Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Ganjil Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/MAK Kelas XII Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023

    Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Ganjil
    Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/MAK Kelas XII
    Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023

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    Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Ganjil Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/MAK Kelas XII Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023

    I. Choose the best suitable answers by crossing the option a, b, c, d, or e on your answer sheet!

    The following text is for question no 1 to 5.

    Evan: What are you doing?
    Renata: I'm making compost from these leaves, but I think I get a trouble.
    Evan: May I help you?
    Renata: If you don't mind.
    Evan: Of course not. I like gardening.
    Renata: Thanks. You are so kind.

    1. What is the man doing?
    A. He is planting flowers.
    B. He is cleaning the garden.
    C. He is offering assistance.
    D. He is asking for help.
    E. He is asking for a solution.

    2. “May I help you?” This expression belongs to expression of ....
    A. Asking for a service or help
    B. Offering a service or help
    C. Accepting someone’s service or help
    D. Declining someone’s service or help
    E. Agreeing with a service or help

    3. According to the text, we can conclude that, except ....
    A. Evan likes gardening
    B. Renata has a trouble to make a compost
    C. Renata and Evan might be close friends
    D. Evan is a kind person
    E. Renata will help Evan gardening

    4. What are Renata and Evan going to do later?
    A. They will buy a compost from the store
    B. They are about to buy a gardening tool
    C. They will be gardening together
    D. They would like to make compost
    E. They are going to collect the leaves

    5. “May I help you?” This expression can be replaced with, except ....
    A. Can I help you?
    B. What can I help you?
    C. Could you help me?
    D. What can I do for you?
    E. Do you need a help?

    The following text is for question no 6 to 10.

    Rina: Excuse me, may I see Mrs. Shane?
    Mr. Reno: She just left five minutes ago. What can I do for you?
    Rina: Please, tell her that I put my assignment on her desk.
    Mr. Reno: Sure. I'll tell her.
    Rina: Thank you.

    6. Where does the conversation take place?
    A. In the classroom. 
    B. In the library. 
    C. In the teacher's room.
    D. In the office.
    E. In the bookstore

    7. Based on the text, we know that ....
    A. Mr. Reno wants to see Mrs. Shane
    B. Rina wants to meet Mrs. Shane
    C. Mr. Reno just left five minutes ago
    D. Rina would like to ask for assignment
    E. Mrs. Shane will come into Rina’s class

    8. “What can I do for you?” This expression has similar meaning with ….
    A. Can you help me please?
    B. Could you do me a favor?
    C. Could you give me a hand?
    D. Can I do you a favor?
    E. I need your assistance, please.

    9. The expression of offering a help is ....
    A. Excuse me, may I see Mrs. Shane?
    B. She just left five minutes ago.
    C. What can I do for you?
    D. Please, tell her that I put my assignment on her desk.
    E. Sure. I'll tell her.

    10. What is Mr. Reno going to do next?
    A. He will come back from school
    B. He is going to come into the class
    C. He is about to have a meeting with Mrs. Shane
    D. He would like to tell Mrs. Shane about Rina’s assignment
    E. He plans to see Mrs. Shane at the office

    The following caption text is for question no 11 to 12.

    A villager looks at damaged houses following a 5.6-magnitude earthquake that killed at least 162 people, with hundreds injured and others missing in Cianjur, West Java, on Nov. 22, 2022.(AFP/Aditya Aji)

    11. What is the topic of the caption?
    A. Health 
    B. Social issue 
    C. Natural Disaster
    D. Politic
    E. Economy

    12. What is the kind of the caption?
    A. Identification Bar D. Quote
    B. Cutline E. Summary
    C. Group identification

    Read the caption text to answer question no. 13 to 14!

    “If you want to know how rich you are, find out how many things you have that money cannot buy.”

    3. What is the type of the caption?
    A. Identification Bar 
    B. Cutline 
    C. Group identification
    D. Quote
    E. Summary

    14. What does the caption mean?
    A. Money is everything that people mainly need in life.
    B. Money can buy everything that people want to
    C. You are rich when you have a lot of money
    D. Emotional pleasure can be bought by money
    E. The richness is determined by the emotional pleasure you have

    Read the caption text to answer question no. 15 to 16!

