KURIKULUM 2013

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    Sebelumnya kita telah belajar Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 Chapter 1 Formal Letter (Surat Resmi). Silahkan buka tautan berikut ini:

    "Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Chapter 1 Formal Letter"

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, mari kita mengerjakan Latihan Soal Chapter 1 Formal Letter (Surat Resmi) Part 2 berikut ini.

    I. Choose the best answer for these questions below among the option a, b, c, d, or e based on the texts provided!

    The following text is for question no. 1 to 5.

    June 1, 2021

    Dear Soni,
    How are you? Are you getting well? I heard that you got an accident last month. I'm sorry I couldn't visit you. You know that we can't go to another town.
    Talking about accident, my sister also got an accident last week. Her left leg was sprained. From that moment, she just laid on the bed. She ate meals and watched television on the bed. Now, she gets better. She can walk slowly.
    How about you? Tell me about your accident and healing! I hope to hear from you soon.



    1. The letter mainly tells about ….
    a. Soni’s recent condition
    b. Sheila’s recent condition
    c. Sheila’s sister condition
    d. Soni’s accident
    e. Sheila`s accident

    2. According to the letter, we know that, except ….
    a. Sheila and Soni are close friends
    b. Last month, Soni got an accident
    c. Sheila`s sister is getting well
    d. Soni will visit Sheila
    e. Sheila’s sister can walk normally

    3. Why can Sheila not visit Soni? Due …
    a. She got an accident last month
    b. She and her family can't go to another town
    c. Her sister got an accident last week
    d. She must take a rest for healing
    e. Her family is in another town

    4. “… I hope to hear from you soon." This section belongs to ….
    a. Opening paragraph
    b. Body of paragraph
    c. Closing paragraph
    d. Closure
    e. Sender

    5. “How about you?” The underlined word refers to ….
    a. Soni
    b. Sheila
    c. Sheila’s sister
    d. Soni’s family
    e. Sheila’s neighbor

    The following text is for question no. 6 to 10.

    March 12, 2021

    Hello, Levi!
    How have you been? Long time no see. You must be surprised to receive my letter. Well, I got your address from our alumni book.
    Do you remember Mr. John? He was our English teacher in junior high school. He resigned last year. He lives in my neighborhood now. He has a large farm. Every day he takes care of cattle. He earns money by selling meat and eggs. I think he is more successful now.
    Mr. Danu is your favorite teacher, right? I think you are interested to hear news about him. Well, I think that's all I wanted to tell. Please, write back soon!

    Your friend,


    P.S. This is a photo of him in front of his house.

    6. What is the letter about?
    a. Mr. John’s new job
    b. Levi’s favorite teacher
    c. Mr. John’s life
    d. Putra’s new neighbor
    e. Mr. John’s condition

    7. Based on the text, we can conclude that, except ….
    a. Putra got Levi’s address from their alumni book
    b. Mr. John was English teacher a year ago
    c. Levi and Putra study in junior high school
    d. Mr. John is Levi and Putra’s favorite teacher
    e. Levi hasn’t seen Putra so long

    8. What is Mr. John’s profession?
    a. A teacher
    b. A farmer
    c. A seller
    d. A business man
    e. A gardener

    9. “Please, write back soon!” The underlined words have the closest meaning with ….
    a. Rewrite
    b. Reply
    c. Receive
    d. Send
    e. Remake

    10. What is the difference between paragraph 1 and paragraph 3?
    a. Paragraph 1 belongs to opening, and paragraph 2 belongs to closing
    b. Paragraph 1 tells about asking Levis`s condition, and paragraph 2 tells about describing Mr. John
    c. Paragraph 1 belongs to opening, and paragraph 2 belongs to body of paragraph
    d. Paragraph 1 tells about salutation, and paragraph 2 tells about closure
    e. Paragraph 1 belongs to body of paragraph, and paragraph 2 belongs to closing

    The following text is for question no. 11 to 15.

