Mata Pelajaran          : Bahasa Inggris

    Kelas                           : X (Sepuluh)

    Semester                     : 1 / Ganjil

    Kompetensi Dasar     :

    3.3 menerapkan fungsi  sosial,  struktur teks, dan unsur  kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait  niat melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai  dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur  kebahasaan be going to, would like to)


    A.    Expression of Showing Intention or Plan

    1.      Pengertian Expression of Showing Intention or Plan

    Expression of Showinng Intention or Plan adalah sebuah ekspresi atau ungkapan yang bertujuan untuk menyatakan harapan, maksud/niat, atau rencana seseorang yang akan dilakukan sesuatu hal di masa mendatang. Karena menyatakan aktivitas yang akan dilaksanakan di masa yang akan datang, maka tenses yang digunakan untuk pada Expression of Showinng Intention or Plan menggunakan Future Tense. Kalimat future tense ditandai dengan penggunaan “will/ shall dan atau be (is/am/are) going to”. Contoh:

    §  I’m going to take the driving test tomorrow.

    §  Siwi will perform a traditional dance at the graduation next week.

    §  They will go to Borobudur Temple this month.

    §  We shall move to our new house a couple of month.

    §  Erika is going to cook with his mother in the kitchen today.

    §  I shall study Biology a few hours later.


    2.      Pola Kalimat Expression of Showing Intention or Plan

    Expression of Showing Intention or Plan menggunakan pola “Future Tenses”. Perhatikan rumus kalimat future tense berikut ini.


    Subject (They, We, I, You, She, He, It)

    +  Will/ Shall +

    + Be (is/am/are) going to  +

    + *Would Rather +

    + *Would Like +

    Verb 1  ....

    *) Keterangan:

    §  Subjek She, He, It, 1 orang (Singular) diikuti to be “is”; Subjek I diikuti to be “am”; Subjek They, We, You, 2 orang atau lebih (Plural) diikuti dengan to be “are”.

    §  Seringkali Subjek She, He, It, 1, They, We, dan You dalam penulisan ataupun percakapan disingkat dengan to be (is/am/are) ataupun dengan “will”, seperti She is (She’s), He is (He’s), It is (It’s), I am (I’m), They are (They’re), We are (We’re), You are (You’re), dan atau She will (She’ll), He will (He’ll), It will (It’ll), I will (I’ll), They will (They’ll), We will (We’ll), You will (You’ll). Contoh:

    a)      She’ll go to the library.

    b)      I’m going to go to the library.

    c)      We’ll go fishing at the weekend.

    d)     We’re going to go fishing at the weekend.


    §  be going to” dalam future tense, khususnya dalam percakapan, seringkali disingkat menjadi “gonna”. Contoh:

    a)      I’m gonna visit my granma’s house tonight.

    b)      She’s gonna watch the movie at the cinema.

    c)      We’re gonna finish our project this afternoon.


    Selain itu, kaimat future tense identik dengan penggunaan adverb (kata keterangan), antara lain: tomorrow (besok), next night (malam berikutnya), next day (hari selanjutnya), next week (pekan depan), next month (bulan depan), next year (tahun depan), this morning (pagi ini), this evening (malam ini), tonight (malam nanti), the day after tomorrow (lusa), two days after tomorrow (2 hari sesudah besok), soon (segera), next year (tahun depan), dan lain-lain.


    Expression of Showing Intention


    §  I am going to Verb1….

    §  I plan to Verb1….

    §  I am planning to Verb 1…

    §  I will/ shall Verb1….

    §  *I am thinking of Verb-ing…..

    §  I reckon I will Verb1….

    §  I intend to Verb1….

    §  My intention is to Verb1….

    §  My plan is to Verb1...

    §  I would like/*love to Verb1...

    §  I want to Verb1 ...

    §  I’m determined to ...

    §  I am about to Verb1…

    §  I am here to Verb1...

    §  I hope to Verb1…

    §  **I might Verb1…

    §  Saya akan/hendak ...

    §  Saya berencana ...

    §  Saya berencana ...

    §  Saya akan

    §  Saya berpikiran untuk ...

    §  Saya pikir saya akan ...

    §  Saya berniat/bermaksud ...

    §  Niatku adalah ...

    §  Rencanaku adalah ...

    §  Saya ingin/mau ...

    §  Saya ingin ....

    §  Saya bertekad untuk…

    §  Saya akan/hendak ..

    §  Saya di sini untuk/akan ...

    §  Saya berharap untuk…

    §  Saya mungkin/*pasti akan...

    Contoh Kalimat Expression of Showing Intention

    §  I am going to tell you about Eiffel Tower.

    §  She plans to go to Jakarta tonight.

    §  I am planning to finish my homeworks.

    §  I will study at 09.00 a.m.

    §  *We are thinking of traveling to Bali Island.

    §  I reckon I will see a dentist.

    §  Joni intends to go fishing today.

    §  My intention is to get a scholarship.  

    §  My plan is to help my parents in the garden.

    §  They would like/*love to camp for a week.

    §  Milla wants to go shopping with her mother.

    §  Sinta is determined to join the competition.

    §  I am about to call her as soon as possible.

    §  I am here to help your work.

    §  I hope to see him.

    §  **I might study to the Oxford university.

