Skill 40 Distinguish Countable And Uncountable Noun (Membedakan Kata Benda Yang Dapat Dihitung Dan Yang Tidak Dapat Dihitung)
Words For Countable And Uncountable Noun
Countable Noun
Many, Number, Few, Fewer
Uncountable Noun
Much, Amount, Little, Less
1. He
received little notice that the bill would have to be paid in full. (.....)
2. The
police had few opportunities to catch the thief who had committed a large amount of crimes. (.....)
3. You
will have fewer problems with your income taxes if you get professional help.
4. After
the strike, the company dismissed many employees. (.....)
5. Because
the bottom corner of pocket was torn, much coins fell out. (.....)
6. Since
he bought the new adapter, he has had less trouble with the machine. (.....)
7. There
are much new items to purchase before leaving, and there is such a short amount
of time. (.....)
8. The
less time you take on the assignment, the less pages you will complete. (.....)
9. A
few soldiers who had been in heavy combat were brought back for a little rest.
10. It
is better to go shopping in the late evening because there are less people in
the market, and you can accomplish a number of tasks in a short period of time.
Key Answer
1. He
received little notice that
the bill would have to be paid in full. (C) >> notice merupakan
uncountable noun.
2. The
police had few opportunities
to catch the thief who had committed a large amount of crimes. (I) >> Opportunity bisa dikategorikan
countable atau uncountable noun, crime merupakan uncountable noun. Pada kalimat
ini few sebaiknya diganti dengan little.
3. You
will have fewer problems with
your income taxes if you get professional help. (C) >> problems merupakan
countable noun.
4. After
the strike, the company dismissed many employees. (C) >> employee merupakan countable noun.
5. Because
the bottom corner of pocket was torn, much coins fell out. (I) >> coin
merupakan countable noun, maka much harus diganti dengan many.
6. Since
he bought the new adapter, he has had less trouble with the machine. (C) >> trouble bisa dikategorikan
countable atau uncountable noun
7. There
are much new items
to purchase before leaving, and there is such a short amount of time. (I) >> item merupakan
countable noun, maka much harus diganti dengan many. Time merupakan uncountable noun.
8. The
less time you take on the
assignment, the less pages you will complete. (I) >>
page merupakan countable noun, maka less harus diganti dengan fewer.
9. A
few soldiers who had been in
heavy combat were brought back for a little rest. (C) >> soldier merupakan countable noun, sedangkan rest
merupakan uncountable noun.
10. It
is better to go shopping in the late evening because there are less people in
the market, and you can accomplish a number of tasks in a short period of time. (I) >> people termasuk
countable noun, maka less harus diganti dengan fewer. Sedangkan, task termasuk countable noun.
Part 11 The Structure Questions: Part A & Part B
Part 12 The Structure Questions: Part A, Part B, Part C, & Part D
Part 13 The Structure Questions
Part 14 The Structure Questions
Part 15 The Structure Questions
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