Negation_TOEFL Part 17 Writing Skill


    Hi, sobat!
    Tahukah kamu apa itu modifier? Ya, modifier merupakan sebuah kata atau sekumpulan kata yang memodifikasi kata lainnya dalam sebuah kalimat. Modifiers dalam bahasa Inggris dapat berupa adverb (kata keterangan), adjective (kata sifat), conjunction (kata hubung), article (kata sandang), dan sebagainya.

    Apa itu Negation?

    Negation, atau disebut juga dengan negasi, merupakan pola kalimat yang menunjukkan makna negative. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kalimat ini biasanya ditandai dengan penggunaan kata keterangan (adverb), seperti not yang bermakna “tidak” sebelum main verb (kata kerja utama). Selain itu, kalimat negasi ini dapat diindikasikan dengan adanya kata sifat (adjective), seperti no (tidak), dan atau kata ganti (pronoun), seperti none (tidak seorang (sesuatu) pun).

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas terkait negation dalam sebuah kalimat. Yuk, simak penjelasannya berikut ini!


    Berikut ini ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam sebuah kalimat negasi di antaranya yaitu sebagai berikut. 

    1. Not, bermakna tidak, merupakan sebuah adverb yang menegasi verb (kata kerja). Kata not digunakan pada pola-pola kalimat sebagai berikut.

    Auxiliary + Not + Verb-ing.

    He is not going to the party.
    He is not making any money.

    Auxiliary + Not + Verb-1

    He does not like to study on the weekends.
    We do not want any coffee, thank you.

    Auxiliary + Not + Past Participle (Verb-3)

    He has not been here for days.
    They have not seen any deer.

    Modal + Not + Verb-1

    We will not accept your opinion.
    You should not eat too many sweets.

    2. No, bermakna tidak, merupakan sebuah adjective yang mengindikasikan ketidakadaan sesuatu hal. Kata ini memodifikasi noun (kata benda). Kata ini biasanya digunakan dalam pola kalimat berikut ini.

    Verb + No + Noun

    There is no charge for towels at the pool.
    He has no passport.

    3. None, bermakna tidak ada seorang atau sesuatu pun, merupakan sebuah pronoun yang menunjukkan ketidak adaan sesuatu atau seseorang. Kata ini digunakan ketika noun (kata benda) yang ia ganti telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.
    The children ate all the cookies. When I arrived, there were none left. (none 5 no cookies)
    They asked me to contribute some money but I had none. (none 5 no money)

    Kata none mungkin juga dapat digunakan dalam pola kalimat berikut ini:

    None + Of The + Noun

    Dalam pola ini, kata none merujuk pada noun (kata benda) yang yang berada sesudah kata of the. Contoh: 
    When I arrived, none of the cookies were left.
    None of the children know how to swim.

    4. Ingatlah untuk menggunakan “any” setelah kata-kata negative yang mengungkapkan ketidak adaan jumlah (absence of quantity) pada plural count nouns (kata benda jamak yang terhitung) dan non-count nouns (kata benda yang tak terhitung). (Anyone, anybody, anywhere, anymore, dan anything juga bisa digunakan dalam penyusunan kalimat negative.)
    I do not have any free time today.
    There were not any students from China this year.
    He does not go to school anymore.
    We did not see anyone leave the building.

    5. Ada beberapa kata yang memiliki makna negative meskipun mereka tidak Nampak sebagai kata negative, contohnya: hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, without, and only. Jangan gunakan kata-kata negative lainnya bersamaan dengan kata-kata ini.
    He had scarcely enough money for the bus.
    They went to bed without dinner.

    6. Negative infinitives (to Verb-1) dibentuk dengan meletakkan kata “not” sebelum kata infinitive, yaitu “not + to Verb-1.”
    She said not to talk during the program.
    They told us to relax and not to worry.

