Sentence With One Clause_TOEFL Part 1 Structure Questions






    Hal yang paling penting dan dasar dalam menyelesaikan Structure and Written Expression TOEFL Test adalah memahami struktur kalimat. Struktur dasar sebuah kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris adalah “Subject + Verb”. Namun, ada beberapa struktur kalimat yang lebih kompleks, yaitu adanya objects of prepositions (objek preposisi), appositives (apositif; informasi tambahan yang disematkan dalam kalimat), dan participles (Verb 3/Verb-ing). Oleh karena itu, kita harus: 1) memastikan kalimat memiliki Subject + Verb (kata kerja), 2) perhatikan objects of prepositions (objek preposisi) & appositives (apositif) ketika kita mencari subjek, dan 3) Perhatikan penggunaan present participles (Verb-ing) & past participles (Verb 3) ketika kita mencari verb (kata kerja).



    Skill 1 Be Sure The Sentence Has A Subject And A Verb (Pastikan Kalimat memiliki Subjek dan Kata Kerja)

    Kesalahan yang paling umum Anda akan temui dalam The Structure Section Of The TOEFL Test adalah keberadaan “Subject (subjek)” dan “Verb (kata kerja)”; barangkali kalimat tersebut bermasalah baik “Subject” ataupun “Verb” atau ke-2nya, atau mungkin kalimat tersebut memiliki sebuah subjek atau kata kerja ekstra. Perhatikan contoh berikut!

    Example 1

    ____ was backed up for miles on the freeway.

    (A) Yesterday

    (B) In the morning

    (C) Traffic

    (D) Cars

    Jawaban: C

    Kalimat di atas terdapat verb “was”, tetapi tidak memiliki subject. Jawaban yang tepat adalah C karena merupakan a singular subject (subjek tunggal) yang sesuai dengan singular verb “was”. Jawaban (A), yesterday, & (B), in the morning (Adverb), bukanlah subjek. Meskipun jawaban (D) cars, dapat menjadi subjek, namun itu tidak benar karena “cars” adalah plural (jamak) dan tidak tepat dengan singular verb “was”.

    *Subject biasanya berupa Noun (kata benda) atau Pronoun (kata ganti).


    Example 2

    Engineers____ for work on the new space program.

    (A) necessary

    (B) are needed

    (C) hopefully

    (D) next month

    Jawaban: B

    Kalimat di atas memiliki Subject “engineers”, dan tidak memiliki kata kerja (verb). Jawaban (B) are needed merupakan jawaban, merupakan verb. Sedangkan, jawaban (A) necessary (Adjective), (C) hopefully & (D) next month (adverb) bukanlah verb, jadi bukan merupakan jawaban yang tepat.

    *Struktur dasar kalimat, yaitu “Subject + Verb”. Verb menyesuaikan dengan jenis tenses yang digunakan.


    Example 3

    The boy _____ going to the movies with a friend.

    (A) he is

    (B) he always was

    (C) is relaxing

    (D) will be

    Jawaban: D

    Kalimat di atas memiliki a subject “boy” & memilki bagian verb “going”; beberapa bentuk verb “be” diperlukan untuk menjadikan kalimat tersebut sempurna. Jawaban (A) he is & (B) he always was, salah karena kalimat tersebut sudah memiliki subject dan tidak memerlukan extra subject “he”. Sementara itu, jawaban (C) is relaxing salah karena merupakan bagian dari extra verb yang tidak diperlukan sebelum verb “going”. Jawaban (D) will be bersama-sama dengan “going” akan membentuk verb (kata kerja) yang sempurna.

    *) “Subject + be + Verb-ing” merupakan bentuk continuous/ progressive tense.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    Sebuah kalimat sekurang-kurangnya terdiri dari satu “Subject (Subjek)” dan satu “Verb (Kata Kerja)”. 


    EXERCISE 1: Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   Last week went fishing for trout at the nearby mountain lake. (.....)