    January 19, 2021

    Dear Mitha,
    How are you? Thanks for your letter and gift. I really like the gift. How did you know that I like collecting hats? I will wear it.
    I'm interested in your daily activities. Even though you stay at home, you can earn money. Well, since I read your letter, I felt motivated. Few months ago, I learned knitting from videos. My grandma also taught me. Two weeks later, I could make shawls for babies. Then I posted the pictures of the shawls on many social media. You know what? My aunts and neighbors ordered them.
    I'm really happy. Well, because of you, got a new hobby. Thank you, Mitha. Send my regards to your parents!



    11. Who is the addressee of the letter?
    a. Mitha
    b. Denita
    c. Mitha’s parents
    d. Denita’s parents
    e. Denita’s Grandma

    12. The mainly text tells us about ….
    a. Mitha’s daily activity
    b. Denita’s daily activity
    c. Mitha’s new job
    d. Denita’s new job
    e. Mitha’s motivation to Denita

    13. According to the text, we can infer that ….
    a. Denita can earn money while staying at home
    b. Mitha gave Denita a hat
    c. Denita posted her picture to her social media
    d. Mita learned knitting from videos
    e. Denita’s friends ordered a shawl from her.

    14. Why does Denita say thanks for on the first paragraph?
    a. Because her aunts and neighbors ordered a shawl from her
    b. Due her grandma taught her how to do knitting
    c. Since Mitha motivated her to do some hobbies
    d. For Mitha gave her a hat
    e. In case her pictures on social media got a lot of positive comments

    15. “My aunts and neighbors ordered them.” The underlined word refers to ….
    a. Videos
    b. The shawls
    c. Social media
    d. Pictures
    e. Hobbies

    The following text is for question no. 16 to 20.

    August 1, 2021

    Dear Sheila,
    I'm so sorry was not able to meet you with Cindy while you were home. Today's condition doesn't allow us to go to another town.
    Cindy told me she found you, as usual, surrounded by your pets, and that she enjoyed every moment of her visit. I wish I could have been there, too, remembering old times.
    I understand there is a little possibility that you may be in town again during the next holiday. Please, let me know when you have time to do video call as I should hate to miss seeing you a second time.



    16. What is the aim of the letter?
    a. To tell about today's condition in the town
    b. To inform Rose & Cindy’s plan to visit Sheila
    c. To apologize for not able to visit Sheila
    d. To explain why today’s condition happened
    e. To describe today's condition in the town

    17. From the text, we know that, except ….
    a. Sheila has a lot of pets
    b. Cindy could meet Sheila in her home
    c. Sheila is one of Rose’s best friends in her childhood
    d. Rose had spent every moment with Sheila long time ago
    e. Rose hopes to have a video call with Sheila in free time

    18. “… that you may be in town again during the next holiday.” The underlined word refers to ….
    a. Sheila
    b. Cindy
    c. Rose
    d. Sheila & Cindy
    e. Rose & Cindy

    19. “… as I should hate to miss seeing you …” The underlined word has similar meaning with, except ….
    a. Because
    b. Due
    c. Like
    d. For
    e. In case

    20. Who is Rose?
    a. Cindy`s siter
    b. Sheila`s nephew
    c. The sender of letter
    d. The addressee of letter
    e. Sheila’s classmate

    The following text is for question no. 21 to 25.

    JIn. Gatotkaca 21, Semarang

    February 22, 2021

    Hi, Bob!
    (1) ___ do you doing? l (2) ___ you are fine with your family. I'm sorry that I reply your email (3) ___. There is a lack of internet (4) ___ in my neighborhood.
    Well, I just want to (5) ___ you that I finally learn (6) ___ guitar. As you suggested, I bought a guitar with my (7) ___ money. Then I ask my uncle to teach me. His house is next to mine. He is a (8) ___. I learn playing guitar every day. Now, I can play some (9) ___.
    That's what I wanted to tell you. Thanks for the (10) ___.



    21. Complete the blanks with the words below!

    a.      Access

    b.      Hope

    c.       How

    d.      Inform

    e.       Late

    f.        Musician

    g.      Saving

    h.      Suggestion

    i.        Playing

    j.        Songs

    22. What is the letter about?

    23. Identify the structure of the letter above!

    24. Who is Vicky?

    25. What does Vicky apologize for?

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