Exercise of Basic Pattern: TOEFL Writing Skill Test



    Gambar 1. TOEFL Structure & Written Expression Exercise

    Tahukah kamu apa itu basic pattern? Basic pattern merupakan pola dasar atau ketentuan utama dalam pembentukan sebuah kalimat. Kita ketahui bahwa kalimat merupakan sekumpulan kata yang terdiri dari subjek dan predikat yang mengutarakan suatu ide atau gagasan yang utuh.
    Selain itu, kalimat sederhana terdiri dari sebuah subjek dan sebuah predikat (kata kerja). Kalimat umumnya dapat terbentuk dari “Subjek + Predikat + Objek ” dan juga seringkali kita temukan adverb (kata keterangan) baik di awal, tengah, atau akhir kalimat.
    Kalimat juga dapat tersusun atas beberapa klausa yaitu main clause (induk klausa) dan anak klausa (subordinate clause). Klausa-klausa ini tidak dapat berdiri sendiri: melainkan, klausa tersebut saling melengkapi satu sama lainnya. Salah satu dari klausa tersebut dapat memberikan keterangan berupa sebab-akibat, waktu, dan sebagainya.
    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “Exercise Of Basic Pattern”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!


    Error Identification

    Directions: Each sentence below contains four underlined words or phrases. Select the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Circle your answer in the book or mark your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

    1.      I did not understand (A) their predicament (B) until John explained (C) me all the details of (D) the mishap.

    2.      Even though we (A) had been to her house several times before, we (B) did not remember exactly (C) what street (D) was it on.

    3.      We (A) are never happy with (B) what we have in life; the grass (C) always is (D) greener on the other side of the fence.

    4.      The opera, (A) even though performed (B) by amateurs, (C) it (D) was excellent.

    5.      Because of their (A) countries’ great need for expertise (B) in computer programming, the students (C) were sent (D) for studying in the United States.

    6.      Mr. Shimoto was planning (A) to send (B) to me a package from Japan (C) as soon as he   arrived (D) home from his   trip   to Hawaii.

    7.      I was surprised (A) to hear that the store charged (B) Dr. Brown an extra amount (C) when it delivered (D) to his office his new sofa.

    8.      When John asked Tomoko, the Japanese student, what she (A) did think of the museum, she (B) quickly replied that it (C) had taught her a great deal (D) about the history of the area.

    9.      His father mentioned (A) to me that Robert (B) had written (C) to him requesting money (D) for buying a new car.

    10.  The author of this new book (A) she is planning (B) to write a sequel (C) in order to capitalize on the publicity (D) she has received recently.


    Key Answer

    1.      C

    2.      D

    3.      C

    4.      C

    5.      D

    6.      B

    7.      D

    8.      A

    9.      D

    10.  A


    Sentence Completion

    Directions: In the sentences below, one or more words are left out of each sentence. Under each sentence, you will see four words or phrases. Select the one word or phrase that completes the sentence correctly, then write it in the space provided in the book or on a separate sheet of paper.

    1.      _____ is indispensable to the economy of that region.       

    A.    That copper mining

    B.     It is copper mining

    C.     Although copper mining

    D.    Copper mining


    2.      She read _____.

    A.    several chapters in the library last night

    B.     last night several chapters in the library

    C.     last night in the library several chapters

    D.    in the library several chapters last night


    3.      Doris went to the nicest store in the city _____ presents for her children.

    A.    for to get

    B.     for getting

    C.     to get

    D.    to getting


    4.      The man on the horse _____ a famous movie star.

    A.    he is

    B.     is he

    C.     who is

    D.    is


    5.      Please do not ever mention _____.

    A.    that subject again to us

    B.     that subject to us again

    C.     to us that subject again

    D.    again to us that subject


    6.      She cannot remember where _____ her black jacket.

    A.    did she leave

    B.     she did leave

    C.     she left

    D.    left she


    7.      The doctor explained _____ that we should have a complete physical examination once a year.

    A.    us

    B.     for us

    C.     to us

    D.    at us


    8.      Would you please tell us when _____.

    A.    the next bus comes

    B.     comes the next bus

    C.     does the next bus come

    D.    the next bus does come


    9.      That attractive man _____ my cousin who is visiting us from France.

    A.    who is

    B.     he is

    C.     is

    D.    is he


    10.  They _____ to our proposal.

    A.    have not still responded

    B.     have not responded still

    C.     have still not responded

    D.    still have not responded


    Key Answer

    1.      D

    2.      A

    3.      C

    4.      D

    5.      B

    6.      C

    7.      C

    8.      A

    9.      C

    10.  D



    Peterson`s (www.petersons.com). (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Exercise: Basic Patterns”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.

    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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