Conditionals_TOEFL "Verb" Part 5 Writing Skill



    Tahukah kamu apa itu Verb? Ya, Verb, dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut sebagai verba, predikat, atau kata kerja, merupakan bagian dari part of speech yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan adanya suatu tindakan atau aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh pembicara. Selain itu, verb juga mengidentifikasi peristiwa atau keadaan yang terjadi pada kurun waktu tertentu. Dalam bahasa Inggris, bentuk verb selalu mengikuti tenses (pola waktu), seperti base form (verb 1), present participle (verb-ing), simple past (verb 2), dan past participle (verb 3).
    Sebagai predikat sebuah kalimat, verb umumnya terletak setelah subjek kalimat. Dalam beberapa kalimat, seperti kalimat negative dan tanya, verb di dahului dengan modal atau auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu), seperti is/am/are, was/were, has/have/had, do/does/did, dan sebagainya.  Sementara itu, verb juga dapat diikuti preposition (kata depan) sesudahnya, seperti to, is, at, with, dan lain-lain. Verb yang diikuti oleh preposisi ini, membentuk sebuah makna kata baru.
    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “conditionals”.  Yuk, simak penjelasannya berikut ini!


    Conditional, atau disebut juga If clause dan conditional sentence, merupakan bentuk kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan pengandaian, keinginan, atau bahkan kemungkinan. If Clause ditandai dengan penggunaan conjunction (kata hubung) yaitu “IF” yang berarti jika, kalau, andaikata, bila, atau apabila.
    Conditional sentence merupakan kalimat yang terbentuk dari subordinate clause atau if clause (anak kalimat) dengan main clause (klausa utama). Sementara itu, If clause merupakan condition (kondisi atau syarat) sedangkan main clause sebagai result/ consequence (hasil atau akibat) dari kondisi tersebut. Adapun pola kalimat conditional sentence yaitu sebagai berikut.  
    Conditional Sentence = If Clause, + Main Clause
    Conditional Sentence = Main Clause + If Clause
    Terdapat 2 macam conditions yaitu real (kenyataan) dan unreal (tidak nyata/pengandaian). Adapun penjelasannya sebagai berikut.
    1.      Real conditions (kondisi yang nyata) digunakan untuk situasi atau kondisi yang memungkinkan untuk terjadi atau terwujud. Maka present tense digunakan  sebagai if-clause (or conditional clause), dan simple future tense digunakan sebagai result clause. Perhatikan contoh conditional sentence berikut ini!
    If he comes to school, I will give him your message. (It is possible that he will come.)
    Baca Juga:
    Simple Present Tense
    Simple Future Tense
    2.      Unreal conditions (kondisi yang tidak  nyata) digunakan untuk situasi atau kondisi yang mustahil atau tidak nyata (pengandaian). Maka terdapat 2 kondisi yaitu:

    a.      Pada present time (masa kini), past tense digunakan sebagai the if-clause dan past future tense (past modal), seperti would, could, or might + simple verb (Verb-1) digunakan sebagai result clause. Perhatikan contoh conditional sentence berikut ini!

    If he studied, he could get good grades. (He doesn’t study.)

    If he came to school, I would give him your message. (He doesn’t come to school.)

    Baca Juga:
    Simple Past Tense
    Past Future Tense
    b.      Pada past time (masa lalu), past perfect digunakan sebagai if-clause, dan past future perfect tense, seperti would, could, or might + have past participle (Verb-3) digunakan sebagai result clause.

    If he had come to school, I would have given. (He didn’t come to school.)

    Baca Juga:
    Past Perfect Tense
    Past Future Perfect Tense


    If Clause

    Resut Clause

    If + present tense

    Will Verb-1

    If + past tense

    Would Verb-1

    If + past perfect tense

    Would have Verb-3



    a.      Secara umum, hindari penggunaan will atau would pada if-clause.

    b.      Pada present-time unreal if-clauses, be “were” digunakan untuk seluruh subjek dan kata ganti orang. Contohnya:

     If he were rich, he would go to Europe to study.

