conclude that, except …
    a. Aldi and Dela are friends
    b. Dela`s short story was wonderful
    c. Aldi`s new hobby is playing football with his friends
    d. Dela is into reading online comic during the pandemic
    e. Aldi mostly stays at home during the pandemic

    9. “Well, that is what I want to tell you. Let's pray that the pandemic will end soon. Take care!” These sentence belongs to …
    a. Salutation
    b. Opening paragraph
    c. Body of paragraph
    d. Closing paragraph
    e. Closure

    10. Why did Donna win the short story contest? Because …
    a. She is a professional writer
    b. Her short story has an amazing theme
    c. She sends a lot of short storied to the contest
    d. The plot of her short stories is similar to some famous novelist
    e. She reads many novels and short stories

    The following text is for question no. 11 to 15.

    Jln. Angkasa No. 65B, Jakarta

    June 1, 2021

    Dear Grandma,
    How are you, Grandma? I miss you. I hope you are healthy there. We are also healthy. Grandma, we are sorry that we cannot visit you. Due to this pandemic, we haven`t been allowed to go to another town yet. I hope you understand.
    Grandma, I have some good news for you. Zahra, your youngest granddaughter, can walk now. Edo, your only grandson, got the first rank in his school. The last good news is that our father got a job promotion. He is a manager now. However, due to his new position, he is busier than before. We just stay at home. Edo and I do online learning at home, and Zahra enjoys watching cartoon on television. Well, when Aunty Lina visits you, please ask her to do video call with us. We want to see you, Grandma.
    I think that's all for now. See you on video call, Grandma. Take care of your health. We love you.

    Your granddaughter,


    P.S. This is our recent family photo.

    11. Why does Diana write the letter?
    a. She wants to tell that some good news for her grandma
    b. She wants to inform that she cannot visit her grandma
    c. She wants to report that Edo got the first rank in his school
    d. She wants to describe that her father got a job promotion
    e. She wants to explain that she does online learning at home

    12. “Dear Grandma,” This phrase belongs to …
    a. Salutation
    b. Opening paragraph
    c. Body of paragraph
    d. Closing paragraph
    e. Closure

    13. According to the text, we can assume that …
    a. Diana and her family are about to go her grandma`s house
    b. Edo and Diana do online learning at home during the pandemic
    c. Diana got the first rank in his school
    d. Lina will take care of Diana`s grandma
    e. Diana`s father is a new director in his company

    14. Who is Zahra?
    a. Diana’s nephew
    b. Edo’s mother
    c. Diana’s new neighbor
    d. Edo’s cousin
    e. Diana’ little sister

    15. What is Diana going to do later?
    a. She will visit her grandma`s house
    b. She is going to have a holiday in grandma`s house
    c. She and his brother are about to go to school together
    d. She may see her grandma on video call
    e. She intends to watch television with Zahra

    The following text is for question no. 16 to 20.

    August 2, 2021

    Dear Elisa,
    How's life? I hope you are okay. My grandma gave me an idea to send you a letter and now I'm writing to you. She remembers you. Do you like your new house? I miss you already. Mum said that we can visit you when the situation is better. I can't wait for it.
    You know what? I rode a horse last week. I went to my uncle's farm and there were some horses. I rode the tame one. It was a rocking experience for me. My uncle asked me to give it a name. I named it Pretty. At first, I was afraid because I had never ridden a horse before, but my uncle taught me step by step. My uncle asked me to take care of Pretty. Now, I have a pet. Well, you said that you wanted to have a pet. Do you have it now? I have sent you a photo of me with Pretty. Can you send me your photo with your pet?
    Please, write back soon.

    Best wishes,


    16. The purpose of the letter is …
    a. To tell Fara’s exciting experience
    b. To explain how situation in Fara’s hometown
    c. To describe Pretty, Fara’s uncle horse.
    d. To inform Elisa’s new house
    e. To report Fara`s new pet

    17. Based on the letter, we can infer that …
    a. Fara’s mom asks Fara to send a letter to Elisa
    b. Elisa gave a name to the tame horse, Pretty
    c. Fara`s uncle is a farmer
    d. Elisa has a new pet
    e. Fara has ever ridden a horse in her uncle’s farm

    18. “Please, write back soon.” This expression has the closest meaning with, except …
    a. Please, reply my letter immediately
    b. Please, send me your letter soon
    c. Please, read my letter soon
    d. Please, answer my letter immediately
    e. Please, give me a replying letter from you

    19. “Best wishes,” This expression can be replaced with, except …
    a. Best regards
    b. Your love
    c. Your beloved friends
    d. Dear my lovely friend
    e. Sincerely

    20. “You know what? I rode a horse last week. …” Paragraph 2 in the letter is …
    a. Address
    b. Salutation
    c. Opening paragraph
    d. Body of paragraph
    e. Closing paragraph

    The following text is for question no. 21 to 25.

    July 8, 2021

    Dear Uncle Andy,
    It's been so (1) ….. since your last visit. How are you, Uncle? (2) ….. you started your new job last week. It must be (3) ….. . we want to (4) ….. about your new job.
    Teddy is getting ready for the new school year. He mentioned you the other day while (5) ….. about a car. He (6) ….. when you asked him to go around the town with your old car. He wants to know when you are going to visit us again: I know that the (7) ….. is bad nowadays, and you must be (8) ….. with your job. (9) ….. , if you have time, please do video call with us. Teddy would be very happy.
    We all (10) ….. you very much. Hoping to hear from you soon.



    21. Complete the blanks with the words below!

    a.       Exciting

    b.      Hope

    c.       Know

    d.      Long

    e.       Talking

    f.       Busy

    g.      However

    h.      Miss

    i.        Remembered

    j.         Situation

    22. What is the letter about?

    23. Identify the structure of the letter above!

    24. Who is Teddy?

    25. What`s uncle Ardi going to do after receiving this letter?

    Demikian tadi sekilas Latihan Soal Formasl Letter (Surat Resmi), semoga dapat memberikan manfaat dan menambah pemahaman kita terkait Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Chapter 1 Formal Letter (Surat Resmi). Tetap semangat belajar! Terima kasih ; )

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