Use & Example
(me- atau ber-)
Kata ini bermakna melakukan
tindakan (doing the action of verb)
i.e. … the happily playing
children … (The children play)
*biasanya -ing adjective
ini diawali dengan article “a” atau “an”.
(di- atau ter-)
Kata ini bermakna menerima
tindakan (receiving the action of verb)
i.e. … the frequently
played record … (someone plays the record)
*biasanya -ed adjective ini
diawali dengan article “the”.
1. The teacher gave a quiz on the just completing lesson.
2. There is a fascinating movie at the theater tonight.
3. They thought that it had been a very satisfied dinner.
4. The empty bottles are to the left, and the filling
bottles are to the right. (…..)
5. For lunch at the restaurant she ordered a mixed salad.
6. The students thought that it was an interesting
assignment. (…..)
7. The shoppers were impressed by the reducing prices. (…..)
8. He can`t afford to take long vacations to exotic place
because he is a worked man. (…..)
9. I recently received several annoying phone calls from
the insurance agent. (…..)
10. Today the bookkeeper will work on the unpaying bills. (…..)
1. The teacher gave a quiz on the just completing lesson.
(I) > adjective “completing” seharusnya berupa adjective “completed”.
2. There is a fascinating movie at the
theater tonight. (C)
3. They thought that it had been a very satisfied dinner.
(I) > adjective “satisfied” seharusnya berupa adjective “satisfying”.
4. The empty bottles are to the left, and the filling
bottles are to the right. (I) > adjective “filling” seharusnya berupa
adjective “filled”.
5. For lunch at the restaurant she ordered a mixed
salad. (C)
6. The students thought that it was an interesting
assignment. (C)
7. The shoppers were impressed by the reducing prices.
(I) > adjective “reducing” seharusnya berupa adjective “reduced”.
8. He can`t afford to take long vacations to exotic place
because he is a worked man. (I) > adjective “worked”
seharusnya berupa adjective “working”.
9. I recently received several annoying phone
calls from the insurance agent. (C)
10. Today the bookkeeper will work on the unpaying bills.
(I) > adjective “unpaying” seharusnya berupa adjective “unpaid”.
1. Part of Speech
2. Part of Speech:
3. Part of Speech: Adverb
4. Part of Speech:
5. Part of Speech:
6. Part of Speech: Verb
7. TOEFL Part 11 The
Structure Questions: Part A & Part B
8. TOEFL Part 12 The
Structure Questions: Part A, Part B, Part C, & Part D
9. TOEFL Part 13 The
Structure Questions: Part A, Part B, & Part C
Part 15 The Structure Questions: Part A, Part B, & Part C
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