Contoh Job Interview Question & Answer dan Soal Pilihan Ganda Dialog Job Interview

    Contoh Job Interview Question & Answer dan Soal Pilihan Ganda Dialog Job Interview

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    Contoh Job Interview Question & Answer dan Soal Pilihan Ganda Dialog Job Interview

    Contoh Job Interview Question & Answer beserta Artinya

    Mr. David: Hello.. Good morning, Mr. John.
    Mr. John: Good morning, Sir.
    Mr. David: Well, though I’ve been reading your CV and resume, what if you tell me about yourself.
    Mr. John: I’m a fresh-graduate from psychology and I (11) _____ industrial and organizational major.
    Mr. David: And then…
    Mr. John: I (12) _____ some pretty interesting and successful projects on college, national scale.
    Mr. David: And then…
    Mr. John: That should show you that I have leadership skill. I’m a very fast learner, dedicated, and responsible.
    Mr. David: Why did you choose your college major?
    Mr. John: I’m actually really passionate about industrial & organizational psychology. It’s like the core of HR in a company.
    Mr. David: So..
    Mr. John: From the recruitment, to the training and development. It cares about the well-being of the people in a company.
    Mr. David: So..did you have any experience related to this field?
    Mr. John: I’ve (13) _____ as an associate on some consultants and have (14) _____ some of recruitment process.
    Mr. David: So..
    Mr. John: So.. I have pretty good grasp about what I’m going to do in your company.
    Mr. David: Why do you want to work for us?
    Mr. John: I’m actually a long-time user of the products of your company, Sir. I think that’s the number one reason.
    Mr. David: Then..
    Mr. John: And the way I can contribute is from the human resource department, as my education permits me to do so.
    Mr. David: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
    Mr. John: I see myself either already got promotion twice, or getting a master’s degree that’s related to my job.
    Mr. David: Do you still have the urge to study, Mr. John?
    Mr. John: Oh, of course, Sir. Especially if it helps my career, sure.
    Mr. David: Well, I guess that’s all I want to know from you, Mr. John. You will (15) _____ from us in a week. Thank you for coming.
    Mr. John: Thank you so much for this opportunity, Sir. Have a nice day.
    Source: Listening: Job Interview Question & Answer. Diakses pada situs: pada tanggal 6 Febuari 2023. 

    Pak David: Halo.. Selamat pagi, Pak John.
    Pak John: Selamat pagi, Pak.
    Tn. David: Baiklah, meskipun saya telah membaca CV dan resume Anda, bagaimana jika Anda memberi tahu saya tentang diri Anda.
    Pak John: Saya lulusan baru dari psikologi dan saya (11) _____ jurusan industri dan organisasi.
    Pak David: Lalu…
    Pak John: I (12) _____ beberapa proyek yang cukup menarik dan sukses di perguruan tinggi, skala nasional.
    Pak David: Lalu…
    Tn. John: Itu seharusnya menunjukkan kepada Anda bahwa saya memiliki keterampilan kepemimpinan. Saya seorang pembelajar yang sangat cepat, berdedikasi, dan bertanggung jawab.
    Mr David: Mengapa Anda memilih jurusan kuliah Anda?
    Tn. John: Saya sebenarnya sangat tertarik dengan psikologi industri & organisasi. Ini seperti inti dari SDM di sebuah perusahaan.
    Pak David : Jadi..
    Mr John: Dari perekrutan, hingga pelatihan dan pengembangan. Itu peduli dengan kesejahteraan orang-orang di perusahaan.
    Mr David: Jadi.. apakah Anda memiliki pengalaman yang berhubungan dengan bidang ini?
    Tn. John: Saya sudah (13) _____ sebagai rekanan di beberapa konsultan dan memiliki (14) _____ beberapa proses perekrutan.
    Pak David : Jadi..
    Tn. John: Jadi.. Saya memiliki pemahaman yang cukup baik tentang apa yang akan saya lakukan di perusahaan Anda.
    Mr David: Mengapa Anda ingin bekerja untuk kami?
    Tn. John: Saya sebenarnya adalah pengguna lama produk perusahaan Anda, Pak. Saya pikir itu alasan nomor satu.
    Pak David : Kalau begitu..
    Tn. John: Dan cara saya dapat berkontribusi adalah dari departemen sumber daya manusia, karena pendidikan saya mengizinkan saya untuk melakukannya.
    Tn. David: Di mana Anda melihat diri Anda lima tahun dari sekarang?
    Tn. John: Saya melihat diri saya sudah mendapat promosi dua kali, atau mendapatkan gelar master yang terkait dengan pekerjaan saya.
    Pak David: Apakah Anda masih memiliki keinginan untuk belajar, Pak John?
    Pak John: Oh, tentu saja, Pak. Apalagi jika itu membantu karir saya, tentu saja.
    Tn. David: Baiklah, saya kira hanya itu yang ingin saya ketahui dari Anda, Tn. John. Anda akan (15) _____ dari kami dalam seminggu. Terima kasih sudah datang.
    Pak John: Terima kasih banyak atas kesempatan ini, Pak. Semoga harimu menyenangkan.

