Pembahasan TOEFL Part 2 The Structure Questions “Sentence With Multiple Clauses”


    Posted by M. Riskiyanto






    Banyak kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang memiliki lebih dari satu clause (klausa). Klausa merupakan sekumpulan kata yang terdiri dari “Subject” dan “Verb”. Ketika Anda mendapati sebuah kalimat pada TOEFL test yang terdiri dari lebih dari satu clause, Anda perlu memastikan bahwa setiap Subject mempunyai Verb atau sebaliknya. Setelah itu Anda juga perlu memeriksa jenis-jenis clause yang ada pada kalimat tersebut (dengan benar) terhubung satu sama lain. Ada beragam cara untuk menggabungkan beberapa clause dalam bahasa Inggris. Pola-pola tertentu serinkali muncul dalam bahasa Inggris dan pada TOEFL test. Anda perlu mengetahui pola-pola berikut ini.



    Skill 6 Use Coordinate Connectors Correctly (Gunakan Kata Hubung Koordinatif dengan Benar)

    Ketika Anda mempunyai dua clause dalam bahasa Inggris, Anda harus menggabungkan 2 clause tersebut dengan benar.  Salah satu cara untuk menghubungkan dua clause tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan coordinate conjunction (kata hubung koordinatif), yaitu FANBOYS “For (Karena), And (Dan), Nor (Dan ... tidak), But (Tetapi), Or (Atau), Yet (Tetapi), dan So (Jadi)”. Kata hubung ini berfungsi untuk menghubungkan 2 Main Clause (klausa utama).

    §  1Tom is singing, and 2Paul is dancing.

    §  1Tom is tall, but 2Paul is short. (to direct opposite idea)

    §  1Tom must write the letter, or 2Paul will do it.

    §  1Tom told a joke, so 2Paul laughed.

    §  1Tom is tired, yet 2he is not going to sleep. (to show unexpected result)


    *Pada contoh kalimat di atas terdapat dua clause yang dihubungkan dengan coordinate conjunction, dan terdapat tanda koma (,) untuk memisahkan dua clause tersebut. (conjunction = connector)



    A power failure occurred,____the lamps went out.

    (A) then

    (B) so

    (C) later

    (D) next

    Jawaban: B

    Dari kalimat di atas, Anda harus perhatikan bahwa ada 2 clause, yaitu 1) A power failure occurred, & 2) the lamps went out. Kalimat di atas memerlukan kata hubung (connector). Jawaban (A), (C), & (D) bukanlah connector. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah jawaban (B) so karena menghubungkan 2 clause. (Anda juga dapat memahami makna dari masing-masing clause untuk memilih connector yang tepat).


    Perlu diingat!!!



    “For (Karena), And (Dan), Nor (Dan ... tidak), But (Tetapi), Or (Atau), Yet (Tetapi), dan So (Jadi)”

    Subject + Verb, Coordinate Connector  Subject + Verb

    She laughed, but she wanted to cry.


    *Sebelum connector terdapat tanda baca koma (,) untuk memisahkan 2 klausa tersebut.


    EXERCISE 6: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Italicize the connectors. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   The software should be used on a laptop computer, and this computer is a laptop. (.....)

    2.   The rain clouds can be seen in the distance, but no fallen. (.....)

    3.   They are trying to sell their house, it has been on the market for two months. (.....)

    4.   So the quality of the print was not good, I changed the typewriter ribbon. (.....)

    5.   The lifeguard will warn you about the reptides, or she may require you to get out of the water. (.....)

    6.   You should have finished the work yesterday, yet is not close to being finished today. (.....)

    7.   The phone rang again and again, so the receptionist was not able to get much work done. (.....)

    8.   The missing wallet was found, but the cash and credit cards had been removed. (.....)

    9.   Or you can drive your car for another 2,000 miles, you can get it fixed. (.....)

    10.        The chemist was awarded the Nobel Prize, he flew to Europe to accept it. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   The software should be used on a laptop computer, and this computer is a laptop. ( C )

    2.   The rain clouds can be seen in the distance, but it hasn’t fallen. ( I ) “tidak ada Subject”

    3.   They are trying to sell their house, so it has been on the market for two months. ( I ) “tidak ada connector”

    4.   So the quality of the print was not good, so I changed the typewriter ribbon. ( I ) “penempatan connector salah”

    5.   The lifeguard will warn you about the reptides, or she may require you to get out of the water. ( C )

    6.   You should have finished the work yesterday, yet it is not close to being finished today. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    7.   The phone rang again and again, so the receptionist was not able to get much work done. ( C )

