Mata Pelajaran          : Bahasa Inggris

    Kelas                           : X (Sepuluh)

    Semester                     : 1 / Ganjil

    Kompetensi Dasar     :

    3.2 menerapkan fungsi  sosial,  struktur teks, dan unsur  kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap (extended), serta menanggapinya, sesuai  dengan konteks penggunaannya.


    A.    Expression Of Complimenting (Ungkapan Memuji)

    1.      Pengertian Expression Of Complimenting

    Compliment (pujian) adalah sebuah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan pujian kepada seseorang atas apa yang dikerjakan, kepemilikan, hasil pekerjaan/ karya, keberhasilan, keterampilan/ bakat, penampilan seseorang, dan lain-lain. Ungkapan pujian ini juga merujuk pada perasaaan kekaguman (amazement) terhadap sesorang atau tindakan yang dilakukannya.


    2.      Pola Kalimat Expression Of Complimenting

    Berikut ini adalah contoh pola kalimat Expression Of Complimenting yang dapat kita gunakan untuk  memuji seseorang atau sesuatu hal.

    Expression of Compliment

    Contoh Kalimat

    Responses Of Compliment

    a.       How + Adjective + Noun + is/are.

    ( Betapa ....)

    §  How beautiful your dress is!

    (Betapa Indahnya gaunmu!)

    §  How fancy your cars are!

    (Betapa mewahnya  mobil2mu!)

    §  Thank you.

    (terima kasih)

    §  Really? thanks.

    (sungguh? Terima kasih).

    §  Thank you for saying so.

    (terima kasih kamu mengatakan demikian)

    §  I am glad you like it.

    (Saya senang kamu menyukainya)

    §  I am glad you enjoyed it.

    (Saya senang kamu menikmatinya).

    b.      What +  A (An) + Adjective + Noun.

    ( Betapa ....)

    §  What a big house you have!

    (Betapa besarnya rumah yang kamu punya!)

    §  What a wonderful world we live!

    (Betapa luarbiasanya dunia yang kita tinggali!)

    c.       *Noun Phrase + is/look + (really) + Adjective.

    Terlihat (sungguh ....


    §  Your hair looks shiny.

    (rambutmu terlihat berkilau)

    §  His acting is really awesome

    (aktingnya sungguh memukau)

    d.      Subject + *(really) + like/love + Noun Phrase.

    (sungguh) suka/ cinta ....


    §  I like your cooking a lot.

    (Saya sungguh menyukai masakanmu)

    §  We really love your novel.

    (Kita sungguh menyukai novelmu.)

    e.       That/This + is + (really) + Adjective + Noun Phrase.


    §  That is a really cute sunglasses

    (Itu adalah kacamata yang lucu)

    §  This is a pretty flower

    (Ini adalah bunga yang indah)


    *) Keterangan :

    1)      Adjective (kata sifat) berfungsi untuk mendeskripsikan/ mensifati noun (kata benda), baik dari segi ciri-ciri fisik, visual, ataupun emosional. Sedangkan Verb (kata kerja)  merupakan kata yang menunjukkan aktivitas atau tindakan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang, terjadinya kejadian/ peristiwa, dan lain-lain.

    2)      Pola kalimat compliment (c), dengan verb (kata kerja) “look” merupakan stative verb yanng biasanya diikuti langsung oleh adjective (kata sifat). Selain “look”, kata kerja seperti seem, appear, sound, dan taste dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan pujian.

    3)      Ungkapan pujian juga dapat ditunjukkan melalui penggunaan adverb (kata keterangan) pada kalimat, seperti really (sungguh), very (sangat), remarkably (luar biasa), extremely (sangat), so (sangat), dan lain-lain. Selain itu, mengungkapkan pujian dapat ditunjukkan dari penggunaan adjective (kata sifat) yang memiliki positive or encouraging sense (perasaan positive ataupun yang bersifat mendorong), seperti great (luar biasa), well done (sukses), marvellous (luar biasa), gorgeous (hebat), remarkable (luar biasa), awesome (mengagumkan), dan lain-lain.