    *) Keterangan:

    §  Untuk mengungkapkan rencana atau niat menggunakan pola kalimat future tense yaitu “Will/ Shall + Verb 1”, sedangkan jika menggunakan kalimat Modal maka polanya, yaitu “Modal + Verb 1”. Modal yang biasa dalam Expression of Showing Intention digunakan yaitu “might” (bermakna kepastian untuk melakukan sesuatu).

    §  Verb1 atau Base Form merupakan kata kerja dasar yang tidak mendapatkan imbuhan berupa suffix (akhiran), seperti –ing, -s/es, dan -d/ed, seperti visit, bring, pack up, dan lain-lain. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut:

    a)      Salah : She will writing a letter for you.

    Benar : She will write a letter for you. (Will/ Shall + Verb 1)

    b)      Salah : Marta might watering the flowers in the morning.

    Benar : Marta might watering the flowers in the morning. (Modal+ Verb 1)

    c)      Salah : I am thinking of visit Kuta Beach in Bali next month.

    Benar : I am thinking of visiting Kuta Beach in Bali next month. (Preposition + Verb-ing). Ketika suatu kalimat terdapat preposition (kata depan), seperti of, in, on, at, dan lain-lain, maka sesudah preposition tersebut diikiuti dengan noun (kata benda), noun phrase (frasa nomina), ataun Verb-ing.


    3.      Contoh Dialog dengan Expression of Showing Intention or Plan

    Berikut ini contoh dialog yang memuat ungkapan menyatakan rencana atau niat (Expression of Showing Intention or Plan).

    Dialog 1.

              A long weekend is coming. Riri, Santi, and Bayu are talking about their plans.

    Riri : “It will be a long weekend soon. Do you have any plans?”

    Santi : “Uhm, I’m not sure. I don’t have any idea yet. I think I might stay at home.”

    Bayu : “Stay at home? Well, you could do something more interesting!”

    Santi : “So, what about you Bayu? Do you have any plans?”

    Bayu : “Definitely! My dad and I are going to go fishing.

    Santi : “Fishing? It sounds boring too! Are you going to go fishing in the river near your house?”

    Bayu : “No. We plan to go fishing in a lake near my uncle’s house. Would you like to come with us?”

    Santi : “Fishing? I don’t really like fishing. I would rather stay at home than go fishing.”

    Bayu : “What about you, Riri? What would you like to do on the long weekend?”

    Riri : “I have made a plan with my mother about what to do on this long weekend. We are going to practice baking cookies.”

    Santi : “That sounds like a very good plan!”

    Bayu : “Are you going to bake choco chips cookies like the last time?”

    Riri : “Well, yes. That is my favorite. But we will also try to make ginger cookies.”

    Santi : “Oh, how I envy you. My mother is going to accompany my little brother to attend a drawing competition. I don’t think I can ask her to teach me baking cookies.”

    Bayu : “Ha ha, I guess you should enjoy staying at home alone.”

    Riri : “Oh, would you like to join me to learn baking cookies? You can come to my house.”

    Bayu : “It’s a good idea! Or will you go fishing with me and my dad?”

    Santi : “Uhm, not fishing I guess. But I think I would like to bake cookies with Riri. Thanks for asking me to join you, Riri.”

    Riri : “No problem. I will call you on Friday to let you know the time when we can start.”

    Santi : “Thanks a lot. I will be waiting for your call.”

    Bayu : “Have a nice long weekend everyone.”

    Riri, Santi : “You too.”


    Dialog 2.

    Sarah : “Hello Ali, what are you going to do this weekend?”

    Ali : “Hello, I am going to visit my grandmother in Jakarta. How about you?”

    Sarah : “Well, I still do not have any plan for the weekend.”

    Ali : “Why don’t you go to museum?”

    Sarah : “That is a good idea. But, I have to do my assignment first. Have you done your assignment?”

    Ali : “No, I have not, I’d like to do them this evening.”

    Sarah : “Well, can we do together?”

    Ali : “Yes, of course.”

    Sarah : “Okay, great. I will go to your house at 4 P.M then.”

    Ali : “I will be waiting for.”


    Dialog 3.

    Anita: “Hi Diana, how are you?”

    Diana: “I'm good. Thanks.”

    Anita: “What is your plan for this coming holiday?”

    Diana: “I am going to visit grandmother in Solo. What about you? Do you have any plans?”

    Anita: “Well, my mother is thinking of sending me and my brother to spend our holiday at our Aunt's house in Medan. I have never been there before.”

    Diana: “Are you exciting?”

    Anita: “Yes, I am. I can't wait for the holiday coming soon.”

    Diana: “Yes, it still two weeks away but I already packed up.”

    Anita: “I will bring some books and toys to play there.”

    Diana: “Sounds great. I am planning to pack up some more books this weekend.”

    Anita:  “Have a great holiday, Diana!”

    Diana: “Thanks Anita, you too!”


    See also:

    1.      Kinds of Tenses (Simple Future Tense)

    2.      Modal Auxiliary Verb

    3.      Daily English Expression


    Demikian tadi sekilas penjelasan Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 terkait Expression Of Showing Intention Or Plan (Ungkapan Menunjukkan Niat/ Maksud Atau Rencana). Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi guru ataupun peserta didik dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih...


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