    2.   A schedule of the day’s events can be obtained at the fornt desk. (.....)

    3.   A job on the day shift of the night shift at the plant available. (.....)

    4.   The new computer program has provides a variety of helpful application. (.....)

    5.   The box can be opened only with a special screwdriver. (.....)

    6.   The assigned text for history class it contains more than twenty chapters. (.....)

    7.   The papers in the whitebasket should be emptied into the trash can outside. (.....)

    8.   Departure before dawn on a boat in the middle of the harbor. (.....)

    9.   Yesterday found an interesting article on pollution. (.....)

    10.        The new machine is processes 50 percent more than the previous machine.


    Key answer:

    1.   Last week went fishing for trout at the nearby mountain lake. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    2.   *A schedule of the day’s events can be obtained at the fornt desk. ( C )

    3.   *A job on the day shift of the night shift at the plant is available. ( I ) “tidak ada verb”

    4.   The new computer program has provides a variety of helpful application. ( I ) “provides seharusnya provided karena bentuk perfect tense (have + Verb-3)”

    5.   The box can be opened only with a special screwdriver. ( C )

    6.   *The assigned text for history class it contains more than twenty chapters. ( I ) “it harus hilang karena sudah ada subject (the assigned text)”

    7.   *The papers in the whitebasket should be emptied into the trash can outside. ( C )

    8.   Departure is before dawn on a boat in the middle of the harbor. ( I ) “tidak ada verb”

    9.   Yesterday I found an interesting article on pollution. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    10.        The new machine is processes 50 percent more than the previous machine. ( I ) “is harus dihilangkan agar sesuai dengan pola present tense”

    *)Kata-kata yang dicetak tebal pada awal kalimat merupakan Subject.


    Skill 2 Be Careful Of Objects Of Prepositions (Perhatikan Objek Preposisi)

    Object of a preposition (objek preposisi) merupakan noun (kata benda) atau pronoun (kata ganti) yang berada sesudah preposition (kata depan), seperti: in, at, of, to, by, behind, on, & so on, untuk membentuk prepositional phrase (frasa preposisi).

    (After his exams) Tom will take a trip (by boat).

    Kalimat tersebut memiliki dua objek preposisi yaitu 1) “Exams” merupakan objek preposisi dari “after”, dan 2) “boat”  merupakan objek preposisi dari “by”.

    Example 1

    With his friend _____ found the movie theater.

    (A) has

    (B) he

    (C) later

    (D) when

    Jawaban: B

    Pada contoh di atas Anda harus cari dahulu “subject” & “verb”. Anda sebaiknya memerhatikan verb “found” dan juga perhatikan bahwa tidak ada subjek dalam kalimat tersebut. “friend” bukan subjek kalimat; melainkan, adalah objek preposisi “with”, and suatu noun (kata benda) tidak dapat menjadi ke-2nya yaitu subject & object sekaligus. Karena, kalimat di atas membutuhkan subject maka jawaban (B) he, merupakan jawaban yang tepat. Sedangkan jawaban (A) has (auxiliary verb), (C) later & (D) later (Adverb) tidak tepat karena tidak dapat dijadikan subject kalimat.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    Sebuah preposition (kata depan) diikuti oleh noun (kata benda) atau pronoun (kata ganti); disebut dengan object of the preposition (preposition + object).

    Jika sebuah kata merupakan object of a preposition, maka bukan termasuk subject (subjek).


    EXERCISE 2: Each of the following sentences contains one or more prepositional phrases. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Italicize the prepositional phrases that come before the verb. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   The interviews by the radio broadcasters were carried live by the station. (.....)

    2.   In the last possible moment before take off took his seat in the airplane. (.....)

    3.   At the neighborhood flower shop, flowers in quantities of a dozen or a half dozen can be delivered for free. (.....)

