Preposition in Combination TOEFL "Style" Part 13 Writing Skill

    Gambar 1. Preposition in Combination (Kombinasi Penggunaan Kata Depan) TOEFL Writing Discussion


    Hi, sobat!

    Tahukah kamu apa itu preposition? Ya, preposition, dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut dengan preposisi atau kata depan, merupakan sebuah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), atau phrases (frasa) dengan kata-kata lain di dalam kalimat.


    Baca Juga: Preposition: Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, dan Contohnya

    Selain itu, preposition merupakan kata singkat, yang biasanya diletakkan di depan noun (kata benda) atau objek yang bertujuan untuk menunjukkan hubungan tertentu antar kata dalam suatu kalimat. Preposition dapat merujuk pada pengungkapan posisi atau arah pergerakan, kepemilikan, waktu, atau bagaimana suatu tidakan dilakukan. Contoh preposition yaitu about, above, up, under, down, at, in, into, with, of, to, dan sebagainya.

    Sementara itu, preposition juga seringkali mengikuti verb ataupun adjective membentuk sebuah frasa. Dalam hal ini preposition mampu memengaruhi makna frasa serta tidak dapat sembarangan dipasangkan dengan verb atau adjective pada sebuah kalimat. Hal ini dikarenakan terkait ketentuan baku grammatika dalam bahasa Inggris.

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “Preposition in Combination”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!



    Berikut ini beberapa combinasi preposition dengan verb ataupun adjective yang harus kita pelajari Bersama.

    1. Verb + Preposition

    Verb + Preposition


    agree on (something)

    We agree on that point.

    agree with (a person)

    I agree with you on that matter.

    approve of

    Betty approves of exercising.

    arrive at/in

    They arrived in Tokyo last night.

    complain about

    Please do not complain about the prices.

    consent to

    She consented to her daughter’s marriage.

    comment on

    She commented on his new suit.

    consist of

    Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

    depend on

    I am depending on good weather for my party.

    laugh at

    We laughed at his silly behavior.

    object to

    Do you object to my smoking?

    succeed in

    He succeeded in making everyone angry.


    Verb yang tepat untuk digunakan setelah preposition adalah gerund (Verb-ing).


    Baca Juga:

    Verb: Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, dan Contohnya

    Gerund Vs Infinitive


    2. Verb + Preposition (memerlukan 2 objek)

    Verb + Preposition


    compare . . . with/to

    Do not compare me with (to) my sister.

    excuse . . . for

    I cannot excuse you for being late.

    prefer . . . to

    She prefers coffee to tea.

    remind . . . of

    He reminded me of my appointment.

    thank . . . for

    I thanked him for letting me use his car.


    3. Adjective + Preposition (terjadi bersamaan dengan verb “be”)

    Adjective + Preposition


    be afraid of

    Henry is afraid of dogs.

    be accustomed to

    I was accustomed to seeing him every day.

    be aware of

    Are you aware of his problem?

    be bored with

    Jane is bored with school.

    be certain of

    You cannot be certain of the date.

    be disappointed with

    Susan was disappointed with that restaurant.

    be familiar with

    Is Doctor Jones familiar with that new technique?

    be famous for

    Wisconsin is famous for its cheese.

    be frightened by

    Do not be frightened by the thunder and lightning.

    be happy with

    The Joneses are very happy with their new home.

    be in favor of

    Are you in favor of women’s liberation?

    be interested in

    John is interested in attending a large university.

    be opposed to

    He is really opposed to buying a new car.

    be satisfied with

    He is not satisfied with his new radio.

    be surprised at/by

    Do not be surprised at his behavior.

    be tired of

    Maria is very tired of working six days a week

    be worried about

    Mark is very worried about his sick child.


    Baca Juga:

    Adjective: Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, dan Contohnya

    Primary Vs Modal Auxiliary Verb


    4. Beberapa prepositions masih dalam bentuk frasa yang baku. (tidak boleh diubah)

    Verb + Preposition


    according to

    According to the news, the government has fallen.

    along with

    Can you take this package, along with these letters, to the post office?

    as well as

    I enjoy art as well as history.

    because of

    Because of the rain, there will be no picnic.

    by means of

    The thief entered the house by means of an open window.

    by way of

    John went to Paris by way of London.

    in addition to

    In addition to going to school full-time, Patricia works part-time.

    in case of

    In case of fire, pull this alarm.

    in consideration of

    In consideration of all your help, I would like to take you to dinner.

    in contrast to/with

    In contrast to last summer, this summer is cool.

    in deference to

    In deference to his age, we did not argue with him.

    in hopes of

    We came here in hopes of meeting the president.

    in lieu of

    He gave an oral report in lieu of a written report.

    in pursuit of

    The police were in pursuit of the thief.

    in search of

    They went into the mountains in search of gold.

    in spite of

    In spite of his good intentions, he did not study very much.

    in the face of

    In the face of a severe drought, the tribe moved to a new location.

    in terms of

    He was a good husband in terms of earning a good living.