    “EDUCATION breeds confidence, CONFIDENCE breeds hope, HOPE breeds peace.” (Confucius)

    15. Based on the caption, you are expected to ….
    A. Have a high hope
    B. Become confident at the class
    C. Spread peace whenever you are
    D. Always remember your parent’s advice
    E. Study hard at the school

    16. What is the type of the caption above?
    A. Identification Bar 
    B. Cutline
    C. Group identification
    D. Quote
    E. Summary

    Read the caption text to answer question no. 17 to 18

    To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” (Anatole France)

    17. What do we suppose to do based on the caption above?
    A. We always dream the future
    B. We only believe our action
    C. We need to struggle to gain a success
    D. We just have to make a good plan
    E. We can hope to do the great things 

    18. What do the underlined words in the caption suitably mean?
    A. To finish the difficult works
    B. To achieve a success
    C. To obtain the worthy things
    D. To improve the personal qualities
    E. To develop the owned potentials

    The following text is for question no 19 to 20.

    President Joko Widodo “Jokowi“ speaks during the G20 Summit in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Nov. 16, 2022.(G20 Secretariat/-)

    19. What is the language feature used in the caption? It uses tense ….
    A. Simple present 
    B. Present perfect 
    C. Present continuous
    D. Simple past
    E. Past future

    20. What is the type of the caption?
    A. Identification Bar 
    B. Cutline 
    C. Group identification
    D. Quote
    E. Summary

    21. Which statement belongs to If clasue + Imperative?
    A. If you don’t wanna get sick, you should take a rest.
    B. If you don’t wanna get wet, get the umbrella!
    C. If you boil water, It will evaporate.
    D. If you don’t wanna be late, you have to go earlier.
    E. If I have a lot of money, I will build a big house.

    22. “If you want to go to the USA, you should save money”. The sentence is the pattern of If clause + ....
    A. Reminder 
    B. Suggestion 
    C. Dream
    D. General truth
    E. Imperarive

    23. “If you want to go out, .... !”
    The best answer to complete the pattern of If Clause + Imperative is ....
    A. You have to do your homework first
    B. You should lock your door
    C. Ask for a permission first
    D. You can see your environment
    E. You will bring a bag

    24. Which statement belongs to If clasue + Suggestion?
    A. If you want to enjoy Bainbrige Island, stroll around downtown’s galleries
    B. If you visit Seattle, why don’t you tour Pike Place Market’s produce stands
    C. If you have enough time, tour the numerous art galleries in Friday Harbor.
    D. If you visit Seattle, see exciting and experimental works at Chihuly Garden and Glass
    E. If you visit Seattle, watch the world’s most sophisticated aircraft at the Boeing factory in Mukilteo

    25. Which statement belongs to If + General Truth?
    A. If you go outside, don’t forget to lock the door.
    B. If you want to get a scholarship, you should study harder
    C. If you do exercise every day, your body is going to be healthy
    D. If you visit Monas in Jakarta, why don’t you take some pictures there.
    E. If you practice a lot, you can be a great singer

    The following text is for question no 26 to 30.

    Surabaya, May 10th, 2022

    Mrs. Renata Afriani
    Human Resources Manager
    PT. Putra Angkasa
    Jl. Sumpah Pemuda No. 10, Surabaya

    Dear Mrs. Renata,
    Based on the advertisement posted on that PT Putra Angkasa is looking for Staff Administration. I am interested in applying for this position.
    I have graduated from Muhammadiyah North Sumatera University, majoring in Management. I have worked as freelance Staff Administration at PT Unilever for two years after graduating and as a Staff Marketing for PT Indofood since 2016-2018. I believe I could be a strong candidate through the skills and experiences I have.
    I am a fast learner and have good motivation. I am proficient in many computer software programs, including Miscrosoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. I work effectively under pressure and developed excellent communication skills through my job experience.
    Please take the time to review my resume. With my qualifications, I am confident that I will be able to contribute to your company. Please contact me on +628121111222. I hope I can get the opportunity to discuss with you about an interview. I look forward to .... from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Winda Eka Maya

    26. What is the purpose of the text?
    A. To ask for information about a Staff Administration’s Position at PT Putra Angkasa
    B. To recruit for a Staff Administration’s Position at PT Putra Angkasa
    C. To apply for a Staff Administration’s Position at PT Putra Angkasa
    D. To resign for a Staff Administration’s Position at PT Putra Angkasa
    E. To promote for a Staff Administration’s Position at PT Putra Angkasa