    4.   The progressive reading methods at this school are given credit for the improved test scores. (.....)

    5.   For the last three years at various hospitals in the country has been practicing medicine. (.....)

    6.   In the past a career in politics was not considered acceptable in some circles. (.....)

    7.   Shopping in the downtown area of the city it has improved a lot in recent years. (.....)

    8.   At the building site the carpenters with the most experience were given the most intricate work. (.....)

    9.   For the fever and headache took aspirin table. (.....)

    10.        The report with complete documentation was delivered at the conference. (.....)

    Key answer:

    1.   The interviews by the radio broadcasters were carried live by the station. ( C )

    2.   1In the last possible moment 2before take off He took his seat in the airplane. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    3.   1At the neighborhood flower shop, flowers 2in quantities of a dozen or a half dozen can be delivered for free. ( C )

    4.   The progressive reading methods at this school are given credit for the improved test scores. ( C )

    5.   1For the last three years 2at various hospitals 3in the country some doctor has been practicing medicine. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    6.   1In the past a career 2in politics was not considered acceptable 3in some circles. ( C )

    7.   Shopping 1in the downtown area 2of the city it has improved a lot 3in recent years. ( I )

    8.   1At the building site the carpenters 2with the most experience were given the most intricate work. ( C )

    9.   For the fever and headache s/he took aspirin table. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    10.        The report 1with complete documentation was delivered 2at the conference. ( C )

    *) Preposition phrase ditandai dengan penggunaan prepoistion di awal frasa, seperti by, in, before, at, for, of, with, dan lain-lain.



    Skill 3 Be Careful Of Appositives (Perhatikan Apositif)

    Appositive merupakan noun (kata benda) yang berada sebelum atau sesudah noun (kata benda) lainnya, dan memiliki makna yang sama. Appositive juga dapat diartikan sebagai informasi tambahan (penjelas) terkait noun (kata benda).

    Sally, the best student in the class, got an A on the exam.

    Pada contoh kalimat di atas “Sally” merupakan subject kalimat, dan “the best student in the class” merupakan appositive phrase karena noun (kata benda) “student” dan adanya koma (,) yang mengapit kata-kata tersebut.  “Sally” & “the best student in the class (menjelaskan Sally)” adalah orang yang sama. Meskipun Anda menghilangkan appositive pada kalimat di atas, kalimat tersebut masih memiliki arti yang utuh. (Sally got an A on the exam).

    Example 1

    ____, George, is attending the lecture.

    (A) Right now

    (B) Happily

    (C) Because of the time

    (D) My friend

    Jawaban: D

    Pada kalimat di atas, Anda harus tahu adanya koma (,) yang mengapit “George”. George bukanlah subject kalimat, melainkan sebuah appositive. Karena kalimat tersebut masih memerlukan subject maka jawaban yang tepat adalah (D) my friend (noun). Sedangkan jawaban

    In this example you should recognize from the commas that (A) Right now & (B) Happily (Adverb), and (C) Because of the time (Adverb) tidak tepat karena tidak dapat menjadi subject kalimat.


    Example 2

    ____, Sarah rarely misses her basketball shots.

    (A) An excellent basketball player

    (B) An excellent basketball player is

    (C) Sarah is an excellent basketball player

    (D) Her excellent basketball play

    Jawaban: A

    Pada kalimat di atas, Anda bisa tahu bahwa “Sarah” merupakan subject dan “misses” merupakan verb karena tidak ada koma (,) yang mengapit/ memisahkan kata-kata tersebut. Pada kolom tersebut, Anda harus meletakkan sebuah appositive untuk Sarah. Sarah merupakan an

    excellent basketball player, jadi jawaban (A) adalah jawaban yang paling tepat. Jawaban (B) & (C) tidak tepat karena masing-masing memiliki verb “is”, dan sebuah appositive tidak memerlukan verb (kata kerja). Sedangkan, jawaban (D) terdapat noun “play” yang kemungkinan dapat menjadi appositive, tetapi “play” tidak sama/ merujuk pada Sarah; jadi jawaban ini tidak tepat.

