TOEFL Test: Review Exercise of Structure Questions Part 5 (Skills 1 to 23)


    Posted by M. Riskiyanto





    Setelah kalian mempelajari Pembahasan TOEFL Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 coba kerjakan latihan soal berikut ini untuk mengukur seberapa jauh kepekaan grammar bahasa Inggris-mu pada Section Test “Structure & Written Expression”.


    TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-23): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.


    1.   ____several unsuccessful attempts, Robert Peary reached the North Pole on April 6, 1909.

    (A) After

    (B) He made

    (C) When

    (D) His


    2.   The musical instrument____is six feet long.

    (A) is called the bass

    (B) it is called the bass

    (C) called the bass

    (D) calls the bass


    3.   One problem with all languages _____ they are full of irregularities.

    (A) when

    (B) so

    (C) is that

    (D) in case


    4.   _____ of economic cycles been helpful in predicting turning points in cycles, they would have been used more consistently.

    (A) Psychological theories

    (B) Psychological theories have

    (C) Had psychological theories

    (D) Psychologists have theories


    5.   Hospital committees ____ spent weeks agonizing over which artificial kidney candidate would receive the treatments now find that the decision is out of their hands.

    (A) once

    (B) that once

    (C) have

    (D) once had


    Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct

    6.   (A) More than half (B) of the children in the 1,356 member district (C) qualifies for (D) reduced-price or free lunches.


    7.   Five miles beyond (A) the hills (B) were a fire with (C) its flames (D) reaching up to the sky.


    8.   Kettledrums, (A) what were first (B) played on horseback, (C) were incorporated (D) into the orchestra in the eighteenth century.


    9.   When (A) is a flag (B) hung upside down, (C) it is an (D) internationally recognized symbol of distress.


    10.        The Museum of the Confederation in Richmond (A) hosts an exhibition which (B) documenting the origins and history of the banner that (C) most Americans think (D) of as the Confederate flag.


    Key answer:

    1.    A

    2.    C

    3.    C

    4.    C

    5.    B

    6.    C

    7.    B

    8.    A

    9.    D

    10.        B


    Source: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test

    See also:

    1.   TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 1 (Skills 1 to 8)

    2.   TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 2 (Skills 1 to 12)

    3.   TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 3 (Skills 1 to 14)

    4.   TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 4 (Skills 1 to 19)

    5.   TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 5 (Skills 1 to 23)

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    Demikian tadi sekilas Latihan Soal TOEFL Review Exercise 5 (Skills 1 to 23) terkait Structure & Written Expression. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL. Terima kasih...

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