    3.      Contoh Dialog Dengan Expression Of Complimenting:

    Dialog 1

    Rahmi  : Hello, How are things going on, Sinta?

    Sinta    : Hi. Good, and you?

    Rahmi  : I'm feeling great today. How was your weekend with your family in Batu?

    Sinta    : Excellent! We had a lovely time there. You should have gone there with us.

    Rahmi  : Really? Hey what a beautiful skirt you are wearing. It matches your blouse.

    Sinta    : Thanks a lot. My sister bought it for me last month.

    Rahmi  : Wow! That's wonderful!


    Dialog 2

    Rahmi : Hello. How are things going on, Sinta?

    Sinta : Hi. Good, and you?

    Rahmi : I’m feeling great today. How was your weekend with your family in Batu?

    Sinta : Excellent! We had a lovely time there. You should have gone there with us.

    Rahmi : Really? Hey, what a beautiful skirt you are wearing. It matches your blouse.

    Sinta : Thanks a lot. My sister bought it for me last month.

    Rahmi : Wow! That’s wonderful.

    Sinta : Oh, Rahmi, can I ask you something?

    Rahmi : Oh, sure. Please.

    Sinta : Have you finished writing the book we discussed two months ago?

    Rahmi : Yes. Come to my room. Look at this. What do you think?

    Sinta : Terrific. I like the cover. Let me see the contents. This book is excellent. You really did a great job.

    Rahmi : Thanks a lot. You’ve inspired me to do this.


    4.      Daftar Positive Adjective

    Positive Adjective merupakan kata sifat yang memiki makan positif atau bersifat mendorong terhadap seseorang atau sesuatu hal. Berikut ini daftar positive adjective yang dapat digunakan sebagai Expression Of Complimenting (mengungkapkan pujian).

    Positive Adjective


    Positive Adjective


    §  Exceptional

    §  Remarkable

    §  Extraordinary

    §  Laud

    §  Delightful

    §  Pleasant

    §  Congenial

    §  Enjoy

    §  Charm

    §  Captivate

    §  Fascinate

    §  Terrific

    §  Wonderful

    §  Fantastic

    §  Intrigue

    §  Intriguing

    §  Absolutely

    §  Perfect

    §  Hone

    §  Embrace

    §  Certainly

    §  Pleased

    §  Proud Of

    §  Luar biasa

    §  Luar biasa

    §  Luar biasa

    §  Memuji

    §  Menyenangkan

    §  Nyaman

    §  Cocok

    §  Nikmati

    §  Pesona

    §  Memikat hati

    §  Mengasyikkan

    §  Hebat

    §  Hebat

    §  Fantastis

    §  Intrik

    §  Menarik

    §  Benar

    §  Sempurna

    §  Mengasah

    §  Merangkul

    §  Pasti

    §  Senang

    §  Bangga

    §  Accomplished

    §  Phenomenal

    §  Significant

    §  Substantial

    §  Substantive

    §  Encourage

    §  Integrity

    §  Brilliant

    §  Principle

    §  Principled

    §  Credibility

    §  Standard

    §  In Essence

    §  Surreal

    §  Breathtaking

    §  Astonish

    §  Impressed

    §  Elated

    §  Exhilarated

    §  Exuberant

    §  Bright

    §  Splendid


    §  Ulung

    §  Fenomenal

    §  Penting

    §  Besar

    §  Substantif

    §  Mendorong

    §  Integritas

    §  Cemerlang

    §  Prinsip

    §  Berprinsip

    §  Kredibilitas

    §  Standar

    §  Intinya

    §  Sungguh nyata

    §  Mempesona

    §  Mencengangkan

    §  Terkesan

    §  Gembira

    §  Gembira

    §  Riang

    §  Terang

    §  Megah


    B.     Expression Of Congratulating  (Ungkapan Selamat)

    1.      Pengertian Expression Of Congratulating

    “Congratulation” adalah ungkapan yang kita gunakan untuk memberikan ucapan selamat terhadap seseorang, seperti  keberhasilan/ sukses dalam melakukan sesuatu hal, kenaikan pangkat, memperoleh pekerjaan baru, memenangkan perlombaan, menjadi duta/perwakilan sekolah, dan pada acara-acara lainnya (happy birthday, merry christmas, happy new year, happy valentine, happy anniversary, dan lain-lain). Congratulation dan Compliment mempunyai kesamaan konteks/ makna ungkapan yang sama yaitu memberikan respon positif terhadap sesuatu yang telah dilakukan, dicapai, ataupun dimiliki oleh seseorang.  