    *)Appositive pada umunya berupa “Noun” ataupun “Noun Phrase”.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    Appostive merupakan sebuah noun (kata benda) yang terdapat sebelum atau sesudah noun lainnya dan pada umumnya dipisahkan dari noun lainnya dengan tanda koma (,). Jika sebuah kata merupakan appositive, kata itu Bukan Subject. Berikut contoh struktur appositive yang kemungkinan ada dalam bahasa Inggris.


    Subject, Appositive, Verb

    Tom, a really good mechanic, is fixing the car.

    Appositive, Subject Verb

    A really good mechanic, Tom is fixing the car.


    *) Appositive di atas “a really good mechanic” menjelaskan Subjek kalimat, yaitu “Tom”. 


    EXERCISE 3: Each of the following sentences contains one or more prepositional phrases. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Italicize the appositive. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   The son the previous owner, the new owner is undertaking some fairly broad changes in management policy. (.....)

    2.   Last semester, a friend, graduated cumlaude from the university. (.....)

    3.   Valentine’s Day, February 14, is a special holiday for sweethearts. (.....)

    4.   At long last, the chief executive officer, has decided to step down. (.....)

    5.   Tonight’s supper, leftovers from last night, did not taste any better tonight than last night. (.....)

    6.   The only entrance to the closet, the door was kept locked at all times. (.....)

    7.   In the cold of winter, a wall heating unit, would not turn on. (.....)

    8.   The new tile pattern, yellow flowers on a white background, really brightens up the room. (.....)

    9.   The high powered computer the most powerful machine of its type, was finally readied for use. (.....)

    10.        A longtime friend and confidant, the psychologist was often invited over for Sunday dinner. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   The son the previous owner, the new owner is undertaking some fairly broad changes in management policy. ( C )

    2.   Last semester, a friend, Sarma graduated cumlaude from the university. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    3.   Valentine’s Day, February 14, is a special holiday for sweethearts. ( C )

    4.   At long last, the chief executive officer, John has decided to step down. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    5.   Tonight’s supper, leftovers from last night, did not taste any better tonight than last night. ( C )

    6.   The only entrance to the closet, the door was kept locked at all times. ( C )

    7.   In the cold of winter, a wall heating unit, wall heater would not turn on. ( I )“tidak ada subject”

    8.   The new tile pattern, yellow flowers on a white background, really brightens up the room. ( C )

    9.   The high powered computer, the most powerful machine of its type, was finally readied for use. ( I ) “tanda koma yang mengapit appositive kurang satu”

    10.        A longtime friend and confidant, the psychologist was often invited over for Sunday dinner. ( C )



    Skill 4 Be Careful Of Present Participles (Perhatikan Verb-ing)

    Present Participle merupakan bentuk Verb-ing, seperti talking, playing. Present participle dapat menjadi verb (kata kerja) ataupun adjective (kata sifat). Ketika menjadi verb, present participle didahului dengan auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu) “be” seperti is, am, are, was, were, be, atau been.

    The man is talking to his friend.


    *Pada kalimat di atas, “talking” merupakan verb karena disertai dengan auxiliary verb be “is


    Present participle merupakan sebuah adjective (kata sifat) ketika tidak disertai dengan auxiliary verb be “is, am, are ...”.


    The man talking to his friend has a beard.



    *Pada kalimat di atas, “talking” merupakan adjective dan bukan termasuk verb karena tidak disertai dengan auxiliary verb be “is”. Verb kalimat tersebut adalah “has”.



    The child ____ playing in the yard is my son.

    (A) now

    (B) is

    (C) he

    (D) was

    Jawaban: A

    Pada contoh tersebut, jika Anda melihat pada kata-kata pertama yaitu “the child” merupakan subject dan “playing” merupakan bagian dari verb. Jika Anda berpikir bahwa “playing” merupakan bagian dari verb, maka Anda pasti memilih jawaban (B) is, atau jawaban (D) was untuk melengkapi verb tersebut. Namun, ke-2 jawaban tersebut tidaklah tepat karena “playing” bukan bagian dari verb. Anda harus tahu bahwa “playing” merupakan participial adjective karena ada verb lainnya di dalam kalimat tersebut, yaitu “is”. Pada kalimat tersebut, sudah ada  subjectchild” dan juga verb “is”, jadi kalimat tersebut tidak memerlukan subject atau verb lain. Jawaban (A) merupakan jawaban yang paling tepat.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    Present participle merupakan bentuk Verb-ing. Present participle dapat menjadi (1) bagian dari verb (kata kerja) yaitu ketika disertai dengan be, seperti “is, am, are, was, were, be, atau been” atau (2) adjective (kata sifat) yaitu ketika tidak disertai dengan be.


