40+ Soal Past Perfect Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap

    40+ Soal Past Perfect Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap

    Hi, sobat!
    Tahukah kamu apa itu past perfect tense?
    Past Perfect Tense adalah bentuk tense dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu tindakan atau peristiwa yang telah selesai dilakukan sebelum tindakan atau peristiwa lain terjadi di masa lampau. Tense ini sering digunakan untuk menunjukkan urutan waktu yang jelas antara dua peristiwa di masa lampau.

    Struktur Past Perfect Tense

    Past Perfect Tense dibentuk dengan menggunakan:
    1. Subject (Subjek)
    2. had (auxiliary verb)
    3. Past participle dari kata kerja utama (Verb bentuk ketiga atau V3)

    Rumus Past Perfect Tense, yaitu sebagai berikut. 
    - Positif (+): Subject + had + Past Participle (V3)
    - Negatif (-): Subject + had + not + Past Participle (V3)
    - Tanya (?): Had + Subject + Past Participle (V3)

    Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Tense, yaitu sebagai berikut.

    1. Positive Form of Past Perfect Tense
    - She had finished her homework before she went to bed.
    - By the time we arrived, the movie had already started.

    2. Negative Form of Past Perfect Tense
    - He had not seen the movie before I mentioned it.
    - They had not eaten breakfast when I called them.

    3. Interogative Form of Past Perfect Tense
    - Had you completed the assignment before the deadline?
    - Had they left before the meeting ended?

    Penggunaan Past Perfect Tense

    1. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa satu peristiwa selesai sebelum peristiwa lain di masa lampau:
    - When I arrived at the station, the train had already left.

    2. Untuk memberikan latar belakang atau konteks bagi suatu peristiwa di masa lampau:
    - She was very tired because she had not slept well the night before.

    3. Untuk menunjukkan urutan waktu yang jelas antara dua peristiwa di masa lampau:
    - After they had finished dinner, they went for a walk.

    4. Untuk menunjukkan suatu harapan atau rencana yang tidak terlaksana:
    - I had hoped to see her before she left, but I couldn't.

    *Catatan Penting
    - Past Perfect Tense sering digunakan bersama dengan Simple Past Tense. Simple Past digunakan untuk peristiwa yang terjadi setelah peristiwa lain yang telah selesai.
    - He had saved enough money before he bought a new car.
    Dengan memahami struktur dan penggunaan Past Perfect Tense, Anda dapat lebih jelas mengomunikasikan urutan peristiwa di masa lampau dan memberikan konteks yang tepat dalam cerita atau penjelasan Anda.

    40+ Soal Past Perfect Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan artikel tentang "40+ Soal Past Perfect Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap". Yuk simak selengkapnya berikut ini!

    Choose the best answer to complete this sentence according to past perfect tense order!

    1. Mr. Helena _____ her work before the deadline.
    A. has finished
    B. have finished
    C. had finished

    2. They _____ when I arrived at the party.
    A. has already left
    B. had already left
    C. have already left

    3. My father _____ dinner by the time I got home.
    A. had eaten
    B. has eaten
    C. have eaten

    4. Bianca _____ for hours before the exam.
    A. have studied
    B. has studied
    C. had studied

    5. We _____ the movie before it started raining.
    A. has watched
    B. had watched
    C. have watched

    6. The train _____ when we reached the station.
    A. had already departed
    B. has already departed
    C. have already departed

    7. They _____ the tickets before the concert was announced.
    A. has booked
    B. have booked
    C. had booked

    8. Mike _____ his homework before going to bed.
    A. Has completed
    B. Have completed
    C. had completed

    9. My mom _____ the house before the guests arrived.
    A. has already cleaned
    B. have already cleaned
    C. had already cleaned

    10. We _____ the museum before it closed for renovations.
    A. Have visited
    B. had visited
    C. has visited

    11. The cake _____ before I arrived at the party.
    A. had been eaten
    B. has been eaten
    C. have been eaten

    12. They _____ the puzzle when I joined them.
    A. Has already solved
    B. Have already solved
    C. had already solved

