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Contoh dan Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Personal Recount Text |
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Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan contoh personal recount text, dan soal pilihan ganda dan essay personal recount text. Yuk, simak selengkapnya pada artikel berikut ini!
Contoh dan Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Personal Recount Text
Contoh Personal Recount Text Beserta Artinya
My Hero Today
Three days ago I was hanging out with my sisters in a shopping mall. We were heading to the cinema and then I heard a kid was crying.
I checked around us but there was no one. Then I walked again for about six steps. That’s when I looked to my left and then I saw the little boy was standing right in front of the escalator.
I tried to approach him and asked him why he was crying. He said nothing but kept staring downstairs. I looked downstairs and saw his mother trying to reach him by running on the escalator. But her effort was actually useless since she was running upstairs on the wrong escalator. That escalator went downstairs. I could see she was super nervous and wanted to reach her son ASAP.
I made a very quick decision at that moment. I held the little boy’s hand gently and then I said “Come on, let us go to your mom together.” He said nothing but he opened his arm wide.
I hug him and then carry him on my chest. Then I told his mom “Don’t worry ma’am, I will get him to you,” and then I stepped on the escalator and started walking down as fast as I could.
His mother was super happy. She couldn’t say anything but kept smiling at me. I smiled at the little boy’s mom and then said to her, “Everything is going to be okay now.”
Source: (2022). 3 Contoh Narrative Text Personal Experience (Pengalaman Pribadi) dan Cara Membuatnya. Diakses pada situs: https://mamikos.com/info/contoh-narrative-text-personal-experience-pengalaman-pribadi-pljr/ pada tanggal 20 Febuari 2023.
Pahlawanku Hari IniTiga hari yang lalu saya jalan-jalan dengan saudara perempuan saya di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan. Kami sedang menuju ke bioskop dan kemudian saya mendengar seorang anak menangis.Saya memeriksa sekeliling kami tetapi tidak ada siapa-siapa. Kemudian saya berjalan lagi sekitar enam langkah. Saat itulah saya melihat ke kiri saya dan kemudian saya melihat anak laki-laki itu berdiri tepat di depan eskalator.Saya mencoba mendekatinya dan bertanya mengapa dia menangis. Dia tidak mengatakan apa-apa tetapi terus menatap ke bawah. Saya melihat ke bawah dan melihat ibunya mencoba menghubunginya dengan berlari di eskalator. Tapi usahanya sia-sia karena dia berlari ke lantai atas dengan eskalator yang salah. Eskalator itu turun. Saya bisa melihat dia sangat gugup dan ingin menghubungi putranya secepatnya.Saya membuat keputusan yang sangat cepat pada saat itu. Saya memegang tangan anak laki-laki itu dengan lembut dan kemudian saya berkata, "Ayo, mari kita pergi ke ibumu bersama." Dia tidak mengatakan apa-apa tetapi dia membuka lengannya lebar-lebar.Aku memeluknya dan kemudian menggendongnya di dadaku. Kemudian saya memberi tahu ibunya, "Jangan khawatir Bu, saya akan membawanya ke Anda," dan kemudian saya menginjak eskalator dan mulai berjalan secepat yang saya bisa.Ibunya sangat bahagia. Dia tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa tetapi terus tersenyum padaku. Saya tersenyum pada ibu anak laki-laki itu dan kemudian berkata kepadanya, “Semuanya akan baik-baik saja sekarang.”
Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Personal Recount Text
Choose the best answer by crossing (X) the options either a, b, c, d, or e!
1. What is the text talking about? It is the writer’s experience of ….
a. helping someone
b. congratulating someone
c. thanking to someone
d. spending holiday
e. shopping at the mall
2. What is the type of the text?
a. narrative text
b. descriptive text
c. recount text
d. explanation text
e. report text
3. What is the social function of the text?
a. to tell the writer’s past experience
b. to explain how to help someone
c. to describe the writer’s hobby
d. to report the writer’s holiday
e. to retell the writer’s family
4. According to the text, we can conclude that ….
a. the writer was so kind for helping someone
b. the writer was so fear of stepping on the escalator
c. the writer was generous because he gave a charity to anyone
d. the writer loved to go shopping with her mom in the mall
e. the writer was so happy to step on the escalator
5. Where did the writer spend her day?
a. in the play ground
b. in the market
c. in the writer’s class
d. in the shopping mall
e. in the writer’s home
6. Which is the correct statement based on the text above?
a. the writer and her mom went to shopping mall together
b. the writer’s sister heard a crying kid
c. the writer helped the woman to reach her child
d. the child could go downstairs by himself
e. the little boy’s mom reached her son by herself
7. From the text, we can learn that ….
a. we have to give charity to the poor
b. we need to be thrifty with our money
c. we must assist someone who finds trouble
d. we ought not to be afraid of the escalator
e. we can solve our problem together
8. What is the resolution of the text?
a. the woman was happy to find her son
b. the writers got the stuff she needed
c. the writer’s sister was happy to help someone
d. the women could be together with her son
e. the writer’s mom was afraid of losing her daughter
9. What is the conflict in the text?
a. the woman could not go downstairs on the escalator
b. the writer was crying at the escalator
c. the writer’s sister was nervous going downstairs
d. the writer’s mom lost her wallet
e. the woman could not reach her son on the running escalator
10. Where is the orientation part of the text?
a. paragraph 1
b. paragraph 2
c. paragraph 3
d. paragraph 4
e. paragraph 5
11. The suitable word to complete the text is ….
a. check
b. to check
c. checked
d. checks
e. checking
12. The suitable word to complete the text is ….
a. say
b. says
c. said
d. to say
e. saying
13. The suitable word to complete the text is ….
a. make
b. makes
c. making
d. made
e. to make
14. The suitable word to complete the text is ….
a. tell
b. tells
c. telling
d. to tell
e. told
15. The suitable word to complete the text is ….
a. smile
b. smiles
c. smiled
d. smiling
e. to smile
Demikian di atas, sekilas contoh dan soal ganda dan essay personal recount text. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan kita dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih : )
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