    1.   The boy is standing in the comer. (is standing: Verb)

    2.   The boy standing in the corner was naughty. (standing: Adjective, was: verb)


    EXERCISE 4: Each of the following sentences contains one or more present participles. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Italicize the present participles and label them as adjective or verb. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   The companies offering the lowest prices will have the most customers. (.....)

    2.   Those travelers are completing their trip on Delta should report to Gate Three. (.....)

    3.   The artisans were demonstrating various handicrafts at booths throughout the fair. (.....)

    4.   The fraternities are giving the wildest parties attract the most new pledges. (.....)

    5.   The first team swimming four games is awarded the championship. (.....)

    6.   The speaker was trying to make his point was often interrupted vociferously. (.....)

    7.   The fruits were rotting because of the moisture in the crates carrying them to market. (.....)

    8.   Any students desiring official transcripts should complete the appropriate form. (.....)

    9.   The advertisements were announcing the half-day sale received a lot of attention. (.....)

    10.        The spices flavoring the meal were quite distinctive. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   The companies offering the lowest prices will have the most customers. ( C ) “offering sebagai adjective”

    2.   Those travelers are completing their trip on Delta should report to Gate Three. ( I ) “completing sebagai adjective”

    3.   The artisans were demonstrating various handicrafts at booths throughout the fair. ( C ) “demonstrating sebagai verb”

    4.   The fraternities are giving the wildest parties attract the most new pledges. ( I ) “giving sebagai adjective”

    5.   The first team swimming four games is awarded the championship. ( C ) “swimming sebagai adjective”

    6.   The speaker was trying to make his point was often interrupted vociferously. ( I ) “trying sebagai adjective”

    7.   The fruits were rotting because of the moisture in the crates carrying them to market. ( I ) “rotting sebagai verb; carrying sebagai adjective”

    8.   Any students desiring official transcripts should complete the appropriate form. ( C ) “desiring sebagai adjective”

    9.   The advertisements were announcing the half-day sale received a lot of attention. ( I ) “announcing sebagai adjective)

    10.        The spices flavoring the meal were quite distinctive. ( C ) “flavoring sebagai adjective”



    Skill 5 Be Careful Of Past Participles (Perhatikan Verb-3)

    Past participles dapat menjadi adjective (kata sifat) ataupun bagian dari verb (kata kerja). Past participle biasanya menyertai “have/has/had” atau be “is, am, are, ...”. Kata ini seringkali diakhiri dengan “-d/-ed” disebut regular past participles, tetapi ada juga banyak

    irregular past participles, yaitu Verb-3 dengan bentuk yang tidak beraturan (tidak diakhiri dengan “-d/-ed”).

    The family has purchased a television.



    *) Past participle digunakan dalam pola perfect tenses yaitu menyertai “have, has, atau had”. Pada kalimat di atas past pasticiple “purchased” menyertai “has” merupakan bagian dari verb.


    The poem was written by Paul.



    *) Past participle digunakan dalam pola passive voice (kalimat passive: be + Verb-3) yaitu menyertai be “is, am, are, was, were, be, ataupun been”. Pada kalimat di atas past pasticiple “written” menyertai be “was” merupakan bagian dari verb.


    Past participle merupakan sebuah adjective ketika tidak disertai dengan be “is, am, are ...” ataupun “have, has, had”.

    The television purchased yesterday was expensive.



    *Past participle pada kalimat di atas merupakan sebuah adjective karena tidak disertai be atau have (dan ada verb “was” sesudahnya pada kalimat tersebut).


