Pengertian, Contoh Dialog, dan Latihan Soal Expression Of Self-Introduction And Introducing Others (Ungkapan Perkenalan Diri Dan Memperkenalkan Orang Lain) |
Hi, sobat!
Pernahkah kamu memperkenalkan dirimu dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris? Ya, expression of self-introduction merupakan ungkapan memperkenal identitas diri, meliputi nama, tempat tanggal lahir, alamat, hobi, pekerjaan, cita-cita dan sebagainya kepada orang lain. Tidak hanya memperkenalkan diri sendiri, kita juga dapat memperkenalkan teman, kerabat, atau rekan kerja kita kepada orang lain dengan tujuan agar mereka saling mengenal dan menjalin hubungan dekat satu sama lainnya. Dengan memperkenalkan diri kita kepada orang lain, maka secara tidak lanngsung akan menambah relasi pertemanan, hubungan kerja, dan menciptakan rasas keakraban dan kekeluargaan antar sesama.
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan materi terkait pengertian, contoh dialog, dan latihan soal expression of self-introduction and introducing others (ungkapan perkenalan diri dan memperkenalkan orang lain). Yuk, simak penjelasannya berikut ini!
Pengertian, Contoh Dialog, dan Latihan Soal Expression Of Self-Introduction And Introducing Others (Ungkapan Perkenalan Diri Dan Memperkenalkan Orang Lain)
Definition of Expression of Self-Introduction (Pengertian Ungkapan Perkenalan Diri)
Expression of self-introduction, atau ungkapan perkenalan diri merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan atau memperkenalkan identitas diri sendiri, seperti nama, tempat tinggal, pekerjaan, dan sebagainya dalam sebuah percakapan interaktif.
Perkenalan diri dapat dilakukan dalam dua situasi, yaitu situasi formal seperti dalam diskusi, rapat, seminar, pertemuan bisnis, dan situasi non-formal seperti dalam percakapan sehari-hari, pertemanan atau pergaulan. Hal tersebut tentunya akan memengaruhi penggunaan bahasa atau expression (ungkapan) yang baku ataupun tidak.
Berikut ini beberapa expression of self-introduction (ungkapan perkenalan diri) dalam bahasa Inggris yang biasa digunakan.
Definition of Expression of Formal Self-Introduction
Expressioon of formal self-introduction merupakan ungkapan perkenalan diri yang dilakukan dalam situasi formal atau resmi, seperti dalam acara diskusi, rapat, seminar, pertemuan bisnis dan sebagainya.
Berikut ini beberapa expression of formal introduction yang biasanya digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.
§ Good morning. My name is
... (Selamat Pagi. Nama Saya adalah …)
§ Please, allow
me to introduce myself. I am ...
(Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Saya …)
§ May I
introduce myself? I am ...
(Bolehkah saya memperkenalkan diri saya? Saya …)
§ How do you do?
My name is .... (Bagaimana kabarmu? Nama
saya …)
§ I am … / My name’s … (Saya … /Nama saya …)
§ Let me
introduce myself. My name is ...
(Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya …)
§ Hi, I’m ... (Hi, saya …)
§ Hello, my name’s ... (Helo, nama saya …)
§ Good evening. My name is .... (Selamat Malam. Nama saya …)
§ Good morning, how do you
do? (Selamat Pagi. Bagaimana kabarmu juga?)
§ How do you do? nice to meet you. (Bagaimana kabarmu juga, senang bertemu
§ Oh, hello,
nice to meet you. (Oh, Helo senang
berjumpa denganmu)
§ I am …../ my
name’s … (Saya …/ Nama saya …)
§ Hi /Hello Mr. … (Hi/Helo Pak …)
§ Hi, I’m …. Glad to meet you. (Hi, Saya …. Senang berjumpa denganmu)
§ Hello. My name’s …. Pleased to meet you. (Helo. Nama saya …. Senang berjumpa dengamu)
§ Good evening. I’m …. How do you do? (selamat malam. Saya … Bagaimana kabarmu?)
§ How do you do?
My name is …. Nice to meet you. (Bagaimana kabarmu? Namaku … Senang bertemu
Biasanya sebelum ungkapan perkenalan diri, disertai dengan greeting (salam atau sapaan), seperti hi, hello, good morning, good evening, dan sebagainya.
