50+ Soal Essay Expression of Asking & Giving Opinion and Agreeing & Disagreeing Opinion

    Soal Essay Expression of Asking & Giving Opinion

    Hi, sobat!
    Pada kesempatan sebelumnya, kalian telah mempelajari Materi Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/MAK Kelas XI Semester 1 tentang Expression of Opinion and Thought yaitu Ungkapan Menyatakan Pikiran atau Pendapat. 

    Sementara itu, Materi Bahasa Inggris tentang expression of opinion and thought ini biasanya dapat juga kita temukan pada Kelas 8 SMP/MTs. Materi ini pada umumnya mencangkup :
    • Expression of Asking An Opinion (Ungkapan Meminta Pendapat)
    • Expression of Giving An Opinion (Ungkapan Memberikan Pendapat)
    • Expression of Agreeing Someone's Opinion (Ungkapan Menyetujui Pendapat)
    • Expression of Disagreeing Someone's Opinion (Ungkapan Menolak Pendapat).
    Materi tersebut ditujukan agar peserta didik memiliki pehamaman yang mendalam terkait Expression of Opinion and Thought (Ungkapan Menyatakan Pikiran atau Pendapat); serta, mampu melakukan percakapan baik secara intrapersonal, interpersonal, dan transaksional yang di dalamnya memuat Expression of Opinion and Thought (Ungkapan Menyatakan Pikiran atau Pendapat). Oleh karena itu, peserta didik diharapkan nantinya meningkatkan kemampuan productive skill mereka, yaitu speaking skill (kemampuan berbicara) dalam bahasa Inggris.

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami sajikan soal essay expression of asking & giving opinion, serta soal essay agreeing & disagreeing opinion. Dengan berlatih mengerjakan contoh soal expression of opinion and thought ini, meliputi contoh soal essay expression of asking and giving opinion, dan contoh soal essay agreeing and disagreeing opinion ini, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kemampuan reading comprehension skill dan secara tidak langsung mampu menambah perbedaharaan vocabulary about expression of opinion and thought (kosa kata tentang ungkapan menyatakan pemikiran atau pendapat) yang menjadi bagian dari tujuan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. yuk, simak dan kerjakan latihan soal berikut ini!

    Essay Question of Expression of Asking, Giving, Agreeing & Disagreeing Opinion (Soal Essay Ungkapan Meminta, Memberikan, Menyetujui dan Menyangkal Pendapat)

    This dialog is for questions 1 and 5.
    Vicky: Do you know that our country has many national parks?
    Vano: I do. I have heard about that news. I believe that it's important to have national parks and to visit them.
    Vicky: You're right. Most people like visiting theme parks, but I think visiting national park is fun.
    1. What are Vicky and Vano talking about?
    2. What is Vano’s view about national park?
    3. What does Vicky respond to Vano’s opinion?
    4. The expressions of giving an opinion are:
    a) __________________________________
    b)  __________________________________
    5. “I think visiting national park is fun.” The synonym of the underlined word is ….

    This text is for questions 6 and 10.
    I think gardens have a calming and also exhilarating effect on me. I frequently spend hours visiting popular gardens in my town. The gardens restore my soul like no other public places. I have a little garden at home and I delight in seeing each plant bloom. My mom also enjoys outdoor plants. I suppose she is so thrilled about trees sprouting leaves and plants growing anew.
    6. What is the writer talking about?
    7. Why does the writer love garden?
    8. The expressions of giving an opinion are:
    a) __________________________________
    b) __________________________________
    9. What does the writer often do?
    10. What does the writer love from her little garden at home?

    This dialogue is for questions 11 and 15.
    Willy: I suppose no place is better than home on New Year’s Eve.
    Mark: I agree with you. I don’t like spending New Year’s Eve at the square. 
    Willy: We can gather with our family, eat delicious food, and play games.
    Mark: In my opinion, togetherness with family is the important one.
    11. What are Willy and Mark talking about?
    12. What is Willy’s opinion on New Year’s Eve?
    13. Does Mark agree with Willy’s opinion on New Year’s Eve?
    14. Mention the expression of giving an opinion in the dialogue!
    a) ___________________________________
    b) ___________________________________
    15. What can we do on New Year’s Eve according to the dialog?

