40+ Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap

    40+ Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap

    Hi, sobat!
    Tahukah kamu apa itu past continuous tense?
    Past Continuous Tense adalah salah satu bentuk tense dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu tindakan atau peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Tense ini sering digunakan untuk memberikan konteks bahwa suatu peristiwa terjadi bersamaan dengan peristiwa lain atau untuk menggambarkan latar belakang suatu kejadian.

    Struktur Past Continuous Tense

    Past Continuous Tense dibentuk dengan menggunakan:
    1. Subject (Subjek)
    2. was/were (auxiliary verb, "was" untuk subjek tunggal, "were" untuk subjek jamak)
    3. Present participle dari kata kerja utama (Verb+ing)

    Rumus Past Continuous Tense, yaitu sebagai berikut. 
    - Positif (+): Subject + was/were + Verb-ing
    - Negatif (-): Subject + was/were + not + Verb-ing
    - Tanya (?): Was/Were + Subject + Verb-ing

    Contoh Kalimat Past Continuous Tense, yaitu sebagai berikut.

    1. Positive Form of Past Continuous Tense
    - I was reading a book at 7 PM last night.
    - They were playing football when it started to rain.

    2. Negative Form of Past Continuous Tense
    - She was not watching TV when I called her.
    - We were not listening to music during the meeting.

    3. Interogative Form of Past Continuous Tense
    - Was he studying when you arrived?
    - Were you cooking dinner at 6 PM?

    Penggunaan Past Continuous Tense, di antarnya yaitu:

    1. Untuk menunjukkan suatu tindakan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau:
    - At 9 PM, I was still working on my project.

    2. Untuk menunjukkan dua tindakan yang sedang berlangsung bersamaan di masa lampau:
    - While she was cooking, he was setting the table.

    3. Untuk memberikan latar belakang suatu peristiwa:
    - It was raining heavily when the accident happened.

    4. Untuk menunjukkan tindakan sementara di masa lampau:
    - I was living in Paris during the summer of 2019.

    5. Untuk menunjukkan tindakan yang berulang di masa lampau, terutama jika itu dianggap mengganggu:
    - He was always complaining about his job.

    *Catatan Penting
    - Past Continuous Tense sering digunakan bersama dengan Simple Past Tense. Simple Past digunakan untuk tindakan yang mengganggu atau terjadi di tengah-tengah tindakan lain yang sedang berlangsung.
    - I was taking a shower when the phone rang.

    Dengan memahami struktur dan penggunaan Past Continuous Tense, Anda dapat lebih efektif dalam menggambarkan kejadian-kejadian yang berlangsung di masa lampau dalam bahasa Inggris.

    40+ Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan artikel tentang "40+ Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap". Yuk simak selengkapnya berikut ini!

    Choose the best answer to complete this sentence according to past continuous tense order!

    1. She _____ a book when I called her.
    A. was reading
    B. were reading

    2. They _____ soccer when it started raining.
    A. Was playing
    B. were playing

    3. He _____ for his exam at 8 o'clock last night.
    A. was studying
    B. were studying

    4. She _____ dinner when the power went out.
    A. was cooking
    B. were cooking

    5. We _____ TV when the phone rang.
    A. Was watching
    B. were watching

    6. The children _____ in the garden when it began to snow.
    A. Was playing
    B. were playing

    7. They _____ a picnic by the lake when it started to get dark.
    A. Was having
    B. were having

    8. He _____ in the park when he sprained his ankle.
    A. was jogging
    B. were jogging

    9. She _____ in the choir when her voice cracked.
    A. was singing
    B. were singing

    10. We _____ at the library when the fire alarm went off.
    A. Was studying
    B. were studying

    11. The dog _____ loudly all night.
    A. was barking
    B. were barkig

    12. They _____ at a joke when the teacher walked in.
    A. Was laughing
    B. were laughing

    13. He _____ to work when his car broke down.
    A. was driving
    B. were driving

    14. She _____ a sweater for her nephew.
    A. was knitting
    B. were knitting

    15. We _____ for the bus when it arrived.
    A. Was waiting
    B. were waiting

    16. The students _____ an essay during the exam.
    A. Was writing
    B. were writing

    17. They _____ with their friends when the movie started.
    A. Was chatting
    B. were chatting

    18. Antonio _____ the piano when his finger got stuck.
    A. was playing
    B. were playing

    19. Sisca _____ a dance class when the music stopped.
    A. was teaching
    B. were teaching

    20. We _____ in the mountains when it started to rain.
    A. Was hiking
    B. Were hiking

    Change this past continuous tense into positive, negative, or interrogative form!
    (+) The tourist was enjoying the attraction.
    (-) The tourist was not enjoying the attraction.
    (?) Was the tourist enjoying the attraction?

    21. (+) The chef was cooking a delicious meal in the kitchen.
    (-) _________________________________________________
    (?) _________________________________________________

    22. (+) _________________________________________________
    (-) They were not walking along the beach when they found a message in a bottle.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    23. (+) _________________________________________________
    (-) _________________________________________________
    (?) Was he fixing the leaky faucet in the bathroom?

    24. (+) She was giving a presentation when the projector malfunctioned.
    (-) _________________________________________________
    (?) _________________________________________________

    25. (+) _________________________________________________
    (-) We were not exploring the old castle ruins when we stumbled upon a hidden chamber.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    26. (+) _________________________________________________
    (-) _________________________________________________
    (?) Were the children riding their bikes in the park?

    27. (+) They were discussing their travel plans when they heard the news.
    (-) _________________________________________________
    (?) _________________________________________________

    28. (+) _________________________________________________
    (-) He was not painting a landscape when the canvas fell off the easel.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    29. (+) _________________________________________________
    (-) _________________________________________________
    (?) Was she practicing her violin when the string snapped?

    30. (+) We were attending a concert when the power went out.
    (-) _________________________________________________
    (?) _________________________________________________

    Change the sentence below into past continuous tense!
    My father worked in his office.
    >> My father was working in his office.

    31. The workers constructed a new building downtown.
    >> _________________________________________________

    32. They sunbathed on the beach when a seagull stole their snacks.
    >> _________________________________________________

    33. He mowed the lawn when the lawnmower ran out of gas.
    >> _________________________________________________

    34. She waited for her friend at the café when he finally arrived.
    >> _________________________________________________

    35. We watched a movie at home when the DVD player froze.
    >> _________________________________________________

    36. The students presented their projects to the class.
    >> _________________________________________________

    37. They walked through the forest when they spotted a deer.
    >> _________________________________________________

    38. He fished by the river when he caught a big trout.
    >> _________________________________________________

    39. She gardened in the backyard when she discovered a hidden treasure.
    >> _________________________________________________

    40. We attended a wedding when the bride tripped and fell.
    >> _________________________________________________

    Make a question from this past continuous tense based on the bold word as an answer! You may use question word: What, Who, When, Where, or How.
    The president was delivering his speech.
    (?) Who was delivering his speech?

    41. The musicians were tuning their instruments before the concert.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    42. They were riding a roller coaster at the amusement park.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    43. He was jogging on the trail when he twisted his ankle.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    44. She was taking a nap when the phone rang.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    45. We were enjoying a picnic in the park when it started to rain.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    46. The students were discussing the assignment in groups.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    47. They were playing board games by the fireplace.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    48. He was reading a novel when he heard a loud noise outside.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    49. She was sipping coffee at the café when she saw her ex-boyfriend walk in.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    50. Wena and Wendy were hiking up the mountain when we reached the summit.
    (?) _________________________________________________

    Baca Juga:
    WH Question and Yes-No Question 

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