    The poem written by Paul appeared in the magazine.



    *Past participle pada kalimat di atas merupakan sebuah adjective karena tidak disertai be atau have (dan ada verb “appeared” sesudahnya pada kalimat tersebut).



    The packages____ mailed at the post office will arrive Monday.

    (A) have

    (B) were

    (C) them

    (D) just

    Jawaban: D

    Pada kalimat di atas, jika Anda melihat hanya pada beberapa kata di awal, Anda pasti mengira bahwa “the packages” merupakan Subject dan “mailed” merupakan verb atau past participle (verb-3) yang auxiliary verb (helping verb), seperti be atau have. Namun, jika Anda perhatikan lebih jauh pada kalimat tersebut, Anda akan menemukan “will arrive” merupakan verb dari kalimat tersebut. Kemudian, Anda akan menyadari bahwa “mailed” merupakan participial adjective dan bukanlah bagian dari Verb. Oleh karena itu, jawaban (A) & (B) tidak tepat karena  adjective “mailed” tidak memerlukan helping verb, seperti have or were. Jawaban (C) tidak tepat karena object “them” tidak diperlukan dalam kalimat tersebut. Maka jawaban (D) merupakan jawaban yang palinng tepat.


    Perlu diingat!!!


    Past participle (Verb-3) seringkali berakhiran dengan “-d/-ed” disebut reguler past participle, tetapi ada juga banyak irregular past participle (bentuk Verb-3 yang tidak beraturan, seperti written, put, bought, seen, ...). Perlu diperhatikan bahwa Verb yang berakhiran “-d/-ed” memiliki bentuk yang sama antara simple past (Verb-2) dan past participle (Verb-3). Oleh karena itu, Verb-d/ed dapat menjadi (1) verb of simple past (Verb-2), (2) verb of past participle (Verb-3), atau (3) adjective (kata sifat).

    1.   She painted this picture. (Simple Past “Verb-2”)

    2.   She has painted this picture. (Past Participle “Verb-3” as Verb)

    3.   The picture painted by Karen is now in a museum. (Past Participle “Verb-3” as Adjective)


    EXERCISE 4: Each of the following sentences contains one or more past participles. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Italicize the past participles and label them as adjective or verb. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   The money was offered by the client was not accepted. (.....)

    2.   The car listed in the advertisement had already stalled. (.....)

    3.   The chapters were taught by the professor thiis morning will be on the next week’s exam. (.....)

    4.   The loaves of bread were baked in a brick oven at low termperature for many hours. (.....)

    5.   The ports were reached by the sailors were under the control of a foreign nation. (.....)

    6.   Thoses suspected in the string of robberies were arrested by the police. (.....)

    7.   The pizza is served in this restaurant in the tastiest in this country. (.....)

    8.   The courses are listed on the second page of the brochure have several prerequisites. (.....)

    9.   All the tenants were invited to the Independence Day barbecue at the apartment complex. (.....)

    10.        Any bills paid by the first of the month will be credited to your account by the next day. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   The money was offered by the client was not accepted. ( I ) “offered, accepted sebagai subject”

    2.   The car listed in the advertisement had already stalled. ( C ) “listed sebagai adjective; stalled sebagai verb”

    3.   The chapters were taught by the professor thiis morning will be on the next week’s exam. ( I ) “taught, will be sebagai verb

    4.   The loaves of bread were baked in a brick oven at low temperature for many hours. ( C ) “baked sebagai verb”

    5.   The ports were reached by the sailors were under the control of a foreign nation. ( I ) “reached, were sebagai verb”

    6.   Thoses suspected in the string of robberies were arrested by the police. ( C ) “suspected sebagai adjective; arrested sebagai verb”

    7.   The pizza is served in this restaurant is the tastiest in this country. ( I ) “served, is sebagai verb”

    8.   The courses are listed on the second page of the brochure have several prerequisites. ( I ) “listed, have sebagai verb”

    9.   All the tenants were invited to the Independence Day barbecue at the apartment complex. ( C ) “invited sebagai verb”

    10.        Any bills paid by the first of the month will be credited to your account by the next day. ( C ) “paid sebagai adjective; credited sebagai verb”.


