TOEFL Test: Review Exercise of Structure Questions Part 2 (Skills 1 to 12)

    Posted by M. Riskiyanto





    Setelah kalian mempelajari Pembahasan TOEFL Part 1, 2, & 3, coba kerjakan latihan soal berikut ini untuk mengukur seberapa jauh kepekaan grammar bahasa Inggris-mu pada Section Test “Structure & Written Expression”.


    TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-12): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.


    1.   ____ loom high above the north and northeastern boundaries of the expanding city of Tucson.

    (A) The Santa Catalina mountains

    (B) Because the Santa Catalina mountains

    (C) The Santa Catalina mountains are

    (D) That the Santa Catalina mountains


    2.   Radioactive_____provides a powerful way to measure geologic time.

    (A) it

    (B) dates

    (C) dating

    (D) can


    3.   ____contained in the chromosomes, and they are thought of as the units of heredity.

    (A) Genes which are

    (B) Genes are

    (C) When genes

    (D) Because of genes


    4.   The benefit_____the study is that it provides necessary information to anyone who needs it.

    (A) of

    (B) which

    (C) that

    (D) because


    5.   The same symptoms that occur_____occur with cocaine.

    (A) amphetamines can

    (B) with amphetamines can

    (C) so amphetamines

    (D) with amphetamines they


    6.   Many companies across the country have molded the concepts_____describes into an integrated strategy for preventing stress.

    (A) and Wolf

    (B) that Wolf

    (C) what Wolf

    (D) so Wolf


    7.   _____in the first draft of the budget will not necessarily be in the final draft.

    (A) Although it appears

    (B) It appears

    (C) What appears

    (D) Despite its appearance


    8.   If a food label indicates that a food is mostly carbohydrate, it does not mean ____is a good food to eat.

    (A) and it

    (B) and

    (C) that it

    (D) when


    9.   A need for space law to include commercial concerns has been recognized inasmuch ____ been expanding drastically in recent years.

    (A) the commercial launch industry

    (B) the commercial launch industry has

    (C) as has the commercial launch industry

    (D) as the commercial launch industry has


    10.        The report on the nuclear power plant indicated that when the plant had gone on line_____unsafe.

    (A) and it had been

    (B) it had been

    (C) had been

    (D) that it had been


    Key answer:

    1.    A

    2.    C

    3.    B

    4.    A

    5.    B

    6.    B

    7.    C

    8.    C

    9.    D

    10.       C


    Source: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test

    See also:

    1.   TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 1(Skills 1 to 8)

    2.   TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 2(Skills 1 to 12)

    3.   TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 3(Skills 1 to 14)

    4.   TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 4(Skills 1 to 19)

    5.   TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 5(Skills 1 to 23)

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    Demikian tadi sekilas Latiha Soal TOEFL Review Exercise 2 (Skills 1 to 12) terkait Structure & Written Expression. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL. Terima kasih...

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