    7. Ingatlah bahwa kata no longer merupakan ungkapan idiomatic negative yang berkaitan dengan waktu.
    He no longer lives here.
    They no longer play golf together.


    a. Untuk mengungkapkan sebuah ide negative, gunakanlah hanya sebuah kata negative.
    b. Jangan gunakan kata “not longer” ketika kata longer berarti waktu.
    c. Dua kata negative dalam sebuah kalimat membuat kalimat tersebut menjadi sebuah pernyataan afirmatif atau positif; contohnya,
    “Do not leave without an umbrella.” Berarti: “Be sure to take your umbrella.”

    Error Examples

    Perhatikan beberapa contoh negation salah pada kalimat berikut ini dan pembenarannya!

    Wrong Sentence

    Right Sentence

    He is no going on vacation this summer.

    He is not going on vacation this summer.

    There is not butter in the refrigerator.

    There is no butter in the refrigerator.

    There were none children at the playground.

    There were no children at the playground.

    We do not have no class Friday.

    We do not have any class Friday.

    They seldom do not go to the movies.

    They seldom go to the movies.

    I encourage you to do not wait for him.

    I encourage you not to wait for him.

    She said to sit quietly and to not open our books.

    She said to sit quietly and not to open our books.

    He ran out of money and could not longer continue school.

    He ran out of money and could no longer continue school.

    The children went to the movies without no money.

    The children went to the movies without any money.

    I searched all day for some new shoes, but there were none shoes I liked.

    I searched all day for some new shoes, but there were none I liked.

    Skill Builder 17: Negation

    Direction: There is some negation in these sentences. Decide if the sentences below are correct “C” or incorrect “I”.

    (___) 1. He could not lend me $5 because he did not have only $3.
    (___) 2. There were several of his friends at the restaurant, but none of mine came.
    (___) 3. The rules required us to form an orderly line and to do not talk.
    (___) 4. None of the shoes on sale fit me.
    (___) 5. You are no going to finish the test in time.
    (___) 6. Rarely does one see such a handsome man.
    (___) 7. He could not longer tolerate that situation.
    (___) 8. There were not cheaper beds left at that furniture store.
    (___) 9. The director told the chorus to sit down and not to whisper.
    (___) 10. By the time I arrived, there was no birthday cake left.
    (___) 11. He could not scarcely believe what I told him.
    (___) 12. That couple has none children.
    (___) 13. Do not go to the mountains without no sturdy hiking boots.
    (___) 14. We were no interested in what they were selling.
    (___) 15. No longer can the world afford to waste its natural resources.
    (___) 16. He did not have no good reason for hitting him.
    (___) 17. If I were you I would no take that course.
    (___) 18. The Smiths could afford to pay only $40,000 for a new home, and they were quite dismayed to learn that there were none available in that price range.
    (___) 19. The children could not hardly believe their eyes when they saw a giraffe for the first time.
    (___) 20. They foolishly drove into the desert without any extra water.

    Key Answer & Its Correction

    (I) 1. He could not lend me $5 because he have only $3.

    (C) 2. There were several of his friends at the restaurant, but none of mine came.

    (I) 3. The rules required us to form an orderly line and not to talk.

    (C) 4. None of the shoes on sale fit me.

    (I) 5. You are not going to finish the test in time.

    (C) 6. Rarely does one see such a handsome man.

    (I) 7. He could no longer tolerate that situation.

    (I) 8. There were no cheaper beds left at that furniture store.

    (C) 9. The director told the chorus to sit down and not to whisper.

    (C) 10. By the time I arrived, there was no birthday cake left.

    (I) 11. He could scarcely believe what I told him.

    (I) 12. That couple has no children.

    (I) 13. Do not go to the mountains without sturdy hiking boots.

    (I) 14. We were not interested in what they were selling.

    (C) 15. No longer can the world afford to waste its natural resources.

    (I) 16. He has no good reason for hitting him.

    (I) 17. If I were you I would not take that course.

    (C) 18. The Smiths could afford to pay only $40,000 for a new home, and they were quite dismayed to learn that there were none available in that price range.

    (I) 19. The children could hardly believe their eyes when they saw a giraffe for the first time.

    (C) 20. They foolishly drove into the desert without any extra water.

    See Also:


    Peterson`s ( (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company

    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Problems With Negation”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊

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