Preposition TOEFL "Style" Part 12 Writing Skill

    Gambar 1. Preposition (Kata Depan) TOEFL Writing Skill Discussion


    Hi, sobat!

    Tahukah kamu apa itu preposition? Ya, preposition, dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut dengan preposisi atau kata depan, merupakan sebuah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), atau phrases (frasa) dengan kata-kata lain di dalam kalimat.


    Baca Juga: Preposition: Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, dan Contohnya


    Selain itu, preposition merupakan kata singkat, yang biasanya diletakkan di depan noun (kata benda) atau objek yang bertujuan untuk menunjukkan hubungan tertentu antar kata dalam suatu kalimat. Preposition dapat merujuk pada pengungkapan posisi atau arah pergerakan, kepemilikan, waktu, atau bagaimana suatu tidakan dilakukan. Contoh preposition yaitu about, above, up, under, down, at, in, into, with, of, to, dan sebagainya.

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “Preposition”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!



    Preposition biasanya digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara objek dan kata lainnya dalam sebuah kalimat. Jenis hubungan preposition sebagaimanaya yang ditunjukkan berikut ini.

    1. Place seperti in, on, under, over, dan lain-lain. (Tempat)


    Your book is in the desk drawer.


    2. Direction seperti to, toward, into, dan lain-lain. (Arah)


    The student ran into the room.


    3. Time seperti in, on, at, dan lain-lain. (Waktu)


    We can meet at three o’clock.


    4. Agent seperti by. (Pelaku)


    This book was written by an elderly woman.


    5. Instrument seperti by, with. (Alat)


    I heard the news by telephone. (communication)

    She came by plane. (transportation)

    He opened the door with a key. (instrument; tool)


    6. Accompaniment seperti with. (Pelengkap)


    They like spaghetti with red sauce.

    Mrs. Jones went to the bank with her husband.


    7. Purpose seperti for. (Tujuan)


    He went to the store for bread.


    8. Partition/Possession seperti of. (Bagian/Kepemilikan)


    They painted the front of the building.

    He broke the top of the table.


    9. Measure seperti by, of. (Pengukur)


    We buy our rice by the pound.

    Please buy a quart of milk.


    10. Similarity seperti like. (Kesamaan)


    John looks like his father.


    11. Capacity seperti as. (Kapasitas)


    Bill worked as a lifeguard this summer.



    Gunakan by + Noun (no article) untuk communication dan transportation.

    Contoh: by phone, by radio, by telegram, by train, by car, by boat


    Jangan gunakan for + Verb-ing untuk mengungkapkan tujuan dari verb pada sebuah kalimat.

    Contoh: He went to the store for buying bread. (WRONG)


    Error Examples

    Berikut ini terdapat beberapa kesalahan penggunaan “preposition” pada kalimat; serta, pembenarannya!




    We damaged the front to the car.

    We damaged the front of the car.

    That store sells flour for the 25-pound sack.

    That store sells flour by the 25-pound sack.

    Betty worked like a secretary for a few months.

    Betty worked as a secretary for a few months.

    For dinner we had chicken by rice.

    For dinner we had chicken with rice.

    Your son is waiting for you to his office.

    Your son is waiting for you in his office.

    The next performance begins in sundown.

    The next performance begins at sundown.

    We went to the bank to money.

    We went to the bank for money.

    These artifacts are made with Indians living in Peru.

    These artifacts are made by Indians living in Peru.

    Jane went for Chicago with train.

    Jane went to Chicago by train.

    Susan sings as her mother.

    Susan sings like her mother.


    Skill Builder 12: Prepositions (General Use)

    Directions: There is an error with the preposition at some of the sentences below. Decide whether the sentence is correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    (___) 1. We drove the car into the driveway.

    (___) 2. They came to visit us with a car.

    (___) 3. The movie was reviewed by the critic.

    (___) 4. He came to the United States for an education.

    (___) 5. Did you notice that Bob walks as his father?

    (___) 6. He opened the door by key.

    (___) 7. Paula looks nothing like her sister.

    (___) 8. They purchased the fabric for the yard.

    (___) 9. Barbara enjoyed working as a bank teller for one summer.

    (___) 10. He went to the store for buying a newspaper.

    (___) 11. We would like to invite you to our home for dinner on your birthday.

    (___) 12. He did not notice that the leg for the chair was broken before he sat down.

    (___) 13. John went to the store to buy two pounds butter.

    (___) 14. Would you please bring us some coffee with our meal.

    (___) 15. They met at the movies 7:00.


    Key Answer

    1.      Correct

    2.      Incorrect

    3.      Correct

    4.      Correct

    5.      Incorrect

    6.      Incorrect

    7.      Correct

    8.      Incorrect

    9.      Correct

    10.  Incorrect

    11.  Correct

    12.  Incorrect

    13.  Incorrect

    14.  Correct

    15.  Incorrect


    Its Correction

    1. We drove the car into the driveway.

    2. They came to visit us by a car.

    3. The movie was reviewed by the critic.

    4. He came to the United States for an education.

    5. Did you notice that Bob walks like his father?

    6. He opened the door with a key.

    7. Paula looks nothing like her sister.

    8. They purchased the fabric by the yard.

    9. Barbara enjoyed working as a bank teller for one summer.

    10. He went to the store for a newspaper.

    11. We would like to invite you to our home for dinner on your birthday.

    12. He did not notice that the leg of the chair was broken before he sat down.

    13. John went to the store to buy two pounds of butter.

    14. Would you please bring us some coffee with our meal.

    15. They met at the movies at 7:00.


    Next to >>> Style: Preposition in Combination



    Peterson`s ( (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company


    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Style: Preposition”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.

    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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