Selain itu, ketika kita menanggapi seseorang yang telah memperkenalkan dirinya, kita juga dapat menyertakan ungkapan sebagai berikut:
Nice to meet you
Pleased to meet you
Glad to meet you
Ungkapan di atas memiliki makna yang sama yaitu “Senang bertemu denganmu”. Hal ini menandakan bahwa kita senang berkenalan degan orang lain tersebut dan beriktikad baik untuk membangun hubungan atau relasi sebagai teman atau rekan kerja.
Definition of Expression of Informal Self-Introduction
Expression of informal self-introduction merupakan ungkapan perkenalan diri yang dilakukan dalam situasi informal atau tidak resmi, seperti dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, pertemanan, pergaulan, dan sebagainya.
Berikut ini beberapa expression of informal introduction yang biasanya digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.
§ Hello, I am
..... Nice to meet you.
(Helo, Saya … Senang berjumpa denganmu)
§ Hi, I am .....
Nice to meet you. (Hi, Saya … Senang
berjumpa denganmu)
§ Excuse me. I
am …. what’s your name?
(Permisi. Saya … Siapa namamu?)
§ Hi, My name is … what’s your
name? (Hi, namaku … Siapa namamu?)
§ Hi, I am .....
Nice to meet you too.
(Hi, Saya … Senang berjumpa denganmu juga)
§ Hello, I am .....
Nice to meet you too.
(Helo, Saya … Senang berjumpa denganmu)
§ I am .... (Saya …)
§ Hello. I am ….
/ My name’s …. (Helo, Saya … / Nama saya
Dalam situasi percakapan informal, kita biasanya menggunakan bahasa yang lebih santai, sederhana dan akrab. Bahkan, seringkali seseorang memperkenalkan dirinya dan menanyakan langsung identitas diri lawan biacaranya yaitu seperti berikut.
What`s your name?
What`s yours?
Your name?
Ungkapan-ungkapan di atas memiliki maksud yang sama, “Siapa namamu?” yaitu menanyakan balik nama seseorang yang diajak berbicara.
Definition of Expression of Introducing Other (Pengertian Ungkapan Memperkenalkan Orang Lain)
Expression of introducing other, atau ungkapan memperkenalkan orang lain, merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan atau memperkenalkan identitas seseorang, seperti teman, kerabat, atau rekan kerja kepada orang lain dalam sebuah percakapan interaktif. Sebagaimana self-introduction, kita dapat menggunakan beberapa ungkapan, baik formal atau informal untuk memperkenalkan seseorang.
Perhatikan beberapa contoh expression of formal introducing other dalam bahasa Inggris berikut ini.
§ Good morning,
may I introduce our guest here,
…. (Selamat Pagi, bolehkah saya perkenalkan tamu kita di sini, ….)
§ His/Her name
is … (Namanya …)
§ Mr. …, this is my friend/colleague/staff in this office. (Pak …, ini adalah teman/kolega/karyawan di kantor ini)
§ I ‘d like to
introduce you to Mr. Sandy
(Saya ingin memperkenalkanmu dengan Pak Sandi)
§ Dewi, Let me
introduce you to … (Dewi, izinkan saya
memperkenalkanmu kepada …)
§ Shifa, may I
introduce you to ….
(Shifa, bolehkan saya memperkenalkanmu kepada …)
§ Mr. Alex, allow me introduce you
to Miss ... (Pak Alex, izinkan saya memperkenalkanmu kepada Ibu …)
§ How do you do,
Mr./Mrs. … Nice to meet you. (Bagaimana kabarmu, Pak/Bu … Senang berjumpa
dengan Anda)
§ My name is .....
glad to meet you. (Namaku adalah … Senang
bertemu denganmu)
Sedangkan, expression of informal introducing other dalam bahasa Inggris antara lain sebagai berikut.
§ Let me
introduce my friend, her name is Ana. (Izinkan saya memperkenalkan teman saya, Namanya Ana).
§ Anna, this is
Chris, my friend here. (Anna, ini adalah Chris temanku di sini)
§ Have you meet
my friend, Fani? (Pernahkah kamu bertemu dengan temanku, Fani?)
