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What Is Complex Sentence? Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contoh Complex Sentence Lengkap |
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What Is Complex Sentence? Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contoh Complex Sentence Lengkap
What is complex sentence?
Complex sentence adalah jenis kalimat yang terdiri dari satu klausa independen (independent clause) dan setidaknya satu klausa dependen (dependent clause). Kalimat ini menggabungkan ide utama yang dapat berdiri sendiri dengan ide tambahan yang memberikan informasi lebih lanjut tetapi tidak bisa berdiri sendiri.
Karakteristik Complex Sentence:
1. Memiliki satu klausa independen
Klausa independen adalah kalimat lengkap dengan subjek dan predikat yang menyampaikan pemikiran utuh.
Contoh: She stayed home.
2. Memiliki setidaknya satu klausa dependen
Klausa dependen adalah kelompok kata yang memiliki subjek dan predikat tetapi tidak dapat berdiri sendiri karena maknanya tidak lengkap.
Contoh: Because it was raining.
3. Dihubungkan oleh subordinating conjunction atau relative pronoun
- Subordinating conjunctions: seperti because, although, since, if, when, while, after, before, unless, etc.
- Relative pronouns: seperti who, whom, whose, which, that.
Contoh: She stayed home because it was raining.
4. Menekankan hubungan antara ide utama dan tambahan
Hubungan ini bisa berupa sebab-akibat, waktu, syarat, kontras, dll.
Contoh Complex Sentence:
1. I stayed at home because it was raining.
(Klausa independen: I stayed at home, Klausa dependen: because it was raining)
2. Although she was tired, she finished her homework.
(Klausa dependen: Although she was tired, Klausa independen: she finished her homework)
3. We will go hiking if the weather is nice.
(Klausa independen: We will go hiking, Klausa dependen: if the weather is nice)
4. The book that I borrowed from you is very interesting.
(Klausa independen: The book is very interesting, Klausa dependen: that I borrowed from you)
5. When the movie ended, everyone clapped.
(Klausa dependen: When the movie ended, Klausa independen: everyone clapped)
What is the structure of complex sentence?
Struktur complex sentence terdiri dari satu klausa independen (independent clause) dan setidaknya satu klausa dependen (dependent clause) yang dihubungkan oleh konjungsi subordinatif atau kata ganti relatif. Berikut adalah penjelasan strukturnya:
Elemen Utama Complex Sentence
1. Klausa Independen
Klausa ini memiliki subjek dan predikat, serta dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat lengkap.
Contoh: She stayed at home.
2. Klausa Dependen
Klausa ini juga memiliki subjek dan predikat, tetapi tidak dapat berdiri sendiri karena maknanya tidak lengkap. Klausa ini bergantung pada klausa independen untuk membentuk kalimat yang bermakna. Biasanya kalimat ini diawali dengan “subordinating conjunction” atau “relative pronoun”.
Contoh: Because it was raining.
3. Subordinating Conjunction atau Relative Pronoun
Klausa dependen dihubungkan ke klausa independen menggunakan:
- Subordinating conjunctions seperti: because, although, since, if, when, after, before, unless, while, etc.
- Relative pronouns seperti: who, whom, whose, which, that.
Struktur Dasar Complex Sentence
1. Klausa Dependen + , + Klausa Independen
- Contoh: Because it was raining, she stayed at home.
(Klausa dependen: Because it was raining, Klausa independen: she stayed at home)
2. Klausa Independen + Klausa Dependen
- Contoh: She stayed at home because it was raining.
(Klausa independen: She stayed at home, Klausa dependen: because it was raining)
3. Klausa Independen + Relative Clause
- Contoh: The book that I borrowed is interesting.
(Klausa independen: The book is interesting, Relative clause: that I borrowed)
Variasi Struktur Berdasarkan Subordinating Conjunction
1. Waktu
- When the bell rang, the students left the classroom.
- She called me after she arrived.
2. Sebab-akibat
- He stayed at home because he was sick.
- Since it was late, we decided to leave.
3. Syarat
- If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
- We’ll go hiking unless it rains.
4. Kontras
- Although she was tired, she finished her homework.
- She enjoys swimming, while her brother prefers running.
5. Keterangan Tambahan (Relative Clause)
- The girl who won the competition is my sister.
- The house, which is on the hill, has a beautiful view.
- Klausa dependen sering muncul di awal atau akhir kalimat. Jika klausa dependen di awal, gunakan koma untuk memisahkannya dari klausa independen.
- Complex sentence memberikan informasi tambahan dan menunjukkan hubungan antara ide-ide dalam kalimat.
What are examples of complex sentence?
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh complex sentence dengan berbagai variasi struktur dan penggunaan konjungsi:
a) Contoh dengan Subordinating Conjunction
1. Waktu (Time)
- When the bell rang, the students left the classroom.
- After she finished her homework, she went to bed.
- He stayed at the office until the work was done.
2. Sebab-akibat (Cause and Effect)
- She didn’t go to the party because she was tired.
- Since it was raining, we stayed indoors.
- The teacher was upset because the students didn’t submit their assignments.
3. Syarat (Condition)
- If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
- We’ll go hiking unless it rains.
- You can’t leave until you finish your food.
4. Kontras (Contrast)
- Although she was tired, she continued working.
- He managed to win the race even though he had an injury.
- While I enjoy swimming, my brother prefers running.
b) Contoh dengan Relative Pronoun (Relative Clause)
1. Relative Clause dengan "Who"
- The man who lives next door is very friendly.
- She is the student who always gets top grades.
2. Relative Clause dengan "Which" atau "That"
- The car that I bought last week is very fast.
- This is the book which I was talking about.
3. Relative Clause dengan "Whose"
- The boy whose father is a doctor is my classmate.
- She met a woman whose story inspired her.
c) Contoh dengan Variasi Posisi Klausa Dependen
Klausa Dependen di Awal:
- Because it was late, we decided to go home.
- Although it was raining, they continued playing football.
Klausa Dependen di Akhir:
- We decided to go home because it was late.
- They continued playing football although it was raining.
Contoh Kompleks yang Menggunakan Informasi Tambahan:
1. The house, which is located near the beach, has a stunning view.
2. The woman who helped me yesterday is a doctor.
3. She stayed home while her family went on a trip.
- Klausa dependen memberikan informasi tambahan tetapi tidak dapat berdiri sendiri.
- Penggunaan konjungsi seperti because, although, if, when, dan which membantu menunjukkan hubungan logis antara klausa-klausa.
Demikian di atas artikel tentang "What Is Complex Sentence? Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contoh Complex Sentence Lengkap". Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih. : )
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