    8.   The missing wallet was found, but the cash and credit cards had been removed. ( C )

    9.   Or you can drive your car for another 2,000 miles, or you can get it fixed. ( I ) “penempatan connector salah”

    10.        The chemist was awarded the Nobel Prize, so he flew to Europe to accept it. ( I ) “tidak ada connector”



    Skill 7 Use Adverb Time And Cause Connectors Correctly (Gunakan Kata Keterangan Waktu & Kata Hubung Sebab dengan Benar)

    Kalimat dengan adverb clauses memiliki 2 pola dasar dalam bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan clauses dan juga connectors pada kalimat berikut ini.

    1.   I will sign the check before you leave.

    2.   Before you leave, I will sign the check.

    Pada contoh kalimat di atas, terdapat 2 clauses, yaitu 1) you leave dan 2) I will sign the check. Clause “you leave” merupakan adverb time clause karena diawali dengan connector “before”. Pada contoh kalimat ke-1, connector “before” berada di tengah kalimat maka tidak perlu diberikan tanda koma (,). Sedangkan, pada contoh kalimat ke-2 connector “before” berada di awal kalimat maka tanda koma (,) diperlukan sesudahnya (di tengah kalimat) untuk memisahkan ke-2 clauses tersebut.


    ____ was late, I missed the appointment.

    (A) I

    (B) Because

    (C) The train

    (D) Since he

    Jawaban: D

    Pada contoh di atas, Anda harus tahu bahwa ada verb “was” yang membutuhkan sebuah “subject”. Selain itu, ada juga clause lainnya, yaitu “I missed the appointment”. Jika Anda memilih jawaban (A) atau (C), Anda akan memperoleh subject untuk verb “was”, tetapi Anda tidak akan mendapatkan sebuah connector untuk menghubungkan 2 clauses tersebut. Karena Anda memerlukan connector untuk menggabunkan 2 clauses tersebut, maka jawaban (A) dan (C) tidak tepat. Jawaban (B) tidak benar karena tidak ada subject untuk verb “was”. Oleh karena itu, jawaban (D) adalah jawaban yang paling tepat karena memiliki subject “he” untuk verb “was”, dan ada

    connector “since” untuk menggabungkan 2 clause tersebut.  


    Perlu diingat!!!




    After, As, As long as, As soon as, Before, By the time, Once, Since, Until, When, Whenever, While

    As, because, inasmuch as, now that (because now), since

    Subject + Verb Adverb Connector Subject + Verb

    Teresa went inside because it was raining.

    Adverb Connector Subject + Verb, Subject + Verb

    Because it was raining, Teresa went inside.


    *Perhatikan penggunaan tanda koma (,).


    EXERCISE 7: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Italicize the connectors. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.    Since the bank closes in less than an hour, the deposits need to be tallied. (.....)

    2.   Their backgrounds are thoroughly investigated before are admitted to the organization. (.....)

    3.   The citizens are becoming more and more incensed about traffic accidents whenever the accidents occur at that intersection. (.....)

    4.   The ground had been prepared, the seedlings were carefully planted. (.....)

    5.   We can start the conference now that all the participants have arrived. (.....)

    6.   The building quite vulnerable to damage untill the storm windows are installed. (.....)

    7.   Once the address label for the package is typed, can be sent to the mail room. (.....)

    8.   Because the recent change in work shifts was not posted, several workers missed their shifts. (.....)

    9.   The mother is going to be quite upset with her son as long as he misbehaves so much. (.....)

    10.        Inasmuch as all the votes have not yet been counted the outcome of the election cannot be announced. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   Since the bank closes in less than an hour, the deposits need to be tallied. ( C )

    2.   Their backgrounds are thoroughly investigated before they are admitted to the organization. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    3.   The citizens are becoming more and more incensed about traffic accidents whenever the accidents occur at that intersection. ( C )

    4.   After the ground had been prepared, the seedlings were carefully planted. ( I ) “tidak ada connector”

    5.   We can start the conference now that all the participants have arrived. ( C )

    6.   The building is quite vulnerable to damage untill the storm windows are installed. ( I ) “tidak ada verb”

    7.   Once the address label for the package is typed, it can be sent to the mail room. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    8.   Because the recent change in work shifts was not posted, several workers missed their shifts. ( C )