§ Rini, this is Andy,
Edi and Topan. (Rini, ini adalah Andy, Edi dan Topan)
§ Oh … Dewi, I’d
like you to meet ….
(Oh … Dewi, Saya ingin Anda berjumpa dengan …)
§ By the way, do
you know each other ?
(Ngomong-ngomong, apakah kalian saling kenal?)
§ Do you know
Baskara? (Apakah kamu tahu Basakara)
§ Have you met
Baskara? (Pernahkan kamu bertemu dengan Baskara?)
§ This is a
friend of mine, Renata.
(Ini adalah temanku, Renata)
§ Baskara this is Rena, my friend. (Baskara, ini adalah Rena temanku)
§ May I
introduce our new member, Mr. Rafael? (Bolehkan saya memperkenalkan anggota baru kita, Pak Rafael?)
§ Please allow
me to introduce our new Manager.
His/her name is … (Mohon izinkan saya memperkenalkan manajer baru kita.
Namanya adalah …)
§ Let me
introduce you to Mr. Iskandar, our Marketing Manager. (Izinkan saya mmperkenalkanmu dengan Pak
Iskandar, manajer pemasaran baru kita)
§ Hello Anna, glad to meet
you. (Helo, Anna. Senang bertemu denganmu)
§ Hi, I am Bara. Glad to see you (Hi, saya Bara. Senang berjumpa dengamu)
§ How do you do. nice to meet/see
you. (Bagaimana kabarmu. Senang berjumpa denganmu)
§ No, I don’t think so. (Tidak, Saya rasa tidak demikian)
§ No, I haven’t. (Tidak, Saya belum)
§ Hi, glad to meet you. I’m
Renata. (Hi, senang berjumpa denganmu. Saya Renata)
§ Hello, Renata. Pleased to meet
you. (Hello, Renata. Senang berjumpa denganmu)
§ I’m glad to know you. (Saya senang kenal Anda)
§ It’s nice to meet you. (senang berjumpa denganmu)
§ How do you do? It’s very
nice to meet you. (Bagaimana kabarmu? Senang bebrjumpa
Dialog of Self-introduction and Introducing Other
Berikut ini kami sajikan beberapa contoh dialog perkenalan diri dan memperkenalkan orang lain.
Dialog of Introducing Oneself
Berikut ini beberapa contoh dialog introducing oneself (perkenalan diri).
Dialog 1
Dika: “Good morning. Please introduce yourself!”
Tika: “Good morning. Yes, thank you. My name is Kartika. My full name is Kartika Rahmawati. Everyone calls me, My Tika.”
Dika: “My name is Dika. Nice to meet you, Tika.”
Tika: “Nice to meet you too, Dika.”
Text 2
Good morning all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Muhammad Al-Fatih. I was born in Rembang on 26 July 2005. I now live in Rembang. Right now I stayed at my aunt’s house.
Now allow me to introduce myself further. I like things that smell of adventurous, and small things like reading, watching, and spent my free time by doing nothing.
Okay now about me and my family, I am the first child in my family. I have a little sister, and she is high school student. My father is Abdul Rohim. He is a policeman. While my mother is a housewife. She is Endang Rahmawati. I love my family more than anything. Well that’s my introduction this time. Pleased to meet you.
Dialog 3
Rani: “Hi. How do you do?”
Ema: “Hello. How do you do?”
Rani: “I’m Rani Santika. Everyone calls me, Rani. What’s your name?”
Ema: “My name is Ema Putri. You can call me, Ema.”
Rani: “Pleased to meet you, Ema.”
Ema: “Me too, Rani.”
Dialog 4
Edo: “Good morning, everybody. Today we have a new member of debate club. Please introduce yourself, Eka.”
Eka: “Thank you, Edo. I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Eka Parawangsa. You may call me, Eka. I join this club so that I can improve my public speaking skill, and critical thinking.”
Edo: “I hope you can achieve it. By the way, where are you from?”
Eka: “I come from Bandung. I live with my uncle in this city.”
Edo: “Glad to meet you, Eka.”
Eka: “Glad to meet you too, Edo.”
Dialog 5
Miko: “Do we know each other?”
Dina: “I don’t think so.”
