Voice: TOEFL "Style" Part 1 Writing Skill


    Gambar 1. Voice TOEFL Writing Skill

    Hi, sobat!
    Tahukah kamu apa itu voice? Ya, kata “voice” di sini digunakan untuk mereferensikan “kalimat”. Selain itu,  untuk mereferensikan “kalimat” biasanya juga digunakan kata “speech” dalam direct & indirect speech (kalimat langsung & tidak langsung) atau “sentence”.
    Pada dasarnya, kalimat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu kalimat aktif (active voice) dan kalimat pasif (passive voice). Active Voice merupakan kalimat yang dimana subjek aktif melakukan suatu tindakan atau aksi (subject as a doer). Sementara itu, Passive Voice merupakan kalimat yang mana subjek tidak melakukan suatu tindakan atau aksi, melainkan menunjukkan objek yang menerima tindakan atau aksi oleh subjek.
    Kemudian, struktur kalimat aktif dan pasif pun berbeda. Active Voice memuat unsur tata bahasa “Subject + Verb + Object”; dalam bahasa Indonesia “S-P-O-K” yang mana Verb atau kata kerja dalam kalimat tersebut bermakna atau berimbuhan “me- atau ber-“. Sedangkan, Passive Voice memuat unsur tata bahasa “Object + be + Verb 3 + by Subject” yang mana Verb atau kata kerja dalam kalimat tersebut bermakna/berimbuhan “di- atau ter-”. 
    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “Voice”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!


    Dalam bahasa Inggris, kalimat aktif lebih umum digunakan dibandinkan kalimat pasif, meskipun demikin kalimat pasif diterima dan bahkan di saat tertentu lebih disukai. Berikut ini ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan terkait active atau passive voice.

    1. Kalimat pasif lebih disukai ketika pelaku (dalam sebuah kalimat) tidak diketahui atau tidak penting untuk diketahui.  Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini!

    • The cure for cancer will probably be discovered by some unknown scientist in a laboratory.
    • That church was built in 1549. (Who built the church is unimportant and not mentioned.)

    Baca Juga:

    2.   Kalimat pasif seringkali digunakan ketika membahas tentang sejarah. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini.

    • The war was fought over gold.


    3.  Gunakan kalimat aktif ketika pelaku (dalam sebuah kalimat) lebih penting untuk diketahui dibandingkan tindakan yang ia lakukan. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini!

    • The children ate spaghetti for dinner.
    • We watched the news.


    4.  Hindari penggunaan kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam kalimat yang sama jika memungkinkan. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini!

    • The flowers were planted and the trees were trimmed.
    • Susan cooked the dinner and washed the dishes.


    5.   Gunakan satu kata kerja (verb) pada sebuah kalimat sebagai ganti dari dua kata kerja yang sama pada sebuah kalimat ketika memungkinkan.

    • Rita enjoys good food and music.
    • Not: Rita enjoys good food and music is also enjoyed by her.


    Error Examples

    Pada contoh berikut ini, kita tidak dapat mengatakan bahwa kalimat ke-1 pasti salah. Dalam konteks tertentu, kalimat tersebut mungkin lebih disukai. Namun, dalam percakapan pada umumnya, kalimat yang ke-2 lebih disukai. Kita sebut kalimat yang ke-1 “AWKWARD” dan kalimat yang ke-2 “BETTER”.



    Ice cream was eaten at the party by the children.

    The children ate ice cream at the party.

    Workers built the pyramids about 5,000 years ago.

    The pyramids were built about 5,000 years ago.

    Some people painted pictures of animals on ancient cave walls.

    Pictures of animals were painted on ancient cave walls.

    The house was bought by my mother and father in 1970.

    My mother and father bought the house in 1970.

    Henry likes swimming, and golfing is also liked by him.

    Henry likes swimming and golfing.

    Sally loves children, and her summers are spent working in a summer camp.