    This dialogue is for questions 16 and 20.
    Andre: Look at that news! Some teenagers were arrested due to their social media content. What do you think of it?
    Teddy: I think that anyone who posted inappropriate content in social media should be arrested. They don't know that their content can harm anyone else.
    Andre: I agree with you. This way will give lessons to them.
    Teddy: Do you think that the social media should be banned?
    Andre: I don't think so. In my opinion, the social media is not wrong but the users.
    Teddy: That's what I think.
    16. What are Andre and Teddy talking about?
    17. Mention the expression of giving an opinion in the dialogue!
    a) ___________________________________
    b) ___________________________________
    18. Mention the expression of agreeing an opinion in the dialogue!
    a) ___________________________________
    b) ___________________________________
    19. Mention the expression of disagreeing opinion found in the dialogue!
    20. Why does Andre disagree that the social media should be banned?

    This dialogue is for questions 21 and 25.
    Dear Editor,
    This is my first time writing to newspapers. It is because I read your report which young people were happy to be unemployed. I am a school leaver, so I have different opinion with your report.
    In my opinion, school leavers need much more detailed careers guidance. Moreover, I think schools should offer courses that will prepare students for wherever they are going in life and that means offering both college and career preparation.
    Furthermore, the majority of the companies in our town are related to technology, whereas some school leavers around here are not computer-literate. Companies should form a partnership with schools to develop training schemes which would enable us to learn the skills needed for the job.
    I would also like to add that not all young people are happy with their life without a job. You wrote that rich parents help them to be happy. I think it is irritating. Many of us have parents who are out of work and we definitely do not want to be like them.
    When you are at school, getting a job is like a dream. Young people need supports and help not critic as you have given.

    Yours faithfully,

    Sandi Auliya

    21. What is the purpose of the letter?
    22. What does the writer disagree with?
    23. What is the writer's opinion about school leavers?
    24. What does the writer feel about the article of the newspapers?
    25. Write the expression of giving opinion in the text!

    This dialogue is for questions 26 and 30.
    Emma: I think Ryan's family should have stayed abroad so that Ryan could have gone to school.
    Edward: In my opinion, it is okay that Ryan wants to work. He wasted much important time at school.
    Emma: I knew he was naughty boy at school. Wouldn't you agree that it's better that he has a good education so that he can have a better life than his family in the future?
    Edward: I see what you mean, but we can't live from school. We can only live from money. Ryan has considered it.
    Emma: I don't understand why you said it. Without any good education, you can't earn much money.
    Carlos: In my opinion, the education cannot decide how much money you will get. The most important thing is whether you are serious or not when you are working. When you go to school, but you are not serious, you will fail. However, now you can work hard, you get much money. This is luck, right? Perhaps, Ryan's parents have thought about it. They know their own son.
    Emma: Well, we will see what the future will bring. However, I appreciate what Ryan has decided.

    26. What are they talking about?
    27. What do they have different opinion about?
    28. Based on the dialogue, what do you know about Ryan?
    29. What does Emma think about education?
    30. Mention the expressions of giving opinion in the dialogue!

    There are some opinions with different topics on the table. Write down your response whether you agree or disagree and give your reason if needed! 






    In my opinion, small classes are important.




    I reckon there is a fair chance you are or were self-employed.




    Some people think that smoking is cool, but for me it is really uncool.




    In my view, talking about religion helps us understand others.




    It seems to me that a good neighbor is one who respects your privacy.




    In my opinion, this hotel is the best hotel in this city.




    Suppose your work is very heavy this month.




    In my opinion, the store sells bad quality products.




    I think it is an interesting movie that I have ever watched.




    As far as I'm concerned, downloading music off the internet without paying for it is not a crime.



    Match the following expressions with the responses provided below!
    1. (...) How do you feel about zoos?
    2. (...) How do you feel about bullying at school?
    3. (...) What is your opinion about technology?
    4. (...) Do you think teenagers use cell phone wisely?
    5. (...) What do you think of watching so much television?
    6. (...) How do you feel about our country's weather?
    7. (…) Do you think the online exam should be kept the way they are now? 
    8. (…) What do you think about e-learning?
    9. (...) Do you think that math is difficult?
    10. (…) What do you think of cheating habit?