    Soal Pilihan Ganda Dialog Job Interview

    Choose the best answer for the questions either a, b, c, d, or e!

    1. What is the conversation about?
    a. a job interview
    b. a deep talk
    c. a job meeting
    d. a problem-solving discussion
    e. a project plan

    2. Who is probably Mr. David?
    a. a fresh-graduate from psychology
    b. an industrial and organizational professional
    c. a manager of the company
    d. a college student
    e. an applicant

    3. Who is Mr. John, except?
    a. an applicant
    b. a fresh-graduate from psychology
    c. a manager of the company
    d. an associate
    e. a client of the company

    4. Based on the text, we know that ….
    a. Mr. David is interviewing Mr. John
    b. Mr. John is interviewing Mr. David
    c. Mr. David got a promotion in his company
    d. Mr. John will cooperate with Mr. David in psychology
    e. Mr. David applies for human resource department

    5. What does Mr. John look like, except?
    a. fast learner
    b. dedicated
    c. responsible
    d. good leader
    e. experienced mentor

    6. What job does Mr. John want at the company?
    a. a consultant
    b. a manager
    c. an HR
    d. an investor
    e. an associate

    7. What qualification does Mr. John not have for the job?
    a. he graduated from psychology
    b. he understood industrial and organizational field
    c. he is interesting and successful business man
    d. he owns leadership skills
    e. he is fast learner and responsible

    8. Which is the correct statement according to the dialog?
    a. Mr. David is an interviewee
    b. Mr. John is an interviewer
    c. Mr. David applies for consultants
    d. Mr. John applies for HR in the company
    e. Mr. David will continue his master degree

    9. What is Mr. John’s plan for his job?
    a. he plans to continue his master degree
    b. he cooperates with some of companies
    c. he is recommended to be the chief of company
    d. he contributes to another company
    e. he wants to build his own business

    10. Why does Mr. John still study while working?
    a. he will get a lot of title
    b. he wants to get more relations
    c. he hopes it will develop his career
    d. he is about to be a leader of the company
    e. he expects to get promotion in his company

    11. The suitable word to fil the sentence is ….
    a. take
    b. took
    c. taken
    d. to take
    e. taking

    12. The suitable word to fill the sentence is ….
    a. lead
    b. to lead
    c. led
    d. leading
    e. leads

    13. The suitable word to fill the sentence is ….
    a. work
    b. to work
    c. working
    d. works
    e. worked

    14. The suitable word to fill the sentence is ….
    a. experience
    b. experiences
    c. to experience
    d. experienced
    e. experiencing

    15. The suitable word to fill the sentence is ….
    a. hear
    b. hears
    c. heard
    d. hearing
    e. to hear

    Demikian di atas sekilas contoh job interview dan soal pilihan ganda dialog job interview. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih. : )

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