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What Is Compound-Complex Sentence? Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contoh Compound-Complex Sentence Lengkap |
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What Is Compound-Complex Sentence? Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contoh Compound-Complex Sentence Lengkap
What is compound-complex sentence?
Compound-complex sentence adalah jenis kalimat yang menggabungkan unsur compound sentence (kalimat majemuk) dan complex sentence (kalimat kompleks). Kalimat ini memiliki setidaknya dua klausa independen (independent clauses) dan setidaknya satu klausa dependen (dependent clause).
Ciri-ciri compound-complex sentence:
1. Dua klausa independen: Klausa independen adalah klausa yang bisa berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat utuh.
2. Satu atau lebih klausa dependen: Klausa dependen adalah klausa yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri dan memerlukan klausa lain untuk membentuk kalimat utuh.
3. Menggunakan konjungsi koordinatif (seperti and, but, or, so) untuk menghubungkan klausa independen, dan konjungsi subordinatif (seperti because, although, if, when) untuk menghubungkan klausa dependen.
Contoh kalimat compound-complex:
1. "Although it was raining (dependent clause), we went to the park (independent clause), and we enjoyed the fresh air (independent clause)."
- Klausa dependen: Although it was raining
- Klausa independen: we went to the park dan we enjoyed the fresh air
2. "She stayed up late (independent clause), but she finished her assignment (independent clause) because it was due the next day (dependent clause)."
- Klausa dependen: because it was due the next day
- Klausa independen: She stayed up late dan she finished her assignment
Kalimat jenis ini memberikan fleksibilitas untuk menyampaikan ide yang kompleks dengan lebih lengkap.
What is the stucture of compound-complex sentence?
Struktur compound-complex sentence terdiri dari kombinasi klausa independen dan klausa dependen. Secara umum, struktur ini mengikuti pola dasar:
Struktur Dasar Compound-Complex Sentence:
1. Klausa Dependen + Klausa Independen + Konjungsi + Klausa Independen
Although it was late (dependent clause), she continued working (independent clause), and she finished the project on time (independent clause).
2. Klausa Independen + Konjungsi + Klausa Independen + Klausa Dependen
She loves to read (independent clause), and she often visits the library (independent clause) because it has a peaceful atmosphere (dependent clause).
3. Klausa Independen + Klausa Dependen + Konjungsi + Klausa Independen
He took the bus (independent clause) because his car broke down (dependent clause), but he was still late for the meeting (independent clause).
Komponen Utama:
1. Klausa independen (independent clause): Kalimat lengkap yang memiliki subjek dan predikat, serta dapat berdiri sendiri.
2. Klausa dependen (dependent clause): Klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri dan biasanya diawali oleh konjungsi subordinatif (because, although, if, when, since, etc.).
3. Konjungsi:
- Koordinatif (menghubungkan klausa independen): and, but, or, so, for, nor, yet.
- Subordinatif (menghubungkan klausa dependen dengan klausa independen): although, because, if, when, since, etc.
Variasi Struktur:
Kombinasi klausa ini bisa fleksibel. Misalnya:
- Klausa dependen bisa berada di awal, tengah, atau akhir kalimat.
- Konjungsi koordinatif dan subordinatif digunakan sesuai kebutuhan untuk membangun hubungan logis antara klausa.
Dengan memahami struktur ini, kita dapat membuat kalimat yang lebih kompleks dan kaya makna.
What are examples of compound-complex sentence?
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh compound-complex sentence beserta penjelasan struktur masing-masing:
Contoh 1
"Although it was raining (dependent clause), we went hiking (independent clause), and we enjoyed the scenery (independent clause)."
- Klausa dependen: Although it was raining
- Klausa independen: we went hiking dan we enjoyed the scenery
- Konjungsi subordinatif: Although
- Konjungsi koordinatif: and
Contoh 2
"She didn’t feel well (independent clause), but she still went to school (independent clause) because she had an important exam (dependent clause)."
- Klausa independen: She didn’t feel well dan she still went to school
- Klausa dependen: because she had an important exam
- Konjungsi subordinatif: because
- Konjungsi koordinatif: but
Contoh 3
"I stayed home (independent clause) because I was feeling sick (dependent clause), and I watched a movie (independent clause)."
- Klausa independen: I stayed home dan I watched a movie
- Klausa dependen: because I was feeling sick
- Konjungsi subordinatif: because
- Konjungsi koordinatif: and
Contoh 4
"If he finishes his homework on time (dependent clause), he can play video games (independent clause), but he needs to ask for permission first (independent clause)."
- Klausa dependen: If he finishes his homework on time
- Klausa independen: he can play video games dan he needs to ask for permission first
- Konjungsi subordinatif: If
- Konjungsi koordinatif: but
Contoh 5
"The dog barked loudly (independent clause) while the neighbors were talking outside (dependent clause), and it woke up the baby (independent clause)."
- Klausa independen: The dog barked loudly dan it woke up the baby
- Klausa dependen: while the neighbors were talking outside
- Konjungsi subordinatif: while
- Konjungsi koordinatif: and
Kalimat compound-complex ini memungkinkan kita menyampaikan informasi dengan lebih rinci dan mengekspresikan hubungan logis yang lebih kompleks antara ide-ide dalam sebuah kalimat.
Demikian di atas artikel tentang "What Is Compound-Complex Sentence? Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contoh Compound-Complex Sentence Lengkap". Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih. : )
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