Number_TOEFL "Pronoun" Part 7 Writing Skill


    Hi, sobat!
    Tahukah kamu apa itu pronoun? Pronoun (pronomina: bahasa Indonesia) merupakan kata yang berfungsi untuk menggantikan noun (kata benda) baik berupa orang, tempat, benda, ataupun sesuatu. Kata itu digunakan untuk mengindari pengulangan penyebuatan sebuah kata benda (noun), nama seseorang, tempat atau sesuatu hal. Pronoun berfungsi sebagai kata kanti (rujukan) noun dalam sebuah kalimat; yang berkedudukan sebagai subjek, objek, kepemilikan, dan sebagainya. Kemudian, pronoun dibedakan menjadi beberapa macam yaitu:

    Subject Pronoun

    Object Pronoun

    Possessive Adjective

    Possessive Pronoun

    Reflexive Pronoun















    My... + Noun

    Your book






    Mine house 














    Sementara itu, selain yang dicantumkan pada table di atas pronoun juga meliputi kata: who, whom, which, that, whose, dan sebagainya yang digunakan sebagai kata ganti subjek, objek, atau kepemilikan pada sebuah klausa kalimat.

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “number”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!


    Berikut ini ada beberapa yang perlu diperhatikan terkait pronoun of number di antaranya yaitu:

    1.      Pronouns harus sesuai secara jumlah dengan antecedents mereka (Antecedent merupakan noun atau pronoun yang dirujuk oleh pronoun sesudahnya). Perhatikan contoh berikut ini!

    Many of the people in Ubudu live their whole lives in poverty.

    A person should love his parents.

    Great music can inspire and move people with its beauty.


    2.  Indefinite pronouns berikut ini adalah singular (tunggal) dan memerlukan singular pronouns (kata ganti tunggal): each, either, neither, one dan semua kata yang berakhiran dengan -one, -body, atau -thing, seperti anybody, nothing, dan everybody. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini!

    Each of the women took off her hat.

    Everyone should bring their book to class.

    I knew one of the students, but I could not remember her name.

    Nobody in that office knows what he is supposed to do.

    Everyone in the class should do her own work herself.


    3.  Ketika compound subjects digabungkan oleh “neither … nor” atau “either … or”, pronoun akan menyesuaikan dengan subject yang lebih dekat dengan verb. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini!

    Neither my mother nor my sisters could lend me their sewing machine.

    Either my sisters or my mother will lend me her typewriter.

    4.  Beberapa kata terlihat plural (jamak), namun sebenarnya merupakan singular (tunggal). Beberapa kata tersebut adalah: physics, mathematics, economics, news, dan politics (kata-kata ini berhubungan dengan bidang keilmuan). Perhatikan contoh berikut ini!

    Politics interests me as it affects the economy.

    *ANTECEDENT: The Italicised Words
    *PRONOUN: The Underlined Words
    Baca Juga:

    Error Examples

    Berikut ini terdapat beberapa kesalahan dalam penggunaan pronoun of number pada kalimat; serta, pembenarannya!



    Modern music, including disco and rock ’n roll, reflects modern society in their themes and musical qualities.

    Modern music, including disco and rock ’n roll, reflects modern society in its themes and musical qualities. (The antecedent of its is music.)

    Every woman can find their place in the world.

    Every woman can find her place in the world. (The antecedent of her is woman.)

    Neither the stars nor the moon shone their light on us.

    Neither the stars nor the moon shone its light on us. (The antecedent of its is moon.)

    Either Paul or his parents will let me use his car.

    Either Paul or his parents will let me use their car. (The antecedent of their is parents.)

    Every one of the students wrote their names on the paper.

    Every one of the students wrote his name on the paper. (The antecedent of his is one.)

    Each of the boys should have their teeth checked.

    Each of the boys should have his teeth checked. (The antecedent of his is each.)

    Neither of the girls had remembered to bring their notebook.