Miko: “Let me introduce myself. My name is Miko Hermawan. My nickname is Miko. I live at Cempaka street no. 25, Jakarta. And you?”
Dina: “My name is Dina Ayunda. Everyone calls me, Dina. My address is at Kenanga street no. 20, Jakarta.”
Miko: “I love playing soccer ball. If you don’t mind, what is your hobby, Dina?”
Dina: “I really like cooking. I have experimented some kinds of cuisine with my mom. And what’s your hobby?”
Miko: “Maybe I hope I can taste your cooking someday.
Dina: “Come on! You can visit my home if you have leisure time.”
Miko: “Nice to meet you, Dina.”
Dina: “Nice to meet you too, Miko.”
Dialog of Introducing Other
Berikut ini beberapa contoh dialog introducing other (memperkenalkan orang lain).
Dialog 1
Tika: “What’s up, Oki?”
Oki: “Nothing much.”
Tike: “I want to introduce you to my new neighbor. She is Nanda.”
Oki : “Hello, Nanda. My name is Oki. I’m Tika’s classmate. Glad to meet you.”
Nanda: “Hi, Oki. Glad to meet you too.”
Dialog 2
Reni: “That’s Dodit. Do you know him?”
Rita: “No, I don’t.”
Reni: “Hello, Dodit. How are you?”
Dodit: “Hello, Reni. I'm fine thanks.”
Reni: “Dodit, this is a friend of mine, Rita Aprianti.”
Dodit: “Hello Rita. Pleased to meet you.”
Rita: “Hi Dodit, pleased to meet you too.”
Dialog 3
Dani: “How do you do. Have we met before?”
Dina: “How do you do. I don’t think so.”
Dani: “My name is Ahmad Dani. You may call me, Dani. He is my classmate, Jaka.”
Jaka: “Hi. my name is Jaka Lelana. Everyone calls me, Jaka.”
Dina: “Hello. I’m Dina Rahmawati. I’m used to be called, Dina. Where is your class?”
Dani. “We are students of grade 10 at language class. How about you?”
Dina: “I’m a student of grade 10 at science class.”
Jaka: “Glad to meet you, Dina.”
Dina: “Glad to meet you, Dani and Jaka.”
Dialog 4
Dava: “How are you doing, Rio?”
Rio: “I’m pretty okay.”
Dava: “Who is she?”
Rio: “She is my sister, Rani.”
Dava: “I’ve never seen her before. Hi, Rani. I’m Dava.”
Rani: “Hello, Dava.”
Rio: “What are you doing here?”
Dava: “I am taking a picture, and enjoying my free time by jogging here. And you?”
Rio: “Rani and I are jogging too. We have the same hobby, don’t we?”
Dava: “That’s true. By the way, I want to go there guys. Nice to meet you, Rio and Rani.”
Rio & Rani: “Nice to meet you, Dava.”
Dialog 5
Fano: “Hi, Fania.”
Fania: “Hello, Fano.”
Fano: “Let me introduce to our new member of dance club. She is Sonia Agata. She comes from Bali.”
Fania: “Hi, Sonia. My name is Fania Saraswati. You can call me, Fania. I come from Palembang.”
Sonia: “Pleased to meet you, Fania.”
Fania: “Me too, Sonia.”
Sonia: “What’s our club plan in this week?”
Fano: “We’re going to practice a traditional dance from Bali. That is Pendet dance.”
Sonia: “Really? I have practiced it a lot in my hometown. We can practice it together.”
Fania: “It sounds good. I believe we will master it faster because we have a native dancer now.”
Fano: “That’s really true.”
Sania: “Thanks for the compliment.”
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Contoh Dilaog Expression of Self-Introduction and Introducing Other beserta Artinya
Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Expression of Self-introduction and Introducing other
Berikut ini beberapa contoh latihan soal expression of self-introduction and introducing other antara lain:
Soal Pilihan Ganda Expression of Self-introduction and Introducing other
The following text is for question no. 1 to 3
Good morning all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Muhammad Al-Fatih. I am used to be called as Fatih. I was born in Rembang on 26 July 2005. I now live in Rembang. Right now I stayed at my aunt’s house.
Now allow me to introduce myself further. I like things that smell of adventurous, and small things like reading, watching, and spent my free time by doing nothing.
