Whishes_TOEFL "Verb" Part 4 Writing Skill


    Tahukah kamu apa itu Verb? Ya, Verb, dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut sebagai verba, predikat, atau kata kerja, merupakan bagian dari part of speech yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan adanya suatu tindakan atau aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh pembicara. Selain itu, verb juga mengidentifikasi peristiwa atau keadaan yang terjadi pada kurun waktu tertentu. Dalam bahasa Inggris, bentuk verb selalu mengikuti tenses (pola waktu), seperti base form (verb 1), present participle (verb-ing), simple past (verb 2), dan past participle (verb 3).
    Sebagai predikat sebuah kalimat, verb umumnya terletak setelah subjek kalimat. Dalam beberapa kalimat, seperti kalimat negative dan tanya, verb di dahului dengan modal atau auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu), seperti is/am/are, was/were, has/have/had, do/does/did, dan sebagainya.  Sementara itu, verb juga dapat diikuti preposition (kata depan) sesudahnya, seperti to, is, at, with, dan lain-lain. Verb yang diikuti oleh preposisi ini, membentuk sebuah makna kata baru.
    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “veb of wishes”.  Yuk, simak penjelasannya berikut ini!


    Verb of “wishes” merupakan kata kerja yang memiliki makna harapan. Kata ini biasanya diikuti dengan bermacam-macam verb pada clausa sesudahnya. Kalimat tersebut juga hampir sama dengan conditionals (kalimat pengandaian) karena dalam kalimat “whises” antara harapan dan kenyataan bertolak belakang. Perhatikan beberapa penggunaan verb of “wishes” berikut ini. 

    1.      Present wishes diungkapkan dalam pola kalimat past tense. Perhatikan beberapa contoh berikut ini:

    a.      Ralph wishes that he had $1,000,000. (but he doesn’t)
    b.      Mary wishes that she lived in New York. (but she doesn’t)
    c.       Grace wishes that she did not have a test tomorrow. (but she does)

    2.      Selalu gunakan “were” pada present wishes untuk to be.

    a.      He has often wished that he were older. (but he’s not) I often wish that I were in Hawaii. (but I’m not)
    b.      We often wish that we were not so busy. (but we are)
    c.       They often wish that they were not living in Chicago. (but they are)

    3.      Past wishes diungkapkan dalam  pola kalimat past perfect.

    a.      Hiromi wishes that she had studied more English before arriving in the United States. (but she didn’t)
    b.      Kathy and Bob wish that they had gotten married before she went to Africa. (but they didn’t)
    c.       The children wish they had not disobeyed their mother. (but they did)

    Error Examples

    Perhatikan beberapa contoh kesalahan penggunaan verb “wishes” pada kalimat berikut ini dan pembenarannya!

    Wrong Sentence

    Right Sentence

    Steven wishes that he has a bigger apartment.

    Steven wishes that he had a bigger apartment.

    Helen wishes that she does not live in a dormitory.

    Helen wishes that she did not live in a dormitory.

    The actor wishes he was not required to perform every evening.

    The actor wishes he were not required to perform every evening.

    Ted wishes that he did not lose his job last month.

    Ted wishes that he had not lost his job last month.

    Bob wishes that he bought that house last spring.

    Bob wishes that he had bought that house last spring.

    I wish that I was living in a warmer climate.

    I wish that I were living in a warmer climate.


    Skill Builder 4: Wishes

    (___) 1. They wish they were able to spend more time in London.
    (___) 2. My father wishes that he does not have to retire at age 65.
    (___) 3. The farmer wished that he does not lose money on his cotton crop.
    (___) 4. Abdulla wishes that his soccer team were the national champions.
    (___) 5. The doctor wishes that he has more free time to play golf.
    (___) 6. Each of her children wishes that he did not ignore the advice that she gave him.
    (___) 7. I wish that I was earning more money and working less time.
    (___) 8. My mother wishes that my father does more work around the house.
    (___) 9. We wish that we did not have to go to the library this Saturday.
    (___) 10. My friend Kate wishes she was still living in France.

    Key Answer & Its Correction

    (C) 1. They wish they were able to spend more time in London.
    (I) 2. My father wishes that he did not have to retire at age 65.
    (I) 3. The farmer wished that he had not lost money on his cotton crop.
    (C) 4. Abdulla wishes that his soccer team were the national champions.
    (I) 5. The doctor wishes that he had more free time to play golf.
    (I) 6. Each of her children wishes that he had not ignored the advice that she gave him.
    (I) 7. I wish that I were earning more money and working less time.
    (I) 8. My mother wishes that my father did more work around the house.
    (C) 9. We wish that we did not have to go to the library this Saturday.
    (I) 10. My friend Kate wishes she were still living in France.

    Next to >>> Problems With Conditionals



    Peterson`s (www.petersons.com). (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Problems With Verb of Wishes”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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