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50 Soal Coordinate Conjunctions Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Lengkap |
Hi, sobat!
Tahukah kamu apa itu coordinate conjunction?
Coordinate conjunctions (konjungsi koordinatif) dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat atau frasa yang setara dalam arti atau pentingnya. Konjungsi ini membantu dalam membentuk hubungan antara dua gagasan atau bagian dari kalimat yang memiliki bobot yang sama. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh coordinate conjunctions yang umum digunakan:
1. And: Digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua hal yang sejajar atau berurutan.
- I like tea and she prefers coffee.
2. But: Menghubungkan dua gagasan yang bertentangan.
- She wanted to go out, but I preferred to stay home.
3. Or: Memberikan pilihan antara dua hal.
- You can have tea or coffee.
4. Nor: Digunakan setelah klausa negatif untuk menambahkan ide negatif lainnya.
- He didn't want to eat, nor did he want to drink.
5. For: Digunakan untuk memberikan alasan atau penjelasan.
- She was hungry, for she hadn't eaten all day.
6. Yet: Menghubungkan dua gagasan yang bertentangan, dengan menyoroti perbedaan atau kontradiksi.
- She's very talented, yet she lacks confidence.
7. So: Menunjukkan akibat atau kesimpulan.
- It was raining, so we stayed indoors.
8. Therefore: Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan akibat atau kesimpulan yang jelas.
- He was tired; therefore, he went to bed early.
Coordinate conjunctions memungkinkan penulis atau pembicara untuk menyampaikan ide dengan jelas dan terstruktur, dengan mengatur hubungan logis antara gagasan-gagasan yang berbeda dalam kalimat atau paragraf.
50 Soal Coordinate Conjunctions Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Lengkap
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan "50 Soal Coordinate Conjunctions Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Lengkap". Yuk simak selengkapnya berikut ini!
Choose the suitable coordinate conjunctions to complete the question!
1. I wanted to go to the park, _____ it started raining.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
2. She studied hard, _____ she passed the exam.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
3. You can have tea, _____ you can have coffee.
A. For
B. And
C. Or
D. But
E. So
4. He didn't see the movie, _____ did he read the book.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
5. She was tired, _____ she went to bed early.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
6. He is smart, _____ he failed the test.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. So
E. Yet
7. The sun was shining, _____ the birds were singing.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
8. She doesn't like apples, _____ does she like oranges.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
9. He was hungry, _____ he didn't eat anything.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
10. You can go by car, _____ you can take the bus.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. Or
11. She missed the bus, _____ she walked to school.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
12. It was a hot day, _____ they went for a run.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. Yet
E. So
13. I want to go to the beach, _____ I have to work.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
14. He studied all night, _____ he still failed the exam.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
15. She likes to read, _____ she likes to write.
A. Or
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
16. He doesn't drink coffee, _____ does he drink tea.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
17. They were tired, _____ they went home.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
18. She was nervous, _____ she gave a great speech.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. Yet
E. So
19. I want to buy a new car, _____ I don't have enough money.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
20. He was late for the meeting, _____ he forgot his notes.
A. For
B. And
C. Nor
D. But
E. So
Baca Juga:
Coordinate Conjunction: Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, dan Contohnya dalam Kalimat
Combine these clauses using a suitable coordinate conjunction!
Clause 1: He doesn't eat meat
Clause 2: He doesn't eat dairy.
Conjunction: nor
>> He doesn’t eat meat, nor does he eat dairy.
21. Clause 1: You can stay here.
Clause 2: You can come with us
Conjunction: or
>> ___________________________________________________________
22. Clause 1: She didn't like the movie.
Clause 2: she didn’t like the popcorn
Conjunction: nor
>> ___________________________________________________________
23. Clause 1: He was hungry.
Clause 2: He ate a sandwich
Conjunction: so
>> ___________________________________________________________
24. Clause 1: It was raining,.
Clause 2: They went for a walk.
Conjunction: yet
>> ___________________________________________________________
25. Clause 1: I have to finish this report.
Clause 2: I'm too tired.
Conjunction: but
>> ___________________________________________________________
26. Clause 1: She loves to dance.
Clause 2: She loves to sing
Conjunction: and
>> ___________________________________________________________
27. Clause 1: He doesn't like broccoli.
Clause 2: he doesn’t like spinach
Conjunction: nor
>> ___________________________________________________________
28. Clause 1: You can choose the red one.
Clause 2: You can choose the blue one.
Conjunction: or
>> ___________________________________________________________
29. Clause 1: They were lost.
Clause 2: They asked for directions.
Conjunction: So
>> ___________________________________________________________
30. Clause 1: She was upset.
Clause 2: She managed to smile.
Conjunction: yet
>> ___________________________________________________________
Baca Juga:
Complete the sentence below using an appropriate coordinate conjunction; For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, or So!
31. I want to travel to Japan, ….. I can't afford it.
32. He was sick, ….. he still went to work.
33. You can eat now, ….. you can wait until later.
34. She didn't see the email, ….. did she receive the call.
35. He was thirsty, ….. he drank some water.
36. It was cold outside, ….. they went swimming.
37. I have to study for my exams, ….. I keep procrastinating.
38. She likes to paint, ….. she likes to draw.
39. He doesn't play soccer, ….. does he play basketball.
40. You can have the big piece, ….. you can have the small piece.
41. They were tired, ….. they took a nap.
42. She was scared, ….. she faced her fears.
43. I want to go hiking, ….. I have a sprained ankle.
44. He was angry, ….. he shouted at his friend.
45. You can take the highway, ….. you can take the back roads.
46. She didn't finish her homework, ….. did she study for the test.
47. He was sleepy, ….. he went to bed early.
48. It was a beautiful day, ….. they stayed inside.
49. I have a meeting at 3 PM, ….. I need to prepare first.
50. She loves cats, ….. she loves dogs.
Baca Juga:
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