    13. He _____ enough money before buying the car.
    A. had saved
    B. has saved
    C. have saved

    14. Shima _____ her chores before going out with friends.
    A. Has finished
    B. had finished
    C. have finished

    15. We _____ the sunrise before starting our hike.
    A. had seen
    B. have seen
    C. has seen

    16. The guests _____ before we arrived at the hotel.
    A. Has left
    B. Have left
    C. had left

    17. They _____ the project before the deadline.
    A. had finished
    B. have finished
    C. has finished

    18. Alex _____ the book before watching the movie adaptation.
    A. Has read
    B. had read
    C. have read

    19. Shofia _____ her bags before leaving for vacation.
    A. had packed
    B. have packed
    C. has packed

    20. We _____ the city before the tourist season began.
    A. Has explored
    B. Have explored
    C. had explored

    Change this past perfect tense into positive, negative, or interrogative form!
    (+) The tourist had enjoyed the attraction.
    (-) The tourist had not enjoyed the attraction.
    (?) Had the tourist enjoyed the attraction?

    21. (+) The students had completed their assignments before the teacher arrived.
    (-) _____________________________________________
    (?) _____________________________________________

    22. (+) _____________________________________________
    (-) They had not cooked dinner before the power went out.
    (?) _____________________________________________

    23. (+) _____________________________________________
    (-) _____________________________________________
    (?) Had he already made plans before I invited him?

    24. (+) She had finished her presentation before the meeting started.
    (-) _____________________________________________
    (?) _____________________________________________

    25. (+) _____________________________________________
    (-) We had not attended the conference before the pandemic struck.
    (?) _____________________________________________

    26. (+) _____________________________________________
    (-) _____________________________________________
    (?) Had the flowers wilted before we could water them?

    27. (+) They had finished their meal before the restaurant closed.
    (-) _____________________________________________
    (?) _____________________________________________

    28. (+) _____________________________________________
    (-) He had not learned to ride a bike before turning six.
    (?) _____________________________________________

    29. (+) _____________________________________________
    (-) _____________________________________________
    (?) Had she returned the book to the library before the due date?

    30. (+) We had booked the hotel before deciding on the destination.
    (-) _____________________________________________
    (?) _____________________________________________

    Change the sentence below into past perfect tense!
    My father worked in his office in 2000.
    >> My father had worked in his office in 2000.

    31. The guests arrived before finishing setting up the decorations.
    >> ________________________________________

    32. They cleaned the garage before organizing the tools.
    >> ________________________________________

    33. He already left for work when I woke up.
    >> ________________________________________

    34. She cooked breakfast before the guests woke up.
    >> ________________________________________

    35. We visited the zoo before it closed for the day.
    >> ________________________________________

    36. The team won the championship before the coach retired.
    >> ________________________________________

    37. They finished their homework before going to the park.
    >> ________________________________________

    38. He bought the tickets before the concert sold out.
    >> ________________________________________

    39. She practiced the piano before performing at the recital.
    >> ________________________________________

    40. We explored the forest before the sun set.
    >> ________________________________________

    Make a question from this past perfect tense based on the bold word as an answer! You may use question word: What, Who, When, Where, or How.
    The president had delivered his speech.
    (?) Who had delivered his speech?

    41. The students had completed the test before the bell rang.
    (?) ________________________________________

    42. They had packed their bags before the trip.
    (?) ________________________________________

    43. Mr. Tanaka had cooked dinner before the guests arrived.
    (?) ________________________________________

    44. She had finished her book before starting a new one.
    (?) ________________________________________

    45. We had checked the weather forecast before planning the picnic.
    (?) ________________________________________

    46. The movie had already started when we got to the theater.
    (?) ________________________________________

    47. They had cleaned the car before going on a road trip.
    (?) ________________________________________

    48. He had finished his speech before the conference began.
    (?) ________________________________________

    49. She had painted the walls before moving into the new house.
    (?) ________________________________________

    50. Mr. and Mrs. Boston had practiced the dance routine before the competition.
    (?) ________________________________________

    Baca Juga:
    WH Question and Yes-No Question 

    Demikian di atas artikel tentang "40+ Soal Present Perfect Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay  Lengkap". Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan bahan belajar bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih. : )

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