    Error Examples

    Berikut ini terdapat beberapa kesalahan penggunaan “preposition in combination” pada kalimat; serta, pembenarannya!




    Is John familiar enough for this part of town to find your house?

    Is John familiar enough with this part of town to find your house?

    In spite the rain, the party has not been canceled.

    In spite of the rain, the party has not been canceled.

    My  son  was  surprised  with  his  teacher’s  decision.

    My son was surprised at (by) his teacher’s decision.

    He continued to work in the face to his doctor’s disapproval.

    He continued to work in the face of his doctor’s disapproval.

    Clyde is bored for living in the country.

    Clyde is bored with living in the country.

    Bob is always complaining for the heat in Arizona in the summertime.

    Bob is always complaining about the heat in Arizona in the summertime.

    How do you think Rome compares by Paris?

    How do you think Rome compares to Paris?

    Veronica is tired by waiting for me to get ready.

    Veronica is tired of waiting for me to get ready.

    Do you object with my cutting some of your flowers?

    Do you object to my cutting some of your flowers?

    Do you think it is fair to excuse him by being late?

    Do you think it is fair to excuse him for being late?

    Betty reminds me to my sister.

    Betty reminds me of my sister.

    Who is in favor for adjourning the meeting early?

    Who is in favor of adjourning the meeting early?

    What time do you think you will arrive to London?

    What time do you think you will arrive in London?

    He asked if he could paint the apartment in lieu for a month’s rent.

    He asked if he could paint the apartment in lieu of a month’s rent.

    One cannot depend with luck to bring success.

    One cannot depend on luck to bring success.

    He studied art in addition with his regular course of studies.

    He studied art in addition to his regular course of studies.

    George is not accustomed at speaking in public.

    George is not accustomed to speaking in public.

    Clyde is quite satisfied by his new apartment.

    Clyde is quite satisfied with his new apartment.

    Can we agree with a date for our next meeting?

    Can we agree on a date for our next meeting?


    Skill Builder 13: Prepositions in Combinations

    Directions: There is an error with the preposition at some of the sentences below. Decide whether the sentence is correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    (___) 1. Did you agree to your father on which car you should buy?

    (___) 2. They arrived to Paris sometime early in the summer.

    (___) 3. Were the students accustomed to leaving early on Fridays?

    (___) 4. Whether we leave early or late depends about your schedule.

    (___) 5. The doctor objected to the patient’s leaving the hospital a day early.

    (___) 6. David was surprised at the amount of time necessary to fix the car.

    (___) 7. Henry was not very satisfied with the lab report that he wrote.

    (___) 8. Switzerland is famous of its beautiful mountains.

    (___) 9. The soldier showed great courage in the face of death.

    (___) 10. This home certainly does not compare favorably at our old one.

    (___) 11. The committee was in favor of increasing his salary.

    (___) 12. Were you tired with waiting for her to call?

    (___) 13. He did not expect us to comment to his newly decorated office.

    (___) 14. Are you familiar to early American art?

    (___) 15. He spent his life in search for absolute truth.


    Key Answer

    1.      Incorrect

    2.      Incorrect

    3.      Correct

    4.      Incorrect

    5.      Correct

    6.      Incorrect

    7.      Correct

    8.      Incorrect

    9.      Correct

    10.  Incorrect

    11.  Correct

    12.  Incorrect

    13.  Incorrect

    14.  Incorrect

    15.  Incorrect


    Its Correction

    1. Did you agree with your father on which car you should buy?

    2. They arrived in Paris sometime early in the summer.

    3. Were the students accustomed to leaving early on Fridays?

    4. Whether we leave early or late depends on your schedule.

    5. The doctor objected to the patient’s leaving the hospital a day early.

    6. David was surprised at/by the amount of time necessary to fix the car.

    7. Henry was not very satisfied with the lab report that he wrote.

    8. Switzerland is famous for its beautiful mountains.

    9. The soldier showed great courage in the face of death.

    10. This home certainly does not compare favorably to/with our old one.

    11. The committee was in favor of increasing his salary.

    12. Were you tired of waiting for her to call?

    13. He did not expect us to comment on his newly decorated office.

    14. Are you familiar with early American art?

    15. He spent his life in search of absolute truth.


    Next to >>> Exercise of Style



    Peterson`s ( (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company


    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Style: Preposition in Combination”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.

    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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