Okay now about me and my family, I am the first child in my family. I have a little sister, and she is high school student. My father is Abdul Rohim. He is a policeman. While my mother is a housewife. She is Endang Rahmawati. I love my family more than anything. Well that’s my introduction this time. Pleased to meet you.
1. According to the text, we know that ….
A. Fatih is a high school student
B. Fatih lives together with his parents
C. Fatih likes writing an adventurous story
D. Fatih is the first child in his family
E. Fatih has no sister
2. The expression of self-introduction is ….
A. Good morning all
B. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Muhammad Al-Fatih.
C. I was born in Rembang on 26 July 2005.
D. I like things that smell of adventurous, and small things like reading, watching, and spent my free time by doing nothing.
E. Okay now about me and my family, I am the first child in my family.
3. Which is the information that is not mentioned in the text?
A. The writer’s name
B. The writer’s family
C. The writer’s hobby
D. The writer’s date of birth
E. The writer’s future dream
The following dialog is for question no. 4 to 6
Edo: “Good morning, everybody. Today we have a new member of debate club. Please introduce yourself, Eka.”
Eka: “Thank you, Edo. I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Eka Parawangsa. You may call me, Eka. I join this club so that I can improve my public speaking skill, and critical thinking.”
Edo: “I hope you can achieve it. By the way, where are you from?”
Eka: “I come from Bandung. I live with my uncle in this city.”
Edo: “Glad to meet you, Eka.”
Eka: “Glad to meet you too, Edo.”
4. Based on the dialog, we can infer that ….
A. Edo is a new member of debate club.
B. Eka introduces Edo to all debate club members.
C. Edo has just joined the debate club
D. Eka wants to develop his public speaking skill
E. Edo lives with his uncle in Bandung
5. “I’d like to introduce myself.” This expression can be replaced with, except ….
A. Let me introduce myself
B. Allow me introduce myself
C. May I introduce myself
D. I want to introduce myself
E. I will introduce you to herself
6. What is the reason that Eka joins the debate club?
A. He wants to improve his skills, especially in speaking and thinking.
B. He is invited by Edo to join the debate club
C. He is willing to be the chief of debate club
D. He’d like to spend his spare time with positive activities
E. He has to join the debate club because of his friends’ support
The following dialog is for question no. 7 to 9
Miko: “Do we know each other?”
Dina: “I don’t think so.”
Miko: “Let me introduce myself. My name is Miko Hermawan. My nickname is Miko. I live at Cempaka street no. 25, Jakarta. And you?”
Dina: “My name is Dina Ayunda. Everyone calls me, Dina. My address is at Kenanga street no. 20, Jakarta.”
Miko: “I love playing soccer ball. If you don’t mind, what is your hobby, Dina?”
Dina: “I really like cooking. I have experimented some kinds of cuisine with my mom. And what’s your hobby?”
Miko: “Maybe I hope I can taste your cooking someday.
Dina: “Come on! You can visit my home if you have leisure time.”
Miko: “Nice to meet you, Dina.”
Dina: “Nice to meet you too, Miko.”
7. From the dialog, we can imply that ….
A. Miko and Dina have known each other before
B. Dina and Miko live in the same city
C. Miko likes cooking traditional food
D. Dina is Miko’s close friend
E. Miko invites Dina to come to his house
8. Which is the information that you can find in the dialog?
A. Name
B. Address
C. Hometown
D. Hobby
E. Occupation
9. “Nice to meet you, Dina.” The expression has the closest meaning with, except ….
A. Glad to meet you
B. Pleased to see you
C. I hope to meet you later
D. I’m happy to meet you
E. It’s wonderful to see you
The following dialog is for question no. 10 to 12
Fano: “Hi, Fania.”
Fania: “Hello, Fano.”
Fano: “Let me introduce to our new member of dance club. She is Sonia Agata. She comes from Bali.”
Fania: “Hi, Sonia. My name is Fania Saraswati. You can call me, Fania. I come from Palembang.”
Sonia: “Pleased to meet you, Fania.”
Fania: “Me too, Sonia.”
Sonia: “By the way, do we have some plan in this week?”
Fano: “We’re going to practice a traditional dance from Bali. That is Pendet dance.”
