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Gambar 1. Usage (Fungsi Kata) TOEFL Writing Skill |
Tahukah kamu apa itu usage? Ya, usage secara
harfiah diartikan sebagai “penggunaan”. Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat beberapa
atura penggunaan beberapa kata dalam membentuk sebuah frasa atau kalimat. Hal
ini dikarenakan kata-kata tersebut memiliki makna yang sama; namun, memiliki
fungsi dan penggunaan yang berbeda dalam sebuah kalimat.
Pengguanaan sebuah kata dalam kalimat tidak
hanya mempertimbangkan arti kata itu sendiri, tertapi juga perlu memperhatikan gramatika
dan konteks kalimat sehingga nantinya kalimat tersebut tidak menjadi rancu dan
ambigu. Oleh karena, itu penting bagi kita, tetutama pelajar EFL, mempelajari
beberapa fungsi dan penggunaan kata-kata berikut dalam kalimat baik secara
tertulis atau lisan.
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan
membahas “usage”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!
1. Between/Among
2. Amount/Number
Baca Juga: Countable Vs Uncountable Noun
3. In/Into
Baca Juga: Part of Speech: Preposition
4. Sit/Set
- sit (simple form) : He sits
by the window.
- sat (past form) : Bob sat in his room and read.
- sat (past participle): The guests have already sat down.
- sitting (present participle): The vase is sitting on the
- set (simple form): Do not set
your glass on the piano.
- set (past form): She set her
purse on the floor last night.
- set (past participle): Have you set
the table yet?
- setting (present participle): Setting
the vase on the coffee table, Mary noticed that the vase had
a crack in it.
Baca Juga: Part of Speech:Verb
5. Lie/Lay
- lie (simple form): John lies on his bed for a few minutes after lunch
every day.
- lay (past form): Mary lay on the sofa all yesterday afternoon.
- lain (past participle): The watch had lain unnoticed
for several days before I found it.
- lying (present participle): A man was
lying injured in the
street after the accident.
- lay (simple form): You should
lay the tiles very evenly.
- laid (past form): Mary laid her son on his bed early this afternoon.
- laid (past participle) :
That hen has laid six eggs this week.
- laying (present participle): The workers are laying the
carpet now.
6. Rise/Raise
- rise (simple form): The temperature rises sharply
in the afternoon.
- rose (past form): The sun rose at seven yesterday.
- risen (past participle): Prices have
risen a great deal lately.
- rising (present participle): The baby’s temperature is rising by
the hour.
- raise (simple form): Please raise the window a little.
- raised (past form): The Browns raised their children.
- raised (past participle): The store has raised its prices.
- raising (present participle): The new book is raising many
interesting questions.
7. Learn/Teach
- I taught John to speak French.
- I taught him to speak French.
Baca Juga: Gerund & Infinitive
8. Can/May
- Mary can speak French.
- John can play the piano.
- May I leave now?
- John may have the last piece of cake.
Baca Juga: Primary Vs Modal Auxiliary Verb
9. Hanged/Hung
Error Examples
I believe we can handle this matter between the
three of us. |
I believe we can handle this matter among the
three of us. |
The students had a large amount of
problems. |
The students had a large number of
problems. |
The government has a large number of
plutonium stored in a western state. |
The government has a large amount of
plutonium stored in a western state. |
The frightened man rushed in the
police station. |
The frightened man rushed into the
police station. |
She sat her new chair between the sofa and the buffet. |
She set her new chair between the sofa and the buffet. |
Miss Jones learned us to swim in a few days. |
Miss Jones taught us to swim in a few days. |
Can I please have your attention? |
May I please have your attention? |
The clothes were neatly hanged on
the clothesline. |
The clothes were neatly hung on
the clothesline. |
The live wire laid in the street for hours after the storm. |
The live wire lay in the street for hours after the storm. |
Susan likes to lay down for a short
nap every afternoon. |
Susan likes to lie down for a short
nap every afternoon. |
We certainly hope that prices do not raise so
quickly again. |
We certainly hope that prices do not rise so
quickly again. |
Skill Builder 5: Usage
Directions: There is an error in usage at
some of the sentences below. Decide whether the sentence is correct (C) or
incorrect (I).
(___) 1. The picture was hung over the
(___) 2. That grandfather clock has sat in
that same spot for forty years.
(___) 3. The volcano had lain dormant for
fifty years when it suddenly erupted.
(___) 4. There was a surprising number of
news coming from that country.
(___) 5. The bread dough has raised enough
and is now ready to be baked.
(___) 6. The children’s papers were hung
about the classroom.
(___) 7. He distributed his wealth among
his children, Betty, and John.
(___) 8. Ellen can run faster than Beth.
(___) 9. They have already risen their
family and are now free to travel.
(___) 10. A large amount of people showed
up for the grand opening.
(___) 11. The jeweler has carefully set the
diamond into a new mounting.
(___) 12. The harried student dashed
quickly in the classroom.
(___) 13. When Betty arrived home, she
found her husband laying on the sofa asleep as usual.
(___) 14. Parents usually feel proud when
their baby learns to take his first few steps.
(___) 15. Children often ask if they can
have candy.
(___) 16. The car suddenly left the road,
slammed into a low wall, and turned over several times.
(___) 17. Never leave your purse lying
where someone might be able to steal it.
(___) 18. The army had hanged several
deserters in the weeks before the
war finally ended.
(___) 19. John’s father learned him to
repair heavy equipment.
(___) 20. Mrs. Jones had carefully lain her
children’s clothes out ready for the children to put on.
Key Answer
Correct 2.
Correct 3.
Correct 4.
Incorrect 5.
Incorrect |
Correct 7.
Incorrect 8.
Correct 9.
Incorrect 10. Incorrect |
11. Correct 12. Incorrect 13. Incorrect 14. Correct 15. Incorrect |
16. Correct 17. Correct 18. Correct 19. Incorrect 20. Incorrect |
Its Correction
1. The picture was hung over the fireplace.
2. That grandfather clock has sat in that
same spot for forty years.
3. The volcano had lain dormant for fifty
years when it suddenly erupted.
4. There was a surprising amount of news
coming from that country.
5. The bread dough has rised enough
and is now ready to be baked.
6. The children’s papers were hung about
the classroom.
7. He distributed his wealth between his
children, Betty, and John.
8. Ellen can run faster than Beth.
9. They have already raised their
family and are now free to travel.
10. A large number of people showed up for the grand opening.
11. The jeweler has carefully set the
diamond into a new mounting.
12. The harried student dashed quickly into the
13. When Betty arrived home, she found her
husband lying
on the sofa asleep as usual.
14. Parents usually feel proud when their
baby learns to take his first few steps.
15. Children often ask if they may have
16. The car suddenly left the road, slammed
into a low wall, and turned over several times.
17. Never leave your purse lying where
someone might be able to steal it.
18. The army had hanged several deserters
in the weeks before the war finally ended.
19. John’s father taught him
to repair heavy equipment.
20. Mrs. Jones had carefully laid her
children’s clothes out ready for the children to put on.
Next to >>> Style: Word Often Confused Group 1
Peterson`s (www.petersons.com).
(2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
Demikian tadi
sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Style: Usage”. Semoga bermanfaat
dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris;
serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan
konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan
inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan
berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊
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