    Sally loves children and spends her summers working in a summer camp.

    The rainbow was seen by us as the storm began to subside.

    We saw the rainbow as the storm began to subside.


    Skill Builder 1: Voice

    (___) 1. Steak was eaten by me last night.

    (___) 2. When we work hard, we accomplish a lot.

    (___) 3. Jane wrote a very good composition for her writing class.

    (___) 4. We laughed when the clown fell out of the car.

    (___) 5. Workers built the road in two years at a cost of five million dollars.

    (___) 6. The people loved their leader and his mistakes were forgiven by them.

    (___) 7. The phone was answered by John on the first ring.

    (___) 8. Paul teaches English in high school and writes short stories in his free time.

    (___) 9. Most American cars are built in Detroit, Michigan.

    (___) 10. My uncle worked hard all his life and left a sizable estate when he died.

    (___) 11. My father and I played chess for several hours yesterday.

    (___) 12. As we neared the house, a small dog sitting on the porch could be seen by us.

    (___) 13. Some people committed a lot of crimes in this neighborhood last month.

    (___) 14. If you studied more, your tests could be easily passed.

    (___) 15. The students opened their books and began to read.

    (___) 16. As John approaches his fortieth birthday, he is reassessing the direction of his life.

    (___) 17. The light was turned on by me as I entered my bedroom.

    (___) 18. That electronics company is expanding, and many new products are being developed by them.

    (___) 19. Soldiers fought the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

    (___) 20. Her earrings were put on by Jane before she went to the party.

    (___) 21. During the war thousands of persons were forced to leave their homes.

    (___) 22. Claire painted the living room, and a new carpet was laid by her.

    (___) 23. Jack works hard during the week and his free time is spent sailing his new boat.

    (___) 24. The students were carefully selected and they represented the class well.

    (___) 25. Bob plays the piano, and the guitar is played by him also.


    Key Answer

    1.      Awkward

    2.      Correct

    3.      Correct

    4.      Correct

    5.      Awkward

    6.      Awkward

    7.      Awkward

    8.      Correct

    9.      Correct

    10.  Correct

    11.  Correct

    12.  Awkward

    13.  Awkward

    14.  Awkward

    15.  Correct

    16.  Correct

    17.  Awkward

    18.  Awkward

    19.  Awkward

    20.  Awkward

    21.  Correct

    22.  Awkward

    23.  Awkward

    24.  Awkward

    25.  Awkward


    Its Correction

    1. I ate steak last night.

    2. When we work hard, we accomplish a lot.

    3. Jane wrote a very good composition for her writing class.

    4. We laughed when the clown fell out of the car.

    5. The road was built in two years at a cost of five million dollars.

    6. The people loved their leader and forgave his mistakes.

    7. John answered the phone on the first ring.

    8. Paul teaches English in high school and writes short stories in his free time.

    9. Most American cars are built in Detroit, Michigan.

    10. My uncle worked hard all his life and left a sizable estate when he died.

    11. My father and I played chess for several hours yesterday.

    12. As we neared the house, we could see a small dog sitting on the porch.

    13. A lot of crimes were committed in this neighborhood last month.

    14. If you studied more, you could easily pass your tests.

    15. The students opened their books and began to read.

    16. As John approaches his fortieth birthday, he is reassessing the direction of his life.

    17. I turned on the light as I entered my bedroom.

    18. That electronics company is expanding, and developing many new products.

    19. The Battle of Hastings was fought in 1066.

    20. Jane put on her earrings before she went to the party.

    21. During the war thousands of persons were forced to leave their homes.

    22. Claire painted the living room, and laid a new carpet.

    23. Jack works hard during the week and spends his free time sailing his new boat.

    24. The carefully selected students represented the class well.

    25. Bob plays the piano and the guitar.


    Next to >>> Style: Parallelism



    Peterson`s (www.petersons.com). (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Style: Active & Passive Voice”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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