Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda & Essay Expression of Intention or Plan

    Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda & Essay Expression of Intention or Plan 

    Hi, sobat!
    Pernahkan kamu menyampaikan rencana kegiatan yang akan kamu lakukan? Ya, rencana dalam bahasa Inggris disebut plan dan seringkali dikaitkan dengan intention yang berarti niat atau maksud. Dengan demikian expression of intention or plan adalah sebuah ungkapan yang bertujuan untuk menyatakan maksud atau rencana yang akan dilakukan oleh seseorang di masa mendatang. 
    Selain itu, expression of intention or plan juga dapat diartikan sebagai harapan yang akan terlaksana di masa yang akan dating. Oleh karena itu, pada umumnya expression of intention or plan ini seringkali menggunakan future tense. Future tense merupakan pola waktu yang menunjukkan kejadikan yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang. Pola waktu ini seringkali ditandai dengan penggunaan auxiliary verb, seperti will atau shall, dan be going to

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    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan materi bahasa inggris terkait latihan soal pilihan ganda dan essay expression of intention or plan (ungkapan niat atau rencana). Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!

    Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Expression of Showing Intention or Plan (Ungkapan Niat atau Rencana)

    Berikut ini kami sajikan beberapa contoh latihan soal pilihan ganda dan essay expression of showing intention or plan (ungkapan menunjukkan niat atau rencana). 

    Soal Pilihan Ganda Expression of Showing Intention or Plan

    Adapun soal pilihan ganda expression of showing intention or plan (ungkapan menunjukkan niat atau rencana) yaitu sebagai berikut. 

    The following dialog is for question no. 1 to 3.
    Mr. Rudy: “Excuse me. Can you help me please?”
    Mrs. Erika: “Yes, Sir. What can I help you?”
    Mr. Rudy: “I'm going to the hotel. Which way is it?”
    Mrs. Erika: “Go up this road about one kilometer and turn right. You'll get to the hotel there. It’s near to flower garden.”
    Mr. Rudy: “You've helped me a lot. Thank you.”
    Mrs. Erika: “You're welcome.”

    1. Who is Rudy?
    a. He is a customer service
    b. He is a waiter
    c. He is a waitress
    d. He is a traveler
    e. He is police

    2. Where is the conversation taken place?
    a. At the hotel 
    b. On the street
    c. At the flower garden 
    d. In the office
    e. In the school 

    3. According to the dialog, the expression of showing intention is ….
    a. Can you help me please?
    b. What can I help you?
    c. I'm going to the hotel. 
    d. Go up this road about one kilometer and turn right. 
    e. You'll get to the hotel there. 

    The following dialog is for question no. 4 to 6. 
    Arga: “Hi, Erlina. What’s up?”
    Erlina: “Hello, Arga. I’m okay.”
    Arga: “What’s your plan tonight? Are you going to watch the movie on TV tonight?”
    Erlina: “No. I think I'll watch it on my laptop.”
    Arga: “That's a good idea. My DVD player is broken.”
    Erlina: “Laptop can be the alternative.”

    4. “What’s your plan tonight?” This expression belongs to expression of ….
    a. Stating plan 
    b. Asking someone’s plan 
    c. Giving an opinion 
    d. Asking for opinion 
    e. Offering a service 

    5. Which is the expression of showing plan?
    a. What’s your plan tonight? 
    b. Are you going to watch the movie on TV tonight?
    c. I think I'll watch it on my laptop.
    d. That's a good idea.
    e. Laptop can be the alternative.

    6. Based on the dialog, we know that ….
    a. Arga is Erlina’s father 
    b. Erlina and Arga will go to the cinema 
    c. Arga is watching the movie on TV
    d. Erlina wil see the movie on her laptop
    e. Arga’s DVD player still works 

    The following dialog is for question no. 7 to 9. 
    Rega: “Hi, Fina. How are you doing?”
    Fina: “Hello, Rega. I’m doing good.”
    Rega: “After this class, what is your plan?”
    Fina: “Well, I'm going to go shopping with my sister and then we'll go home and make dinner.”
    Rega: “What do you plan to make?”
    Fina: “I think we're going to make chicken soup. How about you?”
    Rega: “I will join swimming course and then play music with my friends.”
    Fina: “That would be interesting.”

    7. Where is the conversation taken place?
    a. At the library 
    b. In the class 
    c. At the market 
    d. In the school hall 
    e. At the swimming pool

    8. In the dialog, the expression of showing intention is ….
    a. what is your plan?
    b. What do you plan to make?
    c. How about you?
    d. That would be interesting.
    e. I'm going to go shopping with my sister

    9. According to the dialog, we can conclude that, except ….
    a. Rega and Fina are classmate.
    b. Fina will go to the market with her sister after school.
    c. Rega is about to cook chicken soup with his mom. 
    d. Fina is going to prepare lunch for her sister.
    e. Rega has two plans to do after school. 

