Execise of Pronoun: TOEFL Writing Skill Test


    Hi, sobat!
    Tahukah kamu apa itu pronoun? Pronoun (pronomina: bahasa Indonesia) merupakan kata yang berfungsi untuk menggantikan noun (kata benda) baik berupa orang, tempat, benda, ataupun sesuatu. Kata itu digunakan untuk mengindari pengulangan penyebuatan sebuah kata benda (noun), nama seseorang, tempat atau sesuatu hal. Pronoun berfungsi sebagai kata kanti (rujukan) noun dalam sebuah kalimat; yang berkedudukan sebagai subjek, objek, kepemilikan, dan sebagainya. Kemudian, pronoun dibedakan menjadi beberapa macam yaitu:

    Subject Pronoun

    Object Pronoun

    Possessive Adjective

    Possessive Pronoun

    Reflexive Pronoun















    My... + Noun

    Your book






    Mine house 














    Sementara itu, selain yang dicantumkan pada table di atas pronoun juga meliputi kata: who, whom, which, that, whose, dan sebagainya yang digunakan sebagai kata ganti subjek, objek, atau kepemilikan pada sebuah klausa kalimat.

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “Exercise of Pronouns”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!


     (___) 1. When one has many problems, he should try to solve them one at a time.
    (___) 2. Mary could never understand him wanting to be a nurse.
    (___) 3. I often think back to the time when mutual friends introduced Paul and I.
    (___) 4. Claire noticed many people who had been waiting hours to buy their tickets.
    (___) 5. When the children realized that they were by theirselves in the dark, they became really frightened.
    (___) 6. In the course of life one should always remember their old friends.
    (___) 7. Do you remember the teacher that his daughter became a doctor?
    (___) 8. For them of you who wish to know more about journalism, we recommend that you order a book from the following list.
    (___) 9. Neither my aunt nor my cousins were able to explain their behavior.
    (___) 10. Mary was surprised to realize that it was us, her old school friends, calling her from Paris.
    (___) 11. The dean asked all the students, including Betty and I, to show our visitor every possible courtesy.
    (___) 12. Give the refunds to those who have filled out the correct form.
    (___) 13. They say that English can be a very difficult language for one to learn in his later years.
    (___) 14. Modern society has many problems that they must solve.
    (___) 15. Elaine met the actress who you admire so much.
    (___) 16. Bob called to his old friend John as he walked across the campus.
    (___) 17. In the paper it says it is going to rain today.
    (___) 18. Did you ever see a man as tall as he?
    (___) 19. Neither of the girls remembered to give I her notebook.
    (___) 20. I am worried about your having to review so much material.

    Key Answer

    1.      Correct

    2.      Incorrect

    3.      Incorrect

    4.      Correct

    5.      Incorrect

    6.      Incorrect

    7.      Incorrect

    8.      Incorrect

    9.      Correct

    10.  Incorrect

    11.  Incorrect

    12.  Correct

    13.  Correct

    14.  Incorrect

    15.  Incorrect

    16.  Incorrect

    17.  Incorrect

    18.  Correct

    19.  Incorrect

    20.  Correct


    Its Correction

    1.      When one has many problems, he should try to solve them one at a time.

    2.      Mary could never understand his wanting to be a nurse.

    3.      I often think back to the time when mutual friends introduced Paul and me.

    4.      Claire noticed many people who had been waiting hours to buy their tickets.

    5.      When the children realized that they were by themselves in the dark, they became really frightened.

    6.      In the course of life one should always remember one’s old friends.

    7.      Do you remember the teacher whose daughter became a doctor?

    8.      For those of you who wish to know more about journalism, we recommend that you order a book from the following list.

    9.      Neither my aunt nor my cousins were able to explain their behavior.

    10.  Mary was surprised to realize that it was we, her old school friends, calling her from Paris.

    11.  The dean asked all the students, including Betty and me, to show our visitor every possible courtesy.

    12.  Give the refunds to those who have filled out the correct form.

    13.  They say that English can be a very difficult language for one to learn in his later years.

    14.  Modern society has many problems that it must solve.

    15.  Elaine met the actress whom you admire so much.

    16.  As Bob walked across the campus, he called to his old friend John.

    17.  The paper says it is going to rain today.

    18.  Did you ever see a man as tall as he?

    19.  Neither of the girls remembered to give me her notebook.

    20.  I am worried about your having to review so much material.



    Peterson`s (www.petersons.com). (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan Exercice of Pronoun: TOEFL Writing Skills. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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