    9.   The mother is going to be quite upset with her son as long as he misbehaves so much. ( C )

    10.        Inasmuch as all the votes have not yet been counted, the outcome of the election cannot be announced. ( I ) “tidak ada tanda koma sesudah adverb clause”



    Skill 8 Use Other Adverb Connector Correctly (Gunakan Kata Hubung Adverb Lainnya dengan Benar)

    Selain menggungkapkan ide terkait waktu, dan sebab adverb clauses juga dapat mengungkapkan beberapa ide lainnya, seperti contrast (perlawanan), condition (kondisi), manner (cara), dan place (tempat). Adverb clauses ini memiliki struktur yang sama dengan adverb clauses of time & cause pada Skill 7. Pelajarilah contoh kalimat berikut!

    1.   I will leave at 7:00 if I am ready.

    2.   Although I was late, I managed to catch the train.


    *Pada masing-masing contoh kalimat di atas, terdapat dua clauses yang dihubungkan dengan adverb connector, yaitu if & although. Pada kalimat ke-1 adverb condition connector “if” berada di tengah kalimat. Sedangkan, pada kalimat ke-2 adverb contrast connector although berada di awal kalimat, maka tanda koma (,) digunakan sesudah adverb clause tersebut (di tengah-tengah kalimat).



    You will get a good grade on the exam provided ..................

    (A) studying

    (B) study

    (C) to study

    (D) you study

    Jawaban: D

    Pada contoh kalimat di atas, Anda harus perhatikan bahwa terdapat adverb condition connector “provided”, maka kalimat tersebut harus diikuti dengan Subject & Verb. Jawaban (D) merupakan jawaban yang tepat karena memiliki “Subject + Verb”.



    Condition: if, in case, provided, providing, unless, whether

    Contrast: althought, even though, though, while, whereas

    Manner: as, in that

    Place: where, wherever

    Subject + Verb Adverb Connector Subject + Verb

    Bob went to school even though he felt sick.

    Adverb Connector Subject + Verb, Subject + Verb

    Even though Bob felt sick, he went to school.


    *Tanda koma (,) sering digunakan di tengah kalimat dengan contrast connector.

    The smith familly arrived at 02:00, while the Jones family arrived an hour later.


    EXERCISE 8: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Italicize the connectors. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   It is impossible to enter that program if you lack experience as a teacher. (.....)

    2.   The commandant left strict orders about the passes, several soldiers left the post anyway. (.....)

    3.   No one is admitted to the academy unless he or she the education requirements. (.....)

    4.   While most students turned the assignment in on time, a few asked for an extention. (.....)

    5.   I will take you wherever need to go to complete the registration procedures. (.....)

    6.   I will wait here in the airport with you whether the plane leaves on time or not. (.....)

    7.   Providing the envelope is postmarked by this Friday, your application still acceptable. (.....)

    8.   As the nurse already explained all visitors must leave the hospital room now. (.....)

    9.   This exam will be more difficult than usual in that it covers two chapters instead of one. (.....)

    10.        Though snow had been falling all day long, everyone got to the church on time for the wedding. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   It is impossible to enter that program if you lack experience as a teacher. ( C )

    2.   The commandant left strict orders about the passes in case several soldiers left the post anyway. ( I ) “tidak ada connector; koma sebelum connector dihilangkan”

    3.   No one is admitted to the academy unless he or she fulfils the education requirements. ( I ) “tidak ada verb”

    4.   While most students turned the assignment in on time, a few asked for an extention. ( C )

    5.   I will take you wherever you need to go to complete the registration procedures. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”

    6.   I will wait here in the airport with you whether the plane leaves on time or not. ( C )

    7.   Providing the envelope is postmarked by this Friday, your application is still acceptable. ( I ) “tidak ada verb”

    8.   As the nurse already explained, all visitors must leave the hospital room now. ( I ) “tidak ada tanda koma di tengah kalimat”

    9.   This exam will be more difficult than usual in that it covers two chapters instead of one. ( C )

    10.        Though snow had been falling all day long, everyone got to the church on time for the wedding. ( C )



    EXERCISE (Skills 6-8): Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Italicize the connectors. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    1.   Until the registrar makes a decision about your status, you must stay in an unclassified category. (.....)