    The following dialog is for question no. 10 to 12. 
    Dina: “Are you sure that we are going to have a math test tomorrow?”
    Arman: “I am 100 percent certain about it. We have finished lesson 5, haven't we?”
    Dina: “That's right. So, what are you going to do now?”
    Arman: “I’m about to study together with Rina and do some math questions. And you?”
    Dina: “I’ll learn by myself watching some youtube videos about how to solve the math question.”
    Arman: “It must be hard, but I’m pretty sure you can do your best.”
    Dina: “I hope so. We are going to discuss the lesson tomorrow if you don’t mind.”
    Arman: “Of course. We can share what we’ve understood.”

    10. What are Arman and Dina talking about?
    a. Math test 
    b. National exam 
    c. Lesson 5
    d. Youtube video
    e. Math score

    11. Based on the dialog, the expression of showing intention is ….
    a. Are you sure that we are going to have a math test tomorrow?
    b. We have finished lesson 5, haven't we?
    c. What are you going to do now?
    d. I’m about to study together with Rina.
    e. I’m pretty sure you can do your best.

    12. Which is the correct statement based on the dialog?
    a. Dina is going to study together with Rina 
    b. Arman has just finished his math assignment
    c. Dina is about to learn math through youtube video
    d. Arman got 100 in math test
    e. Dina, Arman, and Rina study math themself

    The following dialog is for question no. 13 to 15. 
    Juna: “Hi, Gita. Have you seen Rina these days?”
    Gita: “Hello, Juna. Didn’t you know what’s happened to Rina?”
    Juna: “No, I didn’t. What is that?”
    Gita: “Rina got an accident and she has been in hospital for three days.”
    Juna: “Are you going to visit her?”
    Gita: “Sure. Would you like to join? But I’m gonna buy some gift for Rina at first.”
    Juna: “Yes, I would. I also plan to return her book.”

    13. What’s happened to Rina?
    a. She is hospitalized
    b. She is sad
    c. She is tired
    d.  She is confused 
    e. She is fine 

    14. According to the dialog, the expression of showing plan is ….
    a. Have you seen Rina these days?
    b. Didn’t you know what’s happened to Rina?
    c. Are you going to visit her?
    d. Would you like to join? 
    e. I’m gonna buy some gift for Rina at first.

    15. “I also plan to return her book.” This expression can be replaced with, except ….
    a. I will return her book 
    b. I intend to return her book 
    c. I am going to return her book 
    d. I am about to return her book 
    e. I wish I could return her book 

    Soal Essay Expression of Showing Intention or Plan

    Adapun soal essay expression of showing intention or plan (ungkapan menunjukkan niat atau rencana) yaitu sebagai berikut. 

    The following dialog is for question no. 1 to 5. 
    I'm going to the supermarket to get some things. Would you like to turn the stove on when you are home? I've put some soup there. Just heat it for about 5 minutes and then take it out from the stove before you have dinner.


    1. Where might Victor’s mother be?
    2. What is Victor going to do after going home?
    3. According to the text, the expression of showing intention is ….
    4. What will Victor do before he has dinner?
    5. “Just heat it for about 5 minutes.” The underlined word refers to ….

    The following dialog is for question no. 6 to 10. 
    Jess: “I want to up the Nile to visit my friends who is living in the desert. It really is a beautiful place.”
    Katie: “I have heard it. I would like to visit it one day. I have heard there is Great Library. I would like to visit it and also see the Great Lighthouse.”
    Mike: “I could show you around.”
    Katie: “I would like that.”
    Jess: “Me, too.”

    6. Where does Jess’ friend live?
    7. “It really is a beautiful place.” The underlined word refers to ….
    8. Based on the dialog, the expression of showing intention is ….
    9. What is Katie about to do in the Nile?
    10. Who will show Katie the Great Lighthouse?

    The following dialog is for question no. 11 to 15. 
    Sarah : “Hello Ali, what are you going to do this weekend?”
    Ali : “Hello, I am going to visit my grandmother in Jakarta. How about you?”
    Sarah : “Well, I still do not have any plan for the weekend.”
    Ali : “Why don’t you go to museum?”
    Sarah : “That is a good idea. But, I have to do my assignment first. Have you done your assignment?”
    Ali : “No, I have not, I’d like to do them this evening.”
    Sarah : “Well, can we do together?”
    Ali : “Yes, of course.”
    Sarah : “Okay, great. I will go to your house at 4 P.M then.”
    Ali : “I will be waiting for.”

    11. What are Sarah and Ali talking about? 
    12. What is Sarah’s plan to do in the weekend?
    13. What is Ali’s plan to do in the weekend?
    14. Mention the expressions of showing plan in the dialog?
    15. What are Sarah and Ali going to do this evening?

    Baca Juga:

    Demikian tadi sekilas penjelasan materi bahasa Inggris terkait pengertian, fungsi, rumus, contoh dialog, dan latihan soal expression of intention or plan (ungkapan niat dan rencana). Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih 😊 

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