    EXERCISE (Skills 1-5): Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   For three weeks at the beginning of the semester students with fewer than the maximum number of units can add additional courses. (.....)

    2.   On her lunch hour went to a nearby department store to purchase a wedding gift. (.....)

    3.   The fir trees were grown for the holiday season were harvested in November. (.....)

    4.   In the grove the overripe oranges were falling on the ground. (.....)

    5.   The papers being delivered at 4:00 will contain the announcement of the president’s resignation. (.....)

    6.   A specialty shop with various blends from around the world in the shopping mall. (.....)

    7.   The portraits exhibited in the Houston Museum last month are now on display in Dallas. (.....)

    8.   With a sudden jerk of his hand threw the ball across the field to one of the other players. (.....)

    9.   Construction of the housing development it will be underway by the first of the month. (.....)

    10.        Those applicants returning their completed forms at the earliest date have the highest priority. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   For three weeks at the beginning of the semester students with fewer than the maximum number of units can add additional courses. ( C )

    2.   On her lunch hour went to a nearby department store to purchase a wedding gift. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    3.   The fir trees were grown for the holiday season were harvested in November. ( I )

    4.   In the grove the overripe oranges were falling on the ground. ( C )

    5.   The papers being delivered at 4:00 will contain the announcement of the president’s resignation. ( C )

    6.   A specialty shop with various blends from around the world in the shopping mall. ( I ) “tidak ada verb”

    7.   The portraits exhibited in the Houston Museum last month are now on display in Dallas. ( C )

    8.   With a sudden jerk of his hand threw the ball across the field to one of the other players. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    9.   Construction of the housing development it will be underway by the first of the month. ( I )

    10.        Those applicants returning their completed forms at the earliest date have the highest priority. ( C )



    TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 1-5): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

    1.   The North Platte River____from Wyoming into Nebraska.

    (A) it flowed

    (B) flows

    (C) flowing

    (D) with flowing water

    2.   ____Biloxi received its name from a Sioux word meaning “first people.”

    (A) The city of

    (B) Located in

    (C) It is in

    (D) The tour included

    3.   A pride of lions____up to forty lions, including one to three males, several females, and cubs.

    (A) can contain

    (B) it contains

    (C) contain

    (D) containing

    4.   ____tea plant are small and white.

    (A) The

    (B) On the

    (C) Having flowers the

    (D) The flowers of the

    5.   The tetracyclines,____antibiotics, are used to treat infections.

    (A) are a family of

    (B) being a family

    (C) a family of

    (D) their family is

    6.   Any possible academic assistance from taking stimulants____marginal at best.

    (A) it is

    (B) there is

    (C) is

    (D) as

    7.   Henry Adams, born in Boston, ____famous as a historian and novelist.

    (A) became

    (B) and became

    (C) he was

    (D) and he became

    8.   The major cause____the pull of the Moon on the Earth.

    (A) the ocean tides are

    (B) of ocean tides is

    (C) of the tides in the ocean

    (D) the oceans’ tides

    9.   Still a novelty in the late nineteenth century,____limited to the rich.

    (A) was

    (B) was photography

    (C) it was photography

    (D) photography was

    10.        A computerized map of the freeways using information gathered by sensors embedded in the pavement____on a local cable channel during rush hours.

    (A) airs

    (B) airing

    (C) air

    (D) to air


    Key answer:

    1.    B

    2.    A

    3.    A

    4.    D

    5.    C

    6.    C

    7.    A

    8.    B

    9.    D

    10.       A


    Source: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test

    See also:

    1.   TOEFL Part 1 The Structure Questions

    2.   TOEFL Part 2 The Structure Questions

    3.   TOEFL Part 3 The Structure Questions

    4.   TOEFL Part 4 The Structure Questions

    5.   TOEFL Part 5 The Structure Questions

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