Sonia: “Really? I have practiced it a lot in my hometown. We can practice it together.”
Fania: “It sounds good. I believe we will master it faster because we have a native dancer now.”
Fano: “That’s really true.”
Sania: “Thanks for the compliment.”
10. According to the dialog, we can conclude that ….
A. Fano is the new member of dance club
B. Sonia, Fania, and Fano are going to practice dancing in this week
C. Fania comes from the same city with Sonia
D. Sonia still learns Pendet dance
E. Fania has mastered Pendet dance
11. Who is Fano?
A. He is Fania’s brother
B. He is Sonia’s relative
C. He is a member of dance club
D. He is the leader of dance club
E. He is the chief of the class
12. The expression of introducing other based on the dialog is ….
A. Hi, Fania
B. Let me introduce to our new member of dance club. She is Sonia Agata.
C. Hi, Sonia. My name is Fania Saraswati.
D. You can call me, Fania. I come from Palembang.
E. Pleased to meet you, Fania.
The following dialog is for question no. 13 to 15
Dava: “How are you doing, Rio?”
Rio: “I’m pretty okay.”
Dava: “Who is she?”
Rio: “She is my sister, Rani.”
Dava: “I’ve never seen her before. Hi, Rani. I’m Dava.”
Rani: “Hello, Dava.”
Rio: “What are you doing here?”
Dava: “I am taking a picture, and enjoying my free time by jogging here. And you?”
Rio: “Rani and I are jogging too. It is so refreshing and makes our body become healthy. We have the same hobby, don’t we?”
Dava: “That’s true. By the way, I want to go there guys. Nice to meet you, Rio and Rani.”
Rio & Rani: “Nice to meet you, Dava.”
13. Where might the conversation take place?
A. In the town square
B. In the school
C. In the library
D. In Dava’s house
E. In Rio’s house
14. What is Dava doing?
A. He is discussing some issue
B. He is taking a picture
C. He is joining a gym
D. He is working
E. He is cycling
15. Based on the dialog, we know that, except ….
A. Dava and Rani are relatives
B. Rio has known Rani before
C. Rani is Dava’s sister
D. Dava likes jogging
E. Rio’s hobby is taking a picture
Soal Essay Expression of Self-introduction and Introducing other
16. Introduce yourself and include the information, such as name, date of birth, address, hobby, occupation, family, and future dream!
The following text is for question no. 17 to 18
Hello, guys.
I’m standing here to introduce myself. My name is Rifqi Al-Fatih. You can call me Rifqi. I was born in August, 10th 2000. I am a new student here. I come from Kudus. I’ve just moved here and now I live with my aunty and uncle at Anggrek street no. 35, Bandung.
I want to tell you about my hobby. I have some hobbies. In my spare time, I usually read some book. I really love novel, especially inspirational novels. Then, I am also used to jogging in the weekend. In the future, I want to be a language teacher.
17. Enlist the information mentioned in the text!
a) Full name:
b) Nick name:
c) Birth of date:
d) Address:
e) Hobby:
f) Future dream:
18. Decide whether these statements in the table are true or false!
Rifqi is
a new student at his class.
lives with his parents in Bandung.
One of
Rifqi’s hobbies is writing a novel.
In the
weekend, Rifqi is used to doing exercise.
wants to be a writer in the future.
The following dialog is for question no. 19 to 20
Riko: “Hi. Have we met before?”
Raka: “Hello. I’m not sure.”
Riko: “Let me introduce myself. My name is Riko Saputra. You can call me, Riko. I’m students of Grade 10 at B Science class. And you?”
Raka: “I’m Raka Wibisana. Everyone calls me, Raka. I’m a student of Grade 10 at A Science class.”
Riko: “Your class is next to my class.”
Raka: “Really? Pleased to see you, Riko.”
Riko: ”Pleased to see you too, Raka.”
19. Mention the expression of self-introduction based on the dialog!
20. Who are Riko and Raka?
Baca Juga:
Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Expression of Self-Introduction and Introducing Other
Demikian tadi penjelasan terkait Pengertian, Contoh Dialog, dan Latihan Soal Expression Of Self-Introduction And Introducing Others (Ungkapan Perkenalan Diri Dan Memperkenalkan Orang Lain). Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih 😊
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