    27. Which qualification does the applicant not have?
    A. Putra Angkasa He is a fast learner
    B. He owns good motivation
    C. He is proficient in many computer software programs
    D. He is a fresh man as a Staff Marketing
    E. He has excellent communication skills

    28. “I look forward to .... from you soon.” Which word is suitable to compete the sentence?
    A. Hear 
    B. To hear 
    C. Hears
    D. Hearing
    E. Heard

    29. Based on the letter, we can imply that ….
    A. Winda is experienced at Staff Administrastion
    B. Mrs. Renata wants to apply for Staff Administrastion in PT Putra Angkasa
    C. Winda knows the job vacancy from Mrs. Renata
    D. Mrs. Renata is the manager of PT Putra Angkasa
    E. Winda cannot work under pressure

    30. What is the fourth paragraph discussed?
    A. Winda wants to apply staff administration
    B. Winda has graduated from a reputable university
    C. Winda can be considered as a new staff administration at PT. Putra Angkasa
    D. Winda explains some of her qualification and skills needed by the company
    E. Winda is competent in staff administration position

    Read the following text to answer questions no. 31 to 35!

    Malang, May 11th, 2022
    Attention to :
    Human Resources Department
    PT Bank Negara Syariah
    Jl. Sudirman No. 11, Malang

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Based on the information I obtained from the official website of PT Bank Negara Syariah, that your company is looking for a Bank Teller. I intend to apply for this position.
    The undersigned bellow :
    Name : Misaki Lim
    Address : Jl. Selasih No. 56
    Place, Date of Birth : Lampung, June 1st, 1996
    Gender : Female
    Phone Number : +62812-8888-0000
    Recent graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Padjajaran University. My specialization is Finance Accounting. I consider myself that I have qualifications for this position. I have some computer skills, like using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Accounting software. I like to learn something new and I can work effectively under pressure.
    As a consideration, I enclose my:
    1. Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate;
    2. Copy of Academic Transcript;
    3. Curriculum Vitae;
    4. Copy of Civil Identity Card (KTP);
    5. Copy of Indonesian Police Sertificates (SKCK);
    6. Recent photograph, size 4×6;
    Thank you for your attention and I am looking forward to an opportunity to work with you in the future.

    Best Regards,

    Misaki Lim

    31. What is the purpose of the text?
    A. To tell Misaki’s competence
    B. To apply for a Bank Teller
    C. To describe Misaki’s personality
    D. To promote a bank teller to everyone
    E. To explain how to be a good bank teller

    32. “ ... that your company is looking for a Bank Teller.” The underlined word has the same meaning with ....
    A. Seeing 
    B. Observing 
    C. Searching
    D. Considering
    E. Deciding

    33. Which is the part of opening paragraph?
    A. Line 1 - 5 D. Line 16 - 24
    B. Line 7 - 10 E. Line 32 - 34
    C. Line 11 - 16

    34. Based on the text, we can conclude that Misaki ….
    A. wants to be a finance accountant
    B. knows the job vacancy from the newspaper
    C. is fresh graduate from computer engineering
    D. doesn’t encloses some documents to consider
    E. has an opportunity to work at Bank Syariah Indonesia

    35. What is the applicant’s qualification in the text aimed for?
    A. Describing the HRD that Misaki is an excellent person
    B. Informing the HRD that Misaki graduated from the reputable university
    C. Convincing the HRD that Misaki deserves for the position
    D. Ensuring the HRD that Misaki will be a trusted employer
    E. Explaining the HRD that Misaki had already got the best achievement

    The following text is for question no 36 to 40.

    Jakarta (ANTARA) - Head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Lieutenant General Suharyanto on Tuesday confirmed that 268 people died in the earthquake that struck Cianjur district, West Java, the previous day (November 21, 2022).
    "The victims who died because of the earthquake in Cianjur district amounted to 268 people," he informed at the Cianjur District Hall.
    Out of the 268 victims, 122 have already been identified, he said. He further informed that some victims have remained missing and the search is still on for 151 more people.
    "Whether these 151 people will be part of those who have not been identified, we will investigate later. We are still conducting search and rescue for those who are missing," he said.
    Based on BNPB data, the number of injured victims reached 1,083 as of Tuesday afternoon, while the number of people seeking shelter in refugee camps was pegged at 58,362.
    Meanwhile, 6,570 homes suffered heavy damage, 2,071 suffered moderate damage, and 12,641 were lightly damaged in the quake. Information on the rest is still being collected.
    The 5.6-magnitude earthquake, which occurred at 1:21 p.m. local time on November 21, was centered 10 kilometers southwest of Cianjur district, West Java, at a depth of 10 km. No tsunami warning was sounded following the quake.
    Meanwhile, based on its analysis, the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicted that the earthquake could potentially recur every 20 years.
    BMKG head Dwikorita Karnawati said that similar quakes were previously reported in Cianjur in 2000 and 1982. For this reason, houses built in the area in the future must be made earthquake-resistant.
    Residents whose houses were heavily damaged in the quake will receive assistance worth Rp50 million, while Rp25 million will be provided to those whose houses suffered moderate damage and Rp10 million to people whose houses sustained light damage.

