Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda & Essay Expression of Compliment

    Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda & Essay Expression of Compliment 

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    Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Expression of Compliment 

    Berikut ini kami sajikan beberapa contoh latihan soal pilihan ganda dan essay expression of compliment (ungkapan memuji). 

    Soal Pilihan Ganda Expression of Compliment

    Adapun soal pilihan ganda expression of compliment (ungkapan memuji) yaitu sebagai berikut. 

    The following dialog is for question no. 1 to 3.
    Nisa: “That's a lovely picture. You are so good at taking photos.”
    Arga: “Thanks. It is because of the smartphone.”
    Nisa: “I have the same smartphone, but all pictures I've taken are not as good as yours.”
    1. Based on the dialog, we know that ….
    A. Arga’s picture is beautiful 
    B. Nisa is talented at taking photos
    C. Arga’s phone is expensive 
    D. Nisa compliments Arga’s picture 
    E. Arga compliments Nisa’s photos 

    2. Which is expression of compliment in the dialog?
    A. That's a lovely picture.
    B. Thanks.
    C. It is because of the smartphone.
    D. I have the same smartphone.
    E. All pictures Nisa’s taken are not as good as Arga has. 

    3. What does Nisa compliment for?
    A. Her photos
    B. Arga’s picture
    C. Her smartphone
    D. Arga’s smartphone
    E. Her talent

    The following dialog is for question no. 4 to 6.
    Fery: “Hi, Hana. How’s life?”
    Hana: “Hello, Fery. Nothing much.”
    Fery: “What do you think of my new drawing?”
    Hana: “What a nice drawing! You are very talented.”
    Fery: Thanks. I'm glad you like it.”
    4. The expression of compliment in the dialog is ….
    A. How’s life?
    B. Nothing much.
    C. What do you think of my drawing?
    D. What a nice drawing! 
    E. I'm glad you like it.

    5. According to the dialog, we can infer that ….
    A. Fery is skillful at drawing 
    B. Hana is talented at painting 
    C. Fery compliments Hana’s drawing 
    D. Hana thanks to Fery’s compliment 
    E. Fery and Hana are relatives

    6. The adjective used for compliment is ….
    A. New 
    B. Nice
    C. Glad
    D. Like 
    E. Much 

    The following dialog is for question no. 7 to 9.
    Sarah: “Hi, Doni. Are you here too?
    Doni: “Hello, Sarah. Yes, I am. Is that you who perform singing?”
    Sarah: “Yes, it’s me. What’s your opinion about my voice?”
    Doni: “You have such a lovely voice. I like it.”
    Sarah: “That's very kind of you. I'm glad you think that.”
    Doni: “Your voice looks like a professional singer. The way you sing is also incredible.”
    7. Which is expression of compliment?
    A. Is that you who perform singing?
    B. What’s your opinion about my voice?
    C. You have such a lovely voice. 
    D. That's very kind of you. 
    E. I'm glad you think that.

    8. What is Doni complimented for?
    A. Sarah’s performance
    B. Sarah’s voice
    C. Sarah’s talent
    D. Sarah’s kindness 
    E. Sarah’s score

    9. “That's very kind of you.” This expression can be replaced with ….
    A. I don’t think so
    B. Thanks for saying so
    C. I go along with you
    D. I hope so 
    E. I agree with you

    The following dialog is for question no. 10 to 12.
    Alan: “What a neat bedroom! Everything is well-organized.”
    Jack: “Thanks. I tidy my room twice a week. My mom always yells at me when my room is in mess.”
    Alan: “Why don't we study outside? I'm afraid l'll make your room a mess.”
    Jack: “My computer is here. Don't worry. She won’t be angry as long as we don't eat snacks here.”
    10. Based on the dialog, we can imply that ….
    A. Alan is used to tidying up his bedroom.
    B. Jack is used to tidying up his bedroom
    C. Alan and Jack are relatives
    D. Jack and Alan are about to study outside
    E. Alan can fix Jack's computer
    11. “What a neat bedroom!” This expression has similar meaning with, except ….
    A. Your bedroom is very neat
    B. That is really a neat bedroom. 
    C. How a neat your bedroom is.
    D. You have a new bedroom, don’t you. 
    E. I really love your neat bedroom. 