    2.   Or the bills can be paid by mail by the first of the month. (.....)

    3.   The parents left a phone number with the baby-sitter in case a problem with the children. (.....)

    4.   The furniture will be delivered as soon it is paid for. (.....)

    5.   Whenever you want to hold the meeting, we will schedule it. (.....)

    6.   The government was overthrown in a revolution, the king has not returned to his homeland. (.....)

    7.   Whereas most of the documents are complete, this form still needs to be notarized. (.....)

    8.   Trash will be collected in the morning, so you should put the trash cans out tonight. (.....)

    9.   It is impossible for the airplane to take off while is snowing so hard. (.....)

    10.        We did not go out to dinner tonight eventhough I would have preferred not to cook. (.....)


    Key Answer:

    1.   Until the registrar makes a decision about your status, you must stay in an unclassified category. ( C )

    2.   Or the bills can be paid by mail or by the first of the month. ( I ) “penempatan connector salah”

    3.   The parents left a phone number with the baby-sitter in case there is a problem with the children. ( I ) “tidak ada verb”

    4.   The furniture will be delivered as soon as it is paid for. ( I ) “connector tidak lengkap”

    5.   Whenever you want to hold the meeting, we will schedule it. ( C )

    6.   Because the government was overthrown in a revolution, the king has not returned to his homeland. ( I ) “tidak ada connector”

    7.   Whereas most of the documents are complete, this form still needs to be notarized. ( C )

    8.   Trash will be collected in the morning, so you should put the trash cans out tonight. ( C )

    9.   It is impossible for the airplane to take off while it is snowing so hard. “tidak ada subject”

    10.        We did not go out to dinner tonight even though I would have preferred not to cook. ( C )


    TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 6-8): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

    1.   The president of the U. S. appoints the cabinet members,_____appointments are subject to Senate approval.

    (A) their

    (B) with their

    (C) because their

    (D) but their

    2.   The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reporters because_____

    (A) not wanting the story in the papers.

    (B) the story in the papers the superintendent did not want

    (C) the public to hear the story

    (D) the superintendent did not want the story in the papers

    3.   Like Thomas Berger’s fictional character Little Big Man, Lauderdale managed to find himself where_____of important events took place.

    (A) it was an extraordinary number

    (B) there was an extraordinary number

    (C) an extraordinary number

    (D) an extraordinary number existed

    4.   _____sucked groundwater from below, some parts of the city have begun to sink as much as ten inches annually.

    (A) Pumps have

    (B) As pumps have

    (C) So pumps have

    (D) With pumps

    5.   Case studies are the target of much skepticism in the scientific community, _____used extensively by numerous researchers.

    (A) they are

    (B) are

    (C) yet they

    (D) yet they are

    6.   According to the hypothesis in the study, the monarchs pick up the magnetic field of the _____ migrate by following magnetic fields.

    (A) target monarchs

    (B) target since monarchs

    (C) target since monarchs are

    (D) target

    7.   ____show the relations among neurons, they do not preclude the possibility that other aspects are important.

    (A) Neural theories

    (B) A neural theory

    (C) Although neural theories

    (D) However neural theories

    8.   ____or refinanced, the lender will generally require setting up an escrow account to ensure the payment of property taxes and home owner’s insurance.

    (A) A home is

    (B) A home is bought

    (C) When a home

    (D) When a home is bought

    9.   If ultraviolet radiation enters the Earth’s atmosphere,____generally blocked by the ozone concentrated in the atmosphere.

    (A) it

    (B) it is

    (C) so it is

    (D) then it

    10.        Among human chromosomes, the Y chromosome is unusual____most of the chromosome does not participate in meiotic recombination.

    (A) in

    (B) so

    (C) and

    (D) in that


    Key answer:

    1.    D

    2.    C

    3.    B

    4.    D

    5.    D

    6.    B

    7.    C

    8.    D

    9.    B

    10.        D


    Source: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test

    See also:

    1.   Conjunction

    2.   TOEFL Part 1 The Structure Questions

    3.   TOEFL Part 2 The Structure Questions

    4.   TOEFL Part 3 The Structure Questions

    5.   TOEFL Part 4 The Structure Questions

    6.   TOEFL Part 5 The Structure Questions

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