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Contoh Personal Recount Text dan Soal Pilihan Ganda Personal Recount Text |
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Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami menyajikan contoh recount text jenis personal recount text beserta soal pillihan ganda recount text. Yuk, simak selengkapnya berikut ini!
Contoh Personal Recount Text dan Soal Pilihan Ganda Personal Recount Text
Contoh Personal Recount Text beserta Artinya
Mashes Potato Lasagne
My mom always tells me that if I laugh at my own mistakes, the others will laugh with me too. Yesterday, I figured out that she (11) _____ right.
“Stay in line,” Mr. Albert said. The line before me started moving. I (12) _____ along and I was hoping that I would get the lasagne. I finally reached the counter and looked at some options available.
I could see macaroni and cheese, fish and chips, and mashed potatoes. I was super hungry and felt desperate to eat something. Then I saw the last scoop of lasagne. I became totally excited.
“The lasagne please,” I said politely. Mr. Albert (13) _____ me the lasagne. I took my paper plate as quickly as possible. But the lasagne slid off my place.
Though I tried to save my lasagne, it landed in the pan of hot and buttery mashed potato. I turned red and I heard the other kids behind me started laughing.
As I looked at my lasagne, I (14) _____ the voice of Mr. Albert, “Archie, is it okay if you get a plate of lasagne with mashed potato topping?” With nervous smile right on my face, I whispered “Of course.”
Mr. Albert smiled and then scooped the mashed potato lasagne on my paper plate. I (15) _____ looking around at the other kids and then we all started laughing again.
I never believed what my mom said until I finally saw my friends start laughing at me. When I laughed with them, I felt good instead of clumsy.
Lasagna Kentang TumbukIbuku selalu memberitahuku bahwa jika aku menertawakan kesalahanku sendiri, orang lain akan ikut tertawa bersamaku. Kemarin, saya menemukan bahwa dia benar.“Tetap antre,” kata Pak Albert. Barisan di depanku mulai bergerak. Saya mengikuti dan berharap saya akan mendapatkan lasagna. Saya akhirnya mencapai konter dan melihat beberapa opsi yang tersedia.Saya bisa melihat makaroni dan keju, ikan dan keripik, dan kentang tumbuk. Saya sangat lapar dan merasa putus asa untuk makan sesuatu. Lalu saya melihat sendok terakhir lasagna. Saya menjadi sangat bersemangat."Tolong lasagnanya," kataku sopan. Pak Albert memberi saya lasagna. Saya mengambil piring kertas saya secepat mungkin. Tapi lasagna meluncur dari tempatku.Meskipun saya mencoba untuk menyelamatkan lasagna saya, lasagna itu mendarat di wajan berisi kentang tumbuk yang panas dan bermentega. Aku memerah dan aku mendengar anak-anak lain di belakangku mulai tertawa.Ketika saya melihat lasagna saya, saya mendengar suara Pak Albert, “Archie, bolehkah Anda mendapatkan sepiring lasagna dengan topping kentang tumbuk?” Dengan senyum gugup tepat di wajahku, aku berbisik, "Tentu saja."Pak Albert tersenyum dan kemudian menyendok lasagna kentang tumbuk di atas piring kertas saya. Saya mulai melihat-lihat anak-anak lain dan kemudian kami semua mulai tertawa lagi.Saya tidak pernah percaya apa yang ibu saya katakan sampai akhirnya saya melihat teman-teman saya mulai menertawakan saya. Ketika saya tertawa bersama mereka, saya merasa baik bukannya canggung.
Soal Pilihan Ganda Personal Recount Text
Choose the best answer for the questions either a, b, c, d, or e!
1. What is the text about?
a. the writer’s sad experience
b. the writer’s frightening experience
c. the writer’s embarrassing experience
d. the writer’s happy experience
e. the writer’s adventurous experience
2. What is the kind of the text?
a. descriptive text
b. narrative text
c. explanation text
d. recount text
e. analytical text
3. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to entertain the readers
b. to retell the writer’s past experience
c. to explain how the writer’s story happened
d. to advertise the writer’s story
e. to describe how the writer looks like
4. Where is the conversation probably taken place?
a. at the writer’s home
b. at the writer’s school
c. at the writer’s class
d. at the writer’s friend house
e. at the writer’s room
5. Which is the correct statement of the text?
a. the writer loves mashes potato lasagna so much
b. Mr. Robert was the headmaster of the writer’s school
c. the writer’s mom used to cook mashes potato lasagna
d. Mr. Robert cooked lasagna for the students
e. the writer’s friends helped the writer to order the lasagna
6. According to the text, we can infer that ….
a. the writer’s mom advised him not to laugh at his mistake
b. Mr. Robert laughed when the writer made mistake
c. the writer’s friend didn’t laugh at the writer’s mistake
d. the writer cooked the lasagna himself
e. the mashed potato lasagna was the writer’s favorite food
7. What did the writer see at the counter, except?
a. macaroni
b. cheese
c. meat
d. chips
e. mashed potatoes.
8. What is the moral value we can learn from the text?
a. We should appreciate someone’s work
b. We don’t need to be arrogant to anyone
c. We have to try harder to get what we want
d. We must be patient to line up for food
e. We should not be embarrassed to our mistake
9. What did the writer do to react to his mistake?
a. he was crying loudly
b. he felt sad at the class
c. he told it to Mr. Robert
d. he laughed together with his friends
e. he was embarrassed of his mistake
10. What is the writer probably mistake?
a. he came late to go to the school
b. he didn’t do his homework
c. he got a plate of lasagne with mashed potato topping
d. he laughed his friend a lot
e. he ate so much lasagna at school
11. The suitable word to complete the sentence is ….
a. is
b. are
c. am
d. was
e. were
12. The suitable word to complete the sentence is ….
a. follow
b. follows
c. to follow
d. following
e. followed
13. The suitable word to complete the sentence is ….
a. give
b. gives
c. gave
d. given
e. giving
14. The suitable word to complete the sentence is ….
a. hear
b. heard
c. to hear
d. hears
e. hearing
15. The suitable word to complete the sentence is ….
a. started
b. start
c. starting
d. to start
e. starts
Demikian di atas contoh personal recount text dan soal pilihan ganda personal reecount text. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan kita dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih : )
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