    36. What is the topic of the text?
    A. The earthquake in Cianjur
    B. The victims of the earthquake in Cianjur
    C. The damages of the earthquake in Cianjur
    D. The government’s action for the earthquake in Cianjur
    E. The analysis of the earthquake in Cianjur

    37. What is the purpose of the text?
    A. To inform the earthquake in Cianjur distric
    B. To describe the Cianjur distric
    C. To tell the previous earthquake in Cianjur distric
    D. To explain how the earthquake in Cianjur distric happened
    E. To persuade the readers to help the earthquake victims in Cianjur distric

    38. According to the text, we know that ….
    A. All the victims have already been identified
    B. There are more than 260 people died in the Cianjur’s earthquake
    C. The government will build a house for the victims
    D. The earthquake in Cianjur district happened in the morning
    E. The earthquake can potentially cause a tsunami

    39. How many victims are in the Cianjur’s earthquake calculated?
    A. 268 
    B. 1,083 
    C. 21,282
    D. 58,362
    E. 59,713

    40. To overcome the Cianjur’s earthquake, the government is still about to, except ….
    A. Investigate the earthquake victims
    B. Rescue the missing people
    C. Treat the refugee at the camps
    D. Give the financial assistance to the victims
    E. Analyze the tsunami impacts

    II. Answer these questions clearly and correctly

    1. Mrs. Gina is a Librarian. One day, Jesica, a new student, wants to make a library card member. She asks for Mrs. Gina’s help. Then, Mr. Gina would like to help her while Jessica is requested to fill the register form.
    Make a good dialog based on the situation above!

    2. Read the following information!
    Jawapos.com_PT. Angkasa Mulia opens a job vacancy for Staff Marketing. (24th November 2022).
    Makes an opening paragraph of the application letter based on the information above!

    3. Make a caption (i.e. quote) using key word “respect”!

    The following text is for question no 4 to 5.

    Covid-19 Update: Omicron XBB Subvariant Transmits Faster than BA.5, BA.2

    TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The government's spokeswoman for COVID-19, Dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro, said that the Omicron XBB subvariant spread faster than previous sub variants BA.5 and BA.2. The XBB subvariant transmits 0.79 times faster than the BA.5.
    "When we look at the XBB wave in Singapore, it turns out to have a transmission rate that is faster by 0.79 times compared to the BA.5 wave variant, and 0.46 times the BA.2 wave," Reisa said at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Thursday, October 27.
    The good news is, she said, XBB subvariant have symptoms similar to other Omicron subvariants. In fact, the XBB has a lower fatality rate than other Omicron sub-variants.
    According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), symptoms of the XBB variant include fever, feeling cold, cough, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, stuffy nose or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and shortness of breath.
    In Indonesia, four Covid-19 patients with the XBB subvariant experienced cough and mild flu-like symptoms. "We can say that the symptoms are generally mild," Reisa said.
    Reisa reminded how—based on previous waves—case surges always happen when a new variant or subvariant emerges. "We have to learn [from Singapore] to raise awareness. We mustn't have another case spike in Indonesia," she said.
    On Wednesday, October 26, Indonesia reported 3,048 new confirmed cases of Covid-19. On October 24, there were only 1,703 cases reported and by the next day, October 25, there were 3,008 new cases.

    4. What is the purpose of the text?

    5. What are the readers supposed to do according to the issue above?

    Demikian tadi sekilas Latihan Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Ganjil Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/MAK Kelas XII Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023. Semoga dapat dijadikan referensi bahan penilaian, dan membawa manfaat bagi kita semua. Terima kasih :)

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