Faulty Reference_TOEFL "Pronoun" Part 5 Writing Skill


    Hi, sobat!
    Tahukah kamu apa itu pronoun? Pronoun (pronomina: bahasa Indonesia) merupakan kata yang berfungsi untuk menggantikan noun (kata benda) baik berupa orang, tempat, benda, ataupun sesuatu. Kata itu digunakan untuk mengindari pengulangan penyebuatan sebuah kata benda (noun), nama seseorang, tempat atau sesuatu hal. Pronoun berfungsi sebagai kata kanti (rujukan) noun dalam sebuah kalimat; yang berkedudukan sebagai subjek, objek, kepemilikan, dan sebagainya. Kemudian, pronoun dibedakan menjadi beberapa macam yaitu:

    Subject Pronoun

    Object Pronoun

    Possessive Adjective

    Possessive Pronoun

    Reflexive Pronoun















    My... + Noun

    Your book






    Mine house 














    Sementara itu, selain yang dicantumkan pada table di atas pronoun juga meliputi kata: who, whom, which, that, whose, dan sebagainya yang digunakan sebagai kata ganti subjek, objek, atau kepemilikan pada sebuah klausa kalimat.

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “faulty reference”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!

    Faulty Reference

    Antecedent of a pronoun harus dengan jelas dipahami. Antecedent merupakan noun (kata benda) atau pronoun (kata ganti) yang menjadi rujukan dari sebuah pronoun. Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat berikut ini
    When Betty was in college, she wrote to her family every week. (She clearly refers to Betty.)
    As Bob got off the plane, he waved to his father. (He clearly refers to Bob.)
    As Don explained his theory to me, I found it fascinating. (It clearly refers to theory.)

    Error Examples

    Berikut ini terdapat beberapa kesalahan dalam penggunaan fault reference pada kalimat; serta, pembenarannya!



    Mary told Paula that she had to read Plato’s Republic. (She can refer to Mary or Paula.)

    Mary told Paula, “I have to read Plato’s Republic.”

    Paul saw his friend as he was walking across the campus. (He can refer to Paul or his friend.)

    While Paul was walking across the campus, he saw his friend.

    Sylvia and Mary saw a movie yesterday, and she said it was wonderful. (She can refer to Sylvia or Mary.)

    Sylvia and Mary saw a movie yesterday, and Sylvia said it was wonderful.

    I put the vase on the glass table and it broke. (It can refer to vase or table.)

    The vase broke as I put it on the glass table.

    In the book it says to cook the meat for several hours. (It has no antecedent in this context.)

    The book says to cook the meat for several hours.


    Skill Builder 5: Faulty Reference

    (___) 1. Mr. Smith told Mr. Jones that he had lost a lot of money in the stock market.
    (___) 2. In the telephone directory, it says to call directory assistance in that situation.
    (___) 3. When Peter finished the examination, he gave it to the professor.
    (___) 4. Cathy saw her friend as she was driving home from work.
    (___) 5. When John put a new frame on the picture, it looked strange.
    (___) 6. The laundry was not dry enough for Susan to bring it into the house.
    (___) 7. He put all his savings in the stock market, and it suffered great losses that year.
    (___) 8. When Jack was in the navy, he learned electronics.
    (___) 9. In the newspaper it says there is renewed interest in the silver market.
    (___) 10. The A Team played the B Team yesterday, and now it is in first place.

    Key Answer

    1.      Incorrect

    2.      Incorrect

    3.      Correct

    4.      Incorrect

    5.      Incorrect

    6.      Correct

    7.      Incorrect

    8.      Correct

    9.      Incorrect

    10.  Incorrect


    Its Correction

    1.      Mr. Smith told Mr. Jones, “I have lost a lot of money in the stock market”.

    2.      The telephone directory says to call directory assistance in that situation.

    3.      When Peter finished the examination, he gave it to the professor.

    4.      As Cathy was driving home from work, she saw her friend.

    5.      The picture looked strange as John put a new frame on it.

    6.      The laundry was not dry enough for Susan to bring it into the house.

    7.      The stock market suffered great losses that year as he put all his savings in it.

    8.      When Jack was in the navy, he learned electronics.

    9.      The newspaper says there is renewed interest in the silver market.

    10.  The A Team played the B Team yesterday, and now the A Team is in first place.



    Peterson`s (www.petersons.com). (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Problems With Faulty Reference”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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