    If I were you, I would study harder.

    c.       Umumnya, modal auxiliary verb, seperti will dan would, digunakan pada result clause. Sementara itu, modal auxiliary lainnya seperti, can, could, shall, should, may, might, dan sebagainya, juga dapat digunakan pada result clause. Hal ini tergantung pada konteks atau maksud conditional sentence itu sendiri; apakah bermaksud sebagai kalimat pengandaian, nasehat, perintah, keinginan, dan kemampuan.

    Baca Juga:

    Error Examples

    Perhatikan beberapa contoh kesalahan penggunaan conditionals pada kalimat berikut ini dan pembenarannya!

    Wrong Sentence

    Right Sentence

    If I will win the contest, I will buy a new car.

    If I win the contest, I will buy a new car.

    If you had lost your job, what would you do?

    If you lost your job, what would you do?


    If you had lost your job, what would you have done?

    If I had been there, I would make a speech.

    If I were there, I would make a speech.


    If I had been there, I would have made a speech.

    If they had ask me, I would have given them my opinion.

    If they had asked me, I would have given them my opinion.

    If Bob had studied more, he would have pass the test.

    If Bob had studied more, he would have passed the test.

    If Jane had known it was supposed to rain, she would have took an umbrella.

    RIGHT: If Jane had known it was supposed to rain, she would have taken an umbrella.

    If I would have a degree from that university, I would get a good job.

    If I had a degree from that university, I would get a good job.

    If he would have been on time, we would have asked him to the party.

    If he had been on time, we would have asked him to the party.


    Skill Builder 5: Conditionals

    (___) 1. If he had not tried to jump over the stream, he would not break his leg.
    (___) 2. If he would be taller, he would be a good basketball player.
    (___) 3. If my apartment would be larger, I would not have to move.
    (___) 4.  If he was ready, we would begin the lesson.
    (___) 5. If classes had finished sooner, I would go to Canada last month.
    (___) 6. If Betty would have driven more carefully, she would not have had that accident.
    (___) 7.  If I will finish studying, I will go to the movies with you.
    (___) 8.  If the king had known the truth, he would have been very angry.
    (___) 9.  If Bob had practiced playing tennis more, he will not have lost the game.
    (___) 10. If he had been here earlier, I would have saw him.
    (___) 11.  If I had seen him, I would have reminded him about his appointment.
    (___) 12. If you will take a trip this summer, where will you go?
    (___) 13. If Bob had received his check on time, he had certainly bought a new suit.
    (___) 14. If she were the only person available, we would have to hire her.
    (___) 15. If she had told me that she did not have enough money, I would pay for her trip last summer.

    Key Answer & Its Correction

    (I) 1. If he had not tried to jump over the stream, he would not have broken his leg.
    (I) 2. If he were taller, he would be a good basketball player.
    (I) 3. If my apartment were larger, I would not have to move.
    (I) 4.  If he were ready, we would begin the lesson.
    (I) 5. If classes had finished sooner, I would have gone to Canada last month.
    (I) 6. If Betty had driven more carefully, she would not have had that accident.
    (I) 7.  If I finish studying, I will go to the movies with you.
    (C) 8.  If the king had known the truth, he would have been very angry.
    (I) 9.  If Bob had practiced playing tennis more, he would not have lost the game.
    (I) 10. If he had been here earlier, I would have seen him.
    (C) 11.  If I had seen him, I would have reminded him about his appointment.
    (I) 12. If you take a trip this summer, where will you go?
    (I) 13. If Bob had received his check on time, he would have certainly bought a new suit.
    (C) 14. If she were the only person available, we would have to hire her.
    (I) 15. If she had told me that she did not have enough money, I would have paid for her trip last summer.

    Next To >>> Problems With Modals



    Peterson`s ( (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Problems With Conditionals”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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