    2.      Pola Kalimat Expression Of Congratulating

    Berikut ini contoh pola kalimat Expression Of Congratulating atau ungkapan memberikan selamat yang seringkali kita jumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

    Expression Of Congratulation

    Responses Of Congratulation

    §  Congratulation!


    §  Congratulation on/for .... your promotion/ your graduation, etc.

    (Selamat atas .... promosimu/ kelulusanmu, dll.)

    §  I would like to congratulate you for ….

    (Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat kepadamu atas ....)

    §  I must congratulate you on ….

    (Saya harus mengucapkan selamat kepadamu atas ....)

    §  Let me congratulate on your success.

    (Izinkan aku mengucapkan selamat atas kesuksesanmu)

    §  May I congratulate you on ...

    (Bolehkan Saya mengucapkan selamat kepadamu atas ....)

    §  Well done! atau Fantastic/terrific!

    (berhasil! Fantastik/ luar biasa!)

    §  It was great to hear that ...

    (Luar biasa mendengar bahwa ....)

    §  Please accept my warmest congratulations on ...

    (Saya mohon, terimalah ucapan selamat terhangatku atas ....)

    §  I’d like to be the first to congratulate you on ...

    (Saya ingin menjadi yang pertama mengucapkan selamat kepadamu atas ....)

    §  Thank you.

    (terima kasih)

    §  Thanks, I hope you so.

    (terima kasih, Saya berharap kamu juga demikian)

    §  Thanks, I needed that.

    (terima kasih, Saya membutuhkan itu)

    §  It’s very kind of you to say that.

    (Sungguh baik sekali kamu mengatakan hal itu)

    §  Do you really think so?

    (apakah kamu sungguh berpikir demikian?)

    §  It’s very good of you to say so.

    (Sungguh baik sekali kamu mengatakan demikian)



    3.      Contoh Dialog Dengan Expression Of Congratulating

    Dialog 1

    Cita has won the first winner of the story telling competition in her school. Her best friend congratulated her.

    Ditto : Cita, congratulations for being the first winner at the school story telling competition! Excellent. You really did it well.

    Cita : Thanks, Ditto.

    Ditto : I heard that you will be the representative of our school in the story telling competition of our regency. Is it true?

    Cita : Yes, you’re right.

    Ditto : I hope you will win as well in the next competition.

    Cita : I hope so. But I’m nervous.

    Ditto : Don’t worry, you’re a very good story teller. Good luck.

    Cita : Thanks. I’ll do my best. Wish me luck.


    Dialog 2

              After a long struggle and hard work, Alif is finally appointed as the director of a national company where he works. Many of his friends who work at the same company congratulate him.

    Samuel : Alif, congratulations. You deserved it, Man.

    Alif : Thank you very much. This is because you always help me.

    Sinta : I am very happy for you, Alif. Now that you are the director of the company, I believe the company will develop even faster.

    Alif : (replies with a happy tone) Thank you. I cannot forget your collaboration with me, and I will still need your help.

              Other friends shake his hands and congratulate him too.

    Deni : That’s wonderful, Alif.

    Alif : Oh, thanks.

    Santi : Good for you. Good luck.

    Alif : Thank you very much.

    Bejo : Well done.

    Alif : Thank you for saying so.

    Ivan : That was great. You must be very proud of your achievement.

    Alif : Thanks. I’m glad you think so. But I still have to learn a lot.

              His staff also congratulate him.

    Eny : Please accept my warmest congratulations, Sir.

    Alif : It’s very kind of you to say so. Thank you.

    Bintari : I must congratulate you on your success.