    12. What is Alan going to do next?
    A. He and Jack will study outside
    B. He is about to study in Jack’s room 
    C. He would like to help Jack tidy up his room
    D. He intends to fix Jack’s computer 
    E. He is going to play with Jack 

    The following dialog is for question no. 13 to 15.
    Gion: “Ana, I thank you for your very full and comprehensive answers.”
    Ana: “Thank you for your compliment. I don't know whether I have contributed a thing in this meeting, but I'm satisfied with our presentation.”
    Gion: “The clients have signed the contract. You did a great job! Well done!”
    13. Which is the correct statement based on the dialog?
    A. Gion is one of Ana’s clients
    B. Ana compliments to Gion’ work
    C. Gion did a great job 
    D. Ana signs the contracts  
    E. Gion thanks for Ana’s good job

    14. In the dialog, the expression of compliment is ….
    A. Thank you for your compliment. 
    B. I don't know whether I have contributed a thing in this meeting
    C. I thank you for your very full and comprehensive answers.
    D. I'm satisfied with our presentation.
    E. The clients have signed the contract. 

    15. What has Ana done?
    A. She has led the meeting 
    B. She has promoted the contract 
    C. She has signed the contract
    D. She has given the good answers
    E. She has attracted the clients

    Soal Essay Expression of Compliment 

    Adapun soal essay expression of compliment (ungkapan memuji) yaitu sebagai berikut. 
    The following dialog is for question no 1 to 5. 
    Mark: “Hi, Katie. What’s up with you?”
    Katie: “Hello, John. I’m okay.”
    Mark: “You look different. Where are you going?”
    Katie: “To my uncle's wedding party.”
    Mark: “You look stunning. Your black dress is lovely. It is more perfect for you.”
    Katie: “Thank you. I had never owned such a beautiful dress. It is my grandpa's gift.”
    Mark: “Really? That must be a special gift for you.”
    Katie: “Sure.”
    1. Why does Katie look different?
    2. Where does Katie want to go?
    3. What does Mark compliment Katie for?
    4. According to the dialog, the expression of compliment is ….
    5. Mention the positive adjective used in the dialog!

    The following dialog is for question no. 6 to 10. 
    Roy: “Hi, Erin. Would you like to taste my cook?”
    Erin: “Hello, Roy. Of course, why not.”
    Erin: “The soup is very delicious. It looks like a restaurant's menu.”
    Roy: “Really? I made it myself.”
    Erin: “Are you kidding?”
    Roy: “No, I'm not. My grandma taught me.”
    Erin: “Anytime, please teach me how to cook the soup.”
    Roy: “With my pleasure.”
    6. Who is Erin?
    7. What does Roy cook?
    8. Based on the dialog, the expression of compliment is ….
    9. Mention the positive adjective used in the dialog!
    10. What are Roy and Erin probably going to do next?

    The following dialog is for question no. 11 to 15. 
    Raisa: “Hi, John. How are you doing?”
    John: “Hello, Raisa. I’m fine.”
    Raisa: “I think I have never seen your jacket.”
    John: “I have just bought it yesterday.”
    Raisa: “That's a nice jacket. The color suits on you.”
    John: “Thanks for saying so.”
    11. What has John just bought?
    12. What does Raisa compliment John for?
    13. Which is the expression of compliment in the dialog?
    14. Mention the positive adjective used in the dialog?
    15. What does John respond for Raisa’s compliment?

    Demikian tadi latihan soal pilihan ganda dan essay expression of compliment (ungkapan memuji) beserta artinya. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih : )

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