    Neither of the girls had remembered to bring her notebook. (The antecedent of her is neither.)

    I asked everybody to do their best.

    I asked everybody to do his or her best. (The antecedent of his or her is everybody.)

    Did anybody do the work themselves?

    Did anybody do the work himself? (The antecedent of himself is anybody.)

    Mathematics has always interested me with their concrete yet abstract nature.

    Mathematics has always interested me with its concrete yet abstract nature. (The antecedent of its is mathematics.)



    Skill Builder 7: Number

    (___) 1. Every one of my girl friends has given their opinion of me.
    (___) 2. Every person who asked was permitted to bring his or her book to class to use during the examination.
    (___) 3. Neither the doctor nor her patients had an opportunity to express their feelings.
    (___) 4. I am looking for a person who has forgotten their suitcase.
    (___) 5. Each of the children may use the swimming pool if he promises to be careful.
    (___) 6. Neither my sisters nor my mother has remembered her promise to me.
    (___) 7. Many of the students explained his situation to me personally.
    (___) 8. If anybody is in the office, they will answer their telephone.
    (___) 9. If everybody who had come to the meeting had brought their report with them, the meeting would have gone a lot more smoothly.
    (___) 10. Neither the cat nor the dogs will eat the food I bought for him.
    (___) 11. One of my daughters has left her purse on the coffee table.
    (___) 12. Neither of the police officers was willing to give me his name.
    (___) 13. The news from that country is well known for their objectivity.
    (___) 14. Either the boss or her workers will have to give a little of their time to solve this problem.
    (___) 15. Great works of art, such as the Mona Lisa and Whistler’s Mother, can be deceptive in their simplicity.
    (___) 16. One sometimes gives up something they want for the sake of others.
    (___) 17. One of the first students to come into the room could not find his name on the list.
    (___) 18. Nobody lost their patience even though the meeting was long and boring.
    (___) 19. Everybody must pay their fair share toward the gift.
    (___) 20. All of my friends brought their husbands with them to my party.

    Key Answer

    1.      Incorrect

    2.      Correct

    3.      Incorrect

    4.      Incorrect

    5.      Correct

    6.      Correct

    7.      Incorrect

    8.      Incorrect

    9.      Incorrect

    10.  Incorrect

    11.  Correct

    12.  Correct

    13.  Incorrect

    14.  Correct

    15.  Correct

    16.  Incorrect

    17.  Correct

    18.  Incorrect

    19.  Incorrect

    20.  Correct


    Its Correction

    1.      Every one of my girl friends has given her opinion of me.

    2.      Every person who asked was permitted to bring his or her book to class to use during the examination.

    3.      Neither the doctor nor her patients had an opportunity to express their feelings.

    4.      I am looking for a person who has forgotten his suitcase.

    5.      Each of the children may use the swimming pool if he promises to be careful.

    6.      Neither my sisters nor my mother has remembered her promise to me.

    7.      Many of the students explained their situation to me personally.

    8.      If anybody is in the office, he will answer his telephone.

    9.      If everybody who had come to the meeting had brought his report with him, the meeting would have gone a lot more smoothly.

    10.  Neither the cat nor the dogs will eat the food I bought for them.

    11.  One of my daughters has left her purse on the coffee table.

    12.  Neither of the police officers was willing to give me his name.

    13.  The news from that country is well known for its objectivity.

    14.  Either the boss or her workers will have to give a little of their time to solve this problem.

    15.  Great works of art, such as the Mona Lisa and Whistler’s Mother, can be deceptive in their simplicity.

    16.  One sometimes gives up something one wants for the sake of others.

    17.  One of the first students to come into the room could not find his name on the list.

    18.  Nobody lost his patience even though the meeting was long and boring.

    19.  Everybody must pay his fair share toward the gift.

    20.  All of my friends brought their husbands with them to my party.



    Peterson`s ( (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Problems With Pronoun of Number”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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