    Alif : Thank you very much for saying so.

              They all celebrate Alif’s success by having lunch together in a simple food stall next to their office. Every body is happy.


    4.      Kosakata Yang Berkaitan Dengan Expression Of Congratulating

    Berikut ini daftar kosakata yang berkaitan dengan Expression Of Congratulating atau ungkapan memberikan selamat.

    Expression Of Congratulating


    §  Hip hip hooray!

    §  (sorakan ini diucapkan tiga kali dan mengekspresikan semangat Anda)

    §  Three cheers (for + noun)

    §  mengungkapkan penghargaan dan pujian, pujian; untuk dihibur: di Inggris = "Terima kasih!"

    §  GG (Good game)

    §  terutama digunakan dalam olahraga: lawan yang kalah mengakui kemenangannya!

    §  props= (slang) short for "Proper"

    §  mengungkapkan Penghargaan dan nilai.

    §  Thumbs up

    §  (Digunakan di Jejaring Sosial) seringkali dengan komentar pujian.

    §  Heart/ hearts (on Twitter)

    §  Salah satu cara untuk menghargai kesuksesan seseorang

    §  Kudos!

    §  (terlihat tidak asing, tetapi terutama digunakan di dunia korporat.

    §  WOW! / Well done! / High Five!/ Good job!/ Great job!

    §  menunjukkan kekaguman Anda.

    Expression of Congratulating


    §  I'll be the first competitor to congratulate you on...

    §  Saya akan menjadi pesaing pertama yang memberi selamat kepada Anda atas ...

    §  Please, accept my warmest congratulations...

    §  Tolong, terima ucapan selamat saya yang terhangat ...

    §  May I congratulate you?/ I must congratulate you...

    §  Bolehkah saya memberi selamat kepada Anda? / Saya harus memberi selamat kepada Anda ...

    §  Great accomplishments!/ Great level of accomplishments!

    §  Prestasi hebat! / Tingkat pencapaian hebat!

    §  Your future is looking so bright...

    §  Masa depanmu terlihat sangat cerah ...

    §  You have performed more than adequately...

    §  Anda telah melakukan lebih dari cukup ...

    §  I'm very much impressed!

    §  Saya sangat terkesan!

    §  Your persistence is paying off...

    §  Kegigihan Anda membuahkan hasil ...


    §  I knew you'd be successful!

    §  Saya tahu Anda akan sukses!

    §  It was great to.../ Good... / Fantastic!

    §  Sangat menyenangkan untuk ... / Bagus ... / Fantastis!

    §  You're awesome!/ You're pretty great! 

    §  Kamu luar biasa! / Kamu sangat hebat!

    §  Good things happen to good people!/ Great things come from great people!

    §  Hal baik terjadi pada orang baik! / Hal hebat datang dari orang hebat!

    Expression of Congratulating


    §  Congrats

    §  Congrats, on your new job.

    §  Nice going

    §  Nice going!! You won the game.

    §  Good one mate

    §  You got a new car. Good one mate.

    §  Well done

    §  I heard you bought your first house. Well done.

    §  You did/made it

    §  You did it. You passed your driving exam.

    §  You are really growing up

    §  You are really growing up!! You started school today.

    §  You are a genius!

    §  You are a genius! You finished medical school.

    §  So proud of you  

    §  Good Luck in your new job. I am so proud of you.

    §  I am impressed  

    §  I am impressed, that you finished 1st in your class.

    §  You are amazing  

    §  You are amazing on the football field. You played a great game.

    §  Outstanding!

    §  You are an outstanding student.

    §  Tremendous

    §  You are a tremendous team leader. Keep up the good work.

    §  Sensational

    §  Your work is sensational!


    See also:

    1.      Adjective

    2.      Verb

    3.      Stative Verb

    4.      Modal Auxiliary Verb

    5.      List of Positive Adjective

    6.      List of Complimentary Adjective

    7.      List of Encouragement and Praise Phrases



    1. accessed on 13th November 2020.
    2. accessed on 13th November 2020.
    3. accessed on 13th November 2020.


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