    The responses 
    a) I think I prefer online exams the way they are now.
    b) I think writing down notes with a pen is better because it can help us enhance our knowledge.
    c) I think this habit turns you into a boring person.
    d) Yes, I think so. I always get bad score.
    e) I think it is the worst habit of students. It can lead to a corruption.
    f) In my opinion, it makes our lives a lot easier.
    g) I feel it is always hot. I'm sweating every day.
    h) I feel that zoos are cruel because animals should be able to live in the wild.
    i) I feel that it is dangerous for students. It can be frightening.
    j) I don't think so. They can do freely with it, for example browsing inappropriate sites.

    Complete the following text with the suitable words below!
    1) _____ reading of any kind of literature has a lot of value and each of them can be related to so many different things later on maybe as you read it and connect it with things. I also 2) _____ just reading itself can be of value to anyone. It helps you to understand things when you read it and then it can have more improvement of your reading. I 3) _____ that literature tends to have ideas from the past, historical significance, concepts, and so forth. A person will understand better and learns a lot from literature. 1 4) _____ agree that reading habits can improve someone's knowledge. However, I 5) _____ that reading fictions does not have benefits. Reading fictions makes the readers understand life from the story.

    a) believe
    b) think
    c) in my opinion
    d) disagree
    e) totally

    Read the following text! Then answer the questions!
    Parking lots become a major problem in urban areas in both developed and developing countries. Shortage of parking space, high parking tariffs, and traffic congestion due to visitors in search for a parking place are only a few examples of everyday parking problems. Instead of those problems, the security of parking lots is usually questioned. I think parking lots in companies and public facilities need evaluation because there are many crimes happened in parking lots.
    When you evaluate the parking lots you need to understand who uses them first of all. If they are for employees only, then it is easier to implement a higher level of security. If the facility has a high level of visitors, clients, customers who use the parking facility, then the parking lot they use must be accessible to the public and therefore a lower level of security must be implemented. In my opinion, it is better to separate employee parking from customer parking whenever feasible.
    Many crimes occur in both customer and employee parking areas, such as vehicle break-ins, vehicle thefts, robberies, and car jackings. However, many cases of workplace violence primarily take place in employee parking lots. Crimes such as stalking, harassment, bullying, and assault are mostly driven by domestic situations. I suppose someone is trying to make contact with the employee
    In my opinion, parking lots should have adequate lighting, CCTV camera coverage, and emergency call stations at regular intervals, as a minimum level of security. The access to the parking lots and garages should also be restricted to a limited number of access points. Whenever possible, the company can use fences or walls. All entrance points, both pedestrians and vehicular, should have good CCTV camera coverage as well. I think the security of those areas should patrol periodically.

    1. What is the text about?
    2. What are the problems faced by many countries related to parking lots?
    3. What crimes usually happen in parking lots? 
    4. Write expressions of giving opinions found in the text! 
    5. What do you think of parking lots in public buildings?

    Complete the following dialogue with the suitable expressions in the box!
    Hendry: Has Anisa met you?
    Ema: Yes, she has. She is upstairs now.
    Hendry: What do you suppose Anisa is doing up there
    Ema: 1) _____ 
    Hendry: That's right. It will take long time. Where are you going to go.
    Ema: We have a study group at Rosa's house.
    Hendry: 2) _____ You will be chatting than studying.
    Ema: I disagree with you. 3) _____
    Hendry: I see your point, but when there are two or more girls gather, they will chat and gossip.
    Ema: 4) _____ But trust me, we will finish our assignment as soon as possible before we chat.
    Hendry: I hope so. Well, 5) _____
    Ema: That's right.
    Hendry: Oh, that's Anisa. Enjoy your day!

    a. I don't have any objections.
    b. I suppose she is wearing makeup.
    c. I suppose everyone has the way of learning.
    d. I think study group is not effective for learning.
    e. In my opinion, students tend to learn faster working within group versus working alone.

    State your opinion based on these problems by using I think, I suppose, and In my opinion!
    1. Many students enjoy studying while listening to music.
    2. Most mothers are too busy on their mobile phone.
    3. The censorships on IV programs are getting worse.
    4. Many young people do not like exercise.
    5. Most parents enroll their children to international school
    6. School should have a computer laboratory.
    7. It is important to limit the social media use.
    8. Ads on TV are disturbing.
    9. A student should have a laptop.
    10. Kids under 12 should not have mobile phone.
    11. Having an automobile has improved modern life.

    Alifa Prisca P, Ani Rahmawai, dkk.  Belajar Praktis Bahasa Inggris SMA/Ma Kelas XI Semester 1. Klaten: CV. Viva Pakarindo. 

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