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40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Cause Effect Conjunction: Because Vs Because Of |
Hi, sobat!
Tahukah kamu apa itu cause-effect conjunction?
Cause-effect conjunctions, atau yang disebut juga dengan causal conjunctions, adalah jenis kata penghubung yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan sebab-akibat antara dua klausa atau kalimat. Kata penghubung ini membantu untuk menjelaskan mengapa sesuatu terjadi atau hasil dari suatu tindakan.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh kata penghubung cause-effect yang umum:
1. Because: Ini adalah salah satu kata penghubung sebab-akibat yang paling umum digunakan. Kata ini memperkenalkan sebab dari suatu tindakan atau peristiwa.
Contoh: He couldn't sleep because he drank too much coffee.
2. Since: Serupa dengan "because," kata ini juga memperkenalkan sebuah sebab. Ini dapat menunjukkan baik alasan maupun hubungan waktu.
Contoh: Since it was raining, we decided to stay indoors.
3. As a result: Kata ini memperkenalkan akibat atau konsekuensi dari suatu tindakan.
Contoh: She studied hard, and as a result, she passed the exam with flying colors.
4. Therefore: Digunakan untuk menunjukkan konsekuensi logis atau kesimpulan.
Contoh: He forgot his umbrella, therefore he got soaked in the rain.
5. So: Serupa dengan "therefore" dan sering digunakan dalam percakapan informal.
Contoh: It was getting late, so I decided to leave early.
6. Consequently: Ini menunjukkan hasil atau akibat yang mengikuti dari suatu sebab yang diberikan.
Contoh: They missed the train, consequently, they arrived late to the meeting.
Kata penghubung ini penting untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara peristiwa atau tindakan secara jelas dan koheren, membantu untuk menyampaikan ide secara efektif baik dalam bahasa lisan maupun tulisan.
Baca Selengkapnya:
Adverb: Pengertian, Fungsi, Jenis, Kedudukan, dan Contoh Penggunaannya dalam Kalimat
Because Vs Because of (Karena/Sebab)
"Because" dan "because of" adalah dua ekspresi yang sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menunjukkan alasan atau sebab dari suatu kejadian. Meskipun keduanya sering digunakan secara bergantian, ada perbedaan penting dalam cara mereka digunakan:
1. Because
- "Because" digunakan sebelum sebuah klausa (subjek dan predikat) untuk menjelaskan alasan atau sebab mengapa suatu hal terjadi.
- Biasanya digunakan di tengah kalimat untuk menyatakan hubungan sebab-akibat.
"She couldn't attend the meeting because she was sick."
Dalam kalimat tersebut, "because" memperkenalkan alasan (sakitnya) mengapa dia tidak bisa menghadiri pertemuan.
2. Because of
- "Because of" digunakan sebelum frasa atau kata benda (noun phrase) untuk menyatakan alasan atau sebab dari suatu keadaan atau situasi.
- Biasanya digunakan di awal kalimat atau di antara kalimat untuk memberikan informasi tambahan tentang keadaan.
"He was late for the interview because of heavy traffic."
Dalam kalimat ini, "because of" diikuti oleh frasa "heavy traffic" yang menjelaskan alasan (macetnya lalu lintas) mengapa dia terlambat untuk wawancara.
Jadi, perbedaan utama antara "because" dan "because of" terletak pada bagaimana mereka digunakan dalam kalimat. "Because" digunakan sebelum klausa untuk menjelaskan alasan, sementara "because of" digunakan sebelum frasa atau kata benda untuk menyatakan alasan.
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Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan artikel tentang 40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Cause Effect Conjunction: Because Vs Because Of. Yuk simak selengkapnya berikut ini!
40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Cause Effect Conjunction: Because Vs Because Of
20 Multiple Choice Question of Cause-Effect Conjunction: Because Vs Because Of
Berikut ini kami sajikan 20 contoh soal pilihan ganda cause-effect conjunction: because dan because of dalam bahasa Inggris.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence either “because” or “because of!
1. She couldn't attend the party _____ she had a prior commitment.
A. Because
B. Because of
2. Sarah missed her flight _____ heavy traffic.
A. Because
B. Because of
3. He couldn't focus on his work _____ he was feeling unwell.
A. Because
B. Because of
4. The event is canceled _____ bad weather.
A. Because
B. Because of
5. Max gets a promotion _____ he works hard.
A. Because
B. Because of
6. The event was canceled _____ the pandemic restrictions.
A. Because
B. Because of
7. They lost the game _____ their teamwork played badly.
A. Because
B. Because of
8. The traffic was heavy _____ the accident on the highway.
A. Because
B. Because of
9. Emily is late to the meeting _____ her car is broken down.
A. Because
B. Because of
10. They lost the game _____ they underestimated their opponents.
A. Because
B. Because of
11. The cake turned out delicious _____ the secret ingredient.
A. Because
B. Because of
12. He gets a pay raise _____ his performance at work is excellent.
A. Because
B. Because of
13. The company suffered losses _____ the economic downturn.
A. Because
B. Because of
14. She was late for class _____ her alarm didn't go off.
A. Because
B. Because of
15. Jake failed the exam _____ insufficient preparation.
A. Because
B. Because of
16. The flight is delayed _____ the weather is inclement.
A. Because
B. Because of
17. Lisa gets a scholarship _____ her excellent grades.
A. Because
B. Because of
18. They missed the deadline _____ they encountered unexpected technical difficulties.
A. Because
B. Because of
19. The train is delayed _____ a signal failure.
A. Because
B. Because of
20. The garden flourished _____ the rainfall was abundant.
A. Because
B. Because of
20 Gap-Filling Question of Cause-Effect Conjunction: Because Vs Because Of
Berikut ini kami sajikan 20 contoh soal isian cause-effect conjunction: because dan because of dalam bahasa Inggris.
Fill the blank in the sentence with “because” or “because of”!
1. The concert is postponed _____ the lead singer's illness.
2. The price of groceries increases _____ inflation has happened.
3. The project has been completed ahead of schedule _____ efficient management.
4. She got a scholarship _____ her academic achievements were excellent.
5. The party was a success _____ careful planning.
6. He is upset _____ his favorite team loses the championship.
7. They missed the deadline _____ unexpected complications.
8. The internet is down _____ a network is outage.
9. The restaurant is crowded _____ its excellent reputation.
10. The meeting was postponed _____ there were some scheduling conflicts.
11. Alex was awarded Employee of the Month _____ his outstanding performance.
12. He couldn't attend the concert _____ he had to work overtime.
13. The movie received negative reviews _____ its weak plot.
14. The cake burned _____ she forgot to set the timer.
15. The road is closed _____ construction work.
16. They couldn't go on vacation _____ financial constraints.
17. The cat scratches the furniture _____ he is bored.
18. She didn't get the job _____ she lacked the necessary qualifications.
19. Tina got sunburned _____ forgetting to apply sunscreen.
20. He missed the bus _____ he overslept.
10 Essay Question of Cause-Effect Conjunction: Because Vs Because Of
Berikut ini kami sajikan 10 contoh soal essay cause-effect conjunction: because dan because of dalam bahasa Inggris.
Connect these clauses/phrases using conjunction “because” or “because of”!
1. a) Clause ; The store ran out of stock.
b) Clause ; The demand was high.
Conjunction ; because of
2. a) Clause ; They can't go to the beach.
b) Clause ; there is a storm warning.
Conjunction ; because
3. a) Clause ; The laptop crashed.
b) Phrase ; a software glitch.
Conjunction ; because of
4. a) Clause ; She is stressed.
b) Phrase ; The upcoming exams.
Conjunction ; Because of
5. a) Clause ; Mark is in a foul mood.
b) Clause ; He doesn’t have enough sleep.
Conjunction ; Because
6. a) Clause ; He was relieved.
b) Clause ; His presentation went well.
Conjunction ; Because
7. a) Clause ; The price of oil increased.
b) Phrase ; Geopolitical tensions.
Conjunction ; Because of
8. a) Clause ;The power went out
b) Phrase ; a lightning strike
Conjunction ; Because of
9. a) Clause ; Mary had to reschedule her appointment.
b) Clause ; her father got an accident.
Conjunction ; Because
10. a) Clause ; They can't go hiking.
b) Clause ; The trail is closed.
Conjunction ; Because
Demikian di atas artikel tentang 40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Cause Effect Conjunction: Because